I'm not alone in being thirsty for GOOD writing & delving into complex subjects. It often feels that way in social media (hence the quick hit type info). I look forward to some substantial & thought provoking reading!

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This is amazing, team! Looking forward!

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Keep innovating for us! Happy to see

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Fabulous news!

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Sounds great can't wait to get to know more of the Team and Substack Writers. Hope to be pursuing e-Newsletters full-time by the end of 2021. If you plan any events or meet-ups in Dallas, Texas I am happy to take the lead or coordinate a location. Creatively, Liz

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I have a trove of letters from Stephen Sondheim, Leo Buscaglia and Edward Bond among many others for sale.

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Awesome news! Don’t let the censorship win!

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Great to hear :)

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Thank you for making this announcement. I'm looking forward to the addition of additional features.

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That is the draming i'm look for all time but i just came to the futur bfore me i'm in ! let go on the bregg

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This post confirms that my decision to move back to substack was a good one. :)

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Great combination, gives the writer more freedom.

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Two great platforms coming together. Hopefully making both even better.

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Great news!

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We hope for the best collaboration.

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