1. Embed article previews within a newsletter (see e.g. Revue: "Instead of hyperlinking text, you can add links to external articles and we’ll automatically create beautiful previews" http://help.getrevue.co/en/articles/4648579-how-to-write-a-newsletter-in-the-revue-editor)
2. Embed tables and interactive data viz (e.g. from Tableau/Datawrapper)
3. Embed PDFs—the first time I checked out an Office Hours somebody else requested this and a Substack employee replied saying they were in the pipeline!
Thanks for responding Bailey! Just to add one more, if the product manager is still watching:
4. A choice of justified or left alignment (not opposed to right either lol, I just have no immediate use for it). I'm not sure if this is an international thing, but in many UK newspapers & supplements, justified and left alignment are used to distinguish between types of content: justified for hard news, left alignment for opinion/lifestyle/culture/features/etc. I would like to be able to utilise this stylistic signifies if possible!
Hey Patrick. Yes, I asked that some time ago. I know they had some staff issues at one time, so not sure where this is now. I just posted the pdf question - before I saw yours here. 💜
Three feature requests:
1. Embed article previews within a newsletter (see e.g. Revue: "Instead of hyperlinking text, you can add links to external articles and we’ll automatically create beautiful previews" http://help.getrevue.co/en/articles/4648579-how-to-write-a-newsletter-in-the-revue-editor)
2. Embed tables and interactive data viz (e.g. from Tableau/Datawrapper)
3. Embed PDFs—the first time I checked out an Office Hours somebody else requested this and a Substack employee replied saying they were in the pipeline!
Shared this directly with the product manager focused on this work. Thank you!
Thanks for responding Bailey! Just to add one more, if the product manager is still watching:
4. A choice of justified or left alignment (not opposed to right either lol, I just have no immediate use for it). I'm not sure if this is an international thing, but in many UK newspapers & supplements, justified and left alignment are used to distinguish between types of content: justified for hard news, left alignment for opinion/lifestyle/culture/features/etc. I would like to be able to utilise this stylistic signifies if possible!
Yes! I would especially love the pdfs. This is making some of my substack plans a little difficult.
Hey Patrick. Yes, I asked that some time ago. I know they had some staff issues at one time, so not sure where this is now. I just posted the pdf question - before I saw yours here. 💜