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I LOVE the paid subscriber notes—great idea. Extremely inspiring, as my readers are very generous with their praise!

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Why isn't there any functionality for writers on the app? I'd love to be able to compose a post and access my writer dashboard from it.

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🧠 Here’s a lil bit of encouragement that I shared yesterday on Notes. Perhaps it will give you a boost, today?

I got my start on Instagram posting my writing online. And anyone who has been on Instagram for a while knows that it has gone through quite a few shifts over the years, some of them not so nice for creatives just trying to get their work seen.

A philosophy I adopted during the ups and downs on Instagram is this:

Just post it. The people who need it will see it.

When I came to Substack and I was a teeny tiny little account with hardly any readers, I brought that philosophy with me. It’s still my philosophy today.

You can’t control algorithms, discoverability, trends, or reader engagement. You can read all the advice, spend money on courses, and adopt every tool in the book. But in the end, that part isn’t up to you.

Instead, imagine that somewhere out there—whether they engage or not—the person who needs your work is waiting to read it. Your job is not to let them down. You’re a writer!

Just post it. The people who need it will see it. ✨

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🧠 - A lot of writers on Substack ask what metrics or stats are important when trying to determine what "works" for growth. Is it likes, open rates, comments or geography? I'm here to tell you that's the mindset of a content producer, not a writer. If you want to spend your days reacting to statistics, your content will be as fickle as your audience. Write what you want and what you're passionate about, be good at it, and the rest will fall into place. You will automatically attract those readers who share your same passion and appreciate your unique voice. If you just want to make a name for yourself and lots of money to boot, then there are much easier ways than writing.

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✏️ + 🟧 - Any tips or insights from those who have achieved 100+ paid subscribers? Have you utilized certain methods like a discount offering in free subscriber welcome emails, occasional specials or other incentives? I would especially love to hear some creative approaches.

The majority of my Substack content is free (and I would prefer to not paywall my archive/bulk of my work). I offer paid subs additional resources on select posts (like a recording or Q&A behind the paywall), discounts on my professional services, and access to a submission form.

Hoping to be inspired by others growth and strategies, thank you!

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I've noticed for my Substack that the rate of new subscribers has fallen a bit while keeping up my regular publishing schedule and just wondering if other writers are experiencing the same thing?

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✏️ I prefer subscribers to followers. Wondering what other writers think.

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✏️ My fellow Substack writers!

I am looking for guest writers to feature on The Books That Made Us, a community of bibliophiles and book lovers.

Every post is written by a different guest writer who discusses a ‘foundational book’. A book that you read and reread and have thought about ever since. A book that shaped who you are today. A book that made you.

In 4 weeks since launch we have already garnered over 1500 subscribers (and a 70% open rate) so it’s a great opportunity to get your writing in front of more eyeballs!

Details about how to write for us here:


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🟧✏️ Last week Hamish mentioned that our subscriber list, or part of it, is public. This alarmed me! I haven't been able to see where this takes place, either on my own Substack or on others'. Can someone show me what this looks like, where to see such a list?

I asked how to turn this feature off, and Hamish said it's up to the subscribers (who don't know about this) to turn off this access in their settings.

I believe my subscribers deserve privacy, so this troubles me greatly...

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🟧 I’ve been receiving lots of notice of people following me on Notes. Is there a way to know how many and who?

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I really like the new Post Search feature. Thank you!

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Really enjoy reading the new ‘paid subscriber notes’ ... thanks for adding those.

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Should be interesting opportunities. I have often wondered why someone subscribed. Some of the details like “via notes” helps.

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Any protips for stoking referral interest? Mine fell surprisingly flat. Maybe I should try a nicer cologne.

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My only question is what percentage of users on substack search for content? How Should we optimise content for searchability?

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