Hi there! I'm Sarah, and I write a weekly newsletter about children's books, raising readers, and how to build a culture of reading in your home. I've been writing it since May 2020 and it has not only kept me sane during the pandemic but been a source of tremendous fun.
I'm such a fan of Time Travel Kitchen it's almost embarrassing, but …
Hi there! I'm Sarah, and I write a weekly newsletter about children's books, raising readers, and how to build a culture of reading in your home. I've been writing it since May 2020 and it has not only kept me sane during the pandemic but been a source of tremendous fun.
I'm such a fan of Time Travel Kitchen it's almost embarrassing, but Jolene inspires this kind of devotion, trust me: https://timetravelkitchen.substack.com/
Hi there! I'm Sarah, and I write a weekly newsletter about children's books, raising readers, and how to build a culture of reading in your home. I've been writing it since May 2020 and it has not only kept me sane during the pandemic but been a source of tremendous fun.
I'm such a fan of Time Travel Kitchen it's almost embarrassing, but Jolene inspires this kind of devotion, trust me: https://timetravelkitchen.substack.com/
Virginia Sole-Smith's Burnt Toast has been rocking my world lately: https://virginiasolesmith.substack.com/
And forever love to my very first Substack subscription (free and paid), Evil Witches Newsletter: https://evilwitches.substack.com/
GReat to cya, Sarah!
I LOVE Time Travel Kitchen. It's such a delight.
I know! I practically clap when I see it in my inbox.
I just found Evil Witches this week and am digging it, so +1 to that!
Clair's Evil Witches is one of the best Substacks in existence!!
It regularly makes me happy.
Hi Sarah! Great to have you here!
👆🏻 Seconding Burnt Toast, I'm a big fan