Great job, Jackie! This took me back to the original composition and the Chris Rock parody. Good times.
Thank so much for the mention! I always suggest Office Hours for growth not just of subscribers, but for collaboration, community, insight... it’s always been a great forum. My baby Substack will be one next month so I’m looking forwa…
Great job, Jackie! This took me back to the original composition and the Chris Rock parody. Good times.
Thank so much for the mention! I always suggest Office Hours for growth not just of subscribers, but for collaboration, community, insight... it’s always been a great forum. My baby Substack will be one next month so I’m looking forward to sharing some insight and other goodies!
This really is a great platform with responsive staff and innovative tools. I don’t lament what I wish were here because I know you’re listening and will incorporate even better tools with time.
I feel the exact same way. The community here is so supportive, the Substack team is so nurturing, and the new features they roll out are always better than I could have imagined! Congrats on one year!
Great job, Jackie! This took me back to the original composition and the Chris Rock parody. Good times.
Thank so much for the mention! I always suggest Office Hours for growth not just of subscribers, but for collaboration, community, insight... it’s always been a great forum. My baby Substack will be one next month so I’m looking forward to sharing some insight and other goodies!
This really is a great platform with responsive staff and innovative tools. I don’t lament what I wish were here because I know you’re listening and will incorporate even better tools with time.
I feel the exact same way. The community here is so supportive, the Substack team is so nurturing, and the new features they roll out are always better than I could have imagined! Congrats on one year!
(And thanks for the tips Substack!)
And then there’s you! The Discord has a life of its own and so many great connections have happened there. I’m on there daily to read or reply.
It really does! It’s been so cool to watch. The discord definitely helped me early on and I’m so glad it’s been helpful!
Well said, Chevanne!