One day I aspire to follow Natalie's guide to eat through NYC and around the world, A-Z! https://nataliecruz.substack.com/

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This was on the top of my list for recommendations too. Very approachable and still interesting even if you live outside NYC.

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We're leaving today's thread hungry and happy! Thanks for sharing the great writing happening on Substack.

We'll see you next month for another Shoutout Thread.

Happy reading,

Katie + Rose + Bailey + Kelsa + Jasmine + Ben + Evans + Maggie

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You guys are making me soooo hungry!

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Thanks to all for sharing favorite food writing and plenty of food for thought!

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Ahoy!!! I do not write about food - I interview community builders - but here are a few of my favorite recent food publication finds

https://favoritechicken.substack.com/: "Welcome to Favorite Chicken, a newsletter where I cook through the dozens of recipes in my family cookbook." Such a beautiful concept.

https://www.brandyadvocate.com/: I know nothing about brandy, and I'm keen to learn more!

https://bossbarista.substack.com/: I'm a coffee snob, and am so eager to read this person's perspective.

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Hey Bailey! I love your writing on communities so much that you were my shoutout in the other thread. Excited to check these out as well!

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Oh my gosh wow! Thank you!!

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Hi Bailey ... Brandy was my favorite name and song growing up so I am with you. I will be checking out the brandyadvocate newsletter to learn more and toasting with a little apricot brandy while reading.

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Are we talking about the Looking Glass single Brandy? Because I also love that song :)

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yes that's the one!

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Love your perspective Bailey! I wonder if you would be interested in interviewing me about my efforts to create systemic change in the food system? I write about market alignment strategies for reducing food waste and improving food access inequality, and I'm brand new on Substack and would love to meet other food/systemic change/advocacy writers who might be aligned with my message that solutions are on the table and all we have to do is implement them widely.

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Boss barista is such a cool title though

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check out https://letthemeatcake.substack.com/ which is a grumpy substack about the problems with food and food systems

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wow, that is exactly what I like to read. just subscribed!!

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Hi Vaughn! (This is Lisa Abend). Thanks for the recommendation--just subscribed

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Love this recommendation Vaughn!

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I was hoping to learn more about the author of this pub! What's his/her/their story, do you know?

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Hullo Bailey, I'm the author in question, and just saw this comment - please feel free to reach out to me directly if you'd like.

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I just launched The California Table to tell the stories of Californian home cooks of all backgrounds. My first issue is a story from a fourth-generation Chinese American whose great-grandfather sailed to Northern California during the Gold Rush. It comes with an amazing turkey congee recipe! https://californiatable.substack.com/p/on-gold-rush-dreams-a-chinese-temple

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This sounds so interesting!

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Thank you so much! I'm a massive Dept of Salad fan.

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This sounds so interesting! Can't wait to see what you do going forward.

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Thank you!

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Love this concept!

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Lovely idea! Look forward to reading this - congratulations on the launch!

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I'm Bronwen, and I write Ok, But How? a newsletter that's all about process. I'm a poet and creative writing professor, so I'm often talking about writing process, but I'm also an obsessive home cook and I love to use the tangible process elements of food to think about more elusive or abstract aspects of writing. I also include a recipe with every post. :)

I've been appreciating Burnt Toast with https://virginiasolesmith.substack.com/.

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Hi Bronwen, Like your title of the newsletter. Subscribed and thanks for the recommendation.

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I love (and pay for!) This Needs Hot Sauce. Abigail always includes delicious ideas for eating around NYC and at home, as well as lots of interesting food-related links. A true delight!


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I write Root: Historic Food for the Modern World, where I deep dive into different dishes, ponder on our personal and community connections to our food, and I recently launched the Unplated series, a collection of interviews with folks whose work intersects with food, but who work outside culinary spheres. Paid subscribers get recipes (plus archive) as well as other goodies like occasional free classes.

As far as what I'm reading, I always enjoy From the Desk of Alicia Kennedy for smart, thoughtful takes on the world of food and food writing.

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Julia! Hello! I'm a fan of your pub

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Bailey! Hello! Thank you so so much--that made my day!

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Hello food readers. I am here to plug Makans of a Chef, who is somewhere in these comments I believe. Great recipes. Great stories about family. Read here ploz: https://jennifermakan.substack.com/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=web&utm_content=comment_metadata

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Hi there! I write about various aspects of culture through the lens of food, usually with recipes. I just finished a two months series on music, am spending December thinking about cookies and cinema and plan to start the new year with philosophy soup.

One of my favorite foodstacks is The Weekly Special which focuses on food and visual art. It's educational, fun and exposes me to new artists. https://weeklyspecial.substack.com/p/sausage-party

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Thanks, Mia!! You know I love Borscht for Breakfast too :)

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Oh that’s a delight to hear!

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Hi Mia! "Philosophy soup" sounds intriguing. I wanted to let you know that your post on Japanese Breakfast was so well-written and very moving: https://borschtforbreakfast.substack.com/p/14-finding-yourself-late-to-japanese-breakfast

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Thanks, Rose! I set out to write about natto (a common Japanese breakfast food), then this just sort of happened.

Since I've just publicly committed to philosophy soup, I'm as intrigued as you are to see what develops in the new year.

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I was delighted to read this week's Spotlight and discover more food writers - but today, I'd like to reserve the shout out space for my own publication, which I've neglected over the past while.

'baci e cibo' is more than a newsletter. It's a love story delivered straight to your inbox, dressed in an experimental sauce and served with natural wine. It's a celebration of all things gastronomic, spiced with a little romance.

It's been a while since I've had the emotional energy to write. But I'm hoping that by posting here today, I can finally give myself the encouragement to get all my scribbles (whether they be midday train-ride or midnight bed-side) out of my journal and onto the screen.

I hope you'll be there to read it when it comes out.

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Just read a sample and subscribed — I love natural wine!

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Can you drop a link here?

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Hi Bailey ! Sure. It's https://baciecibo.substack.com.

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Dear Friends,

I write Allegorical, a newsletter focused on finding meaning in the everyday things. One of my passions to write about is cooking, in which I share the importance of historical and cultural traditions in food, along with related recipes for you to follow. You can find one such article here: https://allegorical.substack.com/p/on-finding-meaning-in-food

Do check it out, and let me know your thoughts.

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So thoughtful and researched! Great publication AJP.

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It's not food, exactly, so much as the raw ingredients - my speciality is the origins of words, and if you're interested in the histories of the names of fruits, vegetables, herbs, and other growing things, that's what you'll find in Roots and Fruits. Latest posts always free; archive for paid-up members. Come and find me!

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This is very cool!

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Adding a shoutout to Adam Ming, who did the awesome dumpling illustration for this thread! https://adamming.substack.com/

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Hello! I publish the EAT.DRINK.THINK. newsletter, https://eatdrinkthink.substack.com/ which slides into your inbox every Saturday morning at 7 am PST. It's a curated list of notable local/national/international food news that you've probably missed, along with a weekly food-themed poem (come on, who else posts food poetry? 😉), recipes, drink recommendations, social media ephemera, and a monthly dinner jams playlist. E.D.T. is basically a resurrection of the food blog, Saute Wednesday, I published (one of the very first food blogs as a matter of fact) beginning in 2001. Here's a peak at that archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20050130052344/http://www.sautewednesday.com/ I also publish Edible San Franciso magazine, a network of more than 90 independently-owned, locally-focused magazines across the U.S. and Canada. https://ediblesanfrancisco.com/ EAT.DRINK.THINK is a free substack btw: https://eatdrinkthink.substack.com/welcome Cheers! Bruce Cole

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I write Kate McDermott's Newsletter which includes recipes and thoughts about food...lots of pie as that's kinda my thing...but, also my life in a small town on the far north coast of Washington State across from Vancouver Island BC. I write about my chickens, garden and orchard all of which contribute to what I cook and bake, walking, writing, and the potpourri of a quiet life after decades on the road teaching pie making and book tours. One of my favorite food writers is Pat Willard's America Eats! I have been a fan of Pat's for many years and the books she has written. I am thrilled she is here on Substack. https://patwillard.substack.com/

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Hi Kate! I remember you from our time up in Washington - I was the owner of Quel Fromage. I have long drooled over your pies, and I'm so glad to bump into you here. :)

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Oh my goodness! It is wonderful to connect here!

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Sounds good. Just followed.

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Thank you, Vicki. Are you posting yet?

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Yes. Started over the summer.

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Hello, Kate! Always lovely to see you, even virtually. :)

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Indeed it is, my friend!

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Hi, food-lovers! I have a newsletter called The Brenner Report, covering interesting goings-on the food world. Sometimes it focuses on restaurants, the restaurant industry/community, or dining out; other times it's about cooking — always with links to great stuff I've read lately.

If you're into cooking, you might want to check out my international cooking website, Cooks Without Borders, which was nominated for a Webby Award last spring.


Background: I'm a longtime food journalist, critic and writer turned food-and-beverage consultant. I’ve lived and worked in Los Angeles, New York and now Dallas, where I’ve been since 2009. Winner of two James Beard Journalism Awards, I’m author of six books (five about food and/or wine, and one novel) and a leader in Dallas’ food and beverage community. I founded my consultancy, Leslie Brenner Concepts, in 2019, and Cooks Without Borders in 2015. The Brenner Report was on a hiatus for some months as my consulting business suddenly became insanely busy, and I've recently started it up again.

I look forward to finding cool newsletters to subscribe to in this thread!

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Hey Leslie! Great to see you here. Will go check out your newsletter.

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Thanks, Dianne!

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Hi Leslie! (this is Lisa Abend) I didn't know you had a newsletter! Just subscribed, and look forward to reading

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Hi Lisa! Just read your post -- and about to subscribe to yours. Looking forward to it, and thanks for saying hi!

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Hi! I write a weekly meal planning newletter and today I got paid for the first time! I am amazed. I follow several food-centric writers and the one I adore the most is Anna from https://www.servingdumplings.com/.

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Hey! I write What To Cook When You Don’t Feel Like Cooking. Every Sunday my subscribers get a complete meal in their inbox that takes under an hour. Lots of one pot, sheet pan, simple and delicious meals. I’m devouring Ruth Reichl’s new newsletter. And I love This Needs Hot Sauce!

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Your eggplant parm is the best!

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I LOVED Ruth's book "Save Me the Plums." Can't wait to check out her newsletter. I love yours too, Caroline!

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Wow, I love it! A thread for food writers! Shoutout to ingredientbyrachelphipps.substack.com

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I write about gardening, food and motherhood. Lots about feeding children.

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Hi everyone! I'm an American journalist based in Copenhagen who started Bord six months ago with some Danish friends (also food writers) to cover the local food and drinks scene. We try to go in-depth about issues that affect the restaurant industry here and abroad (like how the staffing shortage has led the normally collaborative community here to start poaching from each other, or about how the whole New Nordic movement, which basically trsnformed a culinary backwater into a dining destination, purposefully excluded women), but there are also regular features about cool producers, interviews with interesting people in the industry, and stories about some of dishes that makes this city such an exciting place to eat.

Other food newsletters I love are Hannah Raskin's The Food Section on southern food in the US (https://thefoodsection.substack.com); Omos Digest on Irish food (https://omos.substack.com/welcome), and, of course, the great Vittles on (mostly) London food subcultures (https://vittles.substack.com/)

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Hey Lisa, I read your book years ago. How wonderful to live in Copenhagen and work with a group of friends.

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And I'm so glad to learn you have a newsletter. Just subscribed!

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Hi Dianne! Thanks for reaching out. Copenhagen has been pretty wonderful, I have to admit. Hope you're well!

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Hey folks, I write https://tinyvineyards.substack.com - it's all about becoming a commercial boutique winemaker. Not something everyone is going to do, but if you enjoy wine at all the idea of owning your own vineyard and/or making your own wine has undoubtedly floated through your mind a time or too. Mine is a fun, whacky story about an improbable journey taken a little later in life than most people would. The great thing for paid subscribers is that I'm crediting every penny of their subscription with free wine that I make. Huzzah!

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Great idea! Free wine seems like a powerful subscriber incentive.

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Hey there Joseph!

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Howdy Bailey!

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Kia ora, I'm a New Zealander writing about designing food blogs for my clients around the world at https://designfood.co/

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Wow, this is a fun and unique focus!

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Hello! I'm a journalist covering food in Aspen, Colorado, as I prepare to launch a printed tip sheet (and food concierge service) for visitors and locals. I'm gravitating toward interviews with chefs, restaurateurs, farmers, producers, and other food folks. I'm working on a fun series to begin posting soon: "What Aspen Athletes Eat."

Thrilled to find Ruth Reichl's "La Briffe" on Substack: https://ruthreichl.substack.com/

I love "Stained Page News" by Paula Forbes, especially this: https://www.stainedpagenews.com/p/fall-2021-cookbooks-design-photography

Not food-focused: George Saunders, my one-time creative writing professor at Syracuse, is here with "Story Club": https://georgesaunders.substack.com/

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I never smashed that "subscribe" button so fast! I'm new to food writing after leaving a career producing local news. I'm based in Denver and I can't wait to read your writing!

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Hey Jennifer, since you’re new to food writing, I have a newsletter devoted to it that you might like. https://diannejacob.substack.com

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Thank you just subscribed!

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Do you know that Makan means eat where I’m from…

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That's amazing! What language? Makan is the family name on the Serbian/Slovak side of my family so I love that I was able to make a play on it for my newsletter.

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Malay, in Malaysia McDonald’s would sometimes have billboards that just say “Makan” :)

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...and now I see because of your bio. I know nothing about illustration but as someone who has also made a career change, I look forward to reading your newsletter!

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Dianne - I didn't realize you were doing a newsletter in addition to your website! I'm going to have to start recommending it when I teach!

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Hi Georgia, thank you. What are you teaching and where?

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Earlier in the year I taught some food writing classes through the Writing Salon. I haven't scheduled the next session yet (focusing on a new book project and my newsletter) but I really loved teaching.

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Small world. I also taught food writing classes there, years ago -- when it was still in SF and in Berkeley.

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YAY! Thanks, Jennifer. Following your journey, too....

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I just signed up with that as well, as I was a novelist before leaning into food writing. Huge George Saunders fan!

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I'm running a super fun food-based newsletter called Kitchen Witch that explores the intersection of food and witchcraft! As a bonus - our first workshop is coming up in January. It's about tyromancy, or telling fortunes with cheese. Can't wait!!

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Hi there! We’re Betsy and Jen, sisters who write Dishtillery, a garden-to-table (and glass) newsletter. Both of us garden but one of us is also an event planner and floral designer and the other is a dining critic, cookbook author and creative writer, so there’s lots of food memoir and food poetry, recipes, restaurant recommendations, travel writing, and highlighting of food/drink artisans in addition to gardening advice. Love to see all the food writing here! We love Vittles and Smart Mouth.

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Heyo, I publish the Roast! West Coast coffee newsletter and podcast that is about coffee, the coffee community and entrepreneurship. Each week, I share a coffee education podcast/newsletter and an interview newsletter that focuses more on the stories behind the coffee roasters on the west coast. Next week will see the culmination of the 3rd season of the show, and I've recently left my full time career to focus full-time on the show.

As such, I'm drinking a ton of coffee, and hoping to share that with more people! R!WC isn't just for coffee nerds, but we really reach across the aisle to include all levels of coffee education from introductory thru advanced. The interviews appeal to anyone who is interested in entrepreneurship, creative solutions, and the story behind the brand. The focus is on the West Coast, but travel episodes have included coffee pros from Colorado and Wisconsin. Those episode will be featured more heavily in season 4. https://roastwestcoast.substack.com/

Thanks to everyone for checking it out, and listening to the show which can be streamed on Substack or found on any major podcast platform.

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This is great, will give it a listen! Any plans for a coffee-related gift guide?

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Yes! Something light this year mostly featuring coffee subscriptions, experiences and bundles, but more in-depth in the season to come targeting Valentines, and covering more equipment.

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I'm Sutee, and I've been writing about Peruvian food for about six years. With Substack, I think I've finally found the right outlet for my writing and photography! I love all things to do with Peruvian food and culture, and I'd like my writing to reflect that. I write about all aspects of Peruvian food from street food (grilled cow hearts, anyone?) to tasting menus from some of the top-ranked restaurants in the world. Over several of years of travel around Peru to learn about regional food, I've collected many stories and photographs from the jungle, beaches in the North (well-known for their style of ceviche), and the Andes that I'm eager to share here: https://howtoeatinperu.substack.com/

I'm excited to meet the food writing community here and am looking forward to following and learning from you all.

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Welcome to Substack! We're glad to host you and your writing.

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Sounds right up my alley. Look forward to diving in!

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My newsletter is called Tales From Topographic Kitchens and during Advent, I am publishing a series of posts about Christmas food in films, music and literature. My newsletter is about food writing and cookbooks and it has won an award from the British Guild of Food Writers.

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Will have to check this out, Nic. My newsletter is about food writing as well. Congrats on the award!

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Ah! Can't believe I get to be the first one to talk about Time Travel Kitchen. The writer, the delightful Jolene, bakes vintage deserts in her adorable vintage kitchen. There's great recipes, interesting history and more!


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I’m a huge fan of Jolene’s blog, her stories, her vintage kitchen and recipes, plus the fascinating mini histories.

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Thank you so much, Ruth! Can’t wait to chat!

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Aww, Thank you so much, Elizabeth! Loved your interview with Leigh!

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I recently posted a long piece about fried chicken from the perspective of a Brit, think you might enjoy it!


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Me and my friend César have been writing for a year now on the history of food. From Japanese tea and Izakaya culture to things like the croissant. It has been a blast thus far and we stumble upon so many funny and quirky stories. Join our journey! https://foodistory.substack.com

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Breakfast and Eugenics!! This is rich!

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A shocking story for an innocent breakfast product

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This looks right up my alley. Exciting!

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Glad you like it!

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Love the title - will check it. Thank you for the recc!

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Me too, I'm always giggling and half intrigued.

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I’m in Australia writing about foodservice and hospitality, curating information on trends and industry developments https://hosporeset.substack.com 🥗

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Reading the post by Ruth the past two days really brought back some memories for me. I am not a foodie but my mother and grandmother were starting with the Galloping Gourmet, Julie and Jacque then continuing into recent years with the Barefoot Contessa and Emeril which we used to watch together before their transition to heaven. Thanks and I look forward to reading the daily posts and I might even get to one of the recipes.

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NZinga just launched her publication - can't wait to see where she takes it! I love the idea of blending a tried and true recipe with something a little more challenging/adventurous. https://nzinga.substack.com/

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Hello, I write about food writing on Substack. https://diannejacob.substack.com

My free monthly newsletter contains links to articles and posts about writing, trends, and best practices. I also teach food writing and am the author of a book called Will Write for Food, about how to write recipes, cookbooks, blogs, memoir and more. My favorite food newsletter is David Lebovitz’s. He’s been a good friend and mentor for years.

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Hi there, Dianne!! Continues to be my favorite newsletter!

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Aww thanks Rachel! Much appreciated. Will go check out yours.

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Writing about writing—we love to see it!

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There’s so much to discuss about food writing, believe it or not! My book is 120,000 words.

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your book inspired me to teach food journalism! Your list with links is great, congratulations on your work and thank you for sharing so much with us!

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Highly recommend Dianne!

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HI there! My monthly newsletter is focused on "uncomplicated food + other simple pleasures."

I'm a former specialty food shop owner and specialty food business development consultant, gone "clean" - out of necessity for my health.

I'm nearing the completion of my first cookbook "Clean Eating Foodist", but the newsletter is a place where I can take a looser approach, allow a broader number of ingredients into the mix, and create a space that is free of illness - since I now spend most of my time immersed in medical research and my patient community.

My newsletter recipes are all simple to make and free of gluten, sugar and dairy. However, I'm not sure you'd even notice, because I don't use substitutions or artificial sweeteners -- they're just sort of naturally free of those things.

By supporting my newsletter, you're supporting my ongoing medical expenses, and helping me build the following required to secure a publisher for my cookbook.

Thank you for your camaraderie!

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I've been loving the sandwich column of The Sword and the Sandwich (https://theswordandthesandwich.substack.com/s/notable-sandwiches), where Talia is eating her way through Wikipedia's List of Notable Sandwiches!

Also, it's not from a food Substack, but I really enjoyed reading this article (https://meghanboilard.substack.com/p/pomp-and-turkumstance-whats-the-deal) about the history of the Presidential Turkey Pardon as I was thinking about my thanksgiving dinner and all of the weird traditions around that last week.

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Hi everyone! I write Letters from Tuscany, a newsletter focused on food and stories from Tuscany. I share family favourites, traditional recipes, ideas and inspirations for weekly meals with an Italian vibe, and trustworthy recipes to add to your cooking repertoire. Authentic Tuscan food delivered twice a week in your mailbox! :)

At the moment I am devouring Ruth Reichl’s new newsletter: it is even better than an Advent Calendar. I'm also a great fan of David Lebovitz and Stained Page News.

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Hi Guilia! It’s been many years since we met in person. I enjoy Stained Page News as well—great content.

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Hi Dianne! indeed it looks like a lifetime ago! I'm an early subscriber to your newsletter, too! I could not miss it, of course!

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Hi! I wrote painfully honest, comedic frozen meal reviews. I have a weekly(ish) Substack newsletter and more daily updates on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/paulaeatsleancuisines/

Excited to follow everyone on this list - so many great suggestions!

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Paula this HITS!!! btw have you traveled to France yet to visit Picard? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Picard_Surgel%C3%A9s

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Holy cow, I have not but...I think this might need to be my next vacation????

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I'm 100% here for this. If you're not reading Food is Stupid, it might be up your alley.

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Omg I just subscribed - it's HILARIOUS!

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Yea, it's content with a capital C. I really like the fruit loops pizza one!

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I love how Alicia Kennedy writes about food. She considers how it intersects with labor, politics, culture, everything. https://www.aliciakennedy.news/

Also, Kelly's alone in my room is not solely a food pub, but she has some great recipes. https://aloneinmyroom.substack.com/p/dispatch-from-the-mundane-013

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Big fan of Alicia Kennedy, too! And not just because we're both from Long Island. :)

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I'm going to miss the shout out today, but wanted to give a 5 stars to Time Travel Kitchen. https://timetravelkitchen.substack.com. Jolene explores and cooks old time recipes in her 1927 vintage kitchen. I made her Kladdkaka chocolate cake and I'm a devotee for life! If you love chocolate, check out that recipe: https://timetravelkitchen.substack.com/p/time-travel-kitchen-1d1

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Thank you so much, Heather! You are a gem!

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I’m totally late to this (as always!) but if anyone’s still hanging around, please please check out SOURCED. Chloe and Anna clearly care so much about this history of food, what’s going on in back of house, and so much more. I studied with Chloe at Columbia and I know for a fact that she’s one of the most brilliant writers out there. Don’t skip SOURCED! Http://SourcedJourneys.substack.com

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Whoops I missed this, but so glad to finally see/learn about food-related newsletters. Thanks Substack for featuring it!

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https://whattocook.substack.com/ -- so great for figuring out what the hell to cook!

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Hello! If you're looking for a food blog with a twist of sci-fi and the unusual please check out my blog. My posts will contain weekly reviews of 'fictional' restaurants, cafes, bars and pubs from a variety places. It's a lot of fun and I hope some of you would like to join me! I've just started with this quest so there will be plenty incoming over the next few weeks and months.

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I had the delicious pleasure of meeting Ruth Reichl when she, Nancy Silverton, and Evan Kleiman hosted the Foodie Edition event that we sponsored in Carmel, CA back in 2017. Cooking and chit chat on stage...I can still smell the garlic! https://www.sunsetcenter.org/e-the-foodie-edition-presented-by-carmel-public-library-foundation-359.htm

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How wonderful, Heather!

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Hi buddies! I always miss these threads because of the time difference. (Can I suggest maybe some timings that are a bit more universal? So bossy of me!) I write several blogs on Substack, but my food-focussed one is https://hungryhungrypippo.substack.com/. I'm writing all the way from the bottom of the world, Tasmania, Australia and I concentrate on casual food for family and friends, with lots of extra foodie chatter about food writing, kitchen tools, cookbooks and more! :) x Pip (I'm also at www.meetmeatmikes.com which turns 15 years old today!)

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