This week’s three publications to read are...

Katie Hawkins-Gaar, My Sweet Dumb Brain
What’s it about? Facing life’s ups and downs, and how to keep going while grieving
Worth reading: “Forget a heat wave, I’m in a grief wave”
Key line: “The goal is not to stop having sad days. That will never happen, though I hope they’ll continue to be fewer and farther between. What I’m aiming for is to learn how to remove judgment from those days.”
Katie’s credits: Journalism consultant, freelance writer, organizer of #PoynterWomenLeaders, and widow on a quest to normalize grief.

Tse Wei Lim, Let Them Eat Cake
What’s it about? Essays about contemporary food systems from a chef/restaurateur.
Worth reading: “A supposedly fun thing I keep on having to do.”
Key line: “After you kill a pig the first thing to do is get its hair off. The usual procedure for this is to scald it in hot water then scrape the bristles off with a bell scraper. We did not have a bell scraper, or a tub big enough to fit a 600 pound pig. Instead we had saucepans and kitchen spoons and disposable razors and a propane torch. And Tamworth bristles are embedded in their skin like rebar in concrete.”
Tse Wei’s credits: Owner of Backbar and chef/owner at Journeyman (RIP), both in Somerville, Massachusetts. Published in the Art of Eating and the Boston Globe.

Simone Polanen, Highbrow/Lowbrow
What’s it about? A weekly examination of two phenomenons pop culture – one highbrow, one lowbrow – with a healthy dose of K-pop.
Worth reading: “The Internet and I.O.I”
Key line: “I really think I.O.I had the potential to be one of the world’s greatest mega-girl groups, joining the likes of Girls’ Generation and TWICE. But alas, they were designed to be temporary. As Aristotle also said, “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.”
Simone’s credits: Former producer for Gimlet Media (Reply All, Startup, The Nod), filmmaker, writer.
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