in an age where "platform risk" is a major issue for content creators, this message is reassuring.

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a false reassurance. school districts are changing their mascots and have been for over 40years. censorship is happening on every level of entertainment and society and media and even person to person communication.

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I discovered this wonderful platform through Alex Berenson. I have found his reporting on COVID to be incredibly accurate as it pertains to the data and science (not Scientisim). Thank you for allowing journalists like Alex and others to express their viewpoints and expose the truth.

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Also here because of BERENSON. Agree with silverbullitt's sentiments.

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Berenson is a quack.

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Ad hominem attacks are not the way to increase your subscription base. This methodology just makes you another duck in the pond. I'll toss you some bread crumbs if you'll stop quacking.

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I don't have a subscription base and am not interested in one. As for ad hominem attacks, somehow I think the Berenson quacker can withstand comments in the blabbosphere. Or are his feelings going to be hurt by something he never sees? Oh, the horror!

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I don't think his point is that you'll hurt Berenson's feelings but rather that ad hominems are a tool that can be used to divert attention and avoid engaging in potentially challenging conversations with those one disagrees with. One who seeks the truth should not be afraid of such conversations but rather should embrace them as an opportunity to refine ones own thinking.

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Hello! Lisa is a troll.

Please don’t feed him/her/it.


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Where's the ad hominem? Is Berenson here? I don't see him.

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An ad hominem argument is an attack on a person (viz. their character, their credibility, their authority, their respectability) rather than a sincere engagement with their ideas. It has nothing to do with the person being physically present. Ad hominem arguments can be written in books, articles, and even random comments on websites.

For instance, if a book chapter is ostensibly about rejecting the Affordable Care Act but it contains more statements about Barack Obama's alleged motives or intellectual capabilities than statements about the law itself, it's probably making use of ad hominem arguments. Clearly, this is exactly the kind of argumentation you're engaged in.

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Not that you care... because of the tr-ollisms and all... but his name was here: "Berenson is a quack', and a sure sign of AH Fallacy is a deficit of direct challenge to another's specific statements.

Yes, you try to be "cute"... but your rebuttals are all the usual canned utterances of someone who is clever, even intelligent, with an excellent vocabulary, who is nonetheless subject to their own manufactured and cranially injected bias from a/the Ministry of Truth.

Oh well... LOL

“If we don’t believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don’t believe in it at all.” – Noam Chomsky

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Well said.

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No content isn’t not “subscription based”…That statement belays any other conclusion than a Marxist State troll…

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What? What are you talking about? I was responding to Ron, who said, quote, "Ad hominem attacks are not the way to increase your subscription base." I told him that I don't have a subscription base. What does Marxism have to do with anything??

Good grief, you guys are just as bad as the leftwing kooks I deal with, and I tell them they're as bad as you all. Congratulations! You're peas in a pod!

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“Just as bad”…as looking on the mirror…

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He's not right about everything but the truth of the matter is that they suppressed early care meds to make billions off the vaccines.

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Lisa is vapid…check her newsletter…

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No thanks, I believe you!

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I don't have a newsletter.

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Changes the name of your “newsletter” so you look more authentic…would have been better to just say you signed up a week ago, rather than covert name change…

I doubt you have any personal knowledge of Alex or his writings…

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When I signed up to comment at Substack, I was prompted to declare a newsletter. I thought it was required for sign-up, even though I had not intention of writing a newsletter. I just wanted to be able to leave comments and have discussions with other readers. Given that I'm miminally functional with technology, I may have misunderstood the sign-up requirements. So, for the third time: I don't have a newsletter, I don't want a newsletter, I don't care who thinks I do have or might have or should have a newsletter, it doesn't matter to me.

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Just to clarify. You signed up to leave comments, versus reading authors?

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LOL Lisa must enjoy getting ratio'd

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Submit proofs of Berenson's "quackery".

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Thank Zeus for quacks. Tesla was a quack, yet everything you do, including clicking the "q" key, relies on his quackery.

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Anti-vax quacks like Berenson are getting people killed. But then that's poetic justice, given that most of those dying of Covid are similar anti-vax lunatics, on the left and the right (though stats show that most of them are rightwing). Mother Nature is culling the herd, improving the gene pool!

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Ahhh - and there it comes. Have to hand it to her that she held out for about 5 posts before not being able to resist revealing her true, evidence-free agenda

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What, pray tell, is my agenda?

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I think its called Eugenics, sweetie...Mother Nature "culling the herd" seems to excite you... Hitler felt as excited as you do, he just wanted to "assist" Mother Nature in such an arduous task

The ones who have done the maximum damage to the American people in the last 60 years have been big pharmaceutical companies... go ahead and keep shilling for them.

I don't think Berenson is a great journalist on Covid , by the way... he might even be controlled opposition as Dr.Robert Malone called him for his ignorant showboating against the inventor of mRNA technology.. the single biggest thing that he can be credited for is that he has never given into the hysteria and paranoia over Covid from the get go... and has pointed out that this hysterical fear mongering was not backed by actual data

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We are all wondering the same thing.

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Remind us why we all left Facebook.

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wrong. unvaxxed are not those dying. inform yourself.

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Every time a MAGAt dies of Covid, an angel gets his wings!

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You really should dive into the data for yourself - I suspect you are just listening to the CNN, MSNBC, etc. Alex and others will point you to where you can look for yourself and draw your own conclusions from what is available (not so much good data from the US, but the UK, Denmark, Israel, Germany). You don't have to believe their analyses. Also, for the trials and now, one is not "vaccinated" until 14 days after your second (and now booster) shot. So anyone getting sick in that period is called "unvaccinated." You can read the FDA summaries of trial data to see that for yourself.

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Hey, Lisa. Eat shit, you dumb fuck.

How’s that for ad hominem?

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You sound like a disinformation-paid-by-the-comment shill bot. Keep working hard for your lunch money.

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Mother nature has nothing to do with creating the virus, or providing the cure in the form of injection.

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I am interested in what evidence you base this statement. Please explain further!

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The virus is a part of nature. It's naturally arising. Or are you going to claim that it was created in a Chinese lab? Oy.

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Really good analysis of the genetic sequence of the virus early on in the pandemic using the original Wuhan sequence with comparisons to other viruses and estimations of lineage. The analyses they did and software used are common to how evolutionary geneticists evaluate the relationship and distance between two organisms based on their genetic sequence. Their analysis showed sequence from unrelated viruses (including HIV) that would never occur naturally as recombination between these unrelated viruses should not occur. Interestingly, the paper was withdrawn shortly after publication. Now, finally, we have emails via FOIA requests that NIH and CDC recognized the likelihood of a lab leak origin of SARS-Cov2.

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Try reading Robert F. Kennedy, Jr's exposè of Fauci and see if you still believe the the virus is a "natural" event.

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What evidence do you have to support your claims?

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Dying is a natural process, a "part of Nature", therefore the holocaust of the Ukrainians in the 1930s did not happen.

Isn't that so ??

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No such thing was said. Interpret as you will.

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Actually, EXPERTS, not those named Lisa Simeone, say now that they do not believe there any natural viruses.

How much research do you do? Or are you just a pro at arguing points you ASSume to be true?

This current “virus” is not a virus at all, in fact there are patents over a decade old- so no, it’s NOT natural. Also, viruses do NOT jump species… if that were the case, I wonder how many PEOPLE would end up with Feline Leukemia 🙄…. Gotta love a know-it-all….

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You are especially stupid.

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You are a brainwashed idiot, These so called “experts” are essentially bringing back 1880’s Germ Theory- When Dr’s thought that germs where in “the air” just look at a picture of a Civil War era Hospital Tent. The tent was sealed the best way they had back then. Just look at the Dr’s - They looked like butcher’s, bloody apron’s, no hand washing, using the same bloody saw to hack the leg, arm, Etc from one “patient” to the next . It’s a wonder all didn’t die from infection. There was already Dr’s Etc, telling everyone that Germs where on the surface of everything but of course they where mocked, ridiculed, until, with advanced microscopes , it was proven that The Germs ARE ON THE SURFACE OF EVERYTHING! It’s sad that people are so stupid and easy manipulated, they are starting to believe that germs can survive in the air for hours in a windy sun soaked environment, hence the dummies wearing masks outside. They have effectively made people regress to the 1880’s . Yes germs float around a bit, hence negative pressure operation rooms, but the only way to stay clean is to disinfect hands, utensil’s, Etc. Germs, virus can’t survive long in the air. It’s very difficult to get sick in a large area with ventilation. Also the masks they tell everyone to wear are useless, as they are meant for short term use, few hours. Plus the typical virus is 2 microns but the BEST masks only filter 5-6 microns and only if they are clean, new, not wet with snot, from the user. WAKE UP! The vaccines are not necessary in any way. 80-120,000 people die in a NORMAL FLU season in the US ALONE/ Try studying the facts, instead of repeating noise heard from some “news” outlet- GET A GRIP, GET A LIFE, GET EDUCATED, IN REALITY!

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This is ritual self-abasement. Do you hate yourself? Or do you just get off on trolling people?

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Lol. Go take your booster, you are almost there.

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What a difference a few months makes.

Israel has been a fair bit ahead of everyone else in vaccination rates... by 4 to 6 months or so. The numbers coming out of Israel now are horrific. Nearly everyone there is jabbed, and they have the highest vaccination rate in the world.

They also are having the highest number of jabbed peeps having very poor outcomes, and dying in hospitals from "Covid". (Honestly, who the f*** knows what they are dying of at this point... they are severely immunocompromised, and having a terrible time fighting off the mildest of ailments.)

Going forward... here's what we are going to increasingly see: Unexplained very high non-covid mortality, in people who were otherwise healthy prior to 2021. Increasing numbers of people becoming ill, seemingly from what were once common low level infectious outbreaks.

Increasing levels of propaganda and gaslighting, to try to normalize a doubling of mortality, for folks between 25 and 60, whose actuarial rates of death are now up 40% to 60% or higher starting 1st quarter of 2021, and increasing from there.

No... it is not normal for teenagers up to 29 year olds to suddenly start having heart attacks or dropping dead from cardio/pulmonary embolisms. Media/Med Indus Complex are avoiding, and actively suppressing speech or attempts at speech, asking why this is happening... and why Insurers are seeing such huge spikes in death, that they have started, very expensively, dumping their life insurance paper over to other underwriters. They see the data... and the data says they are massively exposed, and losing money to re-insurers is going to be massively cheaper than paying out death claims on people who should nut be dying, but are.

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It is true that soil immunization is desirable with every virus. It is also true that unvaccinated people run an unnecessary risk. During the vaccination campaign, every athlete who had a heart attack was suddenly seen as a victim of the vaccine. But people also died during sports before the vaccination campaign, and we have recently seen that this is still happening now, well after the campaign. From a purely technical point of view, it is impossible for the corona vaccine to show worse side effects than the virus itself, since the introduction of mRNA via a nano fat globule in the cell wall is nothing more than a strongly weakened simulation of the same process when someone is infected by the virus. Disturbances in the period are possible, but that is with every vaccination. There are a total of about 6 billion people worldwide fully vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2, it is only logical that within such numbers there are always people spontaneously develop a disease. Those disorders are also there today and tomorrow and next week. The difference is that they are now no longer associated with the vaccine. My wife is Chefdoctor at the local hospital, she treats covid patients over a long period of time, and it is still the case that unvaccinated people have worse cards. Nothing has changed, even if the number of patients has fallen sharply. Long covid mainly occurs among people who had the first variant, and were therefore not vaccinated. Many of these people have now been reported as occupationally disabled. While we can all see history repeating itself in China right now, anti-vaccines are once again putting blinders on. I can only agree with Lisa on this one. A lot of horse shit is being spread here! The effect of a vaccine has never been scientifically substantiated as well as with the sars-cov-2 vaccine. While previous vaccines against other diseases fit much more into the experimental context (but they do work!) the same cannot be said of the SARS-COV-2 vaccine. The effect is scientifically substantiated, and there are no additions of heavy metals. Never before in history has a vaccine been so pure and reliable. The only conceivable scenario is that the mRNA enters the cell nucleus. Possibly this has also happened in 1:100,000 people. More needs to be done before this can cause damage, but I don't want to go into too much detail here. It is currently being investigated whether absorption through the skin can still contribute to safety. I hope that my contribution will lead to a little more confidence in science, I have also participated in many discussions on various forums in recent years, and am very grateful for the insights and support of my wife, who as a scientist herself stays far away from these kinds of discussions . Those who want to connect their name to this kind of discussion are often rejected scientists with a cry for attention. Before you take on anything, check who you are dealing with at all times!

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Damn... do you get PAID to post this kind of stuff?

All of your remarks, made with what sounds like great certainty, are completely contrary to the data coming out of nations that have the highest per capita Covid jab rates. (It's NOT a "vaccine", it's a biologic, which meddles with the immune system through poorly tested processes.

When the FOIA for documents submitted to the FDA for the EUA Authorization hit the roadblock from the FDA, because the FDA said "...it will take 75 years to produce all the documents..." the FDA was sued in Federal Court to produce the documents.

The Judge was not amused by the FDA's claims of "hardship" in producing the documents, and told the FDA they needed to release 50,000 pages per month until the FOIA request was satisfied. The first batch of 50,000 pages showed some pretty shocking things, INCLUDING trial fraud on the part of the FDA.

Get this... if a subject had an adverse event after shot number one... they, AND THEIR DATA, were dropped from the safety and efficacy study. That is research fraud

Within the first 3 months of the Pfizer jab rollout, FDA and Pfizer KNEW the jabs were related to over 2000 deaths, and tens of thousands of Adverse Events... and kept this information to themselves. During the 1976 Swine Flu vaccine debacle a few dozen folks died, and 400 some folks came down with Guillain-Barre syndrome, and the vaccine was STOPPED.

Prior to the rollout of the "vaccines", scientists/researchers who spent decades working on a solution for coronavirus infection (common cold) WARNED against aggressive mass vaccination policies, because they were concerned it would drive mutations, and cause Antibody-dependent Enhancement (ADE) in large numbers.

The data now coming out suggest those who warned against mass vax should have been listened to.

I am suspect you mean well... but it sure is difficult to discern if you are just a bit naive, or outright gaslighting. When any "authority" flexes a lot of muscle in crushing "dissent", that is a serious "tell". When questioning science is verboten, it's not science... it's propaganda.

In case you are unaware, in history, the authorities who crush dissent, are NEVER "the good guys".

"But people also died during sports before the vaccination campaign, and we have recently seen that this is still happening now, well after the campaign. From a purely technical point of view, it is impossible for the corona vaccine to show worse side effects than the virus itself, since the introduction of mRNA via a nano fat globule in the cell wall is nothing more than a strongly weakened simulation of the same process when someone is infected by the virus"

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Lisa got plenty people—mostly grandmas and grandpas—killed back in 2019.

She killed them by his/her/its not wearing a mask and not getting the flu shot.

Now she/he/it is a veritable Kung Flu Karen.

She how that works.

Hypocrisy is evil.

I didn’t even call him/her/it a COVID Nazi.

She/he/it has already outed him/her/it self.

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I thought I was a troll and that therefore you shouldn't feed me. After all, that's what you preached to another poster here.

Oh, and BTW, I get a flu shot every year. But you are adorable!


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So, you started get “shots” after Kung Flu.


And, we all know you did NOT wear a mask before Wuhan Virus.

You’re adorable. yourself.

I just know.

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Look out, Lisa is becoming unhinged...LOL

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FWIW... vaccinations, and especially nanotechnology enhanced corporate biologics, have WHAT exactly to do with Mother Nature? "Mother Nature is culling the herd, improving the gene pool!")

Do you make any effort to keep up with recent research, Lisa?

The "pandemic of the unvaccinated" screed isn't even remotely baring out with the latest data, from the nations with highest vaccination rates.

In the case of Israel, it is fascinating... because Israel has been maybe the MOST hardcore in mandating vaccinations of citizens. Their own medical researchers data strongly suggests increasing issues of vax induced immunity compromise.

Hard to find "clean" data using Google search right now (...another entire topic), but Duck Duck Go's algo's are not as tortured as Googles. You might give the most recent data a look.

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Funny isn't it... the propaganda, even from Kaiser Permanente, is "Get your vaccines!"

Their own actuarial data says something COMPLETELY different. "Kaiser discovered that people who are triple-vaccinated not only are more likely to be infected with COVID-19, they are more likely to suffer severe illness and die from the disease..."

I wonder Lisa, who YOU think has a more accurate grasp of the data. A PR Department, or the Actuarial department, who an insurance company's very survival is dependent upon?

HUNDREDS of Insurance companies are seeing significant double digit (40 - 60%) non-covid related deaths in the 16 - 60 year old age cohort, starting the 1st quarter of 2021. (Excluding suicide. They are "health events") The "peak Covid" periods didn't even come close to the same mortality rates.

Some Insurers/Re-insurers in the EU have seen rates even higher that 60%. Heart attacks are suddenly competing in the top tier of cause of death for 14 - 25 year olds.

NOTHING LIKE THIS has happened in actuarial data in the last 100 years. Most "news" channels refuse to mention whether these people are double vaxxed or more. Anyone who believes in ACTUAL science would be interested in getting answers.

Only science deniers would poo poo questioning and performance of continuing research on these kinds of problems.

Labeling people who want unbiased data "antivaxxers" is a straw man/Logical Fallacy. Those are the tools stupid and ignorant folk use to win arguments. At least you've got a lot of company! LOL

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People like you called Columbus a “quack” back when it was somewhat unfashionable to argue that the earth wasn’t flat.

And, personally—based on how many freaking times the gawdammed goalposts were moved by Father “Science” Fauci et al—I am actually surprised there are STILL so many spectacularly arrogant COVID Nazis out there foaming at the mouth in their angst-ridden rage against ANY individuals who have neither drunk the Kool-Aide nor shared in their pathetic, “lions and tigers and bears, oh me” paranoia.

But, hey, each to their own, KOVID Karen!

You put the PANIC in PANICdemic!

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Maybe you should see some PROOF.. if seeing is believing. Go to GAB, search Jane Ruby. She BRINGS UNDENIABLE PROOF that you ma’am have been injected with parasitic eggs that form into long stretchy “worm-like” vein takeovers. They have images & more to show the proof. So no, I’m sorry you’re misinformed about the “vaccine”, only by way of opening your mind to the truth shall you find it. The typical ramblings against someone mean nothing, it’s empty thoughts, nothing to add, aka: IRRELEVANT.

SO, maybe for your own sake of being educated better, Jane Ruby who SHOWS PROOF of leg-length “worms” that are pulled out of people during embalming them will help you a little better understand WHY we were denied an ANTI-PARASITIC MEDICATION CALLEF IVERMECTIN ALL ALONG.

Don’t believe me, fact check me before you attack though. Otherwise, you’ll continue to look like the MSM educated imbecile the government wishes you to be. You are the one that will be disposed of, because it was ALL done with 100% intent, patents labeled “COVID-19” from over a decade ago… how did they “know” what was to come unless it was PREPLANNED?

Find that proof in the patents that don’t lie at TimeToFreeAmerica.Com/Revelations.

Also, if this is not enough for you then check out Stew Peters interviews with Karen Kingston who BRINGS PROOF such as the contracts with the government & the “CURES ACT” which allows the govt to control anything they wish, signed in Dec 2016. Coincidence?, they don’t exist…

So here you have it… 3 sources to find the truth. Do some homework vs assumptions & attacks on others & MAYBE you will begin to understand WHY people appreciate it when the TRUTH IS TOLD. Not everything is revealed yet, but trust it IS ALL being pieced together with PROOF THAT IS UNDENIABLE.

Hope you learn something soon, before it’s too late, if it’s not already too late.

Also, “right wing” may look like the majority, but apparently you’ve not heard of the #WalkAway movement by the “left wing” democrats which was shut down so fast so to not have others partake.

I ALMOST feel sorry for people like you. But I don’t. Because you are grown, you’re being told by multiple people that you are wrong & instead of fact checking them you would rather take the defensive side without any proper argument. Sheeple… quit following the govt herd & get on board with the truth. Because whether you like it or not, THE TRUTH IS BEING REVEALED & there is no stopping it.

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More all-caps, please. They really make your point.

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Jill, with all due respect, the reasons the Covid Vax is killing people is not because of "parasitic eggs".

Acute vascular thrombosis isn't caused by parasites... and thrombosis is one of more common causes of death of people who have taken the vax.

There are a wide variety of issues people are experiencing that care causing severe health impacts and/or death. Even excess blood cell aggregation short of thrombosis can cause peeps to be in rough shape.

I've seen the images of some of the thrombotic masses, and heard numerous reports from morticians about seeing things they have never seen before... but I assure you, NONE of it is caused by "parasitic eggs".

Ivermectin works for an entirely different reason, than the fact it's an anti-parasitic. It is ACE 2 inhibitor (Inhibits ACE-2 glycosylation, which SARS CoV19 needs to bind to cell proteins) , and has pretty powerful anti-inflammatory properties as well.

FWIW, Quercetin is a pretty powerful ACE 2 inhibitor as well, and available over the counter. Many many nurses started taking quercetin at the very beginning of the Covid start up in the U.S.

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and there was me thinking a disagreement might be possible without one party talking of culling the other. sigh.

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Not my fault MAGAts are killing themselves through willful ignorance.

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Meet Lisa Someone..

who uses her raging narcissism to mask her poor research and brainwashed bias to affirm her giant ego.

Lisa despises laughter and eats babies for breakfast. Do not try to solve real problems around Lisa. If something is broken Lisa throws it away because she is smart.

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We will see who lives longer I guess. Just let time tell… I mean, you don’t even want to believe the experts… are you paid to come in here and spew this nonsense?

MAGA- make america great again… what’s so wrong about that?

Freedom- of choice: what’s so wrong about that? If you don’t like the USA, you can go to China, North Korea, Venezuela- all the places people are escaping the very thing USA is turning into.

So, yes, we do need to make America great again & if/when we succeed, you too will benefit if you’re in the USA- or anywhere really, because the better the USA does, the better the world seemed to be doing. But hey, you take all those things you want- but to me, it sounds like you took something bad & now you know & you’re full of so much anger and hate for those that did not. I hope you get right with God before your time comes. And please, stop trying to convince others to go down with you. That’s pure evil- because if you’re HERE, you’re seeing what an expert has PROVEN via PATENTS, and images have been shown as well. So surely you see what we see, but you want to be in denial, why? You had a choice, now let others do the same. If you messed up, then admit it if even just to yourself & try to save others, don’t try to bring them down too.

And please, say no to flu shots… no shot is good for us, not even the childhood ones. The 1st one babies get once born is an STD shot, does this make sense?! If it does not make sense, then something is VERY VERY WRONG & that means EVERYTHING we’ve been told should be questioned.

I do have a medical education, approx 8 years total- I was never taught about the “bad”, and surely that was no accident. It’s up to us to expose the evil plans to inject us with harmful ingredients that will require us to “NEED” to go to the doctors the rest of our lives- I mean, how would they stay in business if we had a healthy society?!

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Then change the channel.

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No kidding.

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Dear Lisa, You would propably call me a: Conspiracy Theorist and other, chosen by you names, all within a few minutes of our disscussion. Most people would get offended and hurt to be called "Quacks" or other such names, yet, I would then tell you that I am glad that people like you are calling me such names. I would know then that you solidified that my beliefs and my thoughts are in the right place. Yours trully: A VERY PROUD CONSPIRACY THEORIST. Have a nice day.

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I hold no judgement for anyone who made their own personal decisions, as the era we live tends to be overwhelming, so I'm just going to do my best here to understand you. Personally, I'm 100% opposed to the experimental covid shot due to it being a very real poison, and due to the fact that there is NO EVIDENCE ever published, or found that the existence of SARS CoV-2 has ever been isolated in accordance to the scientific method. I happen to be an artist with enough free time, not only to do my own research, but to create expositions accordingly. As the experimental covid shot is unfolding more and more to be shown as a very real totalitarian weapon pushed and bullied onto people by our inverted governments, pharmacological oligarchs, and billionaire psychopaths, I suggest trying to engage in a real debate with someone, perhaps over a video call, and of course, share your perspective and have people understand you clearly, but try talking to someone who is on the other side of this argument... I'm looking forward to hearing you explain how our bodies somehow need SM-102 or Graphene Oxide when it's very clear these things are a poison, and are pushed onto us by people who just so happen to be tied into Epstein's flight log. The human body is incredible though, in that when people stop ingesting government drugs, they actually can heal and get past the damage done by these gene therapies. I wish you all the best, and I'm sorry that you feel so frustrated with the world right now. Don't blame your neighbor; start blaming the totalitarian politicians and corporate executives who downright lied to you about a relabeled influenza.

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Let me add one more thing: viruses do not exist. The burden of proof is on those who make the claim. Good luck.

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"Viruses do not exist."

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Comedy gold! Cannot make this shit up!

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Oooh, goody -- a concern troll! And an ignoramus, to boot.

I'm not "frustrated with the world," sweetie. But do carry on with your nonsense. It's most entertaining!

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What is your evidence that the experimental covid shot is not a poison?

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It is true that soil immunization is desirable with every virus. It is also true that unvaccinated people run an unnecessary risk. During the vaccination campaign, every athlete who had a heart attack was suddenly seen as a victim of the vaccine. But people also died during sports before the vaccination campaign, and we have recently seen that this is still happening now, well after the campaign. From a purely technical point of view, it is impossible for the corona vaccine to show worse side effects than the virus itself, since the introduction of mRNA via a nano fat globule in the cell wall is nothing more than a strongly weakened simulation of the same process when someone is infected by the virus. Disturbances in the period are possible, but that is with every vaccination. There are a total of about 6 billion people worldwide fully vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2, it is only logical that within such numbers , some people spontaneously develop a disease. Those disorders are also there today and tomorrow and next week. The difference is that they are now no longer associated with the vaccine. My wife is Chefartzin at the local hospital, she treats covid patients over a long period of time, and it is still the case that unvaccinated people have worse cards. Nothing has changed, even if the number of patients has fallen sharply. Long covid mainly occurs among people who had the first variant, and were therefore not vaccinated. Many of these people have now been reported as occupationally disabled.

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how is that job at the CIA working out for you

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Hey Lisa, I sighed up to Substack just now because of you!

Thank you!

Reading these comments made my day!!

I love everyone here that ripped strips off of you!!!

I love Substack!!!

Thanks peeps!!!!!!

I'll upload some of my own musings in due time...

You've done well, and should feel as good as I do!!!

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More exclamation points, please.

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Yer a twat !!!!!!!!!!!!

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It's funny to hear people say this. Everything Alex says is based on data, and he shows you the data. The people who say that they "Listen to the science" really only listen to what the authorities say the science says.

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I'd been musing about which way I wanted to enter writing on the web... this open letter by the board was my true inclining towards Substack, but this thread, this absolutely beautiful thread of smart, intelligent, thinking creatures who eviscerated Lisa pushed me over the top, and straight into the Stratosphere!! Check out my newsletter. I'm only just getting started, tho

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I’m so glad to find this writer. I’m amazed substacj recommended him and subjects like this in their newsletter of recommended authors. Wow! I just signed up myself because of an awesome writer House Inhabit who writes things that gets censored everywhere else. So grateful people are speaking the truth here and it’s being celebrated. Though I wish more knew who’s actually behind it all. Not many are talking about the actual reason of all of this war agaisnt humanity. I’m glad I know but it is difficult to bear such madness alone for the most part. I don’t know people in person who know. I’m only connected to people online and the greatest civil servant reporters so to speak who really tell the truth and who do the most courageous reporting out there. I do my part amd share them. Put 3 words together in the following where are with capitals letters check out Know and if that’s not enough More ian writing it this way because the bots will censor this site News. Put those 3 words together that I’ve witten with a capital letter and then dot org. There you’ll find who and whats really going on and why.

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Well said Silver. Thanks for the share.

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"Scientism" is a word that I had never heard before. I guessed from the context that it meant "dogmatic belief in pseudoscience created to support an agenda". That was a good guess, but the broader definition is more useful and still interesting.

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It's generous of you to offer the diagnosis that we have "a trust problem." I believe, however, that most of your readers would argue that we have "a censorship problem." There is no reason to trust news sources that simply would not allow open discussion of Hunter Biden's laptop, Covid's origins in the Wuhan lab, election fraud, suppression of HCQ and IVM, or any other relevant topic that strayed from an enforced narrative. What we desperately need are platforms that support open conversation where critical information can be presented and discussed. Trust is downstream from freedom of speech which must always come first.

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Agreed. Plenty of corrupt media voices on Substack. Spotify is now removing Joe Rogan podcasts. How many Substack articles or authors have been deplatformed? Ultimately the corrupt state of California and the DC nexus will come down on Substack unless it moves to a free state.

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On the contrary, the latest I've read is that Spotify has backed Rogan and has instead chosen to remove Neil Young's music from its platform.

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They are? Since when?

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Great comment on trust and censorship. JP Sears has started a social media platform which cannot censor users called Zion. I haven't looked into it yet but it sounds interesting. https://guide.getzion.com/

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Thanks, I will check it out!

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I concur with your statement. Well put.

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We have a trust problem because our institutions have become increasingly corrupted. They have earned the mistrust with their lies and propaganda.

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🌱🖼I agree at some point, but not all media are bad.

I am glad I one day came across with Substack and Bankless platform.

I am grateful for this space and for every writer here.

Keep up the good work.

Thank you.

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" In a pernicious cycle, these dynamics in turn give each group license to point to the excesses of the other as further justification for mistrust and misbehavior. It’s always the other side who is deranged and dishonest and dangerous. It’s the other side who shuts down criticism because they know they can’t win the argument. It’s they who have no concern for the truth. Them, them, them; not us, us, us. Through this pattern, each group becomes ever more incensed by the misdeeds of the other and blind to their own. The center does not hold. "

I can understand why you'd say that, but the truth of the matter is the censorship, mistrust, and hatred even, is largely coming from one side, and I'm pretty sure you know that already or we wouldn't be here talking about it.

As insoluble equations go, this one's actually very simple to describe. The world is divided into two major groups. Those that want to be left alone to live their lives peacefully in the manner they see fit, and the "world changers" (for want of a better term) who think it's OK to impose their will on others because they know better than we do what's good for us.

You see constant evidence of this in the manner and form with which group B tries to impose its will on group A. This happens because while group A is always larger, it is also less organized, that being an inherent feature of wanting to be left alone. Group B, OTOH, is highly organized because that's what "world changers" do. They organize to bring about change that THEY think is necessary, usually without consulting anyone but themselves.

This is completely independent of ideology, and is more correctly described in psychological terms. The "world changers" you see marching in German newsreels of the 30's have the same underlying mentality as today's Antfa, BLM, and other "woke" or "progressive" entities. It's best summed up by "the means justify the ends" since their inherent superior wisdom is to them, self evident.

Riding atop all this are the elites, who understand how this works, and who maintain control by appealing to the mentality of Group-B, usually to the detriment of both groups.

There really is no centre. That's just an illusion created by the temporary stability brought about by economic abundance. Take that away, and it immediately disappears.

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This comment is outstanding and worth pondering for all, including the Substack monitors. The revolution of free thought is under attack precisely because it challenges the orthodoxy which maintains itself by crushing free thought.

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Agreed - there is NO ONE, literally not one single person on the Berenson/RFK/Malone, etc etc side of the COVID debate, to take one topic, who is asking for anyone who disagrees with them to be censored. On the contrary, they have been willing to openly debate their data and evidence and conclusions any time. The braying for censorship and absurd declarations about “misinformation” is coming ALL from one side

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Absolutely true.

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Thank you for your elucidation of this issue. Clearly stated and pertinent. It is my hope that Substack authors are instrumental in addressing the very issue you raise. That is what I am intending to do with my own newsletter once I finish launching it.

I know so many people who are lost regarding what has occurred over the past two years, especially those hard working folks busy running a business and/or raising their families. Much of my extended family falls into this category. They don't have time to do all the research to understand what you just described. They need more information than is available in the mainstream narrative to reach an understanding that makes logical sense.

I am hoping with my newsletter to synthesize the best information I can find into concise presentations to assist readers in coming to their own conclusions. I don't want anybody doing anything because I 'told them to'. Instead, I want to expose readers to more of what is happening so they can develop their own understanding and be better prepared to move into what I see as an unpredictable future.

I see Substack as an important tool allowing many authors to do the same as I shall attempt, assuming that is their wish or goal. Support of free speech is one of the main reasons I have chosen Substack. I spent enough time working in China to know what life is like for people in a nation without free speech. I don't know a single American, or Western-thinking individual, who wants to live under those constraints, and neither do I.

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You're describing the "game changers" as needing external validation which is really the reason they need you on their side. It's a "misery loves company" kind of approach to getting through life. Their motives for change is living in constant anxiety. You may consider those that are in Group A work from the inside, they get their values from personal experience and don't need to live in an intentional community to know what feels good for them. They can live anywhere and not necessarily from chaos. There is no detriment to them unless the reason you avoid group B is also because of anxiety. I'd consider truth as any motives not derived from anxiety. Perhaps the reason for the bullying and excessive control measures Group B attempt to enforce is because they feel chaotic inside themselves. A collected person doesn't need to push because they know there's always a way around.

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Agree with most of this. My take posted here: https://renegademind.substack.com/p/the-outcast summed it up with:

"And it seems the human race has been whittled down into two groups of core identities. One is based on individual liberty, human dignity, and freedom of expression. And the other is based on safety, security, collectivism, and conformity."

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Such a useful and insightful comment that it stopped me in my tracks. As a former Russian language major and reader of Velikovsky, I look forward to your newsletter when it sees the light of day.

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AMEN and DOUBLE AMEN. 'Changing the world' is a fancy way of saying Genocide.

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The scientific method starts with a question that needs to be answered. We are here to explore those questions and find what is right and wrong about our conclusions. I'm tired of other platforms that tell people we can't question, not even the experts, but the bought and paid for factcheckers. Especially when they trudge on my area of expertise.

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Exactly right.

If my conclusions are wrong, tell me how they are wrong. If my data is in error show me the correct data, the actual data.

Telling me to shut up tells me there is no actual rebuttal to what I say. Censorship ultimately becomes a backhanded compliment and confirmation that I'm right.

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"Person A should be censored" generally means "Person A has stronger arguments than I have."

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Amen and thank you.

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Let people decide for themselves. Getting lots of contrary information is difficult and complicated. Sorting through the morass can be challenging. But this process keeps us sharp and aware of different facets of every story.

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No one person should ever delude himself or herself into thinking he or she has all the facts, all the data, all the information.

Even though my newsletter is titled "All Facts Matter", I am keenly aware that I do not have all the facts. I probably don't even have a majority of the facts. That's just not a luxury any of us get to enjoy.

Which is why the dissenting voice is important. By listening to and evaluating contradictory arguments, we get to absorb more information than we would have otherwise.

Cherish those who disagree with you; they are your teachers.

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This is important, and people in the years to come will remember who protected a culture of free speech and open discourse.

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I so appreciate that Substack is taking this tact and upholding free speech rights.

I'll leave Christopher Hitchens to the rest...

"To whom do you award the right to decide which speech is harmful, or who is the harmful speaker? Or to determine in advance what are the harmful consequences going to be, that we know enough about in advance to prevent? To whom would you give this job? To whom are you going to award the task of being the censor?

Isn't it a famous old story that the man who has to read all the pornography, in order to decide what's fit to be passed and what isn't, is the man most likely to become debauched? Did you hear any speaker of the opposition to this motion – eloquent as one of them was – to whom you would delegate the task of deciding for you what you could read?

To whom you would give the job of deciding for you? Relieve you from the responsibility of hearing what you might have to hear? Do you know anyone? Hands up, do you know anyone to whom you'd give this job? Does anyone have a nominee?"

- Christopher Hitchens, Be It Resolved: Freedom of Speech Includes the Freedom to Hate - 15 November 2006

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This. Show me the person who is worthy to be a censor and I will be all for censorship. But no one worthy to be a censor would ever accept the job.

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Indeed. Quis custodiet...

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Excellent. Of course, if Substack does start censoring "misinformation" and "canceling" any of the people I follow, I will expect a refund on all of my subscriptions.

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This strategy makes Substack a clear leader in the new social media. People are intelligent.

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Two days ago I joined Substack and published my first article, comparing Neil Young's message about junkies dying from needles in their arms to today's situation. The next thing that happens is Neil Young protesting against all those who express their concern about seeing loved ones dying from having needles stuck in their arms!

At the time he wrote his song, there was almost unlimited freedom of expression. Sadly, that is no longer the case. We are fortunate, I think, to have this podium and I sincerely hope the owners will continue defending our right to express our opinions.

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It's always disconcerting to find that an artist or writer that you valued years ago appears to have gone off the deep end. I will still enjoy Neil Young's music, as I enjoy Cat Stevens', and I'll do my best to appreciate what they gave us in their younger years before they lost their way.

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I agree, Sam. It's sadness, not anger that I feel. And I, too, will not stop listening to Harvest, or CSN&Y. They can't undo how great they were.

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It's especially painful with those artists whose music was the soundtrack for a significant period of one's life. I went out to California for the first time during the summer of '71. Spent the summer in Berkeley and listened to After the Gold Rush more times than I can count. Yes, it's sad, but also somewhat bizarre, to see a free spirit like Neil Young turn into a mean-spirited grump.

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Yep, the Needle and the Damage Done.

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This was an excellent, clearly articulated statement on the value of free speech. Those who argue against it will miss it when it’s gone, which is hopefully never. Viva Substack and thank you for standing firm on this principle which is essential to literature, art, science and any form of critical inquiry. And besides: who watches the watchmen?

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Thank you for posting this, I am new to Substack and find your approach so refreshing in the face of the decline of legacy media due to the crap practices that abound on social media channels. We are social creatures and yearn to connect but we're all pretty much fed up with being the fodder for social media advertising.

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Thank you for this. I'll leave a little Ricky Gervais quote here that seems relevant, "Please stop saying 'you can't joke about anything anymore'. You can. You can joke about whatever the fuck you like. And some people won't like it and they will tell you they don't like it. And then it's up to you whether you give a fuck or not. And so on. It's a good system."

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#FreeSpeech 🤗 That’s why I’m here.

“I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”

― Evelyn Beatrice Hall (paraphrasing Voltaire)


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The system's reply: Then die already.

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“Better to die on one's feet than to live on one's knees.” ― Jean Paul Sartre

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Better to kill your enemy on your knees than die on your feet.

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"It is better to live on one's feet than die on one's knees.” — Joseph Heller

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Better to live on one foot than die on both knees??? ...never mind. Tell me to stop it.

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Saw that coming! ;)

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