Another update with a ton of new features that benefit video creators, and nothing new for writers.

What about SEO tools? Grammar help in post editor? Readability tips?

Your core community is writers. Please start appreciating the writers that have been here from Day One and stop gushing over the video creators that came here a month ago.

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Could not have said this better.

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I AM a video content creator… And I agree with you 100%.

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Been loving all of the video features! I have found them super helpful for establishing connections with other creators. Keep up the good work!

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“Writer drinks” needs to be a thing everywhere 😍🫶🏽 UK based and for it

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Are 'Notes' views counted on the Dashboard's 'Stats' graphs?

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No those pertain specifically to published posts.

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Ok thank you. Can you make a tab for Notes stats in the dashboard?

Also, being able to add captions under videos the same way you can with images would be super helpful.

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When will written articles be downloadable, or save-able to the app, to read offline (like when on a plane)? Many podcast apps have a download feature to listen offline. Thought it'd be a handy feature for Substack too.

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I do not understand what you are doing

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I love reading: Obviously MOST Americans don't do this fine 'hobby' which is why we need videos.

IF I see a video without subtitles I Ignore it...........I am deaf like millions on this earth.

I was a young person once and had NO idea how difficult it was to become aged! It's a horrible place to be in.

Yes I watched my Grandparents and parents become: arthritic/unable to hear/eye problems etc.

IF you young people don't think this is going to happen to you I suggest you stop the endless 'podcasts' and start reading (with subtitles).

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Amen to that 🙏

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Growing old sucks until you consider the alternative.

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The only alternative right now is death. Happy to die.

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When will Substack let you write and publish article from the mobile app?

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You already can! We introduced the in app text publishing in July 2024. Learn more here: https://on.substack.com/p/mobile-editor

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As long as you keep video off Notes, that's OK with me.

But... And this is a big, bold, capitalised but - keep in mind that the core userbase is made up of writers. We need more tools, especially in the SEO department.

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Yes! We are writers and we want to write, read other author's posts and connect with our audience to our content needs to reach people

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We don’t want videos . I don’t want them.

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Que sensacional. Até que enfim uma ferramenta maravilhosa que nos deixa no controle de nossos conteúdos e não nos escraviza como Instagram. Parabéns pelos novos recursos. Amei.

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What Substack are cooking for photographers and cartoonists? Notes is not direct email and UX/UI is ot friendly and interactive and you cannot flip through

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Notes stats do not work, they especially don't work on desktop.

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Hi Stephanie! Have you updated your app to the latest version?

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I'm a writer I do most of my work on my desktop not the app. I don't use the app because I have an old phone with limited storage.

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SOME of us do NOT have 'phones!

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Мне тоже нравится читать художественную литературу! Вы не знаете точно, этот интерактивный журнал именно для писателей?

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Nooooo don’t bring videos into this app!!!!!!!! I love the peace and quiet unlike Instagram and tik tok. Don’t you dare turn this app into those …

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I guess this is where I deleted my account and remove this app… I joined to publish and read articles not for another instagram, TikTok, YouTube copy cat. This app was about writing not fucking content creators who are reproducing the same annoying short videos. Sorry Substack but you’ve lost me fully.

Any writers have good alternatives where I can publish content and be surrounded by an actual audience

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I paid $50 for Heather Cox and I am not getting the subsciption. Please advise. Judith K. Patterson, judykpat@gmail.com.

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Judith, is it possible you subscribed to Heather Cox’s publication with a different email than the one you usually use with Substack. I did this myself a few months ago when I was on a tablet instead of my desktop and I didn’t realize the email field had populated with a different email.

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