I really want the notes to show up on my main substack blog site too!!!!

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How do I find my notes on Substack Notes. I created a note two days ago. I'd like to view it. There doesn't seem to be a "note history" where I can see these.

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Let me know if you find the answer! :-) HOL

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Me too: Robert Sain

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Nothing so far...

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I’m sort of an “apple snob” in that I’ve always been amazed at the intuitive design and flawless functionality of their products; at least the ones I use. Maybe Substack is just more complex than I can even imagine! HOL

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Software is hard to get right. Usually, it gets very complicated before it gets simple.

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It usually remains (and grows even more) complicated unless developers/designers make a conscious effort to simplify. (Former designer/developer speaking.)

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Oh, first time I clicked “reply”, which seemed reasonable.

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I wonder why my first reply (a) didn’t sort within this chain but instead filed at bottom of everyone’s messages? (a) “Thanks for replying. After I sent my message, I couldn’t find it! HOL Now that your reply is In “activity”, I’ll keep you posted if I find anything too! HOL“

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Also this reminds me a little bit of 1200 baud character-based email in terms of being a very preliminary design and functionality. Not complaining just surprised. This is 2023 isn’t it! HOL

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When we had the 110 baud modem where you put the phone handset into the modem cradle, we kept a baby's squeaky hammer around, and would occasionally whack the handset with the hammer. That would transmit about 20 characters of nonsense. This reminds me of that.

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Brings back memories. I have been programming computers since 1962 (!), and in one of my jobs I had to test a data transmission app called "Kermit". I remember using a handset modem (I forget whether this one was 110 or 300 baud), and I would tap on the handset with a pen or pencil to generate noise and see how well Kermit was able to recover from the errors.

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I don't know how to access the comments to Notes. It is very frustrating. When I click the comment icon under a note, a window appears allowing me to comment but I cannot access previous comments to a note.

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Same here. Have you found a solution yet? Please share if so. Thanks

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You click to the side of the note for which you want to see the comments. Hope it works for you.

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Thankyou! I could _not_ figure this out!

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Didn’t work for me

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Right?! What’s up with that? It’s frustrating!

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I can't even find the note I wrote. 🤣

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Cool! Will there also be something similar to Twitter Lists? I'd like to organize the topics I follow into lists. Information overheard from many different things is a problem to handle.

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That's a great idea! We know people want more control over what shows up in the feed and it's top of mind how we might build tools for you to curate that.

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why am I seeing Notes from people that I am not subscribed to??

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I've heard you can subscribe to someone's notes without getting their essays in your email, but I seem to be doing it wrong. Help?

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(I'm enthusiastic about Notes in part because I do want to subscribe to many more people without choking my email.)

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Will we be getting a hashtage feature?

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How do I search for a note that I've already read, but appatently did mot save?

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I've got this problem too.

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Why do my replies not show up on my notes list? Where can I see my replies?

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Did you ever figure this out? I have the same question.

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Hi, question about this bit:

If you only want to see notes from a writer, and not subscriber to their publication, click the three dot menu on their profile and select “See notes from [writer].” This is only available on web.

For some writers, to whom I am not subscribed, the menu option says "See more from [writer]" rather than "See notes." Clicking "See more" does not seem to do anything.

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PDF's can't be shared.

Can't write in Markdown.

Character limit? Who knows?

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Very helpful — Thank you!

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Is there a way we can auto post to Notes from an RSS feed or otherwise?

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is the edit feature down currently? I was able to edit a note last night, but not today.

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Are you on the app? You can edit on the web but not in the app yet.

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I just started. Wrote a little note. Now I can't find it.

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> We dare you to try to figure out the character limit.

4200, substack IPO at $42.00 confirmed but why not 4269?

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On the iPhone Substack app I’m still not understanding how to post a note

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Hey Michael, from the Notes tab you should see a "+" button. From there, you can compose and post a note.

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FYI: Notes Tab didn't show up until I force quit the app...

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Hey, same for me!

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I think some of us are still waiting for the app update to push out. I don't have it yet on iPhone, although I've been playing with Notes on the web.

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