This changes everything for me.

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Me too!!!

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down for a cross-promotion anytime - never done it!

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In a positive or negative way?

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In a good way man.

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down for a cross-promotion anytime - never done it!

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Good God, the mentions thing is a smart add to the product.

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down for a cross-promotion anytime - never done it!

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Awesome! You all keep making this platform better and better. THANK YOU. Please keep going. 🔥📸🔥

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My next request: Direct messaging between profiles. Possible?

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Makes it easier for writers to communicate.

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down for a cross-promotion anytime - never done it!

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Sweet. You can email theflare@substack.com and we can chat further.

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Yes I've thought about this. Although I'm wondering whether that would open subscribers up to trolling? Dunno. It's something I'm wary about because I don't want this to turn into a horrible social media platform. It's why I have my comments closed only to payers, so that trust is built between all of us, and I can kick anyone out of my space if there's any shit at all from anyone towards my members.

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Absolutely. I want to connect to other writers in my way. Not being able to contact them is a real shame

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Thanks for these new tools. Substack is the only form of social media I’m on, so tools like this are what’ll enable my writing to reach more readers.

Big thanks to team substack

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Congrats. Both seem like subtle tweaks but I think could be quite profound… the little things that matter a lot to creators.

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I'm thrilled to have finally joined this platform. Rolling out these continual improvements is incredibly encouraging. For the first time ever I think I've truly found an online home.

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I truly resonate with you Aaron!

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down for a cross-promotion anytime - never done it!

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Oooh! I really appreciate the mentions feature. I mention a lot of other Substackers, and I'd love to let them know I'm writing about them (without being weird!)

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I like your choice of header images on your substack

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Thank you! I make the collages all myself!

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Looks great, so consistent rather that just random images

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down for a cross-promotion anytime - never done it!

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Thank you adding these new features. As someone who just started my newsletter Sept. 25 this might really help me grow my audience. One characteristic I love about Substack is that fellow Substackers seem to be eager to help other writers develop a following. I think this platform can do more to change "false narratives" than any social media platform - which is actually the topic of my latest article.


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These are some nice features. My only hope is that in your ongoing product development you never implement hashtags for tagging and search. It seems you're replicating a lot of social media like features, and hashtags would be a terrible step backwards. As a programmer, I've been with them since day one, and they instantly devolve content relevancy and search efficiency.

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I agree. On LinkedIn, where you have more posting space than Twitter, I've seen (too many times) posts that are a few lines of text followed by a thousand hash tags in the insane effort to appear in as many places as possible. It just blows up the ability to search because of all the irrelevant noise.

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This could be fixed by restricting the hashtags or tags to three per post or article. Having only three tags per newsletter is very limiting. At least have three tags per "section" in a newsletter. My newsletter has five sections, and they're very distinct, so only three tags for the whole publication is quite limiting. And I would prefer to be able to tag each post or article with a more descriptive or specific category to help readers looking for that type of post in search.

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I just joined Substack as a writer and they keep adding awesome features, great timing

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Is Substack becoming Tumblr?

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We take this question as a compliment, if that helps

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Chris Best shipping features and engaging with the community. GOAT

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He's actually the BOAT.

Best of all time.

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Hamish with the sneaky assist! #POAT (punniest of all time)

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I also thought of Tumblr's "reblog" feature, tested cross-post, and found a major difference:

On tumblr (and twitter) your own feed wears the post you re-shared.

On Substack the post you featured gets emailed to your subscribers, but does not appear on your web archive.

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Good point!

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down for a cross-promotion anytime - never done it! great idea!

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Tumblr at one point was the most valuable property on the web. I’d subtack can leverage similar network features and creator economy while balancing content moderation with the autonomy of its creators and audience - then it will thrive. Tumblr failed because it decided to just ban/delete the very thing that made it so viral: creative freedom.

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I think you’re right -- I’d love to see an activity feed so I can see the likes and comments of those I subscribe to.

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Sorry typos. I’m typing w gloves on 🥶

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I immediately thought nitrile gloves. Projecting!

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I liked tumblr back in the day

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Looks like it. Gonna get all cluttered!!

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Rather a «long-form Twitter before Elon does it».

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Hasn't that thing tumblred into oblivion?

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I’m getting notifications of accounts returning everyday.

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I've never tried - and won't.

The bird, Gab, GETTR, Substack and Telegram are plenty enough for me.

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Same. It’s probably better to cut back on platforms anyway.

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down for a cross-promotion anytime - never done it!

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BRILLIANT feature, team Substack.

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Hi Cathleen!

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:: waives enthusiastically ::

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down for a cross-promotion anytime - never done it!

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My body is ready.

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Substack rocks! 🍻

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down for a cross-promotion anytime - never done it!

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Testing @bens

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| Ben, Ben, Sergey |


It works!

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Love these community boosting features. Thanks!

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