This is so incredibly timely and inspiring—as my illustrated newsletter about facing fear is about to hit One Year in January.

I'm eight subscribers away from 1,500 subs (!!) and reading about these Substack-ers' advice around listening to your gut instincts and posting with genuine passion has me feeling extra fueled. Thanks for the serendipitous push, Substack team. I'm stoked to write/illustrate/shoot my own One Year post next month.

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Congratulations!! This is so exciting!

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One year is a big deal, Tatiana...CONGRATS! :)

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Congrats on 1,500!! Epic. Inspiring. I agree: writing good, quality content versus click-bait is 🔥🔥

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I love reading these pieces. Writing can be lonely, and learning from others in the same boat is such a privilege. Onwards!

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Absolutely! Agree. Writing is often a very lonely craft. And we writers are often sensitive, slippery people.

Michael Mohr

‘The Incompatibility of Being Alive’


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This is super inspiring! The ‘compound interest’ > ‘growth hacks’ particularly resonated with me.

That’s what I’ve seen as well -- slow & steady growth driven by consistency, community, and great content. It’s what has led Growth Unhinged to go from 3,000 > 16,000 subscribers in 2022.

Very excited for what 2023 has in store!

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Wow. What has made that jump possible? One or few more articles going particularly well and been shared?

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Milestones 🥳 Yay! For me it was creating my four panel humor comic strip, “It’s ALL (owl) Good Times.” It’s a childhood dream come true, and it was my goal for this year. Thank you Substack for the space to publish it on 🤗


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Really cool to be included in this! Thank you, Substack team!

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I was SO excited to see your awesome Substack mentioned!

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This must feel like receiving a recommendation from your favourite Substacker?

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Congrats to Michael of Situation Normal on his consistency and commitment. One of my absolute favorite Stacks.

A few weeks back I personally celebrated one year since I began building my author "platform": https://agowani.substack.com/p/celebrating-an-entire-year-of-madness

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As of yesterday, I've been here 4 months. It's nice to read these. I enjoy writing here. Thanks Substack! I also want to thank everyone who is subscribed to my publication. Most of us want to know someone is reading, not just visiting. I love Mondays! :)

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One week in 🙏 too much fun writing. Good luck to all and finish this year strong.

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Thanks Susy! Happy almost holiday!

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I just subscribed to your publication, Spyder.

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Likewise. Smartphone Filmmaking! The future of film.

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✌️😎🙏 Looking forward to reading. Thank you!

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I hit my six-month "stack-versary" in October. When I started, I promised simple musings on inane, low-stakes topics. I’m really proud to say I’ve stayed faithful to my purpose so far: https://noonatthepark.substack.com/p/ive-done-worse-things

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Looks interesting. Just subscribed 🤗

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Glad to have you along, Michael! :)

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Substack has completely transformed my life in ways I never imagined were possible. I celebrated my one-year anniversary last April and posted about it here:


More importantly, I believe Substack has revolutionized the information landscape in a way that's equivalent to the Protestant Reformation. It's the printing press of the 21st century. Information has been liberated from the priesthood of the MSM, and people can access scientists, physicians, creatives, and other brilliant folks directly as we collaborate on truth-seeking missions and efforts to curb threats to our fundamental rights, liberties, and lives.

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Substack is not some kind of deity or higher notion. The difference with Substack compared to other platforms is that it revenues from the reader base so it has to respect what the readers want. Substack knows that it will lose if it censors a creator with the potential of building a reader base. And this is the result. It's great.

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Yay I love these posts!! Congrats to everyone on their milestones and welcome to everyone who’s just getting started!

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Congratulations to everyone on their milestones. I aspire to be like you!!

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Thanks so much for including my year in review piece!

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Thank you for the bump and for the good ideas from Hanne especially on how to grow my community in a way that feels good and natural for me personally, and isn't just maximum eyeballs.

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Interactive audience beats a massive audience any day!

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Coffee Times is celebrated one year old on Substack. It has grown and gone beyond 2K subscribers in a year. 2023 will be even more exciting. Keep writing people.

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