Be creative about social media, Sharon and Terry! Make sure each new post gets a social media link to your new piece! Also, if you're in for the long haul, consider business cards to pass out, with a brief description of what your newsletter's about, as well as your Substack web address! I included QR codes on mine! Good luck, and hang in there!
Be creative about social media, Sharon and Terry! Make sure each new post gets a social media link to your new piece! Also, if you're in for the long haul, consider business cards to pass out, with a brief description of what your newsletter's about, as well as your Substack web address! I included QR codes on mine! Good luck, and hang in there!
For promoting on social media, I'd recommend avoiding things that look like self-promo and focus on extracting the "nuggets" of engaging content directly from your newsletter. Things like stats, quotes, and hooks, will draw in new readers.
I'll give that a shot, but inasmuch as I write about entertainment and rock stars, generally, I tend to lean on the "clickability" of my subject matter than to jump thru the SEO hoops that would tend to be more necessary if my 'Stack was "Macrame for Swedish Stevedores" or "Cindy's Plumbing Secrets for Alternate Tuesdays." But, I've been known to adapt!
Oh, that's so Kevin!!!😊 But, don't those sound like plausible 'Stacks?!? I have half a mind (should stop there, shouldn't I??) to search for those titles on 'Stack, and something tells me I'd actually find those exact titles!!! Frankly, I've been known to think up other faux 'Stack titles while waiting at a stop light or doing some other mundane task. I smell ANOTHER article!!!
I've been meaning to share this classic book title with our fellow writers riddled with the insecurity and self-doubt they seem to share often on these threads. From the great George Carlin, this tome: "Ridding Yourself of Doubt....Or, Should You?" Cheers!🤗
So, on Panera and Starbux bulletin bds, I hang 2 cards...the front to show pic and info, and the back to show the QR codes! And, I make sure to show people I meet and talk to about my 'Stack, the codes, too!
YES! I've been wanting a way to be able to show my QR code on something more digital than my biz card! And, my original VistaPrint page to create my cards wouldn't allow me to cut'n'paste the codes!!
I've just put in an order for some book markers which publicise both my website and substack newsletter. Didn't think of putting QR codes on there. That would have been smart!
No excuse, Fiona! I'm 67, and knew that the kids today are all about da codes!!! 'Course, I'd-a never thought of it had VistaPrint hadn't offered it as an option toward the end of my ordering process!!😉Good idea about bookmarks!
Shhh...don't tell anyone, but I stopped by my local Barnes & Noble, and found a few books to slip my card into!! Hee hee....I'm so bad!😬
I'm just a well-brought-up kid from upper-middle-class Houston.....this is as deliciously subversive as I can get!! And, even then, I'm looking over my shoulder hoping no one's looking!😲
Thanks, Brad. That's very encouraging. I'm not too bad at self-promotion on social media, but so far it hasn't had much effect -- so obviously I'm NOT very good! Will try to overcome my despondency once again.
This is anecdotal, and based on a few short months, but I've found Twitter to be pretty ineffective as a promotional tool (especially since I'm an unknown). LinkedIn, however, has been much more effective. I have a decent following from my days in corporate, but even still sometimes as much as 10% of my traffic comes from there. I'm not on IG or other platforms, but based on your content, certain channels are much more effective.
Terry, Twitter has been absolutely useless to me, too, and probably LI, as well. But, it won't stop me from posting. It's like Vegas. As soon as I walk away from a slot, someone's bound to follow right behind, put in THEIR quarter, and hit the jackpot.
However pointless posting my link may be on any given site, it has a better chance of blowing up than if I'd never put it up! We soldier on!
I don't do well on Twitter at all. I use the hashtag #WritingCommunity and subscribe to the Substack Discord, and...slim beans.
Linkedin doesn't do it and neither does Facebook. I really don't know how to use social media to promote my newsletters, so I just struggle along, but I'm always open to new suggestions.
Well, and this is MY attitude....I only got on social media in August, when I started my 'Stack. So, while a late-comer to the "animal," I also am not about to allow SM's constructs to bully me around! If Reddit thinks I'm self-promoting, fine. Who needs 'em? I'll find another sub-reddit on which to post, or simply focus on another SM site! I am my own Redditor!!!😁
Golly, thanks, Jessica! Feel free to peruse my Archives! Also, let me know (here is fine) where you land, musically, and I'll see if I can point you in a direction in my Archives (I know what's hidden there!), and what you might like to see Front Row & Backstage in the future! Welcome behind the velvet rope line, Jessica!
Thanks Brad! I'm into Dylan, Waits, The Kinks, everything New Orleans, good 90s women country artists (Trisha Yearwood days), as well as Irish trad. My father was in the music industry for many many years, and still has the biggest record collection I've ever seen so my musical interests are wide! Looking forward to reading!
Mercy, that's quite a vast array of musical likes! My bro and I grew up (in Houston, so I know and love N.O. a LOT! In fact, I used to do radio in Baton Rouge, and would take trips to N.O. frequently: surrounded by 20,000 LPs and 78s! 'Tis a wonder we didn't contract PVC poisoning!
Dad had custom-made cabinetry made to house them all, wall-to-wall and floor-to-ceiling, plus he catalogued them religiously! I obviously caught the collecting bug from him, as my radio years and record biz work allowed me to amass a collection about a tenth of his!
I think you'd enjoy, Jess, the life- and music-biz-story of Stephen Michael Schwartz (RCA recording artist at age 20 in '74). He's been "writing for/with me" for 4 months, now, and his behind-the-rock-scene experiences are nothing short of eye-opening, and they're all in his own words!
He just celebrated his 69th birthday yesterday, and he's been so kind and generous sharing his autobio, and I'm happy to have his contributions highlighting my 'Stack! Anyway, enjoy!!!😊
Wow, this is awesome! NOLA is a place I know and love. I haven't been back down there (I live in Western MA) since the 2019 JazzFest for obvious reasons, but I spent many of my childhood summers there, and been to a half dozen JassFests as an adult. A little snippet of my love for it here.
Our dads have much in common! Recently mine has started cataloging all of his vinyl in a database which is no small feat! My brother was also in radio for over a decade until he moved to Los Angeles to get his Masters in Archiving of all things. The music collecting thing does run in families.
Thanks for all these links, Brad! Cannot wait to dive in.
You should know that nearly all Dad's collection was jazz! And, while I was raised on rock, I'm glad I was curious enough to occasionally peruse his vast library...."Hmmm, who's this Miles Davis guy? Count Who?"😂😍BTW, my mom was raised in Manchester-by-the Sea! I sense you're much younger than I.....what's your dad collect? I'll check out your NO article! Thanks!
My dad collects everything under the musical sun! He's even part of a band, The Muswell Hillbillies, a Kinks cover band who also do Tom Petty, Neil Young, and The Police songs. All over the map! He was the music editor for numerous publications, including New Country Magazine for a number of years in the 90s, and occasionally does freelance reviews now.
I started "filing" records with him when I was two, and even before I could read I could list every album in the Billboard Top 100 from the cover art. Luckily he recorded a few of those sessions otherwise I wouldn't have believed him!
Also, I'm going to share your Substack with him. I know he'd appreciate it!
Great, Jess...thanks! I was going to suggest he might like FR&B, seeing as how he's been in the rock lane way more than my dad was! We've actually got a small gaggle of former rock critic/writers here on 'Stack: Robert Christgau and Wayne Robins to name two. Patti Smith is even on here! I used to read them (Robert and Wayne) voraciously in the '70s in such mags as CREEM, PRM, Rolling Stone, Crawdaddy, etc.
Are you any relation to Marilyn Sokol? I'm guessing your name is a married name, but worth a shot. Your dad working for New Country Magazine....ask him if he ever knew of Dale McBride. Mom managed Dale from the mid-'70s to his early passing in the early '90s. Dale was a fabulous entertainer, and a C/W singer in the pop/CW lane like a Glen Campbell.
He had several hits on the CW charts, like "Corpus Christi Wind" and "Ordinary Man." Dean Martin actually saw Dale in the mid-'60s at a club somewhere, and got him signed to Warner Bros' Sinatra-owned (and distributed) Reprise Records (where Dean, Sammy, and other Rat Pack-ers were!). Alas, Reprise only released one single...what did THEY know about promoting country, when you think about it?!
Dale was on Con Brio Records, which was owned by Bill Walker, who produced all the music on the Johnny Cash TV specials, late '60s/early '70s. I kept trying to prod Mom into getting Dale off Con Brio and getting an RCA or a CBS/Nashville to bring him over, but there's no motivation for Bill to find ways to lose Dale!
Cute story on your early "filing" days!!! I guess we both got PVC poisoning!! Thankfully, a good thing!!🤠
Yes, Wayne Robins and I recommend each other on Substack. He writes really great stuff, it's been a trip getting to know him through this! (And I think Patti Smith was one of the first people to use this platform at the start of the pandemic, but don't quote me on that. )
I don't think I have any relation to Marilyn Sokol, haha.
My dad says he remembers McBride & The Ride which features Dale's son. My dad started at New Country in 94 so it may have been after Dale's time.
You and my father are both walking talking music encyclopedias!!!
Yes, I knew Terry McBride as a teen. He had initial success with The Ride, but has been a successful songwriter for the past 2-3 decades, now! I think your dad and I could fill several hours sharing biz stories together over an urn of coffee!! Fun stuff!
I like this approach about social media. In fact, I think 'spamming' is essential part of the work, at least at the beginning. I recently also wrote about it.
Be creative about social media, Sharon and Terry! Make sure each new post gets a social media link to your new piece! Also, if you're in for the long haul, consider business cards to pass out, with a brief description of what your newsletter's about, as well as your Substack web address! I included QR codes on mine! Good luck, and hang in there!
For promoting on social media, I'd recommend avoiding things that look like self-promo and focus on extracting the "nuggets" of engaging content directly from your newsletter. Things like stats, quotes, and hooks, will draw in new readers.
I created to extract excerpts from your publication that will do well on social media
I’m shocked at the amount of genius here, every day I’m blown away!!!
This is what we need in this world!!! All the good minds cooking together -- this is so cool thank you krager
I hope you don't mind me asking, but out of curiosity do you pay for this service? And is it worth it if you do?
Sounds like a great tool! I do exactly this, but manually.
I'll check out your app, for sure!
Def following rn, I’m obsessed w insta and never considered combining the magic of the two?! I’m silly.
Telling you, thank god for writers hours and Substack as a whole
For sure, I'm always finding gems here!
I'll give that a shot, but inasmuch as I write about entertainment and rock stars, generally, I tend to lean on the "clickability" of my subject matter than to jump thru the SEO hoops that would tend to be more necessary if my 'Stack was "Macrame for Swedish Stevedores" or "Cindy's Plumbing Secrets for Alternate Tuesdays." But, I've been known to adapt!
I'd subscribe to both. Just sayin'...
Oh, that's so Kevin!!!😊 But, don't those sound like plausible 'Stacks?!? I have half a mind (should stop there, shouldn't I??) to search for those titles on 'Stack, and something tells me I'd actually find those exact titles!!! Frankly, I've been known to think up other faux 'Stack titles while waiting at a stop light or doing some other mundane task. I smell ANOTHER article!!!
I've been meaning to share this classic book title with our fellow writers riddled with the insecurity and self-doubt they seem to share often on these threads. From the great George Carlin, this tome: "Ridding Yourself of Doubt....Or, Should You?" Cheers!🤗
Taking a look at it now. Pretty cool.
*mentally pins comment*
THANK YOU!!! This is great
I also write about this exact topic!
I've been thinking of doing this for a while! This is the sign - I just need to get this done!
QR code so smart!!!
So, on Panera and Starbux bulletin bds, I hang 2 cards...the front to show pic and info, and the back to show the QR codes! And, I make sure to show people I meet and talk to about my 'Stack, the codes, too!
If you could check this out and let me know if you think it would have any interest with our community. I am willing to partner if interested.
YES! I've been wanting a way to be able to show my QR code on something more digital than my biz card! And, my original VistaPrint page to create my cards wouldn't allow me to cut'n'paste the codes!!
Let's chat through email.
I've just put in an order for some book markers which publicise both my website and substack newsletter. Didn't think of putting QR codes on there. That would have been smart!
No excuse, Fiona! I'm 67, and knew that the kids today are all about da codes!!! 'Course, I'd-a never thought of it had VistaPrint hadn't offered it as an option toward the end of my ordering process!!😉Good idea about bookmarks!
Shhh...don't tell anyone, but I stopped by my local Barnes & Noble, and found a few books to slip my card into!! Hee hee....I'm so bad!😬
Nice work! 😉
I'm just a well-brought-up kid from upper-middle-class Houston.....this is as deliciously subversive as I can get!! And, even then, I'm looking over my shoulder hoping no one's looking!😲
Thanks, Brad. That's very encouraging. I'm not too bad at self-promotion on social media, but so far it hasn't had much effect -- so obviously I'm NOT very good! Will try to overcome my despondency once again.
This is anecdotal, and based on a few short months, but I've found Twitter to be pretty ineffective as a promotional tool (especially since I'm an unknown). LinkedIn, however, has been much more effective. I have a decent following from my days in corporate, but even still sometimes as much as 10% of my traffic comes from there. I'm not on IG or other platforms, but based on your content, certain channels are much more effective.
If you are trying to automate and improve your Twitter and LinkedIn operations, I created exactly for this!
You got all the things Krager!
Thanks, Amran. I don't like LinkedIn much, but perhaps I should be more actively promoting there in view of what you've said.
Terry, Twitter has been absolutely useless to me, too, and probably LI, as well. But, it won't stop me from posting. It's like Vegas. As soon as I walk away from a slot, someone's bound to follow right behind, put in THEIR quarter, and hit the jackpot.
However pointless posting my link may be on any given site, it has a better chance of blowing up than if I'd never put it up! We soldier on!
This is true, Brad. I keep reminding myself of Woody Allen's advice: 80% of success is showing up.
Don't get me wrong - I don't like it either! But for my content in particular it's a good channel. The goal is to get eyeballs and subscribers. :-)
I don't do well on Twitter at all. I use the hashtag #WritingCommunity and subscribe to the Substack Discord, and...slim beans.
Linkedin doesn't do it and neither does Facebook. I really don't know how to use social media to promote my newsletters, so I just struggle along, but I'm always open to new suggestions.
Well, and this is MY attitude....I only got on social media in August, when I started my 'Stack. So, while a late-comer to the "animal," I also am not about to allow SM's constructs to bully me around! If Reddit thinks I'm self-promoting, fine. Who needs 'em? I'll find another sub-reddit on which to post, or simply focus on another SM site! I am my own Redditor!!!😁
I love, love this idea!!
Good advice, Brad! I just subscribed to yours.
Golly, thanks, Jessica! Feel free to peruse my Archives! Also, let me know (here is fine) where you land, musically, and I'll see if I can point you in a direction in my Archives (I know what's hidden there!), and what you might like to see Front Row & Backstage in the future! Welcome behind the velvet rope line, Jessica!
Thanks Brad! I'm into Dylan, Waits, The Kinks, everything New Orleans, good 90s women country artists (Trisha Yearwood days), as well as Irish trad. My father was in the music industry for many many years, and still has the biggest record collection I've ever seen so my musical interests are wide! Looking forward to reading!
If I may: when you get there, start with his "Audio Autopsies" articles; they'll take you down some fun rabbit holes!
Ooh, thanks, Kevin! They're like chocolate chip cookies: "As much fun to make as they are to eat!!"😋
Thanks Kevin! I'm subscribing to yours as well!
Mercy, that's quite a vast array of musical likes! My bro and I grew up (in Houston, so I know and love N.O. a LOT! In fact, I used to do radio in Baton Rouge, and would take trips to N.O. frequently: surrounded by 20,000 LPs and 78s! 'Tis a wonder we didn't contract PVC poisoning!
Dad had custom-made cabinetry made to house them all, wall-to-wall and floor-to-ceiling, plus he catalogued them religiously! I obviously caught the collecting bug from him, as my radio years and record biz work allowed me to amass a collection about a tenth of his!
I think you'd enjoy, Jess, the life- and music-biz-story of Stephen Michael Schwartz (RCA recording artist at age 20 in '74). He's been "writing for/with me" for 4 months, now, and his behind-the-rock-scene experiences are nothing short of eye-opening, and they're all in his own words!
Here's how we managed to meet, digitally, anyway...he's in L.A., I'm in TX:
If you get hooked on Stephen, I created this Flipboard page to gather all his FR&B articles in one place, so he can more easily share them with friends, family & colleagues (they're all linked back to 'Stack, of course):
He just celebrated his 69th birthday yesterday, and he's been so kind and generous sharing his autobio, and I'm happy to have his contributions highlighting my 'Stack! Anyway, enjoy!!!😊
Wow, this is awesome! NOLA is a place I know and love. I haven't been back down there (I live in Western MA) since the 2019 JazzFest for obvious reasons, but I spent many of my childhood summers there, and been to a half dozen JassFests as an adult. A little snippet of my love for it here.
Our dads have much in common! Recently mine has started cataloging all of his vinyl in a database which is no small feat! My brother was also in radio for over a decade until he moved to Los Angeles to get his Masters in Archiving of all things. The music collecting thing does run in families.
Thanks for all these links, Brad! Cannot wait to dive in.
You should know that nearly all Dad's collection was jazz! And, while I was raised on rock, I'm glad I was curious enough to occasionally peruse his vast library...."Hmmm, who's this Miles Davis guy? Count Who?"😂😍BTW, my mom was raised in Manchester-by-the Sea! I sense you're much younger than I.....what's your dad collect? I'll check out your NO article! Thanks!
My dad collects everything under the musical sun! He's even part of a band, The Muswell Hillbillies, a Kinks cover band who also do Tom Petty, Neil Young, and The Police songs. All over the map! He was the music editor for numerous publications, including New Country Magazine for a number of years in the 90s, and occasionally does freelance reviews now.
I started "filing" records with him when I was two, and even before I could read I could list every album in the Billboard Top 100 from the cover art. Luckily he recorded a few of those sessions otherwise I wouldn't have believed him!
Also, I'm going to share your Substack with him. I know he'd appreciate it!
Great, Jess...thanks! I was going to suggest he might like FR&B, seeing as how he's been in the rock lane way more than my dad was! We've actually got a small gaggle of former rock critic/writers here on 'Stack: Robert Christgau and Wayne Robins to name two. Patti Smith is even on here! I used to read them (Robert and Wayne) voraciously in the '70s in such mags as CREEM, PRM, Rolling Stone, Crawdaddy, etc.
Are you any relation to Marilyn Sokol? I'm guessing your name is a married name, but worth a shot. Your dad working for New Country Magazine....ask him if he ever knew of Dale McBride. Mom managed Dale from the mid-'70s to his early passing in the early '90s. Dale was a fabulous entertainer, and a C/W singer in the pop/CW lane like a Glen Campbell.
He had several hits on the CW charts, like "Corpus Christi Wind" and "Ordinary Man." Dean Martin actually saw Dale in the mid-'60s at a club somewhere, and got him signed to Warner Bros' Sinatra-owned (and distributed) Reprise Records (where Dean, Sammy, and other Rat Pack-ers were!). Alas, Reprise only released one single...what did THEY know about promoting country, when you think about it?!
Dale was on Con Brio Records, which was owned by Bill Walker, who produced all the music on the Johnny Cash TV specials, late '60s/early '70s. I kept trying to prod Mom into getting Dale off Con Brio and getting an RCA or a CBS/Nashville to bring him over, but there's no motivation for Bill to find ways to lose Dale!
Cute story on your early "filing" days!!! I guess we both got PVC poisoning!! Thankfully, a good thing!!🤠
Yes, Wayne Robins and I recommend each other on Substack. He writes really great stuff, it's been a trip getting to know him through this! (And I think Patti Smith was one of the first people to use this platform at the start of the pandemic, but don't quote me on that. )
I don't think I have any relation to Marilyn Sokol, haha.
My dad says he remembers McBride & The Ride which features Dale's son. My dad started at New Country in 94 so it may have been after Dale's time.
You and my father are both walking talking music encyclopedias!!!
Yes, I knew Terry McBride as a teen. He had initial success with The Ride, but has been a successful songwriter for the past 2-3 decades, now! I think your dad and I could fill several hours sharing biz stories together over an urn of coffee!! Fun stuff!
Thanks, I always feel encouraged after these writer office hours. I appreciate your ideas.
I like this approach about social media. In fact, I think 'spamming' is essential part of the work, at least at the beginning. I recently also wrote about it.