Aww! Thanks for the shout, boys!

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I literally just signed up to Substack and cannot seem to get help. I have a couple of publishing questions. Can someone help me for a few minutes? I must be a moron. Thank you

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And how do I get you to recommend my stories? I like to write long literary stories that interest me, with the hope that maybe others will be interested as well. I think if the writing is good, the readers will find it. Sort of like a FIELD OF DREAMS, "build it and they will come" mentality: Write it and they will read. I've only been here since June and have 50'ish followers. I don't know if that's on pace, or if I'm lame. I guess that makes today Amy 6th month! Why don't you take a look around my sight and leave a comment? I hear a lot of crickets... https://open.substack.com/pub/benwoestenburg/p/the-african-songbook?r=1k5vhy&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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a newsletter about self-growth, mindfulness, quotes from others and questions to ponder about.

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