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Oh ok that makes sense. Hey you've got to go where it works, and if Medium isn't it, then onto greener pastures.

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I started off on Medium and found the experience disappointing. The content ranking/algorithm-based approach is inscrutable, and nobody understands how it works. I confirmed that with a person who consulted for Medium. I wrote about the switch in my introductory Substack post here: https://agowani.substack.com/p/welcome-to-the-party-pal, if you're interested.

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Rachael, I just checked out your Substack presence... very cool! May I ask how you set up the formatting on your Home page... is that an option offered by Substack, or ?? It's really appealing!

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Hello, yes.

Go into the "Settings" page for the specific newsletter you want -- it's on the far right tab on the page that provides you with stats information. Click "Edit Theme" under the "Style" section. In the left-hand column for "layout", you have "Default", "magazine", and "feed of posts". Select "magazine", make any other changes you want, and you're all set :)

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