This Dobrenko guy seems cool…unwell, but clearly trying his best. If for nothing else but pity, I’m definitely gonna subscribe to his Both Are True thing and probably pay for it too the guy clearly needs a W

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Holy sh*t that’s my name at the bottom! Thank you for tagging me as a good user of Notes! To all the readers I see asking for tips, the secret is to just be your weird self

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I rarely git an Honorable Mention for anything. So U mind if I share this with my Mama?? But truly: Thank U 4 the Rec. Substack has been a gamechanger for the Black Pulp Fiction stile of writing I like to do.

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I really mean it: Substack is the best place for writers and creators right now! Such a blast for eager readers and minds that want focused and meaningful work. Thanks friends for making this community a true home 🩵☝🏻

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Aug 25, 2023Liked by Hamish McKenzie

Notes is dope. If the "global town square" idea is falling apart, happy to be in this neighborhood :)

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NO ONE does notes like Alex, he is the king. I dare anyone to read his last ten notes without audibly laughing. Sometimes I just read them in awe, like, "how the eff does he think of this shit it's so original and incredible." And the answer is: because he's Alex.

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Aug 25, 2023Liked by Hamish McKenzie

Notes has opened me up to finding new creators for sure!

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Folks, folks: dog pics.

I'm not saying this will get you subscribers, but I am saying I want to see them. Post pics of your furbaby on Notes, and tag me to get this party started.

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Can concur: Sari’s notes are wonderful. Thanks for sharing, Hamish + Alex!

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Thank you for sharing. I joined Substack but still battle to find my voice, in particular, what to say. So I read because I love reading. I found great insights on Substack. The writing is cerebral, honest and informed. I love that. So, I will keep on reading in the meantime until I find my voice.

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I love substack. I love getting expert info that you can't get elsewhere because of the establishment media bias. Twitter only works for people that are already famous; and what good is a 3 or 4 sentence 'tweet'? It's not enough to know what they're really saying unless you already know -so why bother?Substack has real, well written content, and I can learn from and actually engage with expert scientists, for example, even though I'm a nobody.

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Alex is for sure one of my fav people in all of Substack and this is really great, rich stuff. I need to get better at Notes, but one issue is that it's hard to be discovered and discover unlike other social media. Would be great to have an "explore" feed, or an algorithm that allowed more organic discoverability.

But this is a great overview on finding your voice and using it to build your platform.

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I love Alex's account. As someone who isn't that funny (I'm like "funny randomly at dinner"), I think the best advice here is sharing other people's work and jumping into conversations. Being a "reply guy" works here.

Sadly if I sent Notes like I text my friends then my readers would snooze.

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Thanks for the shoutout, Hamish!

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Alex, in addition to using these opportunities to post and comment as a way of announcing yourself to world (here I am, how much do you love me?) what I love most about your observations--and they're all right on the money--is how you can "amplify other peoples' writing." You can! And it's a chance to be altruistic beyond strutting your stuff. You do that. I do that. We all do that. It's what makes us part of a community. I'm new to this world, but I am finding gracious, kind people out there and loving it. Nice to "meet" you, Alex!

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One of the biggest reasons that AD is so popular on notes is that he is authentic and spontaneous. There are a few like this and it’s refreshing to read them.

The majority, however, seem to be all about self-promotion restacking their latest and/or not-so-greatest articles ad nauseum. Not much imagination used there.

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