The test of all those high-blown words will come the minute the "progressives" decide you are "phobic." And since you've proclaimed yourselves to be liberal yourselves, I think we can reasonably assume that Substack will hop on board the Cancel Train, with plenty of mush-mouth excuses. Or maybe not, but I will not be holding my breath waiting for Substack to fight for freedom of thought.
The test of all those high-blown words will come the minute the "progressives" decide you are "phobic." And since you've proclaimed yourselves to be liberal yourselves, I think we can reasonably assume that Substack will hop on board the Cancel Train, with plenty of mush-mouth excuses. Or maybe not, but I will not be holding my breath waiting for Substack to fight for freedom of thought.
I've been online longer than a whole lot of the "influencers" have been alive. I have miles on the tires, and predict that Substack will go the way of Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, Google, the New York Times, and CNN. I'd love to be wrong, but I'm not going to be. Just wait; you will see.
The test of all those high-blown words will come the minute the "progressives" decide you are "phobic." And since you've proclaimed yourselves to be liberal yourselves, I think we can reasonably assume that Substack will hop on board the Cancel Train, with plenty of mush-mouth excuses. Or maybe not, but I will not be holding my breath waiting for Substack to fight for freedom of thought.
The author says they are, "liberal in the general sense". I suspect, you, me, and most of the commentators here are also.
I've been online longer than a whole lot of the "influencers" have been alive. I have miles on the tires, and predict that Substack will go the way of Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, Google, the New York Times, and CNN. I'd love to be wrong, but I'm not going to be. Just wait; you will see.