Different voices attract different readers. I suppose you can't undo decades of marketing and name building, but the New Yorker, for all it's name recognition, doesn't have something that you do...your voice. Your voice is independent, and can't be hammered into submission by bullies in a company slack channel. You seem to respect the in…
Different voices attract different readers. I suppose you can't undo decades of marketing and name building, but the New Yorker, for all it's name recognition, doesn't have something that you do...your voice. Your voice is independent, and can't be hammered into submission by bullies in a company slack channel. You seem to respect the independent thinking of others, and you seem to understand that you don't have to agree with other human beings in order to step into their shoes and look through their lenses.
Different voices attract different readers. I suppose you can't undo decades of marketing and name building, but the New Yorker, for all it's name recognition, doesn't have something that you do...your voice. Your voice is independent, and can't be hammered into submission by bullies in a company slack channel. You seem to respect the independent thinking of others, and you seem to understand that you don't have to agree with other human beings in order to step into their shoes and look through their lenses.
I say keep writing.
Thank you, Brett! 🥺 I really appreciate the vote of confidence! (And it's pretty nice to not be subject to the whims of a boss or a Slack channel.)