It would be amazing if we had Substack Start-- a program like this for those of us who write consistently but don't have 500 subscribers yet. I would be so excited to apply for that!

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Hi Jackson, we do have a program called Substack Go (https://substack.com/go). We hope to run it again soon!

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I hope it runs again; Go was really valuable for me! I’d love to see others have that same opportunity.

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GO was an excellent opportunity to fine-tune strategy, gain readership and connect with other writers! Glad to hear you’re considering making it a *thing* again.

Working toward building my subs so I can level up to the next round of Grow...

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Agreed. I have been writing weekly for almost a year. I would love to Grow but have nowhere near 500 subscribers.

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So glad to see there's going to be another Grow cohort -- my experience last year changed everything for me. My group still meets on Zoom biweekly, and I've come to cherish their practical advice, commiseration, wisdom, and all-around support. I'm grateful to Substack for giving me this opportunity and for iterating on the program so that it's accessible to more people.

To those thinking about signing up, do it! You won't regret it.

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my group from Substack Go still meets. Definitely had a huge impact on me. <3

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If someone has 500+ subscribers don’t they already have the knowledge and the strategy to keep growing? I mean, something as basic as “clearly defining your value proposition” wouldn’t apply to these candidates? Also, what points would Grow be covering that aren’t covered in the wonderful Help articles already released by Substack?

Finally, for access to community (which is invite only basis under Grow), can’t users simply reach out to one another by regular email for collaboration or clarification of doubts?

I can’t apply, but I’m asking these questions to help others decide if this program is a fit for them.

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May 31, 2022·edited May 31, 2022

Hi Nikhil,

Thank you for your thoughtful question. I will do my best to answer below.

*If someone has 500+ subscribers don’t they already have the knowledge and the strategy to keep growing? I mean, something as basic as “clearly defining your value proposition” wouldn’t apply to these candidates?*

We've found that the question of "how do I grow?" evolves at different stages of writers' journeys on Substack. For a writer just getting started and looking to grow their list from 0 vs. a writer looking to jump from 500 to 1,000 or 5,000 or beyond, the tactics they employ to grow are different. It's always a good idea for writers to revisit their value proposition at different milestones and make sure it continues to reflect what they write about, what they hope to continue writing about, and who they are trying to reach.

*Also, what points would Grow be covering that aren’t covered in the wonderful Help articles already released by Substack?*

Our Help articles (https://support.substack.com/) and Resources (https://substack.com/resources) are always a great place to start. We believe the value of programs like Grow are spending focused time with the best of our resources and new resources that we develop during the program based on the cohort's needs and interests.

*can’t users simply reach out to one another by regular email for collaboration or clarification of doubts?*

All writers are free to reach out to one another at any point and regardless of their participating in a Susbtack program. The value of the Grow community is access to a group of writers at a similar stage (this isn't as easy to spot when you are just searching Substack or attending Office Hours) who have also set aside time to work specifically on the growth of their publication. We help facilitate the conversation so writers can learn with others in a focused environment.

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I can honestly confirm that my value proposition has shifted massively, twice now.

When I hit 100, I shifted from personal essays about climbing and exploring, to include an even mix of podcasts interviews to focus on other community members.

Later, I decided to add news as well. It's required me to tweak my about page, branding, and calls to action. It's definitely useful to keep taking stock

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Same. There's some sauce I'm missing... I've got a lot of ingredients, but it ain't hitting the way it's supposed to yet. That 500 - 1000 is a thing!

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Thank you for the reply, Katie!

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I was part of the first cohort and with hundreds of subscribers, an already-defined value proposition, and 1.5 years of publishing under my belt, Grow didn't really apply to me on paper -- in practice, it was *immensely* helpful and I'm so glad I took part.

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That's great to hear, Sarah! What was your biggest takeaway lesson from the practical aspect?

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That's an impossible question to answer -- I got something useful out of every workshop. I think the biggest impact for me, practically and otherwise, is establishing a group of Substack people that I can and do meet with regularly (we have a standing biweekly Zoom). I know a lot of other Substackers, I collaborate with people frequently, I attend Office Hours nearly every week, and those are all super valuable, but Grow took everything I'm doing to another level entirely.

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I wonder that too. I don’t have 500 subscribers so I’d like some tips on how to grow!

I guess it’s for people who have already hit a stride getting insight into polishing an image, creating a solid brand, and leveling up. Perhaps they’re better clay to mold. Professionals versus hobbyists.

It’s idle speculation. I’m still learning and doing what I can. Hopefully that helps.

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Hey Chevanne, feel free to connect with me over email. I might have some ideas on growing between 100 to 500 subs.

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Would any body have a tip to reach 10 subscribers at least? It’s my second day here. Also English is my second language. I don’t even know if what I’m saying can be read at all. I’d love some feedback

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Hi Cuasi. For the first 10 subscribers, it's a good idea to ask very close family members and best friends to sign up. Just tell them you are starting a project and that you would like their support. They will give you support and feedback.

I read your post about your father. I will leave a comment there. Take it easy, Cuasi. The road is a long one--full of discovery. I wish you the best of luck.

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For starters, a single sentence elevator pitch, a unique, good newsletter logo, a clearly flowed about page, and your best articles pinned to the home page.

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Ok I’m just gonna hang with you all summer. Maybe you can do a 100-500 workshop for us!

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haha! Feel free to sign up to my newsletter and maybe you'll find some inspiration!

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I have a tagline

Custom logo

Good About page

No pins, though

My genre is fiction so it’s a bit harder to snag folks. The best advice is to use BookFunnel for promotions with other writers. The issue is that I’m not quite prolific and need longer works to participate. Fiction writers have had great success with that. Also, if you’re in the right place with the right community on Reddit, that has helped others too.

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Make sure you have a small group of core supporters as you keep growing. No point in growing if people end up unsubbing a week/month later. That feeling of people leaving, especially if it happens several days in a row, can demotivate you severely.

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Substack grow was an incredible experience that I truly believe changed the course of my publication, at a time when I was stagnating.

Definitely recommend signing up!

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Very good initiative.

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This looks really interesting. Applied and fingers crossed.

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I've just signed up! Fingers crossed!

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500 readers already is a bit steep for people who are looking to grow and committed. Will you be offering a lower catchment at some point?

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Hi Agnes, we are hoping to host Substack Go again (https://substack.com/go) soon. In the meantime, I encourage you to stop by Office Hours (https://substack.com/events) and checkout our resources (https://substack.com/resources).

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This looks quite intriguing. But the application links keep sending me to the Substack homepage ... is there something I'm missing?

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Hi Samuel, sorry about that! Should be up and running now: substack.link/grow-ap-summer22

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Same here.

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Hi Dayan, the application link is available here now: substack.link/grow-ap-summer22

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I am getting the same result.

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Hi Caroline, the application link is available here now: substack.link/grow-ap-summer22

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I applied, though I'm just getting started here. I'm actually still engaged in branding, by designing my Substack.

I’ve been a freelance and contributing writer for 14 years now. Actually, minus six would only be eight years professionally. I didn't stop writing- not for myself or in my memoir that's been years in the making. I just didn't try to get published for a time.

Life is curiously, funny. I hope you saw that for what it was- smirky. I am excited by the mere possibility. Six years is to many years lost.

This community has been fantastical thus far. So keen to help. It's strange on the internet, but refreshing! Hope to know many of you in the future!

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This looks fantastic. Althought been new here and publish a few articles. Looking forward to join the cohort soon.

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I've just applied!

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This program looks great. Do you have any plans to do something that is Asia time zone friendly? If not is there video content we can look at? Thanks!

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Hey there, we hope to offer friendly times for writers in Asia in the future but nothing planned just yet.

You can watch the videos from the last program here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iEGt-r0SDc4&list=PLripwV1Ak52nYy1XM6SH6IzpsiFcjGa_W

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Hey, I am trying to apply bu I get an error page.

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I was too excited not to try..I didn't want to give up!

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It was interesting to know that I don’t have go the path of a writer alone.

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