Great interview, was really interesting to read, thank you! 🧡

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YES.I DO LIKE the inerview and what the matter is about, it s very simply explained, the MOON is a magic subject to talk about and to create tales around! I remember the stunning "Autumn" by Hulme where the moon is compared to " Ruddy face of a farmer..lyrical image! however the moon is very like to sun if we want to dream, RED..AND YET SO CLOSE TO US,,if we imagine it rising over the edge..

thanks Will, Hold on

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Captivating interview and rare, resonant poetry. Thank you!

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I’m so happy to have found this. I am afraid that it’ll be stored away, up in some corner of my mind and then it’ll spill out onto paper or in conversation and I’ll think to myself, “oh, how creative and deep I am” when it’s really just been pinched from this interview that I’m reading in a hurry before jumping into the shower. The idea that we may be the last generation to view the moon as it is and has always been has just shook me.

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Indeed I enjoyed. The almanac is really the muse and wise man of this century along with its adversaries. Books what an interesting element retold and record keeping from past present and future. I do know my own taste and none come close to fullness and detail that speak to the heart of an individual alone. Keep up the good work. I find space to be mattered with life. We often do not always reach for what already Belongs to us. Rather we want to go home and return to our one. To commune to our other. I agree with your writings. thanks so much. Xo

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Nice to know about The Lunar Dispatch! I write a related newsletter that covers Moon exploration and science updates every week: https://moonmonday.jatan.space

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I'll follow this dispatch ... to the Moon and back.


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