It's relatively easy for those who have been associated with the traditional media previously. Very different for some of us who are trying to build audience from scratch. Let's help each other as much as we can.

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Oh wow! That is the kindest shout-out, Laura, thank you so much...

I really love how Laura's been building Peak Notions up, with an incredibly engaged audience (11% is a stonking conversion rate, and a very clear sign that her voice and her work are really valued by her readers). Also - I love the experimental mindset. I really think so much of this newsletter lark is enthusiastically chucking spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks, and Laura's an expert pasta-hurler. The very best way to stumble over something that works, every time.

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Thank you for this spark of inspiration that came just in time, Laura! I've been living back and forth between home in New Orleans and my adopted country of Portugal for the past three years and feeling so unsettled. I have that diminishing voice in my head telling me you can't be successful on Substack until you are stable, but reading your interview proves that notion wrong :) So happy to have come across your work here. I wish you continued success and fulfillment with your Substack as you settle into life in Australia!

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I got so excited and then I slowed down and really read the headline pitch--“Oh, Kennedy”... darn

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Interesting read! For a future edition it would be illuminating to interview someone who built an audience from 0 on Substack.

The value proposition for writers with existing followers is well-documented by now. Majority of writers on Substack are trying to grow from 0 to 1.

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I love that she started writing for herself.

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What advice do you have for those of us who don’t have significant social media followings (trying to grow them) or previous subscribers from another platform? I’ve been on Substack for 10 months with 30 total subscribers and 27% are paid.

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Wonderful example of someone betting on themselves and using their talents to build their own audience. Big fan of features like this -- they're so inspiring to follow along and learn from people who are doing it.

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I thought I’d use Substack as my free newsletter to push people to Patreon. Then I found this platform so friendly and engaging, so I moved everything over here and haven’t regretted it one second.

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"A lot of writers appear to see the marketing and monetary element of writing as grubby or embarrassing." -- that's me in a nutshell. All my life I've found it difficult to promote myself and my talents. I bet the reasons are psychological, stemming from my childhood, but I've accepted it and can't fight it. I have no "for paid subscribers only" features, will never have them, and I'm happy to know that Anne Kadet, the creator of CAFÉ ANNE, doesn't either. I doubt that I'll ever be half as successful as she is. Some of Laura's marketing strategies actually seem doable, even for me 😉.

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This is an interesting read with some helpful tips. I find it so inspiring to hear these stories and learn about what is possible on Substack.

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Great stuff. I completely agree about Mike Sowden, too - he creates fantastic content, and from a wide variety of places.

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Love SUBSTACK! 🫡☝🏻

It is such a pure way of connecting through writing and make a possibility for your audience and community to stay growing alongside you.

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Thank you for sharing your experience and insights so specifically. I am just getting started and absolutely love your tagline, "Answering questions we aren't supposed to ask." I'd like to use it as it relates to my publication, The Hidden Side of Leadership. With acknowledgement and appreciation to you of course! Best wishes for continued success.

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thanks for sharing these insights, On Substack 🙏🏼

as writers, we can all stand to be reminded... that "Great writing is valuable. Laura has found that when she positions her writing as valuable, it resonates with her audience and people go on to support her work. Don’t apologize about it."

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Loved reading this, Laura. Thank you so much for sharing. You have such a strong paid subscriber to free subscriber ratio, and I love how you offer audio for paid subscribers-- that's such a good idea!

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