Welcome to shoutout thread! We will be jumping on Zoom today for a special shoutout thread. You can access the Zoom link by registering for the event here.


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I want to mention that the photos you are making available are a real help. I cannot get out in bad weather, and I needed a baseball photo.

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Awesome! Glad to hear that the new "Search for an image" is helpful. If anyone else is curious, this is the new feature that's available in the editor when you add a photo: https://support.substack.com/hc/en-us/articles/4697212547860-How-do-I-add-free-images-or-pictures-to-my-Substack-post-

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I'm a writer and a photographer. Sadly, the photos I take sometimes don't match the stories. Ha!

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I felt this! I just kind of force them to match via sheer willpower, haha!

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Marchanna, after a day taking photos, do you ever look at your shots and wonder why you have 17 shots of mushrooms and not one story about 'shrooms?

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Hahahahahahaha well, I can tell you I enjoy the white button ones in particular! As a (mostly) vegetarian, they are an valuable source of my protein.

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Same here.

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Very interesting. I usually take my own pictures, but looking for useful images online is rather time-consuming. This is a very nice addition to our arsenal.

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Clip art is very plastic, but I keep reminding myself that I am a writer, not a professional photographer, and a little clip art won't damage my brain...and it saves more time for writing!

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I'm new to Substack and the resources are great for beginning a newsletter. I found the Search for an Image feature really valuable. Saved a lot of time and provided a polished image for my subject. Thank you!

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Thank you, needed that.

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I haven’t discovered that feature yet.

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I didn't put this on my calendar (I wish shout outs were part of the Office Hours schedule!) so I wasn't able to join the Zoom call. I hope you had a blast!

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Taking note as we schedule going forward!

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Zoom attendees, if you questions on the new recommendations Feature, visit our Support Center: https://support.substack.com/hc/en-us/articles/5036794583828-How-can-I-recommend-other-publications-on-Substack-

What do you like about Recommendations? What don’t you like? What do you wish was possible with Recommendations? Please drop any additional comments or feedback in this thread. ⬇️

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Thank you.

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How is it different from the substacks showcased on your profile?

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We think of it as a way to put some extra wind behind the sails of your favorite writers. The writers that you endorse during this flow will show up as suggested reads to new readers of your Substack, while the "ordinary" ones that you read are only visible on your profile.

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In the "What I'm reading section" I would prefer to be shown a broader list of options that are not preselected, or that I can control which publications show up as "top" for preselect/deselect settups - otherwise it's substack's algos rather that truly readers influencing readers without outside manipulation.

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That's a useful suggestion, thanks!

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Thank you for being receptive!<3 <3 <3 I appreciate it so much! I know you guys want to do a great job for us all! By the way, thanks for standing up for our ability to choose our own ideas as well as our own fashion. Stay strong; the pressure is real, I'm sure. Love and unity and sovereignty can all live together in freedom and harmony.

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Hey LaNysha, out of curiosity, would you recommend all writers you read?

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In general, yes! But I have noticed a lack of consistency with some and for that it makes it tough to recommend. I revisit my list every month. Would you recommend folks you read?

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Yeah I like everyone I read so I'd definitely recommend!

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Interested to hear what podcasts on Substack folks are listening too and loving atm?

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I'm enjoying Young Adult Movie Ministry. Alissa Wilkinson is the Vox film critic. She and her cohost (and occasional guests) do deep dives into classic and recent films while also commenting of the film's relationship with contemporary Christianity. I've listened to their episodes on "The Muppet Christmas Carol" and PTA's "There will be Blood". Will definitely be listening to more!

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Sounds amazing!

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Storm Skiing Journal is a good one. I actually encountered it while sharing my own outdoor stories in Facebook groups. The creator has been at it a long time, and clearly puts in a lot of work to deliver quality interviews and reporting.

It's honestly some of the best journalism I've seen or heard about the industry

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Hey Cole, I shouted you out on this thread, I should have read through to see if you commented first! haha You're most recent podcast interview was great

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Thank you so much!

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Selfishly...and also because of editing...I listen to mine like 8 times before it goes out. https://www.roastwestcoast.com/

Less selfishly, Is there a Substack Podcast tab to find new shows?

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I like Sherman Alexi's podcasts. His vision about ordinary events is appealing to me. So far, I haven't had the time to listen to others.

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Hi all!

I’ve really been enjoying Mike Sowden’s newsletter: Everything is amazing! If you’re curious like I am, you’ll love this newsletter!

Link: https://everythingisamazing.substack.com/p/4-stupid-ways-to-have-a-better-2022

Another newsletter I’ve been enjoying is Erik Hoel’s The intrinsic perspective.

These are long form essays with super interesting topics. The most recent essay is on Video Games and the future which was 🤯

Link: https://erikhoel.substack.com/about

And shamelessly, I’m going to promote my own newsletter. It’s about mental health in the ancient world. My next topic on ancient Indian philosophy and mind- brain dualism will be out next week!

Link: https://ancientmadness.substack.com/about

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Mike Sowden’s newsletter never fails to dazzle! ✨

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I'm so sorry for this! Send me your optician's bill and I'll cover it.

(Thank you!)

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Jolene, dazzle is one of my favorite words! Number 2 is "besotted". How come no one uses it anymore?

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I've just read two novels in a row that used "besotted." One by a UK writer, the other an Australian one.

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What? You've made my day! By chance, did anyone mention having to go to the necessary? That's common in English romance novels...

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No, but I'm still looking for the chance to bring back the phrase, "That's the outside of enough!" BTW, I read your post about your aunt and uncle. Very interesting and vivid! And I liked the book excerpt and the trailer. Have you found that it helps to have book trailers? I am publishing a novel later this year, and wonder about that. Some say yes and some say no.

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I'm back to civilization where I have a real computer. Thanks for liking my Francis and Archie story. How I wish I'd had a camera when I used to visit Idaho in the 60s. About the book trailers, I love to make them, I'm wowed by the color and think of each frame as a work of art (just like my Instagram pieces). I've had thousands of views but have no way of knowing if they sell any books. I suspect not! Tell me about your novel!

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Juliana, I'm trying to reply to your message but my Kindle is squirrely today. I'll have to get to my computer when I'm home. Thanks for writing!

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"Dazzle" has pop!

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And “Verve”! 🍾 I’m making a list of all of these words 😂

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Verve is another good one!

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Let’s bring them back, Janelle! :)

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Maybe we should make a list of words that we hate, like "settle". As used when women choose a man. The thought of it makes me shudder.

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I mean, talk about an absolute joy: "This is Everything Is Amazing, a newsletter that stupidly dares to ask “if I stare at my own reflection long enough, will I lose my mind?”"

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Thank you, Chloe! I've never met a question so stupid that I can't...almost entirely fail to answer it.

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Brilliance. Love it. Your delight in answering questions kind of reminds me of the longtime column "The Straight Dope" written under the pseudonym of Cecil Adams. (A real gem) https://chicagoreader.com/news-politics/the-straight-dope/

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I just subscribed. I'll be sure to wear my dark glasses. So fancy.

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That's so kind. Thank you, Ash!

(And everyone: Ash's newsletter is a treat - I haven't seen anyone else covering his chosen angle and it's SO INTERESTING: https://ancientmadness.substack.com/p/ancient-chinese-scholars-understood Go read.)

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Ash, I just discovered your newsletter and am delighted with your graphics. I hope, when I start reading the text, that I don't see myself...

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Thanks for the wonderful list of recommendations, Ash!

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Another Erik Hoel fan here!

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Hi everyone! I'm Mike, and I write about the science of curiosity and the stress-relieving joy of being a bit stupid: https://everythingisamazing.substack.com/p/4-stupid-ways-to-have-a-better-2022

My recommendation is Heather Wall's Natural Wonders, which asks really fascinating questions about the natural world and then answers them in a mindblowing way:


For example - why do woodpeckers manage to avoid bashing their own heads in, with all that frantic hammering? The answer is to do with their tongues, and it's - just really *weird*:


Every issue is a treat. Great format, great topic, absolute winner.

EDIT: I should have hat-tipped Melanie of The Turnstone (https://theturnstone.substack.com/) as she's the one that recommended this woodpecker post to me on Twitter.

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This looks wonderful Mike, thanks for shouting it out!

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Full credit goes to Melanie at The Turnstone (https://theturnstone.substack.com/) - she's the one that recommended it to me on Twitter! (Should have mentioned that in my original comment, but hooray, there's an Edit Comment feature now!)

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Yes! Heather was in my Substack Go group. I find the whole premise and execution of her writing to be fascinating!

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Thanks for sharing! This is all right up my alley. I love fun, weird and interesting facts.

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Well this sounds right up my alley! Thank you for the recommendation!

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Are you the ex-head J Skinner?

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Do you mean the English educator (I think she’s @theheadsoffice on Twitter)? I’m not, but we do follow each other’s work and occasionally poke fun at having the same name!

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Yes, and sorry! We know each other through education :-)

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Natural Wonders sounds fascinating! Subscribed.

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Stress relieving Joy of being stupid 🤣

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Oh these both sound so extremely up my alley. Thank you for sharing!

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Shoutout to Hope Henchey of Family Scripts: https://familyscripts.substack.com (Parents and other caregivers, you need this newsletter!)

Jessica Wilen of A Cup of Ambition: https://acupofambition.substack.com/ (Working moms, do not miss this one!)

Emilie Filou of Buzzing: https://buzzing.substack.com/ (Someday when we are all eating insects I will think back to everything I learned from Emilie!)

Olivia Mardwig of For the Love of Words: https://oliviamardwig.substack.com/ (Anyone involved with kids 8-13, check this one out! She's doing a fun poetry contest right now)

Jolene Handy of Time Travel Kitchen, always and forever: https://timetravelkitchen.substack.com/ (You will never regret signing up for this, just do it)

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So much great in here! Thanks Sarah!

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Thoroughly agree on the last recommendation. Jolene is just the best of people, and Time Travel Kitchen feels as welcoming as warm socks on a cold day.

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Couldn't have said it better myself. When she writes her first cookbook, I will be first in line at that book launch party, cheering like mad.

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No pressure at all, Mike! 😳😰

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You get the first signed copy, Sarah! (Don’t tell Mike;) oops, there he is...

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Mike, you can fix this. Pre-order two. :)

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Thank you, Mike, as always you’ve given me an idea! Time Travel Kitchen socks 🧦 😂 (I’m actually not kidding:)

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OOh, make that a bundle with the cookbook!

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Amen on Jolene! She's a gem, and I look forward to her delectable Easter cupcakes this Friday!

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Thank you, Annette, c’mon over! 🧁

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Annette absolutely mentioned you to me in the Zoom Breakout Room, Jolene! :>

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Thank you Annette and thank you Vikki!

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Starting the engines . . .

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Subscribed! I love anything involving food history. ❤️

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I always look forward to your thoughts about kindness, Vicki :)

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Sarah! We are a mutual admiration society! Thank you so much and thanks for your beautiful newsletter.

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Bless your corazon, Kevin! Kevin's a wonder, and is supportive of SO many fellow 'Stackers! And, where are my manners?! I just realized I haven't subscribed to Kevin's amazing "On Repeat" yet! @ https://thekevinalexander.substack.com/ I HAVE NOW!! My first stops will be to his pieces on the Bar-Kays, The Cars, and his take on Texas music! Get on board, 'Stackers!

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^rt Kevin writes such a fun newsletter and has brought plenty of new music into my life, and just like Brad said, he's so supportive of other Substackers :)

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Thanks for the shoutout Kevin! ✨🍻🎶 so cool to be mentioned alongside so many awesome authors 🔥

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You took the words, Stygi, right out of my vintage Underwood No. 5 (the one with the impossibly stuck "e" key)!

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Thanks Kevin and Caitlin for the shout-outs!

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Thanks for this, Kevin!! I second listeningsessions.substack.com , it's one of my faves!

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Hello, All. I've been brainstorming with @Katie from Substack about a monthly group that was originally for beverage writers, but is evolving into a "Business of Substack" group for writers looking to turn their newsletter into a job or revenue driver.

Stay tuned for details on the first meeting link which will be: Monday, May 2nd, at 1:00 PST.

The plan for each meet-up would be to include a brief presentation followed by q/a & group discussion.

Here are some topics we've started brainstorming. I'd love to hear your feedback on the group concept and the topic list as well as any other topics you may have.

If you think you would like to be a featured presenter on one of these topics or another, please reach out!

Potential Topics:

Meeting 1: Introduction to the group. Around the room. Meeting goals.

Meeting 2: Identifying Readership/Demographics

Meeting 3: How to grow email list

Meeting 4: Converting free subscribers into paid subscribers

Meeting 6: Substack writing tools

Meeting 7: Social Media advertising

Meeting 8: Other Promotion opportunities

Meeting 9: Combining written newsletter with Substack podcasting

Meeting 10: Collaboration Month - Working together to provide guest columns/posts

Meeting 11: Networking Event - Invite a friend

Meeting 12: Panel discussion on state of newsletter writing

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Interesting, I can help with promotions, collaboration, growth. Email me at info@shaungold.com

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I'll reach out.

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Brilliant list, Ryan!

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This line up looks great! I am very interested in joining.

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Awesome, I'll share the link in this thread, but if you'd like an email, let me know. My name is Ryan and my email is info@onewildlifeco.com.

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This is a great idea!

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Thanks, JD!

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Hi there! I write Good Book/Good Bread, where I recommend and review a book I loved and then bake a bread that fits with an aspect of the story.

I am really enjoying reading:

Running Probably by Paul Flannery https://paulflannery.substack.com/

(Love his fitness meter graph!)

Nzinga's Vegan Guide by Nzinga Young https://nzinga.substack.com/

She has such a great writing style

Shangrilogs by Kelton Wright https://shangrilogs.substack.com/

It has been fun following along on Kelton's adventure living at 10,000 feet!

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Really loving Shangrilogs!

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Shangrilogs... such a good Substack publication name!

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Shangrilogs is fantastic!

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Ooo, thank you! I love your theme!

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Hey, folks. I'm buried in work today, so won't likely be able to join live. My newsletter is about living a life of integrity as a real, imperfect human being. It's called Let Your Life Speak. https://ashasanaker.substack.com

My two favorite Substacks: Men Yell At Me. Lyz's political insight is incisive, her cultural commentary is wise and far-reaching, and her humor is pitch-perfect. She just writes like a freakin' dream. If we're going to hell in this handbasket, I'm incredibly grateful to be in it with her. https://lyz.substack.com/

For community feels I think there's no one better than E Jean Carroll. She has constellated a raucous, ribald, and compassionate crew of paid subscribers she calls the Conflab and we are a enthusiastically participatory bunch. Even if you don't want to subscribe, you could go over and see how she gets people engaged, without any of the bells and whistles of Discord or any other thing. She's just attentive and appreciative of her people and we respond in kind. https://ejeancarroll.substack.com/

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Something really interesting (and needed!) is going on at Short Story! If you read and write short fiction, check this out and send in your work and enjoy the monthly-chosen story... There's real pay involved, even :) https://shortstory.substack.com/

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In a similar vein is The Storyletter: https://storyletter.substack.com/

Winston is very nice, too, and will talk to you 😄

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I subscribe to over 100 Substacks. Here are a handful of my favorites that I come back to over and over again.


Story Hoarder: https://storyhoarder.substack.com/

Adventure Snack: https://adventuresnack.substack.com/


Dirtbags through the Ages: https://rapscallison.substack.com/

Non-Boring History: https://annettelaing.substack.com/

History, Etc.: https://danjones.substack.com/

News and current events:

Rehacked Newsletter: https://rehacked.substack.com

Garbage Day: https://www.garbageday.email/

And I love me a quick tarot reading from Capricorn Born: https://capricornborn.substack.com/

If you like these, then you might enjoy my newsletter Story Cauldron, where I write about storytelling and share my fiction, https://storycauldron.substack.com , and Unseen St. Louis, where I write about the underappreciated history of my hometown, https://unseenstlouis.substack.com .

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Cool list! I haven't heard about any of them. I'm excited to dive in

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100?! How do you find the time to read them all?!

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Well to be fair some haven't been publishing very often, or have stopped entirely, which makes me sad. But otherwise, I just binge and read a handful during down time and it's nice.

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Not all are published on the same day, and even if they are, you can spread them out 😄

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HI, everyone! I'm super new to Substack and launched my newsletter in Feb! I write about creativity, contemplation, community and healing your story! I GOT HERE with big thanks due to @austinkleon and @MarleeGrace. Reading their newsletters gave me to the courage to just jump in! They inspired me. I look forward to checking out more writers on Substack soon! What a beautiful platform. So grateful to be here with you all

Austin Kleon: https://austinkleon.substack.com/

Marlee Grace : https://marleegrace.substack.com/

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Welcome to Substack! If you have any questions about the ins and outs of the platform, feel free to ask. I've learned a lot about what does and doesn't work through trial and error on here. Generally, staff and other writers are always super helpful

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Thanks, Cole! I might take you up on that!

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Hi from a fellow newbie 👋

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HI, Krista! 3 cheers for newbies!

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I love this topic- I’m subscribed!!

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Hey, Salma! Yay! Happy to connect!

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Without a doubt, lately I'm really enjoying https://theisolationjournals.substack.com/ by Suleika Jaouad. I've gotten so much inspiration from there and her 100-Days project has been instrumental in my life lately. One day, when I can, I will become a paid subscriber. Until then, her free posts are still a treasure trove. Check it if you haven't.

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I agree! I'm just learning my newsletter craft and Suleika's is a wonderful example of reader engagement. I love her authentic voice.

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Gotta shout out Adventure Snack! When I was a kid I loved those choose your own adventure novels, and that’s exactly the itch Adventure Snack scratches. The stories are quick (about 15 minutes), the humor is on point, and the games always present an interesting dilemma. But my favorite part is the comments because after playing, players are encouraged to return to the original post and discuss their choices and outcome.


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Michael have you checked out the homepage categories today 👀 https://substack.com/discover/category/humor/paid

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I have! Very excited to see this news! Thanks to the Substack team for making it happen and giving humor a home.

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Thanks for nudging us!

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Happy to meet today! A shout-out to Jackie Dana and Unseen St. Louis. Jackie is showing how engaging local history can bring people together, and celebrate places that can seem mundane until stories bring them to life: https://unseenstlouis.substack.com/ I'm an academic historian, and I get seriously grumpy at anyone who tells historical stories in boring or clickbaity ways. Jackie is one who does not. This is worth your time, even if (like me) you have yet to set foot in St. Louis. https://unseenstlouis.substack.com/

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I really appreciate your shoutout, Annette, and your recommendation in your most recent newsletter. Writing history is hard work, and it gives me warm fuzzies to know people enjoy the effort.

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You're very welcome. Jackie. Happy to do so.

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Are you the Jackie Dana from Foster? Who write such helpful comments?

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My Substack on poetry and philosophy at marsonmars.substack.com. I also have a podcast called "Deep Thinks With Marchanna and You" for which I am looking to interview writers for in which interviewees are encouraged to "pretend they have died" and manifest the type of life and career they want read at their eulogy. Please reach out via my Twitter at https://twitter.com/Marchanna4real

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Love this idea!

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Thank you so much! I am humbled by you.

I will send over further synopsis and (very loose) instructions on how the format of the podcast will go once I get your e-mail.

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Will do the same! Yeayyy for collaboration!

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I would love to take part in this, but have no Twitter 😳😫

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Hi, I write popular science articles on space exploration as well as the world's only Moon exploration newsletter on my Substack blog Jatan's Space: https://blog.jatan.space/about

I also have a general blog for all my other interests, including blogging, tech and web, poems, science and society, and more: https://thoughts.jatan.space/about

One Substack I love to read is https://linklist.substack.com, by the Editor of The Wire Science who shares the best articles out of the hundreds he reads every week as part of his job.

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It’s true. You can become a better writer (and reader) with George Saunders on Substack! georgesaunders.substack.com

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I write weekly motivation and inspiration to make you mentally stronger.https://youtopianjourney.substack.com/. A substack that I never miss is the DIFF. If you are into the startup world and the public markets, the amount of information provided is simply amazing. https://www.thediff.co/

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Love yours! I, too, am on the same wave length. 🙌🏾 https://www.ourmepower.com/

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Awesome! Thank you!

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Hi everyone,

I'm Coleen and I write the-line-between.com which is a biweekly about painting animations and life in NYC. Super visual, very personal...

If you're a lover of animation—or just curious—I suggest https://animationobsessive.substack.com, a team that does extensive research about the industry, animated films, artists, and reports on them with insight and detail.

Otherwise I just signed up for https://griefbacon.substack.com/ which is by a fellow New Yorker—seems like interesting, personal essays, the latest on the closure of a beloved speakeasy here in Manhattan, Angel's share.

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Love both of these publications!

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Hi all! I'm Chloe and I make a weekly podcast called The ALIVE hour, about what it means to be alive (and to connect) in this crazy world. It's short-form, narrative-driven, music heavy. There's illustration, GIFs, and even handwritten letters. <3 https://thealivehour.substack.com/

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And can't say enough just how much joy I get from Edith Zimmerman's Drawing Links. Her combination of the mundane and bizarre is just a total delight. https://drawinglinks.substack.com/

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Thank you!

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great meeting you in the breakout room today! Can't wait to dive into the ALIVE hour.

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Hi all! I write a newsletter about identity and eating disorder recovery (among other topics like writing, love, home). Lots of introspection and rumination on daily life, but also been trying out the thread feature and introducing some more lighthearted topics.

I never miss a newsletter from Dia Becker who writes https://brokebutmoisturized.substack.com/ She just launched a Bootleg Therapy advice column which I highly recommend. Hilarious and insightful.

I also read a lot of Joe Mayall's newsletter Joe Wrote. He's got great takes on what's happening in the news cycle and breaks down concepts related to socialism for folks like me who want to learn more about progressive policy. https://joewrote.substack.com/

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This newsletter absolutely deserves more attention than it's getting: Ye Olde Tyme News is a fun, medieval era newspaper that publishes tongue-in-cheek stories, written in period-appropriate English.

A lot of them appear designed to echo our modern problems, struggles, and current events. I just think this is such a creative way of tackling social satire. I recognize that I'm also a huge history nerd, so this newsletter feels like it was MADE to be read by me. But if you dig history too, or just have a Monty Python-esque sense of humor, give this a go:


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Thanks for the suggestion, that's not one I'd come across before

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Hello all!

I write about the intersection of food, history, and memory, and throw in whatever other food-related tidbits I'm diving into at the moment (like recipe testing using my synesthesia as a guide!) rootkitchens.substack.com

There are SO MANY amazing Substacks, but here are 3 of my current go tos:

I'm a huge fan of WordLoaf, with easy-to-binge writing about baking that makes even complex baking processes feel approachable and fun: https://wordloaf.substack.com/?utm_source=discover

I'm also a forever lover of From the Desk of Alicia Kennedy (newsletter and podcast!): Smart, engaging, and just absolutely wonderful to read writing about a range of food issues. I appreciate that she doesn't shy away from tackling the complexity of food, food insecurity, food and climate, etc. https://www.aliciakennedy.news

Finally, Sophie Strand is one of my favorite writers on the planet, and I am thrilled she has a Substack for me to follow and devour. Her ideas about environment, the body, and reimagining ourselves in our ecosystems have had a dramatic impact on pushing my writing and ideas forward, and I feel lightbulbs go off in my head every time I read her work! https://sophiestrand.substack.com

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Love Alicia's Substack too, look out for more from her on this publication soon! 👀

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Oooo can’t wait!

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Hello fellow writers! I've launched a new project for people interested in physics, astronomy, and mathematics -- https://firstexcitedstate.substack.com

It's intended to dive just a little deeper into things I think are really interesting, maybe a bit more detail and more equations than you get in a typical trade book or newspaper article. I've been teaching this stuff for 20 years, and I've been wanting to do this for a long time, so I'm excited to finally get it off the ground.

I'm just finding my way around here, but like everyone else I'm enjoying https://everythingisamazing.substack.com and https://heathercoxrichardson.substack.com as soon as they drop!

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Sometimes you just want more lists. Here are two Substacks I discovered this week that help put the chaotic universe in neat numerical order:

1. Deep Culture (https://deepculture.substack.com) - I just found this one today. It's a weekly link roundup, but I clicked on seven smart and interesting-looking links before I could help myself.

2. Lists of Note (https://www.listsofnote.com/) - A spin-off of Shaun Usher's popular Substack "Letters of Note," this is curated publication sending out all sorts of lists created by famous and/or interesting people. I'm super jazzed about it.

3. Just for fun, and since I write satirical and/or creative reinterpretations of well-known stories, here's a list by Gerry Bergstein about artistic 'homage,' and why a person would chose to consciously imitate or adapt an already-existing piece of art:

a. To provide a contemporary update of older themes that often contradicts the original

b. Sheer love

c. To make a cultural critique

d. To demonstrate political, or other forms, of social evolution

e. To distill the earlier work

f. To develop the traditions of a beloved forebear

g. Any combination of the above

h. As a joke

So long, and thanks for all the lists!

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OMG Lists of Note!!!! I've found my reading/life sweet spot here <3

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✌️Another for Deep Culture 😄

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Gotta give some love to Substack's resident advice maven, party host and challenger of evil https://ejeancarroll.substack.com The interaction and true community is better than the social media giants.

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My friend and neighbor Christian Finnegan (a stand-up comedian you may recognize if you watched any of the VH1 shows of the 2000s like Best Week Ever, or he also was in a sketch on Chappelle's Show) has great taste in music, and so he finally started his own Substack called New Music For Olds. https://newmusicforolds.substack.com/ I've already bought two vinyl LPs based on his newsletter!

If you want to read someone rant and rave about current topics in pop culture, and hear and read interviews with funny people, then I may be your guy. Earlier this week, I was all over the Grammys for rewarding Louis CK, for example. https://piffany.substack.com/

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A favorite writer on Substack? Only one? Impossible! There are so many that deserve extra attention. I'm sharing three here:

1) Poetry Trapper Keeper, a very exciting poetry project: https://poetrytrapperkeeper.substack.com/

2) ACM Weekly, Amy shares beautiful small poems, always a joy to read. She takes you straight to the desert to see its beauty: https://achristinemyers.substack.com/

3) Hello Universe! Punit shows how to take the defining features of nursery rhymes and create poetry for grown-ups. As a bonus, he keeps experimenting with form. Very exciting journey.

Yes, you've guessed it, I read poetry. If you have a poetry substack, please let me know.

I'm not much into Substack podcasts, yet, but I do publish one through my own substack inbox poetry magazine. So, here's that little bit of shameless self promotion:


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Howdy everyone. Stopping by to drop a podcast recommendation. I recently came across the Storm Skiing Journal. Super informative for anyone who is interested in learning more about their favorite ski resort!


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So great! Look out for more from Stuart On Substack soon! 👀

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I actually saw this post. I think he did a great job laying out the benefits of subscribing without being overbearing. At the time, he also had a pretty significant body of work to point readers and listeners to, as a kind of guarantee of future quality posts.

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I’m reading the excellent writing by the mentor Meredith Lewis https://dangerousmeredith.substack.com/ also Eat My Memoir https://landi.substack.com/

Adventure Snack gets honourable mention, https://adventuresnack.substack.com/

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Adventure Snack is a very honorable newsletter (and a lot of fun)!

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This is awesome. Hi all, I’m Salma and I write about the spiritual ambition that drives us to be our best, accept our failures and embrace our successes. You can check me out at www.shedoesprofess.substack.com -- oh and I also just started a podcast!!

My shoutout goes to Terry Freedman, author of Eclecticism (https://terryfreedman.substack.com). Definitely recommend his work, especially if you enjoy reading about life, literature, and leadership. His prose is fantastic, and quality of the work is very engaging. It’s a refreshing mastery of the written word.

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Hey Salma. Just noticed the link to your substack wont connect for me. Not sure why, but thought you might want to double check!

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Huh! I see that too. Not sure why either but thanks for noting it!

I’ll try here again with https:


Thanks Mary!

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Didn't want folks to miss out!

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Terry Freedman is a master of the written word!

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Howdy everyone! I share news, interviews, and stories about the outdoors. Today that means talking about Ski Joring, a crazy winter rodeo sport.

I'd like to share some other substacks in the outdoor space:

The storm skiing journal writes about the ski industry and has a great podcast!

(seriously, if you ski or snowboard, you need to subscribe.)


And Shangrilogs, which is about living in a log cabin, in a high-altitude mountain town. It's a cool look at what that lifestyle really entails. And even if you have no plans to pack your bags and head for the hills, it's an interesting perspective on how much consumerism has taken over our lives.


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Hi everyone!

Two of my favorite publications right now are Letters from a Stranger by Nneka Julia and The Unpublishable by Jessica DeFino.

LFAS is perfect for those who love writing that seems pulled straight from the pages of a diary. Nneka has an amazing way of painting pictures with her words, from the time she found out about a loved one's passing to the time she enjoyed a feast in Mexico with the staff of the place she was staying. Beyond her words, she takes gorg pictures and shares them.

The Unpublishable is a critique of the beauty of industry and makes you reflect on the way you engage with beauty culture. Since starting to read a few weeks ago, I've become more mindful of how I fall prey to beauty culture and what I can do to divest from it. You may be thinking, "but wait, I don't wear makeup or anything like that"...I don't either, but it's so much deeper than that and Jessica breaks it down in a way that makes you see just that.



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Hi Everyone. I use substack to publish my humor comics and started using the podcast features to make a podcast that goes off in a variety of tangents that are in some way related to my comics.

As for favorite substack writers I've been enjoying:





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I also love SneakyArt. Been really enjoying that.

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I am so enjoying "The Creators Compass."

Beautiful, heartfelt writing and recording that makes me question life and also delights and centres me.


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Hello Everyone,

My name is Jeff McKinney. I started a new project as a novice writer and avid reader called A Modern Agrarian.


It is a newsletter of my own opinions that has articles all about why this is the time more than ever to rediscover where your food comes from, and why the food industry is a major driver of climate change. It is important we all help Mother Nature restore the life support systems on Spaceship Earth.

I have been really enjoying Chris La Tray's newsletter called An Irritable Metis. Great to hear his perspective, and I quite enjoy his writing style.


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For POETRY, everyone should look at Arjan Tupan's newsletter https://trippleeffect.substack.com. He's sharing some really nice content, always looking for new work, and his own poetry is great.

While I'm here, I just passed the first year mark of my own sonnet series, and am opening up the series for guest posts, if you want to try your hand at sonnets. Happy to discuss cross-posting. See more here: https://jamesmaynard.substack.com/p/and-now-a-sonnet-celebrates-1-year-70f?s=w

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Hi everyone, I invite you to check out Alana's


Hope all is well

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Good to see you Rodrigo! Thanks for sharing Alana's Substack

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Two publications I've been devouring lately are sweater weather:


and An Irritable Métis:


Both feature beautiful writing that stays with me for hours and days after reading. Cannot recommend them both enough if you enjoy thought provoking prose that is also an immense pleasure to read!

And to take a beat to promote my own newsletter - as spring approaches, the Arboretum is starting to bloom! I'll be posting about that, as well as continuing to write about my grandpa's horticultural networking trip to Japan and what Spring looked like in the Midwest during the mid-century:


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Ooo yes I love these!

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Hi everyone! Really enjoying these Office Hours slots - thank you.

I've got to recommend Sam and Lawrence Freedman's 'Comment is Freed'. Sam is a British education policy wonk, and his father Lawrence is an eminent scholar of war studies (also literally an Emeritus Professor). I'm a fan of Sam's policy commentary anyway (if you're interested in education policy in the UK, or British government policy more widely, you're probably already signed up) but their Substack has been particularly interesting and valuable for Lawrence's commentary on the war in Ukraine. https://samf.substack.com/

Sane, calm, well written and incredibly well informed - I always learn stuff and I'm always glad I read it.

And if we're doing shameless self-promo, here's ours: The Metropolitan, a weekly essay about British pop culture written by Generation Xers. Our tagline: no dunking, no hot takes, no false nostalgia https://www.themetropolitan.uk/

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Ah these are both great!!

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Thanks Hannah! Comment is Freed is genuinely great. We hope to achieve 'mildly diverting' on The Metropolitan ;-)

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Hi everyone. My substack is published every Friday and has suggestions for films, tv shows and music. This way my readers don't have to Waste time thinking about what they should or should not consume in the pop culture world. https://gilby.substack.com/

A newsletter that i have been enjoying lately is On Repeat by Kevin Alexander.


It has great music recommendations and very cool revuews.

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Thank you! I’m really glad you’re enjoying it. 😀

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Wow, so many great ideas here. I was especially attracted to https://everythingisamazing.substack.com/p/4-stupid-ways-to-have-a-better-2022, I have needed some up beat stuff in my life lately. I write about current events at https://cindycasey.substack.com and it can be somewhat depressing. So I also loved hearing about https://naturalwonders.substack.com/, I mean, seriously, never thought about brain damage and woodpeckers, and now I wonder why I didn't. Thank you all

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Thank you, Cindy! And yeah, Heather's newsletter is fabulous - she has such a knack for finding interesting questions to try to answer. I'm pretty jealous.

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SO much love for Everything is Amazing! Because well...it's amazing!

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I'm building tools for creators and readers on Substack, https://substacktools.com! Feel free to drop me some feedback on this thread https://onepersonbusiness.substack.com/p/substack-tools-tooling-suite-for/comments?s=w

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love the concept! And will check out.

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Hi everyone - I just launched my project, The Policy Mom - www.thepolicymom.com, a blog and newsletter analyzing public policy through the lends of motherhood. I want to become a trusted source for mothers looking to understand how policy and politics impacts their lives, families, and motherhood. I am looking for guest writiers and other Substack writers - to meet - and partner with! I'd love to hear from you, email@thepolicymom.com.

I personally really enjoy Steph McNeal's weekly Substack - https://substack.com/profile/5434215-stephanie-mcneal?r=1dpaes&s=r&utm_campaign=profile&utm_medium=web. If you follow women's issues in the internet/social media influencing space or are interested in learning more about her work on MLMs/LuLaRoe documentary, I highly recommend checking out her work.

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I've loved reading Fully AuthentiCaited (https://fullyauthenticaited.substack.com/)! It's a great distraction from my usually hyper-focused climate news feed, giving readers a roundup of cultural tidbits, pop culture absurdities, and more. Plus, it's always good for a laugh.

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Thanks for the shoutout Brandon!!

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This: https://www.notboring.co/p/the-current-financial-thing?s=r. Guy says he doesn't know what he's doing. He does know what he's doing.

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Hi everyone! I’m Mike and I write Books on GIF. I use GIFs to review books. Mostly novels, but I throw in some nonfiction and graphic novels too.

One newsletter I want to shout out is Why’s World. Alanna always seems to be reading or watching interesting things, and I enjoy her commentary. Particularly this edition on Emo Batman. I love Emo Batman too. Enjoy! https://alannawhy.substack.com/p/obsessions-8-i-love-you-emo-batman

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Let's see, here are a few good ones:

https://chillgirlwhoreads.substack.com/ is book reviews; only free, no paid sub available

https://litmagnews.substack.com/ is just what it says on the tin; even the free verzsh is helpful

https://saltformelons.substack.com/ is a sweet weekly persine kind of deal

Oh! And I can't stop plugging https://theflare.substack.com until you are all paid subscribers! So get on it! 😄

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