I don’t think you understand how different my audience and my interests are from my contact list.

I want to grow my network, not connect with my aunt Judie and the local pizza place.

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Giving your Contacts info seems like the very Orwellian situation most Substack writers have come here to avoid.

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Aug 14, 2023·edited Aug 15, 2023

There we go, comments working and third post hits the spot 😆

Good info in this one. Helps explain it much more clearly. I like the stepping-stone flirtation of the Follow before the Subscribe.

Question: do you get notified if someone follows you?

edit: regarding contact lists from phone. Didn't see this before and I agree, I don't want to share my own contact list. Happy to have the follow feature and be able to follow, but sharing a list of contacts without my contacts having consent seems a bit...off.

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I like Substack because I don't have contact with people I know.

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This is a great feature! Question: Can you consider stop hosting/promoting white supremacists on your official podcast?

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Is there a way to toggle this off?

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Substack gets worse every month. You claim you don't want to be like social media, and then implement feature after feature that does just that. This latest is another step in the wrong direction, another attempt to make the platform more like Twitter or Facebook or whatever. You have an awesome core mission, but aren't satisfied with sticking to it and making the core even better.

All these tacky add-ons just dilute what Substack used to be about.

And in this thread, I just learned that people's subscriber list is available to the public. What a rotten disappointment. One of the better things about Substack was that your connections (ie. subscribers) was private. With every move you make, it's more of the social status, competitive, look at my numbers! crap that drove me from Twitter. Big fail.

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Another misguided step by Substack. Trying to be a Twitter or FB instead of trying to be Substack and improve core features.

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Does this actually make it “easier to grow our subscriber base,” or does it just help you build a Twitter replacement, because ex-Twitter users don’t expect to get emails from everyone they follow? Won’t this reduce subscriber growth for authors who don’t use notes?

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I have but one friend and I already know where he lives.

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Kind of a bummer. What I love about substack is that it feels like a private little internet corner away from social media, and it feels like it’s becoming more and more social media-like

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I'm not sure I'm ... following you ... LOL ...

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Never, ever, under any circumstances would I give Substack or any platform access to my personal contacts. It feels slimy. And I would never want someone to do that with my info without my permission. Besides, my mechanic and my gas company don't care a flip about my writing.

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Q: Will there be a setting that allows writers to lock posts to followers? If followers by default have access to everything free subscribers do, this would not help writers build audiences. It would just fully convert the writer to an aspect of Substack’s UX for readers

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I'm curious, is anyone concerned that with so much more focus on Notes that there's a lot less reading or engagement on posts? I'm starting to wonder if there's a decrease or not as people spend more time on Notes and less time reading long-form posts.

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Looks like people I muted now showing up if someone I follow likes or restacks their post. Would be great to keep the mutes out of the Notes timeline.

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