Sounds great. My only worry is that I am nowhere near as hilarious in real life as my writing suggests.

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Hilarity is nice, but honest and informative expression trumps it. No pun intended. Best wishes, Larry.

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Thanks Larry. Best wishes, Daniel.

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Well… you never know what the others are like either!

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It doesn't matter, Daniel, we love you anyway.

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This is awesome. Substack is building a truly vibrant ecosystem.

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I'd love to show up for the next New York meet up! Yankees assemble 👁👁

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Oct 13, 2023·edited Oct 13, 2023

Hello Writers, who’s in London and fancies a pint? 🍻😁 If you are in London, join this Private Telegram group so we can plan a meet or message me. https://t.me/+iIVdR66o-1o0OTE0

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Would love to do that. Would be fun to meet writers in London

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Check the telegram link and lets plan one

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Check the telegram link and lets plan one

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Same, same!

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I just joined the Telegram link, but haven’t been able to message in the chat!

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Sorted :)

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dear Raisini i live in nyc and on the e-mail of substack which is confusing for me, too technical for me. facebook by contrast is much easier i saw your name by accident on substack as you write you're an investor and like ideas of persons. i want to reach many people on the issue of many students who suffer in schools. do you know how i could reach people online? try to reply by e-mail as substack is too confusing for me in regards eric n kemer e-mail tortoise1234567@yahoo.com

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This is wonderful! I'm curious to see if there will be any meetups in Massachusetts.

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you can host one too :)

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Yeah that's true, but I'm in a small town. I would have to host one at a nearby city then. :-)

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Wanna see if we can get Boston/MA/New England peeps together?? 🤗🤗🤗

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Yes totally!

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I'm a bit late to the party but I'd love to get people together in the Boston/Cambridge area! I set up an event page here: https://lu.ma/f1wb2eye

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dear Chanel i saw your name and what you suffer as i also suffer depression many years but avoid doctors and drug medication but nt against it try to reply by e-mail i live in nyc which i hate for different reasons in regards eric n kemer e-mail tortoise1234567@yahoo.com ps substack is too confusing for me

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I've already signed up for the Amsterdam meetup with Wesley a while ago. Really looking forward to it. And another great thing is, I'm having a photowalk with a subscriber in the afternoon. Sounds like a perfect day, right?

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I'm interested in being a host here in Atlanta -- really glad to see this!

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A group of us Substackers did one in San Fran a few months back. Went well!!

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Sounds great. I can sense a lot of a murder mystery nights spawning from this 🤣

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No ACTUAL murder mysteries, please and thank you.

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Would love to attend another meetup of writers in Toronto. Glad to see Substack putting more energy behind writers connecting in-person.

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Hey, fellow Torontonian!

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Not quite Toronto but close enough for me. More like North north of TO.

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Super excited about our Amsterdam meetup! Great little old school bar, good vibes, like minds, it’ll be great!

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Me too, will be nice I guess. Must be!

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i’d love to chat with some local michigan and/or texas folks... substackian’s seem to eyeroll at blogging a lot less than the average joe (certainly bc we’re all similarly deranged)

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Where in TX?

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Houston area!

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I’m in hill country! There HAS to be more ATX peeps out there??

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This is great! I tried to organize a Seattle meetup this summer but travel and illness meant we couldn’t achieve critical mass. I’ve since met so many more writers in the area. I appreciate this support to finally make it happen.

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Please add me to the list. I'm on Whidbey. If you post a note, I can tag a few more.

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San Francisco Bay Area folks, let’s go!

(Seriously, I am going to apply to help host.)

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I considered applying for San Jose Bay Area but SF isn't that far so count me in!

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Awesome! I’m starting to work on an application. What would you like to get out of a meet-up? 🙂

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Hey there! A Substack meet up is happening in the East Bay next month!


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Connecting with other writers, exchanging work

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Hi Sam - I am located in the bay area/SF. Would love to be a part of this! Just got into writing + a product guy in the bay area working on a startup idea, wanting to talk to fellow writers about it for feedback! Let me know if we can connect.

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You bet! I submitted a proposal for a meet up and will keep you in the loop, Sumanth! 🙂🤞

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Any chance I can borrow 10-15 minutes of your time to get feedback even before your proposal gets accepted :) Appreciate your response!

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Sure, Sumanth. We can find some time to connect.

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I love this! Who’s in DC/Georgetown? Do we have a host here yet?

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Me, me, me!

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Hi Caroline!

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Not a host (yet lol) but in the area!

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dear Natasha i saw your post by accident on substack which is too confusing for me , try to reply by e-mail , much easier for me i needed your possible help on a simple area also confusing for me on many students who suffer in schools in regards eric tortoise1234567@yahoo.com

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dear Caroline i saw your brief message by accident on substack which is confusing for me, facebook is much easier. i would like to write you more in regards eric ps i live in nyc

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Caroline i forgot to add e-mail me at tortoise1234567@yahoo.com in regards eric

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I'd be happy to host a meet-up for Western New York. Depending on the number of folks who want to come and the time of year, I can host at my house, which is centrally located in downtown Ithaca, NY, or I can arrange a space at a local watering hole, or by the lake.

I write Let Your Life Speak and have been writing on Substack since January 2021. I've been to a meet-up in NYC, which was delightful fun, but now that I work full-time outside of the house getting down to the city, particularly in the middle of the week, is impossible. But Western New York is a pretty vast area, so I'm guessing I'm not alone in wishing there was an opportunity for writers out this way that is more accessible. I'm also close enough to PA that we could roll in some Northwestern PA folks as well. Us folks in the Northern Appalachians have to stick together.

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I'm also in western (Rochester) NY. and I've submitted an application to Substack to host a virtual writer meetup to start. Then we can work out in-person events. My Substack is currently called Creativity Nation but I'm evolving it to a new title and focus.

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I’d love to host a half day retreat by the coast in Northumberland, UK. I’ve already got the perfect venue! Our nearest town is on the east coast mainline by rail it’s really easy to get here. ✨✍️

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