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Setting up your Substack for the first time
A step-by-step guide for writers, podcasters, and video creators
Substack’s tools are designed so writers, podcasters, and video creators can do their best work, supported by their subscribers—whether that’s exploring a creative side project or building an independent media business.
In this guide, we’ll walk you through the initial steps all publishers need to take to set up a Substack.
Create a publication
Navigate to Substack’s home page and click “Start writing.”
When setting up your Substack publication, you will be prompted to choose a publication name and URL and to write a one-line description. These elements are the first impression for prospective subscribers, and you can come back to refresh them at any time.
Here are some tips for how to set up the foundational elements of your publication:
Your name: First you are prompted to create your writer profile. Including your full first and last name, or the name that most people know you by online if you use a pseudonym, helps increase discoverability.
Publication name: In a few words, a good title captures what your publication is about at the highest level. Test your ideas by imagining that you are on a podcast saying your publication name aloud. Is it memorable, short, and easy to say and spell?
Write a brief description: The goal of your publication’s one-line description is to signal to your target reader why they might want to subscribe.
Publication URL: All Substacks are automatically set up with a unique URL domain (domain.substack.com). Publishers also have the option to set up a custom domain if they want to remove “substack” from the URL. Using keywords here that new subscribers might search for when trying to find your publication can help make your Substack more discoverable in Google searches.
Some examples of great titles, URLs, and one-line descriptions:
Heated (heated.world): “A newsletter for people who are pissed off about the climate crisis.”
Femstreet (femstreet.substack.com): “Where women in tech lead, shape and fund the future.”
Platformer (platformer.news): “News at the intersection of Silicon Valley and democracy. On Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday at 5PM Pacific.”
Above the Fold (abovethefolddumplings.substack.com): “Stories about dumplings + the people who make them.”
Flow State (flowstate.fm): “Every weekday, two hours of music that’s perfect for working (no vocals).”
Maybe Baby (haleynahman.substack.com): “Chipping away at the inscrutability of modern life, popular culture, and how we feel about both.”
You will see a few other prompts while you set up your publication, including the option to upload an email list and a chance to discover other writing for inspiration. We’ll walk you through each step in our setup video.
Start publishing
Once you create a publication, the next step is to publish your first post. Substack’s simple system lets you publish free or paid posts to the web, email, and our app simultaneously so you can find new readers and always reach your existing audience.
You can choose from four types of posts to work from: standard text-based posts, discussion threads, podcast, and video (currently in beta). Publishers imagine all sorts of formats within each post type, from edited interviews to link roundups, comics to mini books.
Read more: What can you create on Substack?
Next steps
If you want to pursue a passion project, get paid to share your work, or build a media business, there are different paths you will want to consider. Choose the right path for you and keep going.
If you plan to start slow, devoting a few hours to your publications each week or month to see if there’s an audience for their writing, pledges and private publications are two tools to help you test the waters.
Have questions about getting started? Join the Substack team and fellow writers on Thursdays at Office Hours.
I know we can put subscribe buttons on each edition we publish, but can you put one on the main page?
Hello Sir can you guide me how to add subscribers.
How to post on substack and How can I what I have post
Can you put a subscribe button on your facebook page? If so, how?
How do I edit my sign up page
how do i add my blogs to the discover page?
I mainly write poetry and short stories. Is there a way to find a community for that?
I'd like an option to delete the "Continue Setup" suggestion prompt, as I don't a CSV file to upload; but it won't allow me to remove that section.
How can I change the arrangements of my posts ?
I have the same problem. I have been posting sections of a short book, Very Bad Buddhist, and have gotten to the end. As it appears now, a new reader has to scroll way down to the first post, the beginning of the book, in order to start reading. I've created a new, separate section for it and assumed that posting the last section first, the next to the last after that, and so on would solve the problem, but that didn't work. You still have to scroll to the bottom to get started at the beginning of the book. Any ideas?
yeah, and I'm also missing an option to organize postings. e.g. im Writing about philosophic shit, but also about politics, or books.
But no, I don't have any ideas, I hope substack will help us both.
Because this would improve Substack by a huge amount.
I believe you can use tags to organize your content
You can also create a master post that includes a table of contents to your presentation,
You'll be able to link to and intro your posts in any way you desire
I know this is kind of a "hindsight" idea, but if you had posted from last to first as "drafts" and then went live with them one at a time in numberical order... Would that solve the issue?
The solution that I found to get things in a different order was to go back and edit the date on each post. It doesn't re-send them, but it re orders them. At least it worked for me on my @storybookhut substack. If you do that and then just put the dates in order for last chapter, oldest date, etc., you should find them listed in the right order for reading. I hope that helps.
After reading about the problem, organizing my postings, I see I am not alone. As I am writing about astrology, most people will seek out their own sign, but everything else is totally out of sequence. How are you supposed to write a book when chapter one is listed last because it was written first?
See Tom's answer above for what I think is a good idea. I have not tried it, but it might work for you. For my part, I posted each week from start to finish of the book, hoping that at least someone was reading each installment each week. Then, when I'd gotten to the end, I moved the whole thing to its own section and posted last to first so all was in order. Now Very Bad Buddhist is available in the correct order for readers. Good luck.
My picture is oriented sideways, how can I fix it? https://geometrydashlite.io
I turn my laptop sideways for that one
How do I navigate the app. I don't seem to find the options for writing
You can only consume on the app and create on the desktop/web unfortunately.
OK, so what you're saying is that if I create a post on MS Word (as I always do), I need to somehow upload that doc into the New Post on SS? Again, OK, so HOW do I do that??
I am having trouble with the system. When I choose the option to add a subscribe button, everything crashes. I can't find information about this in the library, and I can't find a contact number for tech support. What do I do?
SAME, it's so frustrating :(
Have you figured out anything with the problem yet?
How do I place a favorite Substack post at the top of feed? Thanks.
Can we have dark view on all pages
How do I go back to edit the Categories - for other people searching for contenet?
If this is a 'Resource' for setting up Substack for the first time, why is no one from a tech support position providing answers to these folks questions?
Because Substack no longer has human beings for support. As of Oct. 2024, I've discovered that 'support' is now a chatbot. So, good luck with that. After a year (!) of trying to figure this platform out, I'm finally giving up. It's a time waster for me.
How do you get the media assets to open to post when clicked?
I wanted to change the name of my newsletter so I started another under the first. The first new post appears but the new title doesn’t show anywhere. Now what?
I have a similar question: what happens if you change the title of a newsletter. Do you have to start over again? Is "Sunny's Newsletter" your old title or your new one?
(I have lots to say but coming up with the right title might take some time.)
It’s my old title and I don’t know if I can came out. I should but didn’t think it was doable. It didn’t start me all over again though.
How do I move from draft to published? Seem to be caught in an endless loop. LOL.
Did you get an answer? I have the same problem.
Nope. I keep fiddling with it…have made some progress.
See my comment a couple of comments above. Seems to me (1) that no one from SS is reading these comments, and (2) SS mgmt. is leaving a lot of money (that I'm sure they desperately need) on the table because those of us who would truly like to be a writer on SS, can't figure the platform out. Need a new business plan and a new mgmt. team.
I tested an introductory page which i thought was eventually to be used for the first time a new email was contacted. I received the draft but now cant find the spot to actually publish it as an introduction. Anybody have a suggestion as to how to find that spot?
I am also putting the subscribe button on everyone Edition i publish, is there an other way to put on of the main page
can you put he subscription buttons on the side of our blogs or at the bottom?
Does anyone know if it is possible to post to my substack blog but only for subscribers? I mean only subscribers have access to read my blog.
please i am trying publish a my first write-up and i keep getting the "please replace your template text before you publish". I dont know what that means
How can I change the name of my substack from aisling's substack to a title that indicates what it's about? I want to go with What's the Story?
Have you figured that out? Because I'd like to change the name on mine as well.
Looks like it worked - was it easy to change the title?
Why is this comment section available when nobody responds to anyone's questions?
Strangely enough, it all turns out well. How? I don’t know; it’s a mystery.
Survival of the fittest, I guess.
" please edit your post before publishing" message appears any time I try to continue.
Subscribe this and like plz
i got lost on that also. there is a page where there is a line that says 'introductory message will be sent to each new subscriber' you just have to go through each page till you find it. the site needs to be reorganized.
good luck. it's worth it once you get past the first few posts.
What does the “cross-post” option do?
It is like sharing. It sends somebody else's post out to your subscribers with a message from you at the top. However, it doesn't get saved to your archives. If you still don't know, I just realized how old your question is...
How do I find and edit my sign up page?
same problem
What does add a logo mean?
How come non paying customers can no longer post when content free?
How do I change my photo it is crosswise
Ho to sitting dapp venert
I wanted to comment of the "Psychedelics and Advanced Illness" post, though could not see a path to doing so, w/o involvement in a tech crescendo. I am also interested in perhaps doing my own writing, though am confused, even by the name itself -- the term "substack" seems nuanced with IT/web construction significance. At age 77, wondering if I should try to get involved, or whether this would be something like my deciding to try and play Lacrosse at this age. Ironic, as article I read was about palliative care, hospice and psychedelics. Any help appreciated -- thanks.
This may sound silly, but how do I replace the template text in order to publish? I'm at a loss.
Any body guides me about benefits
This video doesn't talk about how to customize the home page, insert graphics, buttons, etc. Where can I find a video on those steps?
Thanks! I recently started writing here, and am trying to find the courage to share with others.
This article helped me add that little bit of courage. I think the article I post tomorrow, I will share with others via social media. Time to stop being afraid :)
As a wise man once said “yeah it sucks, post it anyway”.
Substack is a brilliant platform for writers & readers.I love to use it and rejoice.
I want to change the title of my newsletter-how do I do that?
Did you do it? (I like your title "Write Hard".)
Once a page is published, can it be re-edited? Updated?
It can be updated but it won't be resend to your subscribers.
How to get subscriber on substack overall I m not active and friendly with other platform this is my starting journey of writing so I want help from all substack writer pls help me
I tried to copy and paste a poem from my new book manuscript still on Word into the "reply" box on Substack and I could not? Can I? Or did I do something incorrectly? Thanks.
Should I make my first post as a publication, and create that, or just make a note? When I go to the Substack profile page, it seems to be encouraging me to not make a publication. It says: “ Interested in starting a publication? You can already collect emails, publish content, and get paid without a publication. We recommend starting a publication only if you want to publish as an independent brand, separate from your Substack profile.”
Setting up your Substack for the first time is an exciting step toward sharing your creative work with the world. Substack provides user-friendly tools to help you build a platform that attracts and engages subscribers, whether for a passion project or an independent media business. While exploring such platforms, if you're interested in enhancing your digital experience, consider visiting websites to discover how to download movies on NetMirror ( https://netmirrors.app/ ) easily and efficiently. Taking advantage of these resources can complement your journey as a content creator.
I'm wondering if anyone knows what the limit is to the numbe of tags we can use on a post. It seems to allow me to add an indefinite number of tags, but then after the edition is published, I can see in the tag section (when I go in to update, etc) that many of the tags are removed and there seems to be no consistency in the number left in the tag section. Some clarity on this would be greatly appreciated.
Setting up your Substack for the first time is an exciting step towards sharing your voice with the world and building a loyal subscriber base. With Substack’s user-friendly tools, you can easily create and monetize content—be it writing, podcasting, or videos. As you follow the guide to get started, why not draw inspiration from platforms like Spotify? Just as Spotify connects creators with audiences effortlessly, Substack empowers you to turn your creativity into a thriving venture. If you're on iOS, make sure to download Spotify ( https://spotiwap.com/ ) to explore how creators engage with their audience—it might spark ideas for your own Substack journey!
"replace the template text"? what does that mean? how to fix it?
This guide provides a clear, practical approach for setting up a Substack publication, helping creators optimize each element for impact and discoverability. From crafting a memorable name to writing a compelling one-line description, these tips are invaluable for anyone looking to establish a strong presence on Substack.
Forgive me if I can't see it but I am trying to find out how to monetise on Substack. It's easy to publish an article, but how about the rest? Thank you.
This is a great guide for setting up Substack! It really breaks down how to create a publication and get started, which is super helpful for writers and creators looking to share their work. Just like Substack helps you build an audience for your writing, tools like TopFollow APK can boost your presence on social media. If you're looking to grow your Instagram followers and engagement, check out https://officialtopfollowapk.com for an easy way to get started. Both platforms offer great opportunities to connect with a wider audience!
Thanks for sharing this information with us.
thanks for sharing it
This is an incomprehensible application. I will seek something else!
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good article!
How can I add subscriber for my Profile?
Best regards,
Currently, my news letter is rendered as text superimposed on an image of a cell phone but each of the newsletters to which I subscribe is remdered like the text in a book. How can I switch from the former type of rendering to the latter type of rendering?
I'd like to know if there's a way to add an 'introduction' to posts, without it being at the top of the post's body-of-content? For instance, if I'm posting a poem, song, parody et al, having an introduction would be nice to provide context when appropriate.
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How can i add subscriber?
Best regards,
I have created my https://geometrydashbloodbath.com publication with distinct and unique features based on detailed instructions.
How can I show the posts I author in my publication on my profile? I currently see no posts, although I've written 3 and they're visible on my publication. Thanks!
The substack chronological order of publishing articles works for a weekly newsletter, but certainly not a manuscript or a book. I may have to rethink about using Substack, or start over. I like Tom's idea about drafts and then publishing them back to front. Either way, for bigger projects it's a huge work around that software should handle. It's like rolling a rock to open or close the door.
My draft page is frozen. I tried to submit a help request but got hung up on the required field Publication Link. What is my Publication Link? I thought it should be the "name of the publication".substack.com. Do I have this wrong?
I am ready to post, but the page won't load.
How and where can I find and copy the URL to send to my clients so they can see my substack newsletter? I cannot make the advice to "hover" over a heading work.
I write a post and save it as a draft. When I go to post it, it freezes, I can't review it, nothing happens. I've had this problem numerous times. Any suggestions? Thank you.
I keeping getting message saying Add a title but my article has a title. What does this message mean. I can't publish y piece
Hello fellow-bloggers.
I wish to start a blog on Substack, and I have a technical question. Putting it as simplistically as possible:
1. If I am starting a new blog/newsletter, what do I do to make my blog GDPR compliant? Can you share your experience on how to make the process as simple as possible? I do not have the resources to hire a legal expert.
2. The disclaimer about cookies (accept/reject cookies) - does it come automatically from the platform or it is something we need to activate from our settings?
I am hoping to get some answers as this is a niggling issue that is hindering me from starting my blog.
How do I add a contributing author?
I've written my story, it's in 7 chapters, how can I get my story out on SubStack? I don't care about money, but just want people to read it.
What do you do if you didn’t know that you had a SUBSTACK but it has 2 subscribers and it just looks like your profile page? How would you change it over to a SUBSTACK if you wanted to, or conversely get rid of it if you wanted to? I only know who one of the subscribers is.
I'm really finding it hard to understand this app
Uh-h-h, why is that? Of course, just kidding. I too am in same boat. It is a real shame that such a good idea has been so badly mismanaged. I think it is not long before mgmt decides whether to go full=blown ads for revenue, or just give up and apply to Cisco as a 'tech' bro.
As a Lifestyle Therapist, I have many interests and want to write about numerous topics. When setting up my first Substack, do I have to choose one category? Will it be possible to create a second Substack with a different and more diverse group of topics or one new subject in the future?
What's this comment section for.....you haven't answered anyone's questions. How do I change the Substack name?
Some of the subtle adjustments to the apps are actually really cool
When I try to add emails for new subscribers by clicking "Add" a note pops up saying the subscriber will be added soon, but none are added. ???
I set up a subscribe solicitation button and need to remove it but the software doesn’t seem to let you opt out for this misbegotten thing that appears high in the text and is hopelessly distracting. This may be a deal killer for me but I need to see if there’s a fix Iam not finding. Help?
If you are concerned about fair elections in America, subscibe to my substack, Election Integrity for America.
No! I wound up making a new one and now have a lot of folders that are not in use but I can't delete them!
Hi. I am totally new to Substack & have no idea what I'm doing. By flailing around for a while, I seem to have laid some kind of foundation for my newsletter but also two clones of that foundation, each with my picture & title ("Van Cliburn Punched Me In The Mouth"). How do I delete the unnecessary two clones? Does it matter which two I delete? And even though I've hit "Start Writing" several times I keep getting run through preparatory stuff: title, one-sentence bio, etc. All advice is welcome, particularly if it's accurate. Thanks!
I have put my first article up
On Substack but people aren’t able to like or comment. All seems fine in settings. Thank you
I cannot seem to find the place were I can edit a misspelled word when my writings go out to Twitter, on THAT bio, which seems to be different than my bio, the word "and" is spelled "amd" and I can't find the place to change it.
I uploaded my gmail contacts, as instructed, but they showed up as "subscribers," all 1500 of them. I want to give my contacts an opportunity to subscribe but not make them subscribe. How do I do that?
How do I make it so if people want to see my substack they need to subscribe?
Healthy Diet Guidelines.
Hasham Ali Ch
Good dite health
A healthy diet typically includes a variety of nutritious foods that provide the body with essential nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, protein, healthy fats, and fiber, while limiting or avoiding foods that are high in added sugars, saturated and trans fats, and sodium. Here are some general guidelines for a good diet:
Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables: These foods are packed with vitamins, minerals, and fiber that are essential for good health. Aim for at least five servings of fruits and vegetables each day.
Choose whole grains: Whole grains provide more nutrients and fiber than refined grains, which have been stripped of many of their nutrients during processing. Examples of whole grains include brown rice, whole wheat bread, and quinoa.
Include lean protein sources: Lean sources of protein, such as chicken, fish, beans, and tofu, are important for building and repairing tissues in the body. Avoid sources of protein that are high in saturated and trans fats, such as fatty cuts of meat and processed meats.
Limit processed and sugary foods: Processed and sugary foods tend to be high in calories, added sugars, and unhealthy fats, which can contribute to weight gain and other health problems. Try to limit your intake of these foods and choose healthier alternatives, such as fruits and vegetables.
Drink plenty of water: Water is essential for many bodily functions, including regulating body temperature, transporting nutrients, and removing waste products. Aim for at least 8-10 glasses of water each day.
Remember that everyone's nutritional needs are different, and it's important to consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian to develop a personalized nutrition plan that works best for you.
can we import email lists of people who already subscribe to our newsletter?
Yes, if you go to writer dashboard, at the top there is a tab that says subscribers. Scroll down and there is a box that says Add Subscriber(s).
I opened two publications by mistake. I am posting content only on one, but the first account appears in my "About" section. How do I delete the first publication/account and not the other?
I created sections and want to add posts but your system only lets me add to the main page. How can I add posts or move them?
I included a subscriber button but it put it in the center of my poem! 😡 How do I fix that?
Something similar happened to me. I think you'd just have to delete the button, then make sure your cursor is at the end of the poem/newsletter before adding it again.
How is it that Substack editors or staff don’t respond to questions? Not exactly encouraging to get started on one’s own newsletter.
They respond more if you go to the office hours post. Or even if they don't respond there, somebody else probably will.
I am a professional planner who is writing about urban parks planning practice. I sent out links to my blog to advocacy organizations who are involved in the parks and recreation business (i.e., landscape architects, planners, recreation professionals, etc). They have posted the availability of the vlog on their feeds to their members.This was very successful. I waited until I had a number of blogs so they could see what I was writing about. I did the same for non-governmental organizations (community leagues, etc). I tend to write about contemporary topics that are in the press today. This helps me connect to the issues and the people who are impacted by them. In a similar way I have sent my vlog out to elected officials through their email contacts. I am finding that the professional advocacy orgs are likely my best source.
Can you guide me how to add subscribers.
Is it possible to make several different folders or categories of posts that I can group together. For example, a Sports folder, a Busines folder, a Culture folder.
If you go to the settings page and click on the tab on the left that says, "Sections," you can make different folders.
How do I actually email my posts to an email list that are NOT subscribers?
I like your website. Have You Considered Selling? I would propose x25 of your monthly earnings.
Thank you
Best Regards
Dennis Demchyna
when i have a multi-word name, it says "when's substack." how do I make it say rachel from when to say sorry/rachel's substack. when to say sorry is the account name, but it should say "by rachel" with it and i can't set that up.
hey, hope you got this resolved already, but in case not: if you head to Settings and then scroll down to the Publication Details section, you can edit "email sender name", and explore how "bylines" show up on posts by editing your own personal writer's profile. Hope this helps!
clap, clap, clap 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻
Hi, I’m new as well but I did see the option to change your domain name in the “settings option.” Its a paid feature.