Thank you, this is great! Is it possible to host it as a directory of my domain rather than a subdomain, for SEO reasons? (e.g. instead of substack.mydomain.com have it be www.mydomain.com/substack)?

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Has this been solved? Would love to have the www.mydomain.com/substack solution.

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I just found out the hard way: no you still cannot use a subdirectory.

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Any answers on this? Wondering this also. Even better would be if you could have the Substack "homepage" replaced with mydomain.com.

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OH that would be AWESOME. I do wish the substack sites had a better "home page" configuration. I think I have found a way to sort of force a "home" page, but it will be primitive.... Sadly.

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I am interested to know this as well

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+100 to this. It's possible, and would be a huge SEO aid to writers!

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I'd love to know this too!

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Has this been addressed? I was also planning to do it sub directory instead of subdomain.

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I'd like to know this too..

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I was searching for a solution to this exact request. Thanks for post and the replies herein that state that this is currently not possible.

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on a related note, does anyone know of any other application like substack that lets you do this? basically the link www.mywebsite.com/blog/ should go to substack.

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Just set mine up -- incredibly easy. Thanks guys! You can find me at https://www.thehalfmarathoner.com/ now 😃

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Thanks for sharing this. Can I ask how you managed to keep all your posts with that same domain too? Mine defaults to substack.domain.com

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Thanks for the example. Well done site. Sadly, I don't run.

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Thank you! So direct domain is possible. That's all I wanted to know.

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(How) will this impact newsletter distribution? Will emails still be sent from substack or will they now be sent from my custom domain?

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Good question, any answer yet?

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💥 — boom goes the dynamite.

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After a bit of musing, I realized the one-time $50 fee is actually a fair deal––you get the entire publishing system for free anyway with no limits on number fo subscribers and no ads unlike other platforms. Mapping the domain was easy and now my newsletter both looks and sounds professional. It’s live at https://updates.jatan.space 🚀

Thank you team Substack!

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Jatan, your link isn't working.

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He changed it to blog.jatan.space

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Will there still be Substack branding?

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Is it me, or is it actually overpriced? I can't see a point to pay that much for a custom domain. Especially if I'm from Russia and I can't make money on Substack.

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Same. I’m from India and while I can technically charge Indian readers in INR currency, it’s not useful for me as my audience is global. Charging in $ doesn’t work.

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Nice - this is a good change. Thanks for listening!

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Well done, Substackers! I'm not ready to pull the trigger yet, but a one-time $50 fee is peanuts. The fee supports the platform's staff and is a reasonable hurdle for writers to jump to demonstrate they have a seriousness for their platform. *chef's kiss*

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How will changing the domain impact our existing link equity? i.e. SEO?

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If they properly set a redirect in robots.txt to let search engines know, You should be good. One way to check yourself is still go to your old .substack domain. If it redirects to your new site, you are 👍🏼

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Finally! Thank you for adding this.

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How do I setup a custom domain without the https://

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This is stupendous news! After your helpful team answered a quick question, Timeless & Timely is now looking more professional than ever at https://www.timelesstimely.com.

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It looks great! did you have to use code to make it look like that?

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Does anyone have instructions specific for Squarespace?

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Took some time, but was quite easy in the end. The only thing you need to get right is the CNAME record in your domain DNS settings. Rest Substack takes care of behind the scenes!

Here is mine (went for a brand-new .news domain for the newsletter) - https://www.drishtikone.news/

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Hi Desh - your publication looks great. In terms of the custom domain (which I'm considering doing), do I need to have my own SSL certificate with my domain name - or does Substack provide this? Thanks, Craig

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Craig, did you need to do the SSL certificate? I see your site has that set up :)

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Yes, if I recall correctly, I had to pay 50 dollars to get that set up.

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