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Same!!!!! 😍🥰

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No mention of Adventure Snack? :-( Bite-sized choose-your-own-adventure style interactive fiction that also experiments with probability engines and machine learning. And it’s hilarious.


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Ah so good!

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A gross oversight, in my opinion.

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I'm not serializing a novel, but I've produced novel length content, one short story per day, over 550 in 18 months on Substack.

I think the advantage with my short stories is that if one isn't to your liking, you get a new story the very next day. With all respect due the writers of serialized novels, if the content isn't to the reader's liking, they really can't engage. My stories are all over the map. My subscribers seem to enjoy the variety, the surprise of unwrapping the daily fictional ( but very real ) gift.

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you write a short story every day ??

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Yes I do. There is proof on my Substack. I honestly believe that people are convinced they are subpar stories due to the pace. All my 230+ paying subscribers would tell you differently. There are plenty of free stories for you to check out at no risk. You tell me. I'm an old Detroit punk and a character actor. If you tell me you hate them I can handle it.

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impressive and congratulations / i liked lightening boy

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So many great recommendations! Here are some of mine:

Adventure Snack

Bite-sized adventures stories for your lunch break



Beautiful photos paired with the author’s musings



Provides a push to help you get engaged on Twitter


Letters of Note

Absolutely wonderful letters of every variety



My collection of fiction, poetry, and personal essays


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These are all wonderful!

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Thank you!

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Currently serialising a young adult fantasy novel at https://underland.Substack.com

Some others I’m reading and/or subscribed to are:

The Tidewater Papers - https://josephwknowles.substack.com/

Holy Writ - https://holywrit.Substack.com/

Arc Worlds - https://jonauerbach.substack.com/

Some of the other ideas here are awesome!

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There are so many creative writers here! Some of the more unique Substacks I’ve been loving lately are:

Deep dives on perfume: https://miccaeli.substack.com/

Ocean photography from divers around the world: https://oceanpulse.substack.com/

Jewelry up for auction this month: https://dearest.substack.com/

Cartoons about everyday life https://snacktime.substack.com/

And growing by the minute....

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Snack time is so deliciously good, no? Thanks for sharing your other current favs too!

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Alongside the serial novel is the long poem: I'm curious if there are any other poets out there that are taking advantage of this form to write a series of poems . . . nothing mentioned in the article above. If not, there's always my sonnet series, almost at the 1 year mark.

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my thing is not exactly a poem i would call it creative writing / some posts are ultra-flash fiction some are reportage some are poetry but all are some form of creative writing / creative writing needs to be a thing

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Ah, poetry! Yes. I'm going to subscribe to that. I would love to see a poetry community on Substack. So a weekly sonnet. How has that process been for you so far?

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Arjan, subscribed to yours as well! Perhaps we can do some cross posting: definitely looking to meet more poets on this forum.

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That would be a very nice idea. I actually do have that in mind for the future, featuring other poets. Let's keep that in mind!

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Thanks for subscribing, Arjan! I have been enjoying the process, seeing some themes develop, moving into and out of the esoteric. I’m drafting a post that will review the past year, hopefully publish that next week. Until then, I hope you enjoy these poems and please feel free to tell me if they speak to you.

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Looking forward to read more, and thank you for subscribing to my inbox poetry magazine, I hope you will enjoy it. You might just find some links to your work in there in the future.

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I do so enjoy your work, James!

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Thanks, Alison!

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I really like Poetry Trapper Keeper, it's an exciting experimental exchange of poems. This two-woman team is letter-writing in poetry form. It''s cool and edgy and... somehow they got flagged for violating Substack TOS. So, that's not a good sign for experimenting with formats on this platform... I hope this gets sorted and you can all check them out on https://poetrytrapperkeeper.substack.com.

Apart from that, I see that I am publishing myself a mixed bag of some of the above. With my own Substack, I'm building an inbox poetry magazine. I have weekly fresh poetry, the occassional podcast episode, and every month a fresh playlist with 27 songs that (mostly) make me happy and I hope it will make you happy, too. I'm over at https://trippleeffect.substack.com

Speaking of poetry, I would like to mention two other substacks, that stand out for me, because they are focused and offer tiny bits of joy. One is Hello Universe, with a fresh poem written with the rhythms and rhymes of nursery rhymes as format. See: https://hellouniverse.substack.com/ . The other is ACM Weekly, a weekly newsletter with just a few poems from the author. She writes very soothing sonnets and haiku. Find it at https://achristinemyers.substack.com/

If you know or create a poetry substack, please let me know in the comments.

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Hello Arjan. I'm checking out all your suggestions. Thank you for your generosity in sharing them.

I write poetry at https://kimnelson.substack.com

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Very good. There are many wonderful poets roaming around on Substack. I am subscribing to yours as well, now.

Looking forward to read your work!

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Terrible Daily Poems. One every weekday. I'm trying to work out how to allow paid subscribers to vote on which poems should go into an anthology.

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Nice. I looked at the Our Lady Earth Matters one first, but the checked your profile and found your current substack. I did a daily poem project back in 2012. 7 days a week, a whole leap year long. It was fun. How is your experience of writing a day? I am sure that if you do this (almost) (week)daily, your numbers will increase. Probably loads more than 10% are good. Anyway... when I did my daily poetry project, it ended in a book of 52 poems. I started a crowdfunding campaign to fund the first printrun. One of the perks: pick a poem for the book, with dedication. So, I'm sure you will find your 20 poems (or more) to make that book. I'm subscribing (free for now).

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Thank you very much - I find I really enjoy writing a poem a day, particularly if I manage to do it in the morning. Sometimes the poem is flowing so fast it's hard to keep up. And I often get new ideas for poems during the rest of the day. I've transferred my email list but I don't know how to find new free subscribers so my numbers are still pretty low. I post each poem on Twitter and Facebook. What I'd like to do is have paid subscribers who decide on which of the 218 poems so far go into the anthology, but I don't know how to do it. Do you have any idea?

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Well, you should have paid subscribers first. I think that is a challenge. But if you have them, you can either ask them for their favorite. Or you make a selection of 40-50 poems you like, and you create a discussion post where you ask your paid subscribers to choose between 2 poems you select and tell you why. It makes them engaged, which is good.

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LOVE what you guys are doing! I started LETTERS FROM EVERYWHERE when I was visiting Singapore for six months. I wrote about an aspect of life in Singapore. When I returned to the United States, I wasn't sure how I was going to parlay this into my life back at home. I continued to write, however, and finally it dawned on me that I had something to offer, weekly, that would grow me (and others) in some way.

So five weeks ago, I announced that I would be writing about books in translation. Every week, I read a work that has been translated into English and I share my feelings about it. The last five are at bit.ly/3tW7Yhy, bit.ly/3Ck2a5j, bit.ly/3sqhiux, bit.ly/3v3DxYZ, bit.ly/3uHmEmS. It isn't all that simple, especially when, every week, I've got to read some 300 to 400 pages. It keeps me disciplined and I love how much I'm learning.

Thank you for giving me a forum, Substack! I love the community you've built.

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Thanks for the shoutout Substack <3

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Me too, thank you!

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I’ve been making use of the footnote option as a sort of impromptu appendix

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Sherman Alexie's writing--sharing his thoughts, fiction, and poetry--is just so very good! https://shermanalexie.substack.com/

For "new format," FOREST is a daily wonder, with three quick parts, including an image and music, to ponder long after you've read! https://theforest.substack.com/

Annette's Non-Boring History is just a marvel! https://annettelaing.substack.com/

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Oh my gosh, I didn't know Sherman Alexie was on Substack! Love him! Thanks for the notice.

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For some reason he doesn't appear under "fiction" or "literature"--I have no idea why...

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That is odd…

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Thanks! Will check out Alexie, love his writing.

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It really is a treat, having him here, to hear his perspective and read his words.

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For sure. I feel the same way about George Saunders

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Wow! Thanks, Alison!

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Some really good ideas here for using Substack.

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We're on our fourth book in the book club attached to my newsletter, about to start A Confederacy of Dunces. It's a lot of fun with good engagement; many posts get hundreds of comments.

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This will be my first time participating in the book club. Can’t wait!

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My substack is focussed on the art and craft of fiction, notably what makes a great story. I use my work and other famous writers to show examples. I was inspired to start this because of my favourite newsletter: George Saunders Story Club. (Which I never miss.)

I experimented this week with adding an audio element... a mini-podcast (only 7 minutes).

Would love if you gave it a read, or listen.

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yes what makes a great story ?? i've been trying to figure that out

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Ha! Me too. If you find out, please let me know.

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ha / well i try every time i post / my goal is to do each weekly newsletter better than the last : ) or atleast more different

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Ivan from https://lifeboat.substack.com/ translates Chekhov and more into English. Wonderful!

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