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Use your emoji keyboard or simply copy and paste the emoji at the beginning of your comment.

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Thank you, I'm just starting with my writings on literature. My question is how to find Spanish-speaking spaces or Spanish content. It's challenging to position myself in Latin America because the focus seems to be on another continent. Or is it not? Any advice on Spanish content?

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โœ๏ธ How do you promote your substack? I already had a list and share it in my social media. What else do you do to keep it growing?

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i will pay an honest person to help me create something on substack too confusing for me e-mail me and will answer everyone who writes me on this substack eric n kemer e-mail tortoise1234567@yahoo.com

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๐ŸŸง I got a message that one of my readers donated $80 even though my substack is not monetized. Is there a way to collect this money, and not make my stack "pay to play"? How do I collect the money???

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๐ŸŸง I originally moved both of my podcasts to my home page, but then learned about Sections and put one of the podcasts into a Section. I have thoroughly confused myself. I want all my subscribers to be notified when I post a new episode of either podcast. And I want to get my podcasts on Apple, etc. of course. I am thinking that using Sections for one of the podcasts was a mistake. How would I get rid of that Section if I go that route?

Also, I am having difficulty finding an RSS feed URL on my home page where both podcasts appear, while there is an easy RSS feed URL on the Butterfly Arose podcast section. Is that a reason to have both appear on separate sections? I. E. will that make life easier for me or not?

If I go with the separate Sections idea does that mean both podcasts can still appear on the home page, or does that confuse things?

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๐ŸŸง Hi Substack! I keep reading and hearing about how Substack is different from other platforms and their algorithms. Now one thing that doesn't seem to be different trying to start out on here is the frustration of just not being seen. Like at all. I do like the overall look and feel on here and I'm starting to find some nice content - I just don't think I am willing to invest all the energy again in writing and posting into empty space.

And I do see a lot of accounts that seem to have been deserted after trying for a while

Couldn't there be a kind of Blackboard where newbies get a chance to pin a Note or a comment or anything and actually be SEEN? At least for once?

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I appreciate the comments here. Seems like substack is a OJT.

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I have an account but have never posted my own offer, only commented on others. How do I get started with my own posts?

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๐ŸŸง Iโ€™d love to suggest a โ€œBranchโ€ Duet style feature for authors on Substack who invite readers to participate in prompts, contests, or encourage branching off their writing. Anyone else interested in this? https://open.substack.com/pub/vanmiranda/p/branches-what-could-interactive-writing

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๐Ÿง  my Substack is my favourite creative outlet, so gaining followers is actually less important to me than the writing process. That being said, Iโ€™ve found that joining conversations with likeminded audiences from other Substacks has helped organic follower growth (slowly, but surely)!

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I'll be sorry to see these posts go. They've been a wonderful source of information directly from the source. Thanks for all you've done to help us grow our communities.

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What do we write about

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Don't have clue on how this works

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I'm quite new to Substack so apologies if I'm using it incorrectly!

๐ŸŸง - What is the best way for connecting with communities who have similar writing interests? I find the search function a bit confusing.

๐ŸŸง - What are some Substack "faux pas" that new writers here should be aware of?

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โœ๏ธ Any visual artists on here? I'm looking for kinship in this new venture!

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โœ๏ธ I've just come to the conclusion that worrying about getting traffic and engagement greatly affects my focus on putting out great content. Should we just believe that sooner or later good content reaches its readers? or should we put some deliberate effort on reaching more people? I'd be glad to hear any suggestions about this.

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Iโ€™m an artist newbie and just posted my second Substack. I will be sure to tune in, because I am loving how supportive and fun it is being here. Thank you.


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๐ŸŸง I wrote a 40 Vol. Journal to release. How can I plan to have them proofread, printed as PDFs and distributed to various institutions.

Individuals donโ€™t want that work, though large organizations, nonprofit libraries, are interested in it as a traditional Journal to renew Yearly. What can I do with the project. As a professional author, what is in the best interest of one of the large publishers- think big five.

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Thanks for the welcome!

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I would like to start writing in substack and have been writing for a while off someone elseโ€™s like comments and etc. But I would like to create one of my own. If there is help please send info to jamesu54@gmail.com

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๐ŸŸง Comment: it would help if you posted notification about Office Hours the day BEFORE it is to happen. I have noticed it so many times and it was for the day before, because you notify me after I've stopped being on the computer for the day.

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I haven't managed to visit many of the office hours, but sad to see it go. Hopefully whatever is planned next is even better ๐Ÿ˜‰ interesting to see discussion about slow subscriber growth. I've been posting for two years now and only just passed 100, after a long period on much lower numbers. Preseverance is key I think. Enjoying every moment of it ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

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The rain doesnโ€™ t stop long enough for my shoes to dry .. and today after weeks of mostly rain and medium chill 55-60 - my feet are PEELINGโ€ฆ

โ€ฆeven starting w dry socks & different dry shoes doesnโ€™t correct this new realityโ€ฆ

Trench foot .. in 2024 .. Somehow feels in tune w Washington politics..

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I have the app

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โœ๏ธ Fellow Writers, if you write or read a substack on meditation, spirituality etc, can you recommend your favourites. I'd love to read what other writers are writing in this space!

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Thank you VERY kindly, Mika. you must remember your first days exploring substack. I hope the service team offered assistance then.

I'll keep your references, they are sure to be useful to me in the future.

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The vast majority of scientists now believe the Earth is within a five-year window which will tilt the planet into an irreversible cataclysmic extinction collapse unless dramatic action is taken NOW. Many believe we are in that slide now and that it may be too late for any effective mitigation.

We, of the Heart Mind Alliance (.com) do not believe it is too late. Everywhere throughout the nation we hear the same opinions expressed by the majority of the voters of this land. We, the People, are the experts on what we want for our health, the air, our water, the soil and energy; for our children and their children unto the Seventh Generation. But we have no direct voice. We only have the power to chose among those who promise to speak on our behalf and who have most often responded, not to the mandates of the People, but those of the profit-driven military industries, national and transnational corporations.

We now have the instrument to document securely every person's vote with private block-chain ledgers for verifying not only that a vote was counted but also counted correctly. The โ€œWe the Peopleโ€ block-chain-secured voting system has now been launched and is receiving votes on the First Question, the essential first step to fulfilling our nation's original founding intention of a government of, by and for the People: A declaration of the majority will of the People of the United States for a Constitutional Democracy in which the People become our own representatives. The following will be integral to such a majority opinion:

Once this Declaration of Inter-dependence is documented and established and our public officials swear allegiance to respond to the majority will as the administrators of the public will, the following majority-supported mandates, to list a few (Request the full text of โ€œThe Great Mandate,โ€ the MoveOn.org campaign of the Heart Mind Alliance at heartmindalliance@gmail.com), will be voted on and effective solutions mandated of our public servants will be found through open and transparent deliberation and submitted for national vote to reverse the planet's slide towards extinction:

1. All agribusiness will become regenerative, organic and locally-based. Land confiscated by predatory agribusinesses' transgenic and genetically modified pollen infiltration will be regenerated and returned to local control wherever in the world the soil has been killed.

2. Climate change will begin a reversal within two years through subsidized mandated subsoil plowing (Key Line Plow), holistic livestock management (Savory method), agricultural carbon positive โ€œwasteโ€ cooking fuel production and many more successfully proven methods to draw down CO2 from the atmosphere.

3. International peace-keeping will be entrusted to international peace-keeping organizations and the more than 750 US military bases worldwide will be gradually shut down to free trillions of dollars and bring thousands of our daughters and sons home to reconstruct our nation's infrastructure, prime our schools, health facilities and to decontaminate our nation's air, soil and waters.

4. Our health care system will become one of universal health care where all will be cared for.

And many more. See the entire Great Mandate at our website www.heartmindalliance.com

Looking forward,

Bob Dunsmore


Founder and president of the Heart Mind Alliance (.com) which has created the block-chain secured direct vote website now taking votes on the First Question before the nation: wethepeople.directvotedemocracy.com

Producer of the documentary "Bolivia Beyond Belief" (on You Tube) regarding the Bolivian Democratic Revolution I witnessed while living in Bolivia from 2005 to 2008

Initiated as an Andean Cosmovision Amauta

After working in 20 countries in community development: created a You Tube channel with 132 videos of the most successful appropriate technologies I learned of: "Community-based Appropriate Technologies"

Founder of Colorado's San Luis Valley Solar Energy Association and Alamosa Childrens' School

Founder of the Rio Arriba Bioregional Council and the Espanola Valley Community Council, New Mexico

Author of I Am: A Journey Through Times and Spaces and the book The Great Mandate (available via Kindle)

Grandfather of three

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Thanks, Douglas.

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I have been trying to cancel my subscription

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โœ๏ธ Hi there! Iโ€™m new to Substack - about to reach 400 subscribers. Iโ€™m currently putting out one newsletter a week on Saturday - wondering if a weekday would be better? Iโ€™m also planning on adding a second weekly post, wondering which day would be best. TIA for any tips!

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One more reminder, if I may, before this resource closes down โ€” please open up the telephone number verification procedure to non- U.S. format telephone numbers. Or enable a payment processor other than Stripe. Youโ€™ve seen this request repeatedly from me and others, because nothing has been done about it. So you have a dysfunctional payment system that is guaranteed to fail. Is that what everyone wants? No? Then change it!

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Hi folks! We're new to Substack so apologies if this question has been answered before. Can paid subscribers use payment methods that aren't a credit card - e.g. PayPal or debit card etc? And if so, how do I change this in our settings? Would love to give folks the option of multiple payment options. Thanks heaps!

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โœ๏ธ๐Ÿ“- Please someone should tell me about how this Suspack works and how I can earn. Am an Author, I write novels. I don't really know how this Suspack thing works.

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I'm looking for an easy access to articles I have published, so I do not end up repeating myself

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๐ŸŸง I am a 70+ year old writer of poetry who has just published a new book and would love to increase my readership. I love reading articles on Substack. How do I go about creating my own Substack site with a poem a week?

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I could try something I suppose.

I have published maybe 10 LTE of a political nature a few years ago!

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This is such a beginner question but I AM a beginner! I have a draft on my substack and I'm ready to publish it. Google says click on the Publish button but that doesn't appear on my draft page.

I'd so appreciate some help from yor fellow writers. Appeals to the Substack team have gone unanswered.

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Very gracious! Thanks.

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โœ๏ธ A paid subscriber asked if there is a way to turn off the automatic renewal and just send an email with renewal notice. Is it possible?

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At 84 I donโ€™t have a continuous subject to write about

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I have no idea how substack works. Is there a primer available?

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โœ๏ธ I'm not certain if that question is possible., but could someone review my Substack and share their impressions from an initial glance? Also, if someone could provide a few quick tips, that would be great. I've come across an insightful piece titled "From Zero to 100,000," which I'm currently exploring.

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I'm not certain if I can ask this, but could someone review my Substack and share your impressions from an initial glance? Also, if someone could provide a few quick tips, that would be great. I've come across an insightful piece titled "From Zero to 100,000," which I'm currently exploring :)

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๐Ÿง  One huge takeaway for me from Office Hours has been to focus on trusting my gut--and rest when I need to rest. I wrote about rest and the creative process recently on my newsletter--Iโ€™m curious if it resonates with other substackers. I canโ€™t wait to see what Office Hours morphs into; this space has been so valuable for my learning, development of courage to put myself out there, and growth.


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โœ๏ธ Still stuck at 17 subscribers. Not sure what Iโ€™m doing wrong

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This isnโ€™t as sexy as the kind of advice I usually love to give like, be generous in Notes, Restacks and Comments. Or once you press 'publish', let go of what comes next. Like releasing a message in a bottle, surrender control and be happy that you were brave enough to let your words set sail into the unknown. โœจ

But itโ€™s one the things I am so glad I did last month.

I shared this on my latest Substack diaries, but itโ€™s worth repeating here because I wish I did it sooner!

I changed over my personal address in Substack to an email address I created SOLELY for Substack. Now I open up my โ€œsubstackโ€ email, like I open up a magazine, with all my fav newsletters ready to be read and comments etc to reply to! Game changer!!

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