First time I sold my words on the internet was around 2002. Number one question everyone asked me was: "but how do these websites make money?" The answer was ads, but as it turned out, most of those websites were trading millions in venture capital for advertising pennies. Sadly, the attention model has chugged along for decades, swallow…
First time I sold my words on the internet was around 2002. Number one question everyone asked me was: "but how do these websites make money?" The answer was ads, but as it turned out, most of those websites were trading millions in venture capital for advertising pennies. Sadly, the attention model has chugged along for decades, swallowing our minds, our culture, and our careers. BUT! I'm very encouraged to see that 2 million people are paying writers for their words. That's a huge accomplishment! Also, I'm proud to be one of those readers paying writers I love, and I'm pleased to be one of those writers receiving payments from readers who enjoy my stories. Thank you, Substack team!
First time I sold my words on the internet was around 2002. Number one question everyone asked me was: "but how do these websites make money?" The answer was ads, but as it turned out, most of those websites were trading millions in venture capital for advertising pennies. Sadly, the attention model has chugged along for decades, swallowing our minds, our culture, and our careers. BUT! I'm very encouraged to see that 2 million people are paying writers for their words. That's a huge accomplishment! Also, I'm proud to be one of those readers paying writers I love, and I'm pleased to be one of those writers receiving payments from readers who enjoy my stories. Thank you, Substack team!
That’s a good point about being proud. I like the transparency of my profile showing that I’m a paid subscriber to several Substacks for that reason.
Exactly! It’s a way for me to say, “this is good writing and the writer has earned my full support, so you should give their work a look.”