Hey are you guys planning on adding any tools for writers? Like readability features in post editor, SEO tools, grammar analyzer, maybe a headline analyzer as well? I’ve seen a ton of options for video creators, not seeing much to help writers.

Call me crazy, but your core user seems to be a writer, why not give them basic tools to be better at their craft?

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Please don't promote this. Be a writing app. Plenty of places to watch people's videos. Substack should not be one.

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Thank you for saying this. They have such a unique position combining newsletters + social and they are throwing it away to chase Tik Tok creators.

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Oh, I’m so happy to know that I’m not the only one thinking this. I avoid people’s live videos on Substack but like reading their posts.

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Agreed. Please Lord do not turn this app into bloody Tik Tok!!!!

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Substack has been overwhelmed by influencers since TikTok went right wing, and now it seems Substack is pushing everything they can to support these huge creators towards video, lives, and name dropping them in every publication post, while the rest of us get strangled out by folks with built in 500k audiences. What tools are you developing to help SMALL Substacks get visibility and growth? What tools related to WRITING are you working on; you know--the primary purpose for this platform? It is extremely frustrating.

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Not sure about video, but a photography category? Yes please, many of us in here. It's such a great platform to slow down and absorb photography in your own time. Often while reading of the stories behind the photos and the photographer.

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The stories behind the photo (or painting) are often not what we think. (I refer to my post “Do You See What I see?”)

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‘Slow down and absorb’. That’s my kind of language.

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You have instagram.

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Photographers are here to share their story, not to accumilate the most likes on a picture.

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Not for long form posts. Instagram is now geared towards scrolling and reels. I'm sure that there is room for many topics on here.

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Agreed re long form content, but we wont get that. Substack appears to be just another platform trying to be everything to everybody as opposed to building out their niche. Video is a short cut to true thought and intellectual discourse. It is the hope that charisma, style, and personality can over compensate for lack of insight..

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I love going live on Substack, and am often joined by great guests in the field of psychology, who all have expert opinions to share. The AI-edited clips generated after the show are a huge help and I share them across Substack, Instagram and TikTok.

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Does this have to be done on the phone? Can't I use my desk top? It's the primary source of everything for me. Shit, I don't even HAVE a phone.

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I can't wait for that RSVP feature!! Everyone is always a little confused on how to join at first haha

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This is wonderful! I do a daily live so I’m excited for the add ons

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Registered. Curious, why are you using zoom for the masterclass instead of your own live video? Is it because of the scheduling/RSVP option?

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Great question, Ana. We’re planning to share a presentation via Zoom, and screen sharing isn't currently supported in Substack live video. Maybe one day! Looking forward to seeing you in the masterclass.

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I figured. Thanks for confirming. Looking forward to the class and launching my video show soon!

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Such an exciting opportunity 🙌💕

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Share screeen for presentations!!!

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Great 👍 Thank you 🙏

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Need to add a Canva piece...I do all my slide presentations on Canva and then screen record it with Loom, but it would be nice if this was included on one site...The first platform that gives you video, screen recording, slide presentation and podcasting with a regular written piece will own the market.

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Does this work with Stream Yard?

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We have a beta RTMP streaming feature that works with Streamyard which I can opt you into if you'd like.

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RTMP access yes please

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We use Streamyard too Zach. Could you please add us to the beta list? We are looking for ways to make our process more efficient. Thanks. Anita.

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I would love to try too and give feedback. I use to do many complex Livestreaming sessions. It would be awesome.

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Can I get into the beta too please?

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I also use Streamyard, and have had a steady podcast for quite a while. Would love to keep using that platform, which allows me to host a wide source of guests each week. It doesn't restrict them to Substack members. In fact, it would introduce them to a wider audience, if live streamed from Streamyard to Substack.

I would love to stream live to Substack, the same way I do to my homepage, Gettr and Rumble.

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They’re gatekeeping the experience to keep them exclusive to Substack. They CLEARLY don’t want multistreamers, which is insulting IMO.

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During my last LIVE session, I fielded questions using my phone (simultaneously recording). Is there a way I can view the backchat questions from my laptop while filming from my phone and the Substack app? I want to make sure I can address all the questions asked during the LIVE broadcast!

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Not at this time, but one option is to post a thread in your Chat, letting subscribers know when you’re going live and that you’ll be pulling questions from there. This helps promote the livestream, boosts attendance, and allows you to easily view questions from your laptop. Hope this helps!

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That's a great idea! I gathered questions from the Chat before my LIVE session, but I never thought to use is during the session. Thanks!

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Matt's suggestion is a great one. Another option is to open the live stream on your desktop computer and mute the volume. Then you can scroll through the live video chat on desktop

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Thanks for this tip!!!

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Hey Zach@Substack - I don't know where else to put this - I started livestreaming every day this week and beginning Monday, I'll be doing a regular "show" on Mondays at 12noon ET "Mind Matters: Anxiety Relief for Busy People" (anybody raise their hand to that?!) Is there a "list" to get on to promote? Thanks!

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I thought about doing that, but was unsure if I could join my own live stream. I didn’t see it as an option the last time I went live. Do I have to subscribe to my own Substack to have access to the live stream?

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You should see it at the top of your publication website 1 minute after the stream starts. You can easily join from there

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So now that Substack is turning into YouTube or Facebook, where should writers go?

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