Would love something similar for global news in the months/years ahead. America kind of dominates the discourse already, would love to learn about things beyond the US.
My thoughts exactly. As a Canadian, I do have an interest in U.S. politics but it is not the centre of my world. I also would love for Substack to not be a U.S.-centric space as many users like me are not from the U.S., or even from North America.
The U.S. isn't as relevant to global decision making as it once was. Countries increasingly do what they want, regardless of if the US likes/dislikes said decision. And honestly our opinion on that fact is largely irrelevant.
That's simply not true. And the point is that it no longer matters if you think it is. The machine is much more complex than 10-20 years ago, and it will move forward regardless of what happens in America.
As an American, I would love to hear how people from other countries feel about their elections, especially with regard to lock boxes and security. I really meant drop boxes or any random places to put ballots vs at a local voting location where ballots are handled with integrity and securely then counted at that location. Anything else is fraud guaranteed.
Australia, no problem with lock boxes, voting fraud, enrolling to vote, or any candidate not accepting the results, no matter how close. We're all good here. We have mandatory voting registration and getting ticked off the list (no one can force anyone to cast a valid vote, so it's not actually mandatory voting), we don't have jerrymandered electorates, got rid of that decades ago. Voting is on a Saturday, or postal, or at early open booths in the weeks prior to the official day.
It's not hard to have honest elections, conducted with integrity. America chooses not to do it that way.
I realize I was slightly misleading in my response. We're fine with locked boxes, because we don't have them. Ballot papers go into simple large cardboard boxes, which have lids with a slot to drop the ballots in. There are no locks. Yep. No locks! No nonsense. Lots of trust.
Hello jess and other readers: The title of the article reads: "Introducing a new destination for U.S. Election discourse" Is there something in the title you failed to understand?
There are hundreds of Substack pages originating from numerous locations around the world, and diverse reader comments. The article title is not exclusionary...
Hello John Collins. I fail to understand your point. If users of Substack pages wish to create alternate pages (such as posting their own countries election processes) they are free to make that choice.
There are simply no text included in the title, which prevents freedom of choice.
…but, it seems you have imposed an unwillingness of discussion. That is, exactly, what left us with three of the five worst presidential candidates in history.
Dear Mr. Seattle: So American - lol, So backwards, I like the symbols, is there a symbol for stupid I can use for America?
In reality there is likely more people representative of your symbology that you used in The United States.
Most of our brown folks here are Sikhs there is a link for you stupid Americans that explains who they are. Of coarse there are other brown and black folks to.
We have Socialism NOT Communism just like in the U.K. and in Western Europe. I suppose there is a few commies here like everywhere else.
Socialism is the opposite of Communism; Capitalism falls somewhere in the middle of the two.
With socialism WE all have basic health and dental care and treatment of diseases like cancer for free, unlike you and the peasants in America have. Socialism in conjunction with well with some regulated capitalism is the path forward not giving corporations people hood with Consultation Rights
I work in media, and spent a decade in Asia. The reality is that, for english-language media, the US market completely dominates all metrics. That makes it hard, from a business perspective, to not put energy into what Americans find interesting.
I worked at two different english-language companies in Asia, that had no brand recognition in the US, and we still had 20-40% of our readers coming from America. I would imagine that Substack has similar internal metrics.
Every now and then, I have moments of awe with how big the US economy is compared to the rest of the world.
That being said, the US is also famously ignorant about the rest of the world, and I'd love to help change that haha.
I just left a comment at the same time as you. But it's interesting considering Hamish (Aussie or NZ, I forget which one) and Chris (Canadian) are both immigrants. This is a platform that you would think would embrace different regions with the same fervor and make the discussion more vibrant.
With many people moving to Japan or expressing interest in doing so, I hope they do the same when Japan holds their general elections next year.
Right! Like I’m from Canada and we’re slated to have a federal election within the next year – will Substack have a “Canadian election” tab for users like me? I really hope Substack doesn’t become a “U.S. is the centre of the universe” social media space.
You "we" are not a Republic. - A election for a "REAL" Republic means one person one vote in a presidential election, even if you discount Women, Negros and the American Indian the right to vote.
France is a true Republic, The United States is a Republic in name only. The U.S. was not a democracy for all until 1965 and is not one for the reasons below. In this aspect Canada was not a democracy for all until April 17, 1982, despite the 1960 Canadian Bill of Rights that in practical reasons did not allow indigenous people to vote unless they gave up their Indigenous Rights this changed in 1982.
Australia is still backwards by not enshrining Indigenous Rights constitutionally as Canada did in 1982 at the insistence of the Queen at the time with part II section 35 https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/const/page-12.html#h-55 King Charles could do the same here.
As America has a Electoral College System for a Presidential Elections that was a condition of the "slave states" to join to fight the the British to make 13 states. Search: electoral college system origins. IT'S BACKWARDS.
There is NO slave states so why the Electoral College System still?
Would not the Electoral College System be "unconstitutional" in it's self now like Slavery and Jim Crow is now?
It is really should not be up for debate by the individual states, it simply a relic of the past and should have NO force of law.
Maybe the way it is done in Nebraska and Maine might be OK, but then it would resemble a Parliamentary Prime Minister system result for a president which is a bit less flawed if there was NO Gerrymandering.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerrymandering which does not make for any-kind of democracy. But is still not one person one vote with run off President. Or if done for Prime Minister the Members of Parliament would cast secret ballots for Prime Minster over 50 percent to elect or with 66 percent or 2/3 to remove the PM prior to fixed election date. But like America the world is very backwards.
Get rid of the Electoral College then America will be a Republic other than a Banana type one, it's as simple as that.
A Electoral College election is like a Banana Republic or Putin fixing a election result to get a desired result, that is why slave states used it as a condition to joining. READ YOUR HISTORY! The reason the Electoral College still exist it's so a few backward states can still dictated to the many.
Rather than responding, in kind, to your completely inappropriate, ad homonym, attack; I will cite a quote, very likely, first directed at one of your ancestors.
I never desire to converse with a man who has written more than he has read. ~ Samuel Johnson
You are talking about "Your" era of Negros as Slaves and women not being a full person an only white men of property could vote in YOUR country vote. Your quips are so Zionist to justify a obvious wrong or malformed reason.
I used to get a similar response from Zionists when I pitched the end to Zionism (apartheid) and one Arab-Jewish commonwealth with Gaza and the West Bank as Palestinian reserve with one person one vote. West Bank
One country New flag and one called Palsrael with a Constitution underpinned by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and made up by the United Nations and end single Veto Votes by all 5 permanent members of the Security Council .
The Zionist just say that this is antisemitic conflating it with Anti-Zionism once again. Israelis constantly use Iran as a measuring stick and how they are a shinning of democracy, LOL.
Just like your first "Real" Republic theory unless you count those banana styled ones that fix election or those that still use a electoral college system based on slavery.
In a concentric, survivability diagram, the the center 51% would be America and Great Britain would be the next 25. The rest of the world, including Russia and China, would be wedged in the outer range.
Any representation, of the world as we know it, is impossible without US!
We'll be having tabs come and go for all sorts of things, many of which will be specialized/localized! For example, we'll shortly have a NFL week 1 tab, but only for people who have shown an interest in sports. Definitely expect to see some for global news events as they happen.
Please don't diversify to much or you could end up like fb. I appreciate Substack the way it is. It has provided me with a community of like minded people that I feel safe to share with, write for. All systems can only grow to their point of collapse. Look a fb and Twitter. Big they are but mostly despised. Over-doing can be the death nell to all things. Countries as well.
I agree with all the writers that have said Substack should try to represent a broad spectrum of cultures from many countries. Over exposure to
Americanism destroys many cultures as our youth all want to wear inverted baseball cap and sweatshirts with Chicago or whatever written on them, while listening to gangsta rap. I struggle to find International content on most of the media products wonderful designed in the US.
So please keep your focus international. I am a British expatriot, brought up in Australia residing in Aotearoa. My interests are broad, as I suspect many of us are on this site. I love your product. Please don't spoil it.
Oh that's amazing! Excited for that. Just food for thought: I'm quite interested in sports, but have completely separated that from my Substack, so there would be no indication that I was interested in sports. Anyway! That's an exciting update.
Kidding, but we are working on more clear ways to explicitly indicate interests or disinterests in things. You can actually long-press (on mobile) these tabs to hide/show disinterest already, and we're soon launching some ways to show positive interest.
NFL is a sport played by just one country. The majority of sports fans in the world don't support, watch, or subscribe to it. Many won't even know what the acronym means. It's like indicating a technology interest and only receiving Linux news.
Soccer is an extended pre-school activity, mired in the simplistic precept of keeping the ball on the ground. It is easy to see why its viewers would find difficulty in understanding a requirement to keep the ball OFF the ground.
What's funny about this is that neither of the founders were born or raised in the US. They both came here as adults, started companies, and now make the US the center of their universe instead of focusing on a more global audience.
I agree! People living in foreign countries so often know more than we do about anything in the world. I search out a few foreign newspapers but an overarching topic would be great.
Though my page is history-focused and I’m very new to Substack, I’m taking a cross cultural approach and I will soon be releasing some political articles. If this type of thing interests you I would love your support!💛
Thank you for bringing attention to this! As someone who also writes about global issues, I’ve been feeling this for a while. Looking forward to reading your work—subscribed.
A major reason I read Substack is to NOT read "discussions from top politics publishers across the platform". I want to hear a diversity of thoughts, not just from those who are most prolific / popular.
Because many of us are here on Substack to get away from "mainstream media" and to connect with individuals. So a feature that seems to be promoting the "most popular" publishers seems counter to the real value of Substack and seems like a step toward being just yet another "alternative media source".
Basically I just read the people I follow when I get an email that they made a post. I wouldn't have even known about this "feature" if they hadn't advertised it. During my normal usage of Substack I would have to go out of my way to even find it.
Does it have to be on the phone? I can't type on the damn thing and I can barely see it. Can't I use my windows computer instead? I can type 60 words a minute on a keyboard but can't type 60 characters a minute on the phone. I have a regular sized iPhone with its regular tiny screen, but a 75" monitor that I can see just fine. And, I'm old. So, I don't "do phone."
I "don't phone" either. So if it isn't supported on a browser then it's not a feature I use. I guess maybe I have to explore a bit on the browser because I only see the posts of people I subscribe to.
I hope there'll be room for voices who are not already extremely well-read in this vertical as well. Would be great to see Subtack promote up and coming voices.
We're working on this! Everyone is eligible to be in the tabs, and there are definitely small voices already in many of the categories.
That said, right now we use likes/engagement as one of the ways we rank things, so bigger voices are, at the moment, a hair more likely to end up there because of their established audience. Working on this though, because we do want all voices to get their chance to shine!
There is enough of our world that operates from the metrics of who has the bigger voice because of being already rewarded - it aligns to people’s current biases.
How can we expand all our thinking if we focus on those voices over and over again? That sounds like Substack is operating from the same playbook as media and big business.
Do you expect the voices who do not already have big audiences to grow if they are regulated to sitting at the kids table to eat?
I've written exhaustively on election topics. Extensive voter education and a deep dive into issues and solutions. Can't get traction. Your politics people just complain about trump or follow the horse race.
Hummm. I like the idea of categories, but this move creates the potential for Substack to elevate viewpoints it finds "worthy," while other viewpoints are not seen. Unless it's an algorithm that gathers every Substack post that fits a particular category, this has great potential for manipulation and should not be implemented. We already have the "correct information" spoon-fed to us by Legacy media.
I am 82 years old... I well remember elections "back when" that when the election was over people went back to normal life... there are just way too many yelling and screaming at the same time about whose best, calling each other liars and thieves and general pandemonium. When an election is over these same wackos (on both sides) start again. All we have in the world anymore is elections... I'm thoroughly fed up!
An election campaign should be no longer that a month, donations (particularly commercial donations) should be capped... not millions of dollars a day!
And people shouldn't get so loud and nasty... go into the booth, mark your ballot and get on with life. Period.
Amen it seems the real evil came when they allowed hidden money to fund campaigns. i'm US gov and I have to file a statement of my finances. Why do they not have to abide? Cuz rules are only for the little people. We too need to outlaw lobbying and bills need to be separate. You can never tell who voted for what.
Well, girls, I’m 84 and certainly remember a lot of emotion when Nixon and Kennedy ran for President. It’s good we can still get emotional about something in our old age!
Oh, my gosh, yes! Do you remember the campaign in which Dwight D Eisenhower ran against Adlai Stephenson in 1952? I do, and there was plenty of emotion then.
I am wondering now if Russia is paying him off too, but even if they are not, he continues to imagine that he us relevant and just NO, he has been wrong so many times abd his vibe is just yuck.
I see where Substack is promoting all the "names" it's wooed on to the platform.
Am I missing where Substack is promoting the small writers who have grown up organically on the platform and would no doubt appreciate a bit of a publicity boost?
I know there are several "small" Substacks whose writing and commentary far surprasses what the "names" put out. By promoting the "small" Substacks along with the "names" you would be making a useful stand for quality of content.
When the small content providers win the entire platform wins, including the names. Why not embrace a promotions strategy that helps everyone win?
BOOOOOO!!!!!!! I like Substack because it generally DOESNT have politics. If I wanted that, I’d hang out on Facebook or twitter (and I’m not on either). Give me the wild writing. Give me the fiction that will turn your stomach, make you laugh, and break your heart. Spare me the political bullshit. I’m not here for any of it.
….just to understand, and to speak for many, the only reason I subscribe is for the politics. I am a junkie and need real news sources since we’ve been taken over in the “real” press.
Emphatically disagree. Substack is for all kinds of writers and creators. And some people write and create content about politics. Also, if you don't just write off all of it as "political bullshit," you might find some unique voices that are saying things that are quite different than the typical bullshit you hear from each side.
Mainstream media have been hauntingly silent on Alex Dobrenko running as a third candidate and yet the public clamors for it. What is Substack's official position? Will Alex Dobrenko (immigrant, sure, but feels American as 100% beef) be given a space to shine in this new section??? The eyes of the world are upon you
Would love something similar for global news in the months/years ahead. America kind of dominates the discourse already, would love to learn about things beyond the US.
My thoughts exactly. As a Canadian, I do have an interest in U.S. politics but it is not the centre of my world. I also would love for Substack to not be a U.S.-centric space as many users like me are not from the U.S., or even from North America.
The world keeps turning, no matter what happens in America. And that's increasingly true as the world becomes more multipolar.
Actually, the world keeps on turning BECAUSE of [ what happens in America ].
We are still the only country on earth where an electorate the size of Wyoming could, potentially, swing the election.
The U.S. isn't as relevant to global decision making as it once was. Countries increasingly do what they want, regardless of if the US likes/dislikes said decision. And honestly our opinion on that fact is largely irrelevant.
There is nothing like 5 acres of sovereign U.S. territory off the coast, to make even the most despotic ruler rethink their foreign policy.
We are still the guardian for the world.
That's simply not true. And the point is that it no longer matters if you think it is. The machine is much more complex than 10-20 years ago, and it will move forward regardless of what happens in America.
I'm live in the US, and I would prefer not to have a US-centric news coverage of the states.
As an American, I would love to hear how people from other countries feel about their elections, especially with regard to lock boxes and security. I really meant drop boxes or any random places to put ballots vs at a local voting location where ballots are handled with integrity and securely then counted at that location. Anything else is fraud guaranteed.
Australia, no problem with lock boxes, voting fraud, enrolling to vote, or any candidate not accepting the results, no matter how close. We're all good here. We have mandatory voting registration and getting ticked off the list (no one can force anyone to cast a valid vote, so it's not actually mandatory voting), we don't have jerrymandered electorates, got rid of that decades ago. Voting is on a Saturday, or postal, or at early open booths in the weeks prior to the official day.
It's not hard to have honest elections, conducted with integrity. America chooses not to do it that way.
Agreed. As essentially a Euro-American more, less-filtered content would be welcome.
I realize I was slightly misleading in my response. We're fine with locked boxes, because we don't have them. Ballot papers go into simple large cardboard boxes, which have lids with a slot to drop the ballots in. There are no locks. Yep. No locks! No nonsense. Lots of trust.
Like me, I live in Zagreb Croatia EU
Hello jess and other readers: The title of the article reads: "Introducing a new destination for U.S. Election discourse" Is there something in the title you failed to understand?
There are hundreds of Substack pages originating from numerous locations around the world, and diverse reader comments. The article title is not exclusionary...
How can you say [ The article title is not exclusionary ], when you pasted the exact title?
Hello John Collins. I fail to understand your point. If users of Substack pages wish to create alternate pages (such as posting their own countries election processes) they are free to make that choice.
There are simply no text included in the title, which prevents freedom of choice.
…but, it seems you have imposed an unwillingness of discussion. That is, exactly, what left us with three of the five worst presidential candidates in history.
Here in the USA, I am worried about...
Oh ☭anada!
Oh ☪anada!
Dear Mr. Seattle: So American - lol, So backwards, I like the symbols, is there a symbol for stupid I can use for America?
In reality there is likely more people representative of your symbology that you used in The United States.
Most of our brown folks here are Sikhs there is a link for you stupid Americans that explains who they are. Of coarse there are other brown and black folks to.
We have Socialism NOT Communism just like in the U.K. and in Western Europe. I suppose there is a few commies here like everywhere else.
Socialism is the opposite of Communism; Capitalism falls somewhere in the middle of the two.
With socialism WE all have basic health and dental care and treatment of diseases like cancer for free, unlike you and the peasants in America have. Socialism in conjunction with well with some regulated capitalism is the path forward not giving corporations people hood with Consultation Rights
Why is Substack so USA centered? I’m from Europe, that place with 27 countries and a lot of neighboring ones I’d rather be interested in knowing :)
I work in media, and spent a decade in Asia. The reality is that, for english-language media, the US market completely dominates all metrics. That makes it hard, from a business perspective, to not put energy into what Americans find interesting.
I worked at two different english-language companies in Asia, that had no brand recognition in the US, and we still had 20-40% of our readers coming from America. I would imagine that Substack has similar internal metrics.
Every now and then, I have moments of awe with how big the US economy is compared to the rest of the world.
That being said, the US is also famously ignorant about the rest of the world, and I'd love to help change that haha.
I just left a comment at the same time as you. But it's interesting considering Hamish (Aussie or NZ, I forget which one) and Chris (Canadian) are both immigrants. This is a platform that you would think would embrace different regions with the same fervor and make the discussion more vibrant.
With many people moving to Japan or expressing interest in doing so, I hope they do the same when Japan holds their general elections next year.
Right! Like I’m from Canada and we’re slated to have a federal election within the next year – will Substack have a “Canadian election” tab for users like me? I really hope Substack doesn’t become a “U.S. is the centre of the universe” social media space.
It depends on the potential ad $$$.
I’d be interested in Japanese elections though, as they have an influence on a theme I’m interested in (whales in the arctic zone)
It might be a function of the us centricity of the writers that choose to come to substack .. anyone got that breakdown?
Most of my readers are from the EU but I do have a big chunk of US readership too.
Ian more thinking across substack as a whole … and not so much readers as writers.
To answer your question, because the United States of America is a very primitive country intellectually. Remember Galileo Galilei and Nicolaus Copernicus that's the rest of the civilized world America is the Pope. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galileo_Galilei#/media/File:Galileo_facing_the_Roman_Inquisition.jpg
If we are so primitive, how is it we are the first, and still only, electoral Republic on the planet?
You "we" are not a Republic. - A election for a "REAL" Republic means one person one vote in a presidential election, even if you discount Women, Negros and the American Indian the right to vote.
France is a true Republic, The United States is a Republic in name only. The U.S. was not a democracy for all until 1965 and is not one for the reasons below. In this aspect Canada was not a democracy for all until April 17, 1982, despite the 1960 Canadian Bill of Rights that in practical reasons did not allow indigenous people to vote unless they gave up their Indigenous Rights this changed in 1982.
Australia is still backwards by not enshrining Indigenous Rights constitutionally as Canada did in 1982 at the insistence of the Queen at the time with part II section 35 https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/const/page-12.html#h-55 King Charles could do the same here.
As America has a Electoral College System for a Presidential Elections that was a condition of the "slave states" to join to fight the the British to make 13 states. Search: electoral college system origins. IT'S BACKWARDS.
There is NO slave states so why the Electoral College System still?
Would not the Electoral College System be "unconstitutional" in it's self now like Slavery and Jim Crow is now?
It is really should not be up for debate by the individual states, it simply a relic of the past and should have NO force of law.
Maybe the way it is done in Nebraska and Maine might be OK, but then it would resemble a Parliamentary Prime Minister system result for a president which is a bit less flawed if there was NO Gerrymandering.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerrymandering which does not make for any-kind of democracy. But is still not one person one vote with run off President. Or if done for Prime Minister the Members of Parliament would cast secret ballots for Prime Minster over 50 percent to elect or with 66 percent or 2/3 to remove the PM prior to fixed election date. But like America the world is very backwards.
Get rid of the Electoral College then America will be a Republic other than a Banana type one, it's as simple as that.
A Electoral College election is like a Banana Republic or Putin fixing a election result to get a desired result, that is why slave states used it as a condition to joining. READ YOUR HISTORY! The reason the Electoral College still exist it's so a few backward states can still dictated to the many.
Further to just in case you ponder of the thought of what a democracy is; it is when everyone can vote equally, for the United States it was in 1964 version of the Civil Rights Act with https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_Rights_Act_of_1964 and in 1965 with https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voting_Rights_Act_of_1965
This is your country not mine do you not know this?
Search for more Jim Crow with a YouTube Search of: Erased WW2's heroes of color
The Indian removal Act of 1830: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8Hd42J-tzs&t=11s
Rather than responding, in kind, to your completely inappropriate, ad homonym, attack; I will cite a quote, very likely, first directed at one of your ancestors.
I never desire to converse with a man who has written more than he has read. ~ Samuel Johnson
Are you referring to a ad hominem attack? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ad_hominem
Nice flip around, You that should read more on your electoral college system some such links to read is bellow at the end of comment.
You refer to my kin Samuel Johnson of the 1700s I am guessing, he is NO kin of mind and I am not from that country.
You are talking about "Your" era of Negros as Slaves and women not being a full person an only white men of property could vote in YOUR country vote. Your quips are so Zionist to justify a obvious wrong or malformed reason.
I used to get a similar response from Zionists when I pitched the end to Zionism (apartheid) and one Arab-Jewish commonwealth with Gaza and the West Bank as Palestinian reserve with one person one vote. West Bank
One country New flag and one called Palsrael with a Constitution underpinned by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and made up by the United Nations and end single Veto Votes by all 5 permanent members of the Security Council .
The Zionist just say that this is antisemitic conflating it with Anti-Zionism once again. Israelis constantly use Iran as a measuring stick and how they are a shinning of democracy, LOL.
Just like your first "Real" Republic theory unless you count those banana styled ones that fix election or those that still use a electoral college system based on slavery.
Hi I'm from Germany I bet they will ship more soon (also based where you're located) as they now have already more than 150 categories
In a concentric, survivability diagram, the the center 51% would be America and Great Britain would be the next 25. The rest of the world, including Russia and China, would be wedged in the outer range.
Any representation, of the world as we know it, is impossible without US!
We'll be having tabs come and go for all sorts of things, many of which will be specialized/localized! For example, we'll shortly have a NFL week 1 tab, but only for people who have shown an interest in sports. Definitely expect to see some for global news events as they happen.
Please don't diversify to much or you could end up like fb. I appreciate Substack the way it is. It has provided me with a community of like minded people that I feel safe to share with, write for. All systems can only grow to their point of collapse. Look a fb and Twitter. Big they are but mostly despised. Over-doing can be the death nell to all things. Countries as well.
I agree with all the writers that have said Substack should try to represent a broad spectrum of cultures from many countries. Over exposure to
Americanism destroys many cultures as our youth all want to wear inverted baseball cap and sweatshirts with Chicago or whatever written on them, while listening to gangsta rap. I struggle to find International content on most of the media products wonderful designed in the US.
So please keep your focus international. I am a British expatriot, brought up in Australia residing in Aotearoa. My interests are broad, as I suspect many of us are on this site. I love your product. Please don't spoil it.
I just realised Reddit is DEI
Diversify Embelish Incarcerate. You tend to get tabs where you are not allowed open discussions on there.
It is a long way from Aaron Swartz posting scientific papers without copyright.
Oh that's amazing! Excited for that. Just food for thought: I'm quite interested in sports, but have completely separated that from my Substack, so there would be no indication that I was interested in sports. Anyway! That's an exciting update.
Don't worry, we know everything :)
Kidding, but we are working on more clear ways to explicitly indicate interests or disinterests in things. You can actually long-press (on mobile) these tabs to hide/show disinterest already, and we're soon launching some ways to show positive interest.
I’m pretty excited to explore these tabs today. I think I hadn’t fully engaged with that feature.
I’ll definitely use that 🏈
Think it will be out later today :)
Can you see it already?
Hi Ben, is this based on the categories we picked or will Subsatck's algo analyze what we read and then decide?
Should we tag our posts already with those new categories you shipped?
NFL is a sport played by just one country. The majority of sports fans in the world don't support, watch, or subscribe to it. Many won't even know what the acronym means. It's like indicating a technology interest and only receiving Linux news.
Soccer is an extended pre-school activity, mired in the simplistic precept of keeping the ball on the ground. It is easy to see why its viewers would find difficulty in understanding a requirement to keep the ball OFF the ground.
What's funny about this is that neither of the founders were born or raised in the US. They both came here as adults, started companies, and now make the US the center of their universe instead of focusing on a more global audience.
listen to bbc radio on some radio stations, log on to european newspapers
Or read my newsletter ;)
Foreign Affairs magazine used to be amazing with that kind of stuff. Although I haven’t read it in a while so I’m not sure what state it’s in now
It's still good. I read it regularly and they typically have one issue that American focussed, and the next issue will be global.
I agree! People living in foreign countries so often know more than we do about anything in the world. I search out a few foreign newspapers but an overarching topic would be great.
Exactly Kevin... and they removed my top comment just now which said I was changing my "good idea" response because of their for profit stance!
I get a lot of my international news through France 24. They also have a section on rooting out fake news.
France 24 is solid. I read FT because I like financial news, but that's just a personal preference.
Though my page is history-focused and I’m very new to Substack, I’m taking a cross cultural approach and I will soon be releasing some political articles. If this type of thing interests you I would love your support!💛
I write each week a newsletter International Need to Know. Feel free to check it out
Thank you for bringing attention to this! As someone who also writes about global issues, I’ve been feeling this for a while. Looking forward to reading your work—subscribed.
This is the first I'm hearing about a "2024 U.S. Presidential Election." Is that like Brat Summer?
Yes it is. It's truly the summer of bratwursts.
A major reason I read Substack is to NOT read "discussions from top politics publishers across the platform". I want to hear a diversity of thoughts, not just from those who are most prolific / popular.
Hello John. The title of the article reads: "Introducing a new destination for U.S. Election discourse" Why did you chose to respond?
Because many of us are here on Substack to get away from "mainstream media" and to connect with individuals. So a feature that seems to be promoting the "most popular" publishers seems counter to the real value of Substack and seems like a step toward being just yet another "alternative media source".
Please see reply re importance of collective and inclusive intelligence written above!
Think you can opt out by clicking on the tab a bit longer and Substack will know what you want to see and not. Can feel draining, I feel you
Basically I just read the people I follow when I get an email that they made a post. I wouldn't have even known about this "feature" if they hadn't advertised it. During my normal usage of Substack I would have to go out of my way to even find it.
Does it have to be on the phone? I can't type on the damn thing and I can barely see it. Can't I use my windows computer instead? I can type 60 words a minute on a keyboard but can't type 60 characters a minute on the phone. I have a regular sized iPhone with its regular tiny screen, but a 75" monitor that I can see just fine. And, I'm old. So, I don't "do phone."
I "don't phone" either. So if it isn't supported on a browser then it's not a feature I use. I guess maybe I have to explore a bit on the browser because I only see the posts of people I subscribe to.
It’s on browser as well! Computer works great.
That's good news! Thank you.
Do you still see it?
Ah super but I can't see it...
I am with you and John, my phone sits off on the side and use it to text my son mainly because who the F wants to type on that damn tiny azz thing?
Oh this is great. Does this mean we will be spared of all US politics related topics from showing up on the normal home feed? Asking for a friend.
brb, installing a VPN so they think i’m in Corsica
I hope there'll be room for voices who are not already extremely well-read in this vertical as well. Would be great to see Subtack promote up and coming voices.
We're working on this! Everyone is eligible to be in the tabs, and there are definitely small voices already in many of the categories.
That said, right now we use likes/engagement as one of the ways we rank things, so bigger voices are, at the moment, a hair more likely to end up there because of their established audience. Working on this though, because we do want all voices to get their chance to shine!
Please acknowledge that collective and inclusive intelligence is more sustainable than any top down metric!
Right b on
Substack, yes, please acknowledge.
There is enough of our world that operates from the metrics of who has the bigger voice because of being already rewarded - it aligns to people’s current biases.
How can we expand all our thinking if we focus on those voices over and over again? That sounds like Substack is operating from the same playbook as media and big business.
Do you expect the voices who do not already have big audiences to grow if they are regulated to sitting at the kids table to eat?
Exactly what I was trying to get across
Can't eat I'm laughing so much being at the kids' table. Oh Thank You!@@
Incredibly good point. Thank you. Level playing fields thank you. So sick of hierarchy.
Substack, it's your turn to say something.
THANK YOU for the clear and final word on this PROBLEM!
Why won't "liked" add new likes ?
You, TOO!
I'd love a source on discoveries in astronomy, sthg like Sky and Telescope mag's readership can enjoy.
Yes yes yes! There should be a tab for Outer Space!
Sandy S, THANK YOU!!!
Can you believe the photos of the very CENTER OF THE MIKLY WAY???!!!
I've written exhaustively on election topics. Extensive voter education and a deep dive into issues and solutions. Can't get traction. Your politics people just complain about trump or follow the horse race.
Yes yes yes!!!
Totally new way to photograph stellar phenomena. AWESOME!!!
Hummm. I like the idea of categories, but this move creates the potential for Substack to elevate viewpoints it finds "worthy," while other viewpoints are not seen. Unless it's an algorithm that gathers every Substack post that fits a particular category, this has great potential for manipulation and should not be implemented. We already have the "correct information" spoon-fed to us by Legacy media.
Exactly... well said Lori!
I am 82 years old... I well remember elections "back when" that when the election was over people went back to normal life... there are just way too many yelling and screaming at the same time about whose best, calling each other liars and thieves and general pandemonium. When an election is over these same wackos (on both sides) start again. All we have in the world anymore is elections... I'm thoroughly fed up!
An election campaign should be no longer that a month, donations (particularly commercial donations) should be capped... not millions of dollars a day!
And people shouldn't get so loud and nasty... go into the booth, mark your ballot and get on with life. Period.
Amen it seems the real evil came when they allowed hidden money to fund campaigns. i'm US gov and I have to file a statement of my finances. Why do they not have to abide? Cuz rules are only for the little people. We too need to outlaw lobbying and bills need to be separate. You can never tell who voted for what.
I'm 78, and I say that back then, elections were run on reason and discourse.
Now they are run on emotions. That's why there is so much yelling and screaming before and after the elections.
Well, girls, I’m 84 and certainly remember a lot of emotion when Nixon and Kennedy ran for President. It’s good we can still get emotional about something in our old age!
Oh, my gosh, yes! Do you remember the campaign in which Dwight D Eisenhower ran against Adlai Stephenson in 1952? I do, and there was plenty of emotion then.
When convenience and emotion become more important than common sense, our Republic dies.
The nibeteenth amendment politicized emotion.
Hey! If you want politics free comedy, checkout my Substack!
WhilecI appreciate your effort here, Nate Silver is junk
I was about to plead can we NOT have Nate Silver?
I am wondering now if Russia is paying him off too, but even if they are not, he continues to imagine that he us relevant and just NO, he has been wrong so many times abd his vibe is just yuck.
Politics has never caused an argument
Truly the one place we can find common ground
I see where Substack is promoting all the "names" it's wooed on to the platform.
Am I missing where Substack is promoting the small writers who have grown up organically on the platform and would no doubt appreciate a bit of a publicity boost?
I know there are several "small" Substacks whose writing and commentary far surprasses what the "names" put out. By promoting the "small" Substacks along with the "names" you would be making a useful stand for quality of content.
When the small content providers win the entire platform wins, including the names. Why not embrace a promotions strategy that helps everyone win?
Behold the X-iffication of Substack
Heaven help us I hope not.
Help. This is ruining my day.
BOOOOOO!!!!!!! I like Substack because it generally DOESNT have politics. If I wanted that, I’d hang out on Facebook or twitter (and I’m not on either). Give me the wild writing. Give me the fiction that will turn your stomach, make you laugh, and break your heart. Spare me the political bullshit. I’m not here for any of it.
Wiler , this Election day is Not Bullshit when our Freedom is at Stake . You Jerk !
The election and our freedoms aren’t bullshit…just having political content on substack is. There’s a place for it, but that place isn’t here.
….just to understand, and to speak for many, the only reason I subscribe is for the politics. I am a junkie and need real news sources since we’ve been taken over in the “real” press.
Emphatically disagree. Substack is for all kinds of writers and creators. And some people write and create content about politics. Also, if you don't just write off all of it as "political bullshit," you might find some unique voices that are saying things that are quite different than the typical bullshit you hear from each side.
It is for me . This Election is Very , Very Important. Read the Comment the person Posted
...and the most convenient, and pervasive, place is your wallet.
I think you might be on the wrong app.
You said " I think " that's an Assumption . Not Fact
Actually, it is a conclusion. An assumption seldom involves thinking.
It was an observation, actually. Mine.
Bryan I agree with you and Thaila. I do not need Substack to duplicate other platforms.
Checkout my Substack then. It's politics free comedy!
I’m in! Feel free to check out my page too.
Will do!
Please cite, even one, aspect of your life not subjected to politics.
Unless it’s a pure op-ed piece I think that each article should also post its sources of information.
Funny because there was once a time I considered substack a destination to read content that wasn't political.
Check me out!
Mainstream media have been hauntingly silent on Alex Dobrenko running as a third candidate and yet the public clamors for it. What is Substack's official position? Will Alex Dobrenko (immigrant, sure, but feels American as 100% beef) be given a space to shine in this new section??? The eyes of the world are upon you