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I'd like to give a shoutout to two writers who've been very influential and helpful to me -- Mike Sowden and Nishant Jain. Both have been great sounding boards for me; we've scheduled times to get together and talk over Zoom, and each has listened and provided immensely helpful feedback for me.

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Mr Alex Dobrenko is, as everyone knows on here, an absolute menace, a staggering casserole of lunacies, and it is my job - nay, my MISSION - to get him removed from Substack (or at least warn everyone about him).

Nevertheless, this piece of his last week is one of the best things I've ever read on this platform, and really shows what a fiercely brilliant writer he is:


So this is a dire warning to you all - but also a heartfelt endorsement of a truly decent man with a rare gift for expressing himself. As Alex would say: Both Are True.

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If you haven't discovered Zina Gomez-Liss's "The Beauty of Things," check it out. A powerful introduction to the Filipino Poetic Tradition this week.


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If anyone wants to read short stories that are somewhat captivating then, I’m pretty much your best bet :) <3.

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Come learn option premiums guys, learn the way the MM thinks. And how it impacts the market!

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