To help organize the conversation, please use one of the following emojis when you start a new comment.

🧠 - when sharing strategy or advice for fellow writers

✏️ - when asking questions or seeking feedback from fellow writers

🟧 - when asking a question you hope the Substack team can help answer

Use your emoji keyboard or simply copy and paste the emoji at the beginning of your comment.

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Who's new to Substack? Introduce yourself and let us know what's top of mind!

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🟧 Maybe uou can answer to the question below TODAY ?

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🟧 Please a question fro next week, since today nobody answers.

About pledges and their automatic concersion into paying subscribers when the writer installs a paywall. I had received a of 80 (euros or USD, I do not remember and cannot track it on the platform) but when I installed a paywall, which was of USD50 per year, he remained registered as a free subscriber. So his pledge did not transform into a paying subscribtion. Please tell me how this can be fixed. Thanks

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🟧 hello Substack team.

Question :: i have the app on my i phone. I see it gives me a plus + for writing a new note. What about posts ? How can I access dashboard and post a newsletter/ essay from the app ?

Is it possible ?

So far, was only able to access dashboard to post on my laptop which is not always convenient.

Hope you catch this and able to help. Thanks 😊

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Hi. I was able to change my profile pic and tagline, but I can’t change it for my publication Much Ado About Nothing. Can you show me how to do that please? Thank you.

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🟧 I get emails on one of my publications about hitting my publishing streak, but not the other. How do I change/edit/start a goal? Is there a setting somewhere? Thanks!

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✏️&🟧 I’m wondering if the Substack infrastructure is inadvertently creating a β€œcaste system” just as the rest of the economy has. In the past, physical magazines had a fixed price and we had a fixed number of articles to read. With Substack, the number of works available to readers is theoretically unlimited. However, for some of us, our wallets are limited. And more importantly, our time is also limited. For those of us who have to rely on a day job to get by, these constraints may lead to a sense of FOMO and a type of comparison anxiety not unlike what people have experienced on social media, especially if our appetite for reading, learning, growing as well as being appreciated for our work is limitless. It is then that we become acutely aware of our β€œhave not” status. How are you all handling this?

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Ok--first question--how do you put that little orange square next to a question? (sorry, total newbie here)

Second question--I have noticed that some people have "sign up" links that do not include paywall info. You just type in your email and your done. The embed I have flashes the paywall info with the annual payment option already clicked on. I've had several people get all in a twist about this ("I thought you said it was FREE to sign up!"--I guess they dont realize they can click the free option?) Anyway, is there an option for a non-paywall signup link? Thanks for any info.

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Voglio sapere chiaramente se si paga commentate. In questo caso vi avviso di togliere la mia iscrizione, penso che il mio apporto sia molto significativo . Grazie datemi anche ina mail per scrivervi

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Just between you and I, since joining I've found Substack filled with....well, other writers. I've not seen a reader who isn't a writer so far. We are all becoming subscribers for each other. Are there any readers who aren't writers out there?

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🟧 Hi I've created my substack page about a week ago and have generated a few posts on it I am seeking to generate from scratch a whole new readership but my posts have attracted virtually no readers. I posted into Notes too and I comented on other posts but again no readership. Can you glance at my site and see if I have missed something about substack set-up?

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🟧 ✏️ - - I just tried the Beta Video creator. So cool! One question though. Where can I go back in to pair up with a different mic? It seems determined to hang on to the one that won't load. Thanks in advance!

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Hi Everybody in Substack! My name's Mike. I'm a writer, sculptor, actor, speaker, coach, trainer and Humanist Unitarian. I used to have a newsletter called The Passionate Speaker. I'll post a piece from those days on my substack page soon.

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Hi. How come I can listen to some articles and not others? And how do I add the listen option to my articles?

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I am interested in becoming part of Substack. I am a good writer and communicator. I have written appx 20+ short pieces, mostly involving sports and music. I am not looking to earn from sharing my work. It's more about having my work archived where others can read and enjoy. I would like to read other folk's work as well for the same reason. How do I get started?

John Ginn


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Hi there! I am new here and learning this platform as I go..

✏️ how do I get noticed and gain visibility on Substack without having a previous mailing list?

thanks in advance

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Today is a good day to unsubscribe from Ask Polly if you're offered by sodomy like me!

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Hi everyone quick question .. is there an available hour to answer question for those of us located "downunder". Otherwise we have to be set our clocks after midnight... best

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Does a recipient of my email post have to be a substack member yo comment on my post? My hubby can’t see to do so.

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✏️Can you fellow writers please give me advice on how to expand my newsletter without any social media platforms?

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I got three subscribers, but it’s only showing one for some reason

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In order for a subscriber to share, they should use a share button from within the post. There are several in these. The subscribe buttons within the post makes it easy for new readers to then subscribe.

If a subscriber simply forwards the email with your post, the recipient will be asked to sign in as the subscriber who sent the email.

Alternatively, you can ask friends to share the link to your Substack account.

Good luck

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Please write mycmmnews@substack.com to mycmmnews@gmail.com. Why do you need direct access to our business bank account using our bank account password to transfer payments to us through your paid service? You don't own us. We are not a division of substack. We have no bi-directional comprehensive partnership agreement with you. You don't give us access to your bank account through your password. You can quote all the laws you want but your never going to get access to our business bank account unless you issue to us a bi-directional comprehensive partnership agreement, without exception. Daniel Stetler, My CMM News LLC., General Manager.

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Can you integrate PayPal or pioneer as payment gateway or any other gateway. Substack uses stripe which doesn't allow to receive payment in India. that's why am unable to start my newsletter.

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✏️ - My substack: https://trebreezy.substack.com is very new, but I just crossed 100 subs! One basic principle I keep hearing is being consistent. I am trying to commit to 1-2 posts a week for that. Are there any other core principles that I should be following?

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Something is up with uploading podcast/audio files. Keep getting β€˜something went wrong’. Tried different files types, different browsers, different post types, and still the same issue. I’m not sure what to do...thanks.

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need to copy and paste from documents because not able to type i write by talk to text and save to word document. does not seem like substack supports this. is that correct ?

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I'm just starting out and every time I try to update my bio it says error can't save. It gives me no reason

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✏️ have you found a particular day/time to post throughout the week that sees more engagement?

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Hi! I’m Christina, I write a Newsletter about personal style, getting dressed (and how it is a form of self expression and taking care of yourself) as well as small essays about my life - heavy on parenthood, adulthood, etc.

I’ve been here awhile but it took a lot of writing for me to start to hone in on β€œwhat I’m doing!” I took a nearly 12 year hiatus from writing, after being an avid writer in high school and college, and then only writing for business purposes throughout my actual career (ugh, e-mails & PowerPoint!) it feels GREAT to be back in the groove, and have a small readership, and especially to read so many other incredible newsletters & writers.

I am also a life-long lover of style and fashion. Once, in high school, I had a friend tell me she thought my closet would be clueless-esque, and was shocked to find I had a small closet, with a small but mighty selection of clothes! I love getting dressed, and helping other people figure out what to wear.

If you are a parent, a mother, recently postpartum, or over 30 and curious about someone else’s life AND trying to find your own style so that getting dressed can be easy and fun and make you feel like your best version of yourself, please read!!


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Substack is new to me. I will need a little hand holding until I am up to speed. I know what I will writing about, but how to load and import my peeps is another thing entirely.

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I would write articles but I ask myself, WHY? It seems nearly impossible to get Google to index and they don't seem much interested in Substack.com.

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🟧 Hello! Would it be possible to get indents & alignment available for posts? I’m a poet and used these tools a lot usually, but also would love the option to centre headings and such.

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I am looking forward to finding out how to effectively participate on this wonderful venue

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🟧 I've added paid subscriptions to my Substack https://marcelborgstijn.substack.com as well last week. Mainly for people who want to support me. Both free and paid subscribers get the same content. I did notice a bug in the e-mail and app though. Four subscribe prompts right underneath eachother and a fifth one at the bottom of the post. And I had deactivated 'Subscribe prompt' in the settings as I would like to just place one with a custom text. Heard back from fellow Substackers that they encountered the same issue. I hope the Substack-team can fix this really quick as it costed me already a few subscibers who taught I was spamming them with this amount of prompts.

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I want to earn money by writing. How to do this. That is, traffic of my writings.

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Hello everyone I need someone that is going to gaidar me

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What is the top strategy to reach to a wider audience for a new starter.

My page is focused on driving curiosity and positivity through a wide range of topics .


A great platform to unleash creativity, would love to explore how to spread it further.

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Some substack newsletters I get say "Forwarded this email? Subscribe here for more" (screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/srnqtMZ.png) in the very first line of the email, while others say "View in Browser" (screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/ekR7OM8.png).

What determines this? is there a way to edit it for my own newsletter?

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🧠 - If you are reading these words, there’s a good chance you are alive.

Breathing and feeling and thinking and doing on this whirling dervish of a planet.

Savor it. Statistically speaking, you shouldn’t be.

More here: https://www.whitenoise.email/p/you-will-die

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I did not, mean to open a substack in my name. That was an entry error and I do not know how to delete it.

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I live overseas in Sydney. It is difficult for me to synchronize office hours with my remote time zone. My question is about certain features like underline, highlight etc., which are not available. Minor issues maybe, but nevertheless.

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I'm trying to figure out what Substack can do for me?

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🟧 - if I change the name of my newsletter, how will that impact the recommendations that other writers have already given me under my current name?

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Is there a way to make your content free but require and email sign up to read?

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