At age 78 this new and improved "chat" process is over my head. I have plenty to chat about but, for me, the process is more complex than the subject matter. Semper Fi.

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At 84, I don't have that problem. Airborne, all the way.

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Good one. Let me say this, it's more of, I don't want to submit to the complexity. I worked as a medical imaging director for 28 years and then, recycled x-ray film for the silver. That required back breaking work and driving truck through such 'wonderful" places as NYC. I write everyday and am about 3/4 from finishing my book. The processes on the computer are complex to a fault. Options that are undefinable and without purpose for the average person. That said, I'm sure the geeks get a kick out of showing us just how "smart" they are. SF

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Totally agree with you. I’ve not done much on here because it’s not a logical system. Facebook is simple.. let’s try that here.

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Which SF group?

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I get it. I think most of the heavy lifting is done by the host, if you subscribe to anything.

Me, I was picturing a "chat" like they have on Twitter, which is like Clubhouse (a speaker and a group of listeners who can speak up if passed the mic).

But then I realize it is a written chat, only live, two elements that don't quite vibe to me. The way I process language when reading and writing is not helped by a "live" feature, unlike spoken/heard communication.

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Sep 9·edited Sep 9

Thank you, Substack team, for clarifying the Chat feature. The "business framing" of the Chat feature "as a live event -- where, 'hey paid-readers, we're going to text-chat on this day, between these hours, about this topic'" now makes the Chat feature make sense to me (over, say, "a 'commenting party' in the commenting engine of a post").

Can Chat be configured as follows:

* The ability to give the free-readers the following 'level of access': "As a free-reader, I can see and read ALL the 'chat threads' (both publisher -initiated and paid-reader -initiated), but, I am not allowed to reply-to-a-thread, and, I am not allowed to post-an-emoji to a thread/reply. In other words, a "pure full-read-only ('see all') for the free-reader"? [with, of course, some type of "'Upgrade to paid' call-to-action" -- taking the free-reader to web to complete the payment (as mobile in-app payment is not a thing yet (my understanding)) -- with an auto-redirect back to the Chat-in-question after successful completion of purchase.]

[🤔 "Mobile in-app payments" is going to be a God send for "live events on Chat". And if/when "Mobile in-app payments" happens -- IF it turns out to be a 2nd payment processor (not owned by Stripe),... THEN will Writers/ContentCreators/Publishers then have to further think of themselves as 'wholesalers with wholesale pricing' and not 'retailers with retail pricing'? See: https://substack.com/@tomkudla/note/c-65359431 ]

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Words to live by.

Wet birds don't fly at night.

You can pick your friends, and you can pick your nose, but you can't pick your friend's nose.

On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.

H. L. Mencken

Isn't that what we have now?

"Suppose I am an Idiot. Suppose I am a congressman, but then I repeat myself."

Mark Twain

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Thanks so much for the video @jasmine. The sound of that mechanical keyboard gave me PTSD to the time I worked in a cubicle with neighbors around me! But great suggestions and video.

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Hahah sorry it's not even mechanical! I'm just a really loud typer 😭 I get told I always seem like I'm yelling at someone on Slack (I'm not)

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If that’s the biggest complaint, you know you’ve done well… and for that I thank you 🙏

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Could it be a live video chat?

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You can send video to subscribers via Chat, just like you can send text and photos.

We're in the process of building live video and will have a beta version soon!

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Can you pin replies to the top of a chat thread?

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You can't pin replies but a regular reply will quote the original reply so that the text shows again for visibility. Or you can reply in a sub-thread to the to level reply stays most prominent.

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Can I be part of the beta?

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That is amazeballs Katie! I hope some of my fav Substackers try that feature as I'd love to see them live. I'll definitely try it once my newb arse has built up a bit more of a following.

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I was just wondering about this. Thanks!

If we could only fix all the bugs for chat on Android that would be awesome.

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I'm still new here, but I'm amazed at all the rich features here! I'm also kicking myself a little for not getting started sooner, but better late than never.

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Welcome. It is a space with good potential. Enjoy!

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Allow me a brief introduction. My name is Jaime Reyes (The “J” as in Jose or Juan, not as in John.

I am a Vietnam Veteran, former businessman, retired Deputy Sheriff and now a full time bi-lingual writer. I have a BS degree in Communications/Journalism which I completed in 2 years instead of the usual four. Details on how the average person can do the same and earn a degree in up to half the time and cost can be found in my website: jreyesauthor.com under the BLOG category. The how-to information is free. (The books are not). The three methods described are no cost or very minimal.

I have published 2 books; actually 4, since I translated them and are available in English and Spanish.


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Is it possible for two creators/substacks to co-host a live chat?

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Oooh, good question Kathleen.

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Not sure how helpful this will be for a Substack with a tiny paid subscribership.

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I am looking for a job, but I am from Yemen and I wish to leave Yemen, but I cannot and I do not have the money. Rather, I ask you to approve this application. I will be happy for you and thank you, sir. May God grant you success. Name: Adeeb Sadiq Abdel-Wareth Taha Al-Abbasi Phone number

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"The home of great culture'? Is the phrase itself evidence of great culture or just commercial culture? But then, maybe, that what 'great' culture is.

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Please bring editing functions to Android so that I can post from my phone.

Also please add the ability to justify text. Blog posts look very bad without this.

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A vulgar, ignorant, dishonest, cowardly person could not possibly make anything of America. The news should do more than describe Trump's imbecility with video clips and a few gasps. The media's job is to EXPLAIN his lies and stupidity. He would not last five minutes in Hyde Park.

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