I'd like to shoutout three writers who celebrated writing one year on Substack this week.

Sari Botton writes Older Magazine, exploring what it means to travel through time in a human body, at every phase of life: https://oldster.substack.com/p/this-is-1

Matt who shares a new original instrumental song every month on his Substack, Fog Chaser: https://fogchaser.substack.com/p/celebrating-one-year

Jack McNulty who writes VeganWeekly which is inspiring people every week to cook healthy vegan food: https://myfreshattitude.substack.com/p/happy-anniversary-veganweekly

Did anyone else celebrate a Substack anniversary this past month? Or want to shoutout another writer who did?

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Yes! My simple living Substack turned one last week and I turned on paid subscriptions on the anniversary - simpleandstraightforward.substack.com

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40,000 words! 29,000 emails to thousands of inboxes across the world! No small feat. Happy birthday!

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Thank you! I've loved every second of it, truth be told.

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Wow, Charlie! Congrats! I just subscribed!

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Thanks so much Jessica, appreciate it!

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Congrats 🙏💐🥰.

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Go to Every Desert & Drill ?=Yes to Irrigate all Farmland !

Create a TV = Tennessee Valley Project ?

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Hey, I am a first generation student in the U.S. and recently started writing on substack about human rights. I am almost to 50 subscribers, would appreciate if you could read my writing, give some advice, perhaps subscribe and add me to your reading list!

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I’m still trying too figure out my thesis . 😂

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Congratulations. 👏

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Go to Every Desert & Drill ?=Yes to Irrigate all Farmland !

Create a TV = Tennessee Valley Project ?

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Well done on all your hard work!

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Congratulations 🎉

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Hey, I am a first generation student in the U.S. and recently started writing on substack about human rights. I am almost to 50 subscribers, would appreciate if you could read my writing, give some advice, perhaps subscribe and add me to your reading list!

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Congratulations! I'm on email 90. Only 28,910 more to go.

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Congratulations! That's a nice milestone. Good luck with the paid subscriptions.

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Brilliant! Well done Charlie!

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Hey, I am a first generation student in the U.S. and recently started writing on substack about human rights. I am almost to 50 subscribers, would appreciate if you could read my writing, give some advice, perhaps subscribe and add me to your reading list!

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A fantastic milestone! Congratulations -- just subscribed!

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Hey Charlie mam just subscribed to it, congrats and love from India, I have also started my own thing 2 weeks ago and talking about serious life hacks and learnings for youngsters, please do check it sumitprakash.substack.com if you could. Thank you

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Congrats! This is major 💜

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Yay congrats - just subscribed - right up my street!

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Go to Every Desert & Drill ?=Yes to Irrigate all Farmland !

Create a TV = Tennessee Valley Project ?

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Sep 1, 2022
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Thanks Janera, on both counts!

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Hey, I am a first generation student in the U.S. and recently started writing on substack about human rights. I am almost to 50 subscribers, would appreciate if you could read my writing, give some advice, perhaps subscribe and add me to your reading list!

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I hit the one-year mark the first week of August! Happy birthday to me!🎂☕😁👍

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YA! Did you write a celebratory post?

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Katie............they're ALL celebratory posts!! But, no, I just do my thing. Probably should have sent a celebratory e-mail to my subscribers, but I chose not to bother either one of them!🎂😁

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Go to Every Desert & Drill ?=Yes to Irrigate all Farmland !

Create a TV = Tennessee Valley Project ?

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Hey, I am a first generation student in the U.S. and recently started writing on substack about human rights. I am almost to 50 subscribers, would appreciate if you could read my writing, give some advice, perhaps subscribe and add me to your reading list!

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Happy Birthday! Keep moving in the right direction, my friend!

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Congrats, Brad! Onward and upward!

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Thanks, Tiffany, or as I want to nickname you........"MidMag!"😁

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Love it!😂

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Happy birthday, Kyle!

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It's "Brad" to you, but I certainly appreciate the well-wishes, Estrin! Keep on keepin' on!

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😂😂😂 sorry about that!

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Ain't no thang, Michael! You know me.........just exercising my "rock'n'roll sassiness!" I'm sure it doesn't help for me to have two first names!😊

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Congratulations 🎈 I’ll check you out 🎈

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Thanks, Carol! That's what I like to hear (well, that AND music)!

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Thanks, Tyler! Color me intrigued, to say the least! The pic, the pink paper....color me subscribed! Frankly, you...uh...had me at "Timothée Chalamet"!😜💕---Brad

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Yay! Music to my ears!

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Happy birthday 🎂

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Happy birthday!!

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Thanks, Marji! I appreciate the kudos! Off we go for Year 2!

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I'm hitting one year since going paid this month! https://ashasanaker.substack.com My founding anniversary is in early January, and that'll be two years. :)

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Thanks, Katie! ❤️

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Congratulations!!! I only have one post and am so nervous!

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I’m nervous every time I sit down to write and every time I post. It’s only the repetition, the reality that nothing bad has ever happened and occasionally great things do, that keeps me showing up. As near as I can tell, that’s the only thing I have control over. Everything else is beyond my sphere of influence. ❤️

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I love that, thank you for the reminder Asha!

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I'm nervous every time I press publish. But you have to face your fears and go for it.

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That’s brilliant. How are you paid subscribers growing? Did you make all your content paid or just some?

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I have about 75 paid subscribers. That number has grown very slowly. Steadily, but slowly. I’m hoping the anniversary sale will cause a jump, even if it’s a small-medium size one. If I can get to 100 paid by year’s end I will be really proud.

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That’s amazing! How did you get folks to switch to paid?

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A lot of my paid subscribers are folks who have been following my work for years before I started my Substack and were just waiting. The few newer folks stumbled upon me and just really like what I’m doing, I think.

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The essay on your dad was excellent. I got it through The Sample and recommended it in my newsletter that week.

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Congrats Asha

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Thanks, David!

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Bravo! I’ll check you out for sure 😊❤️

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Congratulations! I hope the paid subscriptions are going well!

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Thanks, Carol!!

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I just hit my one week anniversary! (OK that doesn't count as an anniversary, but I am pretty stoked to be here amongst all you excellent hobbits.)

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Cool to see Ted and George were influences for you! Thanks for writing here.

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Welcome fellow Freshman!

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Thank you!

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Me too ... Hello fellow newbie ☺️

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Welcome Pete!

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Welcome to Substack, Pete! Can't wait to check out your newsletter!

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Happy Anniversary

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On the 28th of August, The Fyve Spot (https://markfyve.substack.com/) celebrated its one-year anniversary on Substack. Love the platform and the community!

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Happy one year! Thanks for choosing to write here

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Thank you, Katie!

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Well done Mark! Will check it out now

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Thank you, Victoria!

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Rock on Mark!

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Thank you!

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I’m giving a happy anniversary shoutout to three writers I enthusiastically follow:

Dianne Jacobs https://diannejacob.substack.com/

Matt at Fog Chaser https://fogchaser.substack.com/

Avivah Wittenberg-Cox at Elderberries https://elderberries.substack.com/

Congratulations fellow writers…

I wonder who else is celebrating today or this week…

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How serendipitous that you all started at the same time!

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Turned one in June. Any June babies want to have a play date? 😂

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Congrats on June. I would celebrate with you but I joined in July this year so.... just subscribed to The Flare. It was the bowel-removal that pushed me over the line.

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Ha! I knew that would come in handy. And that’s what it’s about —- that connection. Thank you and welcome.

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Happy birthday!

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Thank you!

Jackie Dana writes Unseen St. Louis if you’d like a Midwest pal.

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Thank you!

I would.

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Does six months anniversary count? Thank you to my readers and curious website visitors! If you like eclectic track choices, cultural insights, and occasional essays, please don't be shy, and sign up.

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6 months most definitely counts!

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One year is amazing! I am recently new to Substack writing Meditations on Migration from a village in Zimbabwe. I didn’t know there was such awesome support for writers here. I turned on paid subscriptions probably a little too early and am studying the pdf you guys shared about that. Congrats to these Substacks on turning one year!

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Welcome, Allen! I wonder if you're the 'Stack's lone Zimbabwean! In the '80s, I once bought a sweatshirt that had a crest of some sort on it, and "Zimbabwe University" written on the front! Don't know if it was "official" or not, but I thought it'd be a great conversation item....I was right!

Good luck with the "paid" thing. I'm just starting my 13th month, and "went paid" about a couple months in, without much thought (and maybe before the pdf was crafted). Matters not. I've only ever had a couple of paid subscribers, and I don't utilize any paywall or "blocked to all but paids."

I guess I just stopped caring about all that "bookkeeping," and chose to (gasp!) just focus on the writing. Paid subs are as available as freebies, and I let the chips fall where they may. I don't want to have to think about, "hmmm, should I allow only the paids this fabulous content, or is it just pedestrian enough to let the freebies have it?" So, for me, it's come one, come all for all of it! But, you'll find the right path for you! Again, welcome, Allen!

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Thanks for airing this perception of yours. Who, as a writer, doesn't want financial gravitas to encourage them to burrow in even deeper to their fondest proclivities, with proof that others care about what they care about?

I know Substack has to encourage us to bring money in, because that is how they make money. As journalists who have made their money writing find fewer paying outlets, I understand they need a place where readers who love their voice and research skills can find them, and pay for their talents. As for the publishing world, offering less reward to more writers, saving the bucks for their banked and most profitable in the stable, those feeling a responsibility to bring through their fingers that which is yammering on in their heads and hearts find fewer avenues.

Substack allows us to focus on the subjects we choose.

I myself have started off slowly since March of this year. I have been writing for years as it is something I must do and have done since I was 12.5. Huffington posted me for a couple of years. They didn't pay but it was a nice spot to leave some remnants of myself in public.

When I was young I knew how to appeal to the mainstream and get their vote. When most successful at that young age, I was self-destructive in private. The pressure to perform, the palpable erosion of the flights of fancy within simultaneously with the responsibilities I promised I'd fulfill to others, disturbed me.

When I was 20 I wanted a whole shelf of mine to be available in bookstores.

At 22 when I had my first whiff of freedom, I discovered I love freedom more than almost anything.

I want to study the subjects that fascinate me.

I want to write what comes flowing through me.

To be a voice that many others can write, does not titillate me or keep my desire to keep learning alive.

I need to be me and let her flow.

I put one story behind the paid wall I thought might peak people's interests. A distant older cousin paid. He hasn't said a word about that story and I don't think he paid to get his hands on the story because I would have emailed it to him for free if he asked. It's not his kind of story. He just knows my core and supports me.

I'm just beginning to find what I want to turn to, and make available for those who might be looking.

I've had a chronic cancer for 12.5 years, since I was 50. I've learned how to live with it. My first six years were a complete terror. As time goes by, the desire to live grows, and the limitations I must impose to continue on healthfully seem less and less a distraction.

In the last 6 months a friend from the 80s contacted me. He has a life and death cancer. He had to go through the allopathic journey. He had to know what the experts said. He spent six agonizing months trusting Stanford to determine what he has and what he needs. They offer him no hope. They'll burn and bomb him, but promise no respite from the oncoming dissolution of his system.

In these six months, the symptoms of AngioSarcoma are causing daily disruptions and hourly discomfort. Stanford ignored this.

I shared with him my knowledge of the alternative naturopathic journey possible. I've always wanted to experiment with the functional integrative oncology options but being a freedom seeker doesn't force funds into my bank account.

This friend is starting a month of treatment with the Center For New Medicine tomorrow under Dr. Leigh Ann Connealy. She is the first professional who has actually listened to him.

The costs of this kind of treatment? High. Does insurance pay for it? No. Health Care pays for medicine and machines, not for health and healing.

He is a man who was married to his best friend for over 40 years. She got sick in 2003. He busted his ass to have plenty of money to take care of her as he expected her to live into her future needing a great amount of care.

She passed in 2014.

He says, "I can't take my money to the graveyard."

He wants me to get any treatment I want and or need. I've been interested in getting lots of lymph treatments. However, a concern I've had for seven years about my right breast have increased when I started taking bio-identical hormones two months ago. I'm waiting to find out if I have breast cancer as well as my long-term Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia.

Moving forward I will be writing about my journey with experiencing a decades long wish, being able to experiment and explore the alternative.

I'll also be covering whether this alternative world can bring his hopes to get better enough to spend a month in the Greek Islands. Living beyond that? Almost too much to ask.

Will this be something people are interested in?

An honest voice about the choice between allopathic vs naturopathic medicine?

From a lay person?

I don't know.

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I just subscribed! I lived in Harare for 8 years in the late 90's-early 2000's.

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Welcome, Allen. I'll check your Substack.

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Shout out to https://nitajain.substack.com/. She's a lovely, thoughtful human, and I had such a fun time working with her last week. She's a sweetheart.

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Oh, I'm so late to the game - I celebrated one year 2 days ago on August 30th!

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YOU'RE late?!? I was about August 7!!! Maybe we'll get you a watch for Christmas, but I need a calendar..............apparently!😁

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Haha. I meant late coming to the thread today!.... 😁😎

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Well, I was here the day before, and I bet I'll be here tomorrow..................SEE?!?

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Yup. A calendar is definitely in the works for you….🤠

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That's barely late at all! Congratulations!

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Thanks!! (And I meant late coming in Today to the thread....)

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I cracked the two year milestone August 21st, publishing short fiction every day with the exception of a 6 day break with COVID. https://jimmydoom.substack.com

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amazing! well done

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Thank you. There are at least 100 free stories and over 730 total. I'd be thrilled if more people gave it a chance.

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wow...that's tremendous commitment to your craft - well done!

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I think the pace works against me because people who don't read it assume the stories can't be any good. While the stories aren't all gonna win Pulitzers, I have a huge collection of positive feedback from readers like E. Jean Carroll, Josh Malerman and hundreds more subscribers who aren't as famous.

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Thanks for the mention Katie...I was just preparing to write exactly the same message and shoutout 3 writers celebrating a one year anniversary... I'll leave my shoutout in the comments to this post...

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Congrats, Sari, Matt, and Jack!!!

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Thanks Rachel!

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Have been following Jack and really enjoying his newsletter. Great ideas whether you're vegan or not

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Thanks Fiona!

And if anyone out there is looking to get a great perspective on the food and wine world, then I urge you to subscribe to Fiona's newsletter, Eat This, Drink That https://fionabeckett.substack.com/

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Thank YOU, Jack! 🙏

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I just posted my Substack today about my 1-year anniversary. https://diannejacob.substack.com/p/celebration-time-come-on

And there was a comment from Jack McNulty, whom you mention above, and an essay I wrote will be published this month in one of Sari Bottom's newsletters, whom you also mention. Small world!

Today I'll give a shoutout to Sarah Copeland's Edible Living newsletter, which just arrived in my inbox, just as we were both writing about change in my newsletter's comments. She had her own big news to share. Her newsletter is an excellent look at family life and food. https://sarahcopeland.substack.com/

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So many shoutouts today, it's hard to keep up! Thanks for generously sharing and shining the spotlight on your fellow writers.

Congrats to all who celebrated milestones this month. We look forward to celebrating more in the coming weeks.

We'll be back next week for Office Hours. Hope to see you then: https://lu.ma/office-hours

Keep going,

Katie + The Substack Team

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Thanks, Substack Team, for all you do to make this a great place for writers to share their words!

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Go to Every Desert & Drill ?=Yes to Irrigate all Farmland !

Create a TV = Tennessee Valley Project ?

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HIGHLY recommend the Soaring Twenties Social Club! It's a collective of writers in many different genres and topics. They put out a weekly best-of newsletter and a monthly symposium on a given topic. This is the most recent Monthly Symposium, on the topic of "Home": https://soaringtwenties.substack.com/p/on-home

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I know so many writers on here (myself included) whose work literally would not exist in its current form without the Social Club. You owe it to yourself to peruse our finest work. Endorsed.

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If making the STSC has brought you more readers then I consider the effort to have been a success. For all we have collectively achieved so far I consider our writers and artists to all still be criminally underrated. Cheers.

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Happy to be a member of the club, such a great group of people!

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And we’re happy to have you Mark!

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Mark what is your substack!

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I wouldn’t have started writing on Substack without the Soaring Twenties club. Excellent and supportive group of writers and artists.

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That's awesome! Also singed up for The Wednesday Audio, can't wait to give it a listen!

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You'll soon find that the podcast has a theme.

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Hahaha. What has poor Michael let himself in for?

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It took me a few but then I developes a taste for it.

My first impression was "wtf" and now I just grin throughout the whole thing.

A totally different format and highly recommendable is this:


A real fun shortstory written by another member of the STSC and absolutely fantastically delivered by Craig Burgess.

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Cheers. And all jokes/pretend rivalry aside, you’ve been a big help in making it into what it has become. So thanks.

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Cannot be overstated!!!!

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Cheers, Felix. Your latest Symposium contribution was fantastic btw.

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I'll have to check them out! Thank you for sharing.

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Just subscribed. This is what I love most about the Office Hours Shout Out threads. We find newsletters we might never have known about otherwise. Thank you!

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Great to have you as a reader. This weeks symposium will be out on Sunday as always. Hope you enjoy it.

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Looks great--just subscribed. Thanks for the recommendation!

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That’s great news. Thrilled to have you as a reader.

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I just joined! I’ve been looking for a group exactly like this. Can’t wait to meet everyone and collaborate.

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This is exactly why I created the STSC. I myself was looking everywhere for something like it. Eventually I realised I would have to make it myself. Glad to see your already getting settled in well over there.

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An inspiring gathering of creative minds, sharing a wide range of original, entertaining, and insightful writing. It's been a privilege to be a member and read such great work.

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It’s been a privilege to have you on board, Edward. I know we’ve travelled in the same orbit and you have supported my work since wayback. It’s much appreciated, mate.

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Great concept, and I liked the introduction, so I've subscribed too.

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Excellent. Creators get too distracted by audience building to do the real work. One of the ideas behind the STSC was to help ease that burden by having an audience that people can access. A rising tide lifts all boats, as they say.

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Definitely. I'm looking forward to reading the articles. Just out of interest, if I wished to be considered to join your contributors, assuming the limit of 300 has not yet been reached, what's the procedure please?

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Go to https://thomasjbevan.substack.com/subscribe and select monthly, annual or founder.

Once you have done this you will receive a link to join the community with your automated welcome email. Then you click that and see how deep the rabbit hole goes!

It's $8/mo and you can get a refund anytime.

This post explains everything in more detail:


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Thanks for recommending! Just subscribed and finding such great work from writers. How exciting!

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It’s a very deep squad. We’re blessed to have some phenomenally talented creators on board.

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Great group of writers, there's some insane talent in there.

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People have no idea. Makes me optimistic for the future of both independent writing and this platform too.

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I echo your recommendation! Being a member of the STSC helped me find my tongue again, and some pretty rad friends too.

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That’s amazing to hear. I consider you a great ‘use case’ for the concept. A great, highly original writer who can just crack on and do the work because the audience/feedback/support aspects are all taken care of by the STSC structure we have in place.

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Ah that's rad, I love being your "use case!" And of course I appreciate your words on my writing.

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Just signed up for Soaring Twenties Social Club! Seems super cool! Thanks for the rec, Charlie!

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Fantastic news. Charlie has done good with this recommendation, I probably owe him a beer or something!

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Can confirm, Charlie is owed a beer.

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Thirded! So cool that these threads are actually fruitful. What a discovery!

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Yeah, this is network effects done the right way. No algo, just humans being human. I hope Substack doesn’t mess with the great thing they have built here.

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Your symposium piece was phenomenal btw White Rose. Really happy you chose to join us.

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Thanks for recommending, just subscribed!

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Check out my substack

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Great to have you as a reader. This weeks symposium will be out on Sunday as always. There will be essays, fiction, podcasts, you name it.

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Happy September, Substackers!! My personal shout outs are floating around in another post but I want to thank the whole Substack community for being the most supportive, encouraging, and creative! This place truly is unique, and I am so grateful. And here's a little bonus encouragement, while we're at it: if you're still fighting through the doubts, the worries, the fatique, and the apathy to write and post and share your thoughts with the world, then shout out to YOU! Someone out there needs to read what you've written, so keep writing and never ever give up! 🌿

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My shoutouts got buried, which is a good problem to have because it means lots of people are posting! Here's what I said:

Shout out time! There is a growing niche on Substack all about faith/spirituality and how it filters into different areas of life (creativity, health, relationships, love for the natural world), and this niche is FULL of so many amazing writers and all-around awesome human beings! Here are just a few I really appreciate and enjoy, but if you also write in this niche please comment below so we can find you!!

A Stylist Submits https://kevinlatorre.substack.com/

Slow Down, Live Deeper. https://leewarren.substack.com/

Thanks For Letting Me Share https://thanksforlettingmeshare.substack.com/

The Peasant Times Dispatch https://timesdispatch.substack.com/

Musings on the Spiritual Journey https://alandavey.substack.com/

Release and Gather https://hollyrabalais.substack.com/

The Goodness https://jlgerhardt.substack.com/

Lilychili Sanctuary https://lilychili.substack.com/

Merlin’s Newsletter https://merlingoodfeather.substack.com/

Caitlin Chats https://caitlinhmallery.substack.com/

Spirit https://sarahklenz.substack.com/

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carolmossa.Substack.com. Affectionately known here and elsewhere as The Footloose Muse. I’m a creative midwife helping people give birth to wildly creative lives 😊❤️

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Can def recommend Merlin’s Newsletter! https://merlingoodfeather.substack.com/

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I already sent this to S. E. Reid, before I saw you had posted this. Appreciated the word "def" in an already positive sentence!

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So happy to see Merlin’s Newsletter mentioned on your list! I had “plans” to include your Thanks for Letting me Share, Release and Catch in my own shoutout list, making positive comments about your work, but I was hosting an “Office Hour” for Merlin’s Family Employment Agency for another unemployed person who is depressed and discouraged and needs help Now!

I was just idly scrolling as the Hour’s time was expiring, when I saw your name and then your list and I was flattered to be in August company and regretting not having done the same. BTW, I had already prepared my first shoutout today, based on the fact that this community has appeared to become even more collaborative than I thought. When I joined in, just before the expiration of our Hour, I just pasted it in.

I had also planned a Shoutout for our Footloose Muse whose Gratitude Project gets a number of comments, under which she includes a lot of personal and positive feedback from Carol.

I had also already responded to this week’s “C is for…” with a number of words that stressed, “Community, Connections, Collaboration, Creativity, Communication and “Concerts that bring together Communities of “True Fans” of the artists.”

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Thanks for the shout-out, Pete! 😊❤️

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S.E. Reid, I don't believe it but I wasn't subscribed to yours. This has been rectified!

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Amazing! Thanks for this list

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Thanks so much! Glad to be on your list.

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Thanks for the shoutout!

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S.E. Reid, I scroll through these discussions looking for your positive insight and helpful words!

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I do as well. Also including, but not limited to, Thanks for Letting Me Share, Release and Catch and The Footloose Muse.

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Thank you, for your enthusiasm, guidance and good nature 😊❤️

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Thanks, this applies to me, filled with so much doubt, so much fatique, so much apprehensions.

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Thanks once again!

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Go to Every Desert & Drill ?=Yes to Irrigate all Farmland !

Create a TV = Tennessee Valley Project ?

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I am a big fan of Culture Study by Anne Helen Peterson. She hosts thoughtful and supportive conversations about issues of the day - not just the politics of them, but the impact they have on people. I am one of her paid subscribers. Take a look here. https://annehelen.substack.com?r=wm2m&utm_medium=ios

This week, there is a fascinating conversation going on about wealth, and how wealth opens the door to opportunity. I am taking part in a thread about immigrants and how communities help their members.

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Her wealth article is brilliant. I see myself becoming an avid follower of her work.

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Thanks for the rec, Micheline. I subscribed to Anne's and to yours!

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Thank you!

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I so agree. I love her writing so much and find it to be very rounded and thoughtful.

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So glad you mentioned Culture Study -- one of my favorites that I forgot in my Shoutouts!

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Yes! Love this one, too. Great rec!

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AGREE! Really enjoy Culture Study

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Noahpinion sent me link last night re your house as wealth. I haven't had time to read it, but I am a paid subscriber to Noah who gets into a lot of cultural issues through the eyes of an economist.

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I just want to once again sing the praises of Substack and highlight how SPECIAL this community is with some recent examples from my experience. First, another Substack writer, Michael Wolf of "70 Years Old. WTF!" wrote an article inspired by my newsletter, “moviewise: Life Lessons From Movies”:

"Mike's life:" a moviewise-style series review


How AMAZING is that! Next, another Substack writer, Mary Tabor of “Only Connect…” wrote a Guest Post in my newsletter about meeting and being mentored by Professor Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, one of the subjects in a documentary I reviewed, “Happy."

The Secrets Of Happiness


Again, WOW! Without Substack we probably would never have found out about each other, read each other’s work, or collaborated. What a treasure Substack is! How wonderful is it that Substack has created a space where writers with various backgrounds and interests can meet, interact with one another, inspire one another, and pursue a life of writing? It’s simply INCREDIBLE! So, THANK YOU Substack for allowing all this magic to happen 🤗. This is a very special place.

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Yours is a gem of a newsletter. I always learn so much and I'm always entertained!

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Thank you so much Ramona! That means so much to me coming from you. I really appreciate your kind words 💗!

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Excited to check out your newsletter and the ones you suggested! We just launched and are looking for other film and tv stuff to read on here :)

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That's wonderful! Thank you and welcome 🥳

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Substack you rock! I had King's College London reach out to me because of my Substack and let me do a guest post on their mental health blog associated with them. Everyone keep writing and you never know where it will take you! You can subscribe to my substack that delivers weekly motivation and wisdom. https://youtopianjourney.substack.com/

My personal favorite Substack is the Diff for all you business people out there, you will dig it. https://www.thediff.co/

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Awesome to see the community building aspect of Substack and mental health stories always resonate with me.

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Thanks! Hope you dig the content.

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Congratulations on the King’s College gig! And bless you for your unfailing presence on Writer’s Hour and the encouragement you freely dispense for us all.

I am trying to get more involved and signed up of a free subscription, something I’ve been intending to for a long time, but recovering from cancer, encephalitis and surgery has temporarily removed the “broad margin” from my life.

Your “Scrolling” post was a natural for my first visit to your site. I do not scroll Social Media. I agree with my cousin Kipp, who calls it “Waste Book” a reference to its Black Hole of Time nature. I have given up Quora, with its highly addictive click bait teases, based on an algorithm that has long sussed out my addiction to music and throws up “Why did John Lennon (or Jimi Hendrix etc.) hate…” Every now and then a particularly enticing phrase will reel me in as I am an information addict. Science and politics are also personal weaknesses of mine and the internet (Wikipedia etc.) is like a powerful magnet to my natural curiosity for *everything*.

Writing is another addiction. I have tons of replies to the emails of friends that could be published. Once I start responding to an email, something takes over and I follow that rabbit down the most @ rabbit warren.

Youtube now has me in its thrall. Mostly Ukraine and threats to our democracy, leavened with the occasional humor to help me keep my sanity. But, I have to face up to my own mortality and switch my addiction to Substack.

“All you are doing is killing time and this time dies…hard.”

I used to say, “I might as well kill time. After all, time is killing me!” Now, in my 80th year on the planet, I realize that this is no joking matter and is true for me, not just everyone else. Yes, I’ve always *known* that death is my destiny, but I didn’t allow myself to *feel* it until I was recovering from triple bypass heart surgery last winter.

As a retired Addiction Counselor, I still have the same mission: To help victims of the Drug Apocalypse fight free of their prison, define their own “happy life,” and maintain the freedom necessary to attain it.

I am hoping that Substack will be the vehicle that I need to download decades of highly varied experiences, on both sides of the “bar,” but I am now aware that I need to stop “scrolling” through life and get “rolling!”

Thank you for another reminder.

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Thank you so much for taking the time to write this and subscribe! I am glad it helps! I have a whole upcoming series on utilizing your time, I hope you enjoy it and keep on rocking!

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Awesome - congrats!

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Please excuse the naked @ sign in my previous post. The @ is my placeholder when my aging brain refuses to offer up the word that I am looking for. It would have been something like “tortuous” or “enticing,” but would have required some amending of the sentence and my brain already left town a half-hour ago.

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Wow that's excellent news! And thanks for the recommendation for the Diff

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Thank you! Yeah, the Diff is dope!

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I highlight 5 different Substacks each month. This month the focus is Venice!

A Dash of Prosecco

Sinù shares recipes from the Venetian mainland. Her newsletter gives wonderful context to the very specific ingredients of the region.


Terrazza San Zaccaria

I hope to have my own tiny terrace to grow a few boxes of herbs in Venice soon. This newsletter about a vast (by Venetian standards) garden is my inspiration. Each post has lush images and captivating Venetian history.


Venetian Supper Club

I have learned so many things about Venice from Anna Gilchrist and Lisa Hilton. Like a brand new shop filled with Iranian treasures and about a shocking practice to keep mosquitoes at bay.


I Love Italian Movies

Get ready for the Venice Film Festival with this post.



Yolo’s Venice guide shares many of my beloved places


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These look great. I'm fascinated with Venetian culture, particularly their food, so I'll be delving into these!

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Charlie, you might actually like my latest issue of LEEP Happenings on the Curious Origins of the World's Favorite Foods: https://ldlewis.substack.com/p/the-curious-history-of-the-worlds

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Great thanks, I'll check it out!

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I absolutely love Venice so that is so useful

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I do too! I have lots & lots of Venice info on my Instagram guides page too.

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Is the information about mosquitoes free or behind a pay wall? I couldn't find it. Important information for people everywhere.

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NEEDED THIS!! thank you. I'm off to Venice for the Biennale at the end of October!

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I just got back from a whirlwind Biennale binge. It is fabulous. I have some info here on my Substack & loads over on my Instagram guides section.

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Excellent will check it out. I’m subscribed to your substack and have been saving looking through your back posts for my trip

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Hi, all! One thing I’ve learned over the years (I'm 110) is that charlatans prey on writers. That’s why it’s super-important to get your guidance from a genuine teacher with integrity, and Alison Acheson is the Real Deal.

A successful (and working) published author in fields ranging from YA to literary fiction to autobiography, Alison is also an accomplished creative writing professor. She genuinely cares about writers and writing. And she lets us into her head, to show us how one superb writer thinks.

Check out this recent post: https://unschoolforwriters.substack.com/p/negative-capability and sign up for Alison’s Substack, Unschool for Writers: https://unschoolforwriters.substack.com/

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You sure don't look like you're 110, Annette! Congratulations on your good health and longevity & thanks for the links.

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Thanks, Charles. I've had work done. It's an old photo. I have my Granny's excellent complexion. I am a dab hand with photo editing tools. One of these things is true. :)

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Alison is 🙌!

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A rainbow and two people in conversation? Yes, she is. (I don't think my new glasses are working too well...)

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I want to be 110 years old, if I will look as young and strong as you.

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omg 110!! That's awesome Annette

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Wow, 110!? Amazing! I just subscribed!

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Thanks, Jessica! Good idea, because how long can I keep this up, eh? :)

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You’re doing incredible so far!

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thanks for this Annette!

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One more quick shoutout to all the new people who have started newsletters on Substack in the past few weeks and months! Starting is the hardest part, IMO, but if you keep writing, you'll find your audience and community. Keep going!

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Also, treat your newsletter as though it's THE #1 in your genre from Day 1. Don't let editorial standards slip because you're "not famous" yet. People visiting you should think "Everything is amazing! How is this so underrated?"

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I know, right? Strategy comes easily to me. :)

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Among the best newsletter writing advice I've seen is: You don't have to be consistently excellent, but you need to be excellently consistent. Keep writing and taking risks!

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Good talk. And excellently consistent in taking risks, excellently consistent in the writing, and excellently consistent in overcoming the fatigue.

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Thanks Michael!! I’ve been here for 2 months, and the encouragement from other Substackers has been amazing.

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Seconding this!

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Have been a subscriber for a few weeks now (maybe since the last ShoutOut thread) and am really enjoying your work, Elizabeth!

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Thank you so much Melissa!

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Hi everyone!

I'm going to shout out a couple of newsletters I really love.

First up, I wanna give a big shout out to Fictionistas, which is a community for fiction writers here on Substack. If you write fiction, it's a great community resource and a great way to connect with other writers.


Speaking of writing resources, I need to shout out Spark by Elizabeth Marro. Spark is a fusion of book club and a writing group. I always learn something when I read Spark.


Next, I've gotta shout out Cafe Anne. I adore this newsletter because Anne does such a great job of writing about people with humor and heart.


Speaking of humor, I want to call your attention to Field Research by Amran Gowani. There's lots of funny stuff in this newsletter, some fiction, some nonfiction.


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Forever shoutout to Situation Normal!

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+1 for CAFE ANNE! Such a fun read.

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the best! and her interview with Ryan from Garbage Day about what happened to Friendster was fantastic! https://annekadet.substack.com/p/friendster?r=1fqhx&s=r&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Exactly the type of content I want to read!! I also regularly laugh out loud at Eric Adams Watch.

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I'm obsessed with the Eric Adams Watch, and he's not even my mayor.

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It's as good as advertised.

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Yes! Anne is the kind of person you'd like to have as a real life friend. Her escapades are hilarious!

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Situation Normal is great fun!

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I second that!

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One of my favorites too! Laugh out loud funny and such a delight.

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Omg, The Spark. That newsletter really speaks to me every week. I always find something new to check out or I learn something. Great Substack.

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These are such wonderful recommendations! As an aspiring novelist I’m particularly excited to check out Fictionistas. Thank you!

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thanks for the recommends and the summaries!

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I came on here to mention Fictionistas as well... let's give those fiction peeps some love because they're just plain awesome. Not quite as awesome as that guy who writes Situation Normal, but we're pretty close.

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Thank you, Brian!

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Thanks, Michael. I subscribed to the last two, and night nbit have discovereed them had it not been for your shout-out!

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Thanks, Terry! Welcome to the show!

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Hmmm...I don't think I knew Amran had nonfiction as well as fiction (I prefer to read nonfiction). I'll give it another look. Thanks!

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I'm weaving in more personal anecdote/"essay" as the newsletter evolves. I'm also enjoying writing a piece of satire, then juxtaposing it against my own thoughts and views, to give more depth and heft to the stories. Doing that with tomorrow's piece in particular.

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You had me at "children's book cleanse." :)

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Love it! Welcome aboard!

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what's up fam. I am loving so many substacks lately here are some:

https://thematriarchy.substack.com/ - thoughtful personal incredible essays about being a woman, having a body that can make a baby, and all that it all entails

https://myqkaplan.substack.com/ - goofs! Myq is the best duh

https://annekadet.substack.com/ - the funniest person on substack in my HUMBLE opinion

https://janeratcliffe.substack.com/ - great interviews with super cool creative people. jane is the coolet

https://kadilakwrites.substack.com/ - Nicci is so good and honest and funny and i mean the latest essay title sorta says it all "I I Accidentally Got Drunk at the Doctor's Office"

https://myfreshattitude.substack.com/ - Jack makes being vegan cool and sexy and frankly yum

https://aliv.substack.com/ - a hollywood screenwriter who is so kind and giving with advice and vibes and just seems like an all around great person

I have a lot more but this is good for now!!

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jk i got more

https://ohmyheart.substack.com/ - kathleen writes so honestly about the messy truths of life and also she makes me want to do drugs again but in a safe and healthy way and that gives me hope!

https://tarzankay.substack.com/ - I just met tarzan thru kathleen and she's cool as shit and funny as shit too, as is her substack - she writes about the stuff that is taboo to write about - relationships but like actually what happens in them, how she feels about her body, and lots more and

https://brentandmichaelaregoingplaces.substack.com/ - these two dudes travel and i feel like i'm traveling too and that is nice because i am at home in sweatpants

https://lizadonnelly.substack.com/ - new yorker cartoons and all they entail from liza !

k i g2g but I'll maybe have more later or just keep a list for next time.

god bless america

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Thanks Alex...and full disclosure - I also follow Alex's Both Are True newsletter - it is fabulously fun and entertaining - I recommend highly - he makes satire and disorganisation cool and sexy (ok - I stole that line)

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Yes Both are True is Super Fun!!

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woah. love this list. Thank you!

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HI Alex, thanks for all the recs. I just checked your 'Stack out and subscribed!

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My two recommendations for this month are Campfire Notes brynphd.substack.com) and Brain Pizza (brainpizza.substack.com). Bryn writes about science education while Shane writes about writing and the creative process. Great stuff!

Also (minor self-promo) How About This (howaboutthis.substack.com) has hit 368 subscribers after 4 months, very pleased to report this, thanks everyone!

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Brain Pizza is an irresistible name for a Substack. Checking it out now!

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But is it a white pizza with broccoli?? 🤔

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It got me too!

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congrats, Mark.

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Congrats, Mark!

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Thank you Tad!

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You put a lot of positive energy into the writing universe. It's only obvious, you'll attract good people and vibes back to you. Keep going, Mark!

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Thanks Nikhil!

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Congrats and thanks for sharing those recommendations ☺️

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I'd like to thank Substack for making such an incredible interface and for adding recommendations. After listening to Chris Best talk about the logic behind that design, I'm so excited to fully utilize that feature, rather than pesky impersonal algorithms.

This week I'd like to shoutout the Vancouver Tech Journal. You may say "I don't live near Vancouver BC, so it doesn't apply" but the writing is really just about brilliant entrepreneurs pouring themselves into an idea.

Also, I will shamelessly plug my Substack, where I highlight great people from all backgrounds. Animal welfare advocates, lawyers, criminologists, business owners, and philosophers.

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Aaron, you're doing a wonderful job!

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You are too kind! It means a lot.

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Shoutout to Extra Evil by Dennard Dayle! His newsletter features brilliant, sharp satire of the highest caliber. Every word is scorched earth. Killer post: https://extraevil.substack.com/p/exclusive-evil-sorry-for-all-that

And one *final* shameless, self-promotional shout out to my dark comedy/satirical newsletter, Field Research. I just finished month four and am loving the Substack experience. My most popular post in August was about a funny anecdote, concerning an important topic, which took place at a writer’s workshop. Check it out here: https://agowani.substack.com/p/one-sided-conversations-with-unmedicated

I’ve got a satirical piece about Big Ten college football coming out tomorrow at 9:30AM CT, and this Sunday is my birthday, where I’m planning a really thoughtful, somewhat humorous, mostly sincere, post. I’d love for anyone interested to check them out.

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Really like your writing. Keep up!

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Thanks, Minh!

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Shoutout to all the new writers taking the brave step to let their inner voices speak. It’s difficult to put yourself out there, cultivate community, and be vulnerable with your writing, but you’re doing it! Each newsletter is a step forward and if you focus on that, you’ll look back to see how far you’ve come.

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I've been writing for years, and I still hesitate slightly before pressing 'Publish'

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Yes, it goes with the territory!

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It’s weird, isn’t it? But we’ve done all we can do with a work and have to let it go.

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Yes! Good advice, Chevanne.

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Love this advice, Chevanne, and couldn’t agree more. Thank you for the positivity!

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Of course! As we need, so should we give. 😌

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YES Chevanne!

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Hi there! I'm a TV writer who started a newsletter on creativity & wellbeing a few months ago. I'm absolutely loving the Substack community and how many amazing creators I've found on here.

Really enjoying Outsourced Optimism -- outsourcedoptimism.substack.com by Tami Carey. I find her writing so thoughtful.

Bad At Keeping Secrets is another fav for emotionally nuanced writing that was featured by Substack this week! https://peopleiveloved.substack.com

And afterschool.substack.com always makes me feel younger and cooler :) afterschool.substack.com

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Thank you so much for the shout out, Ali!!

P.S. I also started following Bad At Keeping Secrets after the Substack feature and have really enjoyed it so far. Especially after loving People I’ve Loved for so long!

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Just subscribed and sorry I missed AweGust.

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Welcome Joyce! I’ll be honest, the more I’ve intentionally incorporated my awe-gust activities, the more I’ve realized they’re all (or mostly) things I can weave in to my every day year round. Of course, if you need a jumpstart, there’s always awe-ctober 😉

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Ali, you write a wonderful Substack too!

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I would like to second that 🙋🏻‍♀️

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Thank you both!!

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Awesome recommendations!

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I second outsourced optimism!

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Thank you Elle!!

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Just subscribed to Bad at Keeping Secrets

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Amazing recs - I just got into Bad at Keeping Secrets after the Substack feature, too!

And just subscribed to yours :)

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Thank you!!! Just subscribed to yours too!

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Just subscribed to you, Ali (similar interests!) and I also love After School. Keeps me young. ;)

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Yay, can't wait to check out your newsletter too!

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Apparently a lot of people are enjoying my work since I just hit 100 subscribers.

I haven’t subscribed to much new stuff recently but some of my already established subscriptions are starting new stuff. Bridget Phetapsy’s new podcast is interesting as well as Sensible Medicine.

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100 subs is fantastic! Congrats!

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Thanks, I appreciate it.

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Well done Andrew! So nice when people subscribe. It's like a little present.

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For sure, it's a really interesting feeling.

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Hey Andrew, Congrats on 100 subs! You got the ball rolling, friend!

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Doing the best that I can.

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I am loving Sandra Merk‘s journal of her sabbatical from outside Toronto to Berlin this fall, entitled Berlin for a Season. She elegantly captures the wonderful oddness of the first months living away from one’s home country. Highly recommended, with all these qualities present in her most recent post:


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Will definitely check it out!

I moved from Southern Illinois to Sicily for a year and a half and it was definitely interesting!

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It changes your perspective so much!

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This sounds so interesting as I moved back to London not so long ago. Although I have lived away from family forever, 2 years of pandemic life close to them somehow made me extra emotional during this move. Feel like a kid going off to college.

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Aww, hope you‘re settling in! It was hard living far away from family for us too, being in Germany while everyone is in the US. The world really felt different after 2020

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Hey everyone! Love this idea, thanks Substack for creating it.

I'm Mike from ToolsForCrypto, we post 4 tools a day in the Web3 space that are useful to investors, traders, and builders. A quick way for crypto/web3 enthusiasts to get updates. As well as anyone new to the space, to dip their toes in!


There are many tools coming out, and it can be hard to navigate the space, to know what's useful and not useful.

A substack that i'd recommend is: languagetech.substack.com, its a great newsletter on NLP for both beginners and experts!

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Woah! 4 tools a day is impressive

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My name is A.M. Radio, I run a Substack I call A.M. Productions, and I’d like to shout out a Substack called Metanoia.

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Thank you so much!

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Total new here haven’t read much haven’t written much. Thanks for all your recommendations! I write in Chinese and I’m curious how big the Chinese language community is. Hope to see more writings in Chinese here. 希望认识更多中文写作者。:)

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Welcome to Substack!

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Thank you so much!🧡

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Welcome! Very interesting to see someone writing in another language.

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Many thanks!😊

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Hi all, my name is Davina and I have a substack called Writersphere where I give guidance into traditional publishing as well as sharing tips and tricks of the trade. A susbtack I love is Weirdy Wordy (https://weirdywordy.substack.com/)

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Another week has gone by and my gratitude for this platform and the community continues to grow! I have been a writer my entire life, but it wasn’t until I found you all here that I realized the freedom being offered to me. Content-wise, I write about creativity, about not dying with the music still in you, about how we’re all gifted but some of us never open our package. I’ve offered a paid subscription from day one and never looked back. Thank you so much! 

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Thanks for being here, Carol!

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I second your opinion. The freedom to write is so liberating, so intoxicating, so exhilarating, it's difficult to believe that one can get so much freedom, because getting such freedom is not easy elsewhere.

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How lucky are we?! 😊❤️

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I would like to shout out Jolene from Time Travel Kitchen, not just for her fun and beautifully written publication but for being a gem of a human! Jolene has been incredibly generous in freely giving her time, endorsements, and mentorship to a random internet person, AKA me! https://timetravelkitchen.substack.com/

I would also like to shout out Lisa of Beloved Gateway for creating a gorgeous space to talk about loss, spirituality, grief, and all the messy things that make us human. ❤️ https://lisamarieco9.substack.com/

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Jolene is a gem, and I am NOT going to burst into song a la Dolly . . . Not doing it... Nope...

JOL-EEEEEE (Jolene hooks Annette off stage)

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I'm begging of you please don't take my bake goods away

Is that how it goes?

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Hahaha! That’s EXACTLY how it goes, Katie! 🎶 🍰

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😂 Sing on! I’m so thrilled you can remember the lyrics at 110! 😜 (also, thank you:)

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Jolene is a gem of a human!

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☺️ (blushing) Right back at ya, Elizabeth! (Is Bingo over, I want to order the book through you!)

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Both sound like really interesting newsletters. Thanks for the recommendations Samantha.

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You’re very welcome, Jamie!

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Thanks for the recs, Samantha! Also, I am really enjoying yours!

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🤗 thanks Jessica!

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Sam! So kind of you! ☺️ I’m really glad our paths crossed on here--everybody: Read The Cairo Dispatch by Samatha Childress!

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My shout out is to Everything is Amazing by Mike Sowden

He's a writer's writer, a curiosity soul's spark of curiosity, a spinner of tales and translator of science. Most of all he's fresh! Fresh thinking. Fresh words. Like having coffee with a very smart friend.

Comment from his newsletter: “Even if you already consider yourself a curious, well-rounded person, Mike Sowden will make you feel like you've been looking at the world through a fogged up windshield."

Latest post: A Hundred Million Ways to See


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Ahh! You are the nicest. Thank you so much, Joyce. 😊

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Oh, no ... thank you!

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Check out my substack

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I am enjoying listeningsessions.substack.com, in which Robert Gilbert’s omnivorous taste and deep analysis offers new ways to listen to music. Some I know well, but learn more. But his recent essay on the gifts of vocalist Nancy Wilson gave me an entry to an artist I had never thought much about before.l

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Thanks so much - this means a lot (and very glad you enjoyed the essay on Nancy Wilson!).

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Super grateful that you're reading my Stack, Robert!

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You're welcome - really enjoyed your piece recently that included a visit to Kops Records - love that store. Can't tell you how many LPs in my collection are from there.

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One of my favorites on the platform!

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I had to flip a coin, Kevin. I liked your fresh look at Sunflower. Next time…

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Thank you! That really means a lot to me.

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Thank you!

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Just subscribed. Thanks for the recommendation.

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Thank you for subscribing!

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Mixing it up a little this week with some of my favorite non-music Substacks:


Grace on Football: https://onfootball.substack.com


Aerology: https://aerology.substack.com

Life as it happens:

Release & Gather: https://hollyrabalais.substack.com

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*blushing* Aw--thanks, y'all!

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Yes, Release & Gather!! Holly is awesome!

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I was late to the party, but it’s made for some really good reading.

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Holly's great!

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Completely agree and also think pretty highly of The Wildroot Parables!

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Just discovered Holly / Release & Gather last week and loving it so far!

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I can't even remember how I found you, Jen, but I can't wait what future "Jen Zug Writes" will give us!

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just subscribed to Holly's. Thanks for the recommendation

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Welcome, Terry!

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Agree on Release & Gather

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Thanks, Jack, and thanks for the rec in today's post (was that today? my days are running together). I am ready to get back to my kitchen and try that chocolate and cherry babka! I was kind of wishing I knew someone who could just do the work for me and deliver it. :)

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I would if I could but Switzerland is a bit far away... It's not too hard - sort of meditative

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In this season, it's all about lack of time. But things are slowing down, I think, and I definitely want to give this a shot. Baking something from scratch was not my forte. During the pandemic I really wanted some of my grandmothers "cathead biscuits." I couldn't remember exactly how she made them, but I worked with some recipes until I got a version close to hers. Then I learned to make homemade cinnamon rolls. Now I guess I will tackle babka. It looks so delicious!

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Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or need guidance...

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My grandmother made the most incredibly delicious soup, but when she died she left no recipes. I think she just threw everything into the pot!

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I’m always looking out for new posts by Pablo at 401 Que? He does a great job at financial education through personal stories. Here’s one of my favorite posts of his.


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Yes! Loved the latest post on student loans.

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She had me at "empanada" and it looks amazing. :)

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I love come como kiki! She's so lovely to chat to in the comments!

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She is!

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Silly me. I thought the only Substacks were about food, eating, drinking, gardening vegetables, cooking, etc. My eyes, gratefully, have been opened . . . . I do really like Vicki Smith's "Easel to Table," easeltotable.substack.com, Jeannine's "Life if the Slow Lane," jeannine85f.substack.com; and, of course, Ruth Reichl's "La Briffe," ruthreichl.substack.com.

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Oh man, I have some great news for you! 😀

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Hi Wayne, Thanks so much for sharing Vicki Smith's Easel to Table!

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And self-improvement! Don't forget self-improvement! So, Wayne, If you're curious about what happens Front Row & Backstage (with exclusive interviews with the musicians themselves, music commentary and discovery), feel free to crawl under the velvet rope line! All-access is assured! Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to improve myself....somehow!

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I absolutely adore Café Anne. Her ability to weave a compelling story out of seemingly simple topics, always delights and surprises me


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Cafe Anne is getting some LOVE today<3

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She's 🔥🔥🔥

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One Substack I have been loving is Brazenface: https://brazenface.substack.com/, a journal of courage and living life in the moment. Great illustrations by its author, Tatiana Gallardo, and great writing too. Certainly motivates me as I keep on pushing writing about music (recently hit over 300 subscribers!).

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Brazenface is really great!

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Congrats on hitting 300! It feels good to know the reach is growing, doesn't it?!

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Absolutely - very gratifying and motivating!

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I'd like to shout out Diane Hatz, as a friend and fellow writer, I learn so much from watching her process to indie publish. Her book will be published this month! https://dianehatz.substack.com/

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Seconded. Diane gives fantastic writing and publishing advice

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Thanks, Cali!!

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Thanks so much, Amy - you are too kind!!!

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Love this idea. I haven't written on my own Substack for a while but reading lots. Shout out to https://simpleandstraightforward.substack.com for much needed content on living a slow, simple, sustainable life

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sounds like something i would love. Thanks for sharing

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simply.. the best!


also, I just finished my first bit of work here on the platform. had a good opening response. looking to get more creative this year and shift over to some fiction (pieces I've done thus far are non-fiction). thanks!

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What a great opportunity Substack has provided for all of us to share who we are with the world, without the free speech censoring that has pervaded so much in our country. My hope and trust is that Substack continues to set the standard for freedom of creativity and expression! Thanks so much!

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I haven’t been on Substack long but I find the variety of ideas here refreshing.

I like to read bad cattitude: https://boriquagato.substack.com/ David Lebovitz: https://davidlebovitz.substack.com/ and Oldster Magazine: https://oldster.substack.com/

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Great ones! Welcome to Substack

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Oldster is great!

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Hi, I'm Niels and I'm the author of Venture Whisper https://www.venturewhisper.com

I try to help software engineers and their leaders with the creation of valuable digital solutions, making better digital investments, and creating an efficient organization. I actually try to bridge the gap between software engineering and the business.

I'm very interested in getting to know other authors that are writing about related topics.

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Welcome Niels!

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Loving Rocco Pendola's "Never "Retire" Substack which talks about turning retirement on its head


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How did I not know he was on here?! Glad you said something! I really enjoy his work on Medium.

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Ohhhhh this looks great. Thank you for recommending!

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This sounds interesting--checking it out! Thanks!

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I love Carrot Cake by Tom Sullivan. What look like words on a page are really x-rays of his heart and soul. The brutal raw honesty, the saying of things that people (often think but) don't say...this one particular post, well...I'm not crying, you're crying. https://carrotcake.substack.com/p/keegan-joe

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X-ray of the heart and soul! What a compliment

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Thanks. I think if you read the piece about Keegan Joe you’ll feel what I mean!

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Who could resist a recommendation like that?! Off to check it out.

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Shout out to Sarb Johal who write Noise Reduction @ https://noisereduction.substack.com/

We appreciate the guest post he wrote for the latest edition of the IF Insider about his "frenemy" relationship with intermittent fasting.

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Oooh - thank you! Only just noticed this! Here's the post https://ifinsider.substack.com/p/time-restricted-fasting-is-my-frenemy

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I'd like to give a shout-out to a new blog, From My Heart to Yours. It's a Catholic blog about healing from trauma and finding Christ's peace. I've been finding it beautiful and inspirational!


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Thanks for the shout-out Jenny and thanks for introducing me to Substack!


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Hello everyone!

I am pretty new here, this might be my second week, ha!

Easing out of my comfort zone here and I write short pieces about my writing process, writers I admire, prompts and sometimes thrift finds, because, "Why not?"

Right now, I'm enjoying Kathy Fish and the Art of Flash Fiction: https://artofflashfiction.substack.com/

Suleika Jaouad and The Isolation Journals: https://theisolationjournals.substack.com/

But so excited to find new people to follow, thank you!

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Welcome Tiffany!

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Thank you!

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Suleika's was one of the first Substacks I followed. Welcome, Tiffany. You're gonna love it here.

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Thank you!

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I'm a big fan of the Isolations Journals too and its way of conceiving Substack and its community. Welcome Tiffany.

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Thank you!

And I should have mentioned that The Isolation Journals brought me here.

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Welcome to Substack, Tiffany!

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Thank you!

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I don’t even know where to start. I have met so many fine and passionate writers, and an awesome community here. 

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It’s a whole world to discover here with so many great people. 🥰

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Indeed it is, Chevanne!! How lucky are we!?

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What's up everyone. My name is Eric. I love these shoutouts! Great way to find other writers here. I want to give a shoutout to Doomberg. He is a genius in all things energy. He is insightful in guiding us through the future and investments for energy. https://doomberg.substack.com/

I also really like MY writings, lol. I write about personal finance and all things money and investments. It's called The Tobin Report.

It's an all things MONEY newsletter!


I'd love any feedback.

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HI all!

I'm loving all these recs. I really enjoy reading The Humanity by Eric Turner. He writes calming, insightful, and fun to read Friday Thoughts by The Fire. https://eturner.substack.com/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email.

I had a small milestone this week, not a birthday, but getting over 100 subscribers with Morning After Thoughts! https://jessicabsokol.substack.com/. Thanks Substack and to this inspiring community.

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Congrats on the milestone Jessica!! I loved your recent post on the snake in your house!

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That post was so great! Hahaha!

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Thank you so much, I appreciate it!

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Congrats on 100, Jessica!

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Thank you so much, Holly!

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I’ve been reading the contender but David Coggins. It’s a lovely and short series of down to earth posts. I particularly love the one linked below, it’s a beautifully written list of suggested books. His style also made me realize that I need to be bit more concise in my own writing.


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Shout out to Blake Bobechko from State of Wonder. He's a new author of a classic children's novel, Frog of Arcadia, written in the same vein as Narnia, Redwall, The Wind and the Willows, and The Hobbit. He writes wonderful light hearted content. Here's a thoughtful commentary he wrote just recently about scholars over-extending their hand when it comes to history:


And here's a free excerpt from his new book Frog of Arcadia posted here on Substack:


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So cool! Thanks for sharing, Matlock

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