All very true. Steely Dan is your sweet spot, for sure. Elvis is mine - my latest piece on him received great traffic including on that site (I moved my Substack to my own domain to get around Elon's throttle). Your experience on voluntary paid subscriptions is interesting - I am planning to turn on paid subscriptions this fall (but keep…
All very true. Steely Dan is your sweet spot, for sure. Elvis is mine - my latest piece on him received great traffic including on that site (I moved my Substack to my own domain to get around Elon's throttle). Your experience on voluntary paid subscriptions is interesting - I am planning to turn on paid subscriptions this fall (but keeping everything I write open to everyone). I don't like the idea of suddenly putting a padlock on some of my work. It will be a trial and error process, I am sure. And yes, the number of music Substacks keeps growing.
All very true. Steely Dan is your sweet spot, for sure. Elvis is mine - my latest piece on him received great traffic including on that site (I moved my Substack to my own domain to get around Elon's throttle). Your experience on voluntary paid subscriptions is interesting - I am planning to turn on paid subscriptions this fall (but keeping everything I write open to everyone). I don't like the idea of suddenly putting a padlock on some of my work. It will be a trial and error process, I am sure. And yes, the number of music Substacks keeps growing.