You *can* sign up for the email list within the app. You just can’t pay within the app quite yet. Once those folks are ready to upgrade to a paid subscription they can do it in email or on the web.
You *can* sign up for the email list within the app. You just can’t pay within the app quite yet. Once those folks are ready to upgrade to a paid subscription they can do it in email or on the web.
Chris! Hail! ASTONISHINGLY, I just payed for a subscription on my iPhone (with apple pay) by CLICKING a link WITHIN MY ESSAY which took me to my Ask E. Jean Website Subscribe Button:
Within the essay I wrote: "Are You on the Substack App and Can’t Figure Out How the Hell to Subscribe…..Click Here"
I placed it right before the Pay Wall cut off---and low and behold!
You *can* sign up for the email list within the app. You just can’t pay within the app quite yet. Once those folks are ready to upgrade to a paid subscription they can do it in email or on the web.
Chris! Hail! ASTONISHINGLY, I just payed for a subscription on my iPhone (with apple pay) by CLICKING a link WITHIN MY ESSAY which took me to my Ask E. Jean Website Subscribe Button:
Within the essay I wrote: "Are You on the Substack App and Can’t Figure Out How the Hell to Subscribe…..Click Here"
I placed it right before the Pay Wall cut off---and low and behold!
So, you and Substack will be making 10% off this sweet little work around.