It's my favorite Thursday of the month! And today didn't disappoint.

Thank you all for being here and writing on Substack. Your writing brings it all to life.

We'll see you next week for Office Hours at a new time, 10 a.m.–11 a.m. PDT / 1 p.m.–2 p.m. EDT. Next month, will do shoutouts again.

With gratitude,

Katie + Bailey + Rose + Team Substack

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And thank you for all your supportive comments. I always imagine you running around behind the scenes when these shoutout threads blow up, putting fires out, fixing pipes that are jetting steam, screaming WE NEED MORE POWER etc. etc. like in the movies. Thank you for also taking the time to leave thoughtful comments to cheer people on a bit. It's always appreciated.

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How'd you know?!

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Thanks for everything you do behind the scenes and for the platform. Hold the Mayo, pickles are fine.

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I am a bit late but thank you for doing shoutout and other awesome work.

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Oct 7, 2021
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Hi Rebekah, please email us at tos@substackinc.com

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I just discovered this awesome bird watching Substack! --> https://kenlamberton.substack.com/

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The pictures are great! I love this!

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That's awesome. It's nice to find some more nature-themed writing. So many birds in the USA.

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I love bird watching!

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I'm doing an experimental book launch with my latest novel!

I'll be talking about NFT's, TikTok, Serial fiction, etc.

It's time that authors start thinking outside of book royalties.

How can the creator economy work for us!

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I am with it!

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The return to the serialized novel! No but seriously, sounds mad cool. Subscribing for sure

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Agree! Thanks for sharing.

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sounds great!

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Cheers to thinking outside of book royalties!

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Hola! My name is Lola and I am new! I wrote my first couple of newsletters recently. The most recent one is "you will be judged - how you react is your superpower."

I write about healing and getting out of your comfort zone to grow spiritually, mentally, and physically. It's all about listening to that voice within telling us to keep going or push through. I want to listen more to that voice. I hope to inspire, encourage, and motivate. Also, talk about mental health and hopefully, help through my writing those who need some encouragement through this pandemic.

I am a life coach and a realtor, so I will be starting a real estate newsletter soon too.

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Totally with you on the "how you react" concept. I wrote something similar as well and preach it to kids I coach.

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Subscribing! Love the fact that you help kids! I'm all in when it comes to helping the younger generations.

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You had me at mental health

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I'm here for all of it, subscribed to yours! :)

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You rock!! Hope it helps

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We write about similar topics, Lola! It is so exciting to see someone with such a diverse career.

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If you would love to collaborate, my email is celestetsang@gmail.com

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Awesome! Subscribing now!

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Thank you so much Kyle! I will subscribe to yours too! Can't wait to read your content.

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Thanks, Lola! Resonate with the getting out of the comfort zone aspect of your newsletter. So needed in this day-in-age where technology makes everything so convenient.

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I'm an author and comics writer. I plan on serializing my epic urban fantasy novels on Substack later this fall and forthcoming comics projects, as well as behind-the-scenes blog posts related to both endeavors.

A Substack I recommend is Elle Griffin (https://ellegriffin.substack.com/), who over the past several months has really explored all aspects of the current state of serial fiction in her Substack newsletter and who is currently serializing her novel on Substack.

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Thank you so much for the recommendation! And so excited that you have a serial coming out soon!

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Of course! I'm excited too (but a little daunted by it all).

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Ha, me too!

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You had me at comics!

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Thanks! Hoping to get started in earnest on my first issue by the end of the year!

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More authors are experimenting with serializing their fiction on Substack. But I think we are early, which is great.

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Yes, agreed!

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Okay you won me over with your first chapter. It's kind of similar to my own story (about people going to faeries and making wishes, but not knowing exactly what the faeries are!). Anyway, I immediately subscribed and went to your website and subscribed there as well. Now I want to read everything! :)

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Wow, thanks so much! I'm going to be posting the first book for free subscribers over the next several months, with book 2 available weekly for paid subscribers, so stay tuned! The Favor Faeries sounds really cool, and I like your Unseen St. Louis section, I'm baking similar unseen things from New York City into my book. I may have to borrow that idea!

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Awesome! Is the story you're posting on Substack the one available on your other newsletter, or is it different?

As for my Unseen St. Louis section, I've just gotten that started but I have about 5 things on deck to write about. I'm hoping it will enhance the rest of my content (here is some background on that place you read about) as well as maybe bring some local interest to the overall newsletter (and maybe some press attention). Plus these stories are so interesting and exciting to me and the total history nerd in me really wants to share them with the rest of the world!

If you'd be interested in trading paid subs, let me know. I'm hoping to get some discussion and interaction going in the paid section eventually and I would love someone writing in a similar genre to take part!

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My other newsletter is my more traditional marketing newsletter (I post writing updates, info on sales, etc). Subscribers to that newsletter get a free prequel short story as a thank-you for subscribing. I'll be posting the entirety of book 1 of the series on my Substack newsletter over the next several months.

Nice! You should check out https://forgotten-ny.com/, which has similar stories about New York. I've used it for research for locations and ideas.

Definitely interested in trading subs once I get going.

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Also the Forgotten NY is kind of like what I'm doing, so that's a great recommendation! Thanks!

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If you sub to my free newsletter, I'll bump you up to paid. That way you'll be on board when I start publishing book 2 in a couple of weeks, and you can read book 1 if you want (it's a novella and prequel, and not really necessary to understand book 2).

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This is awesome, Jon! I'm planning on serializing my novel as well. And I love Elle Griffin's substack. Can't wait to follow your journey.

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Thanks! Just subscribed to yours. Good luck with your launch!

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Yay, another fantasy author serializing here! I can't wait to check it out.

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Hi Jon - I review comics, so I’d love to check out yours! I subscribed!

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Great, welcome aboard! It is going to be a bit before the comic actually is released, as I am writing the script for issue 1 and need to find an artist. But I plan on documenting this whole process in my newsletter as it happens.

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Good afternoon. My Substack focuses on sleep problems as my specialty is sleep disorders medicine. Tonight at 8 pm, we'll be having our 2nd Discussion thread Q & A on the topic of Chronic Insomnia. Barry Krakow, MD

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That should be helpful to a lot of people. I used to experience sleep paralysis, so the subject of sleep disorders is very interesting to me.

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Thank you. I have a lot of experience in managing sleep paralysis. It's a fascinating behavior. A great book on related themes was written by David Hufford, called The Terror that Comes in the Night. It's written more from a cultural standpoint, as he doesn't quite understand the medical side of sleep paralysis, but still highly informative and interesting.

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That sounds so interesting. I have been having chronic insomnia for a while. Thank you for writing about this problem that most people have.

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We have many resources at the main website www.barrykrakowmd.com that may be of interest.

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I am fascinated by all things sleep - just subscribed!

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Have you done anything on the effect of meditation on sleep?

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Greg, we've had a great deal of success using mind's eye imagery techniques in treating insomnia, detailed at length in my book Sound Sleep, Sound Mind and expanded upon in my new book Sleep Recovery coming end of year/early 2022.

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Subscribed! Very handy information to have!

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Hi there! Your title is wonderful. I took a class from Dr. Dement on sleep in college that changed my life. Thanks for doing the work you do!

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Thank you. I trained with Dr. Dement and Dr. Guilleminault at Stanford sleep center back in 1993. Truly awesome human beings with revolutionary ideas about sleep.

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I'm Chrissy and I write So Relatable, a bi-weekly exploration of the creative process and investigation into how to make art while working a full time job. :)

I've been enjoying Galaxy Brain by Charlie Warzel. His recent issue about how worried we should be about the debt ceiling debacle was really great: https://warzel.substack.com/p/calibrate-your-anxiety-the-debt-ceiling

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Hi Chrissy, I just subscribed! Looks awesome.

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Thank you Stacy!!!!

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I found you & subscribed. Writing inspiration + snacks sounds like what I need :-)

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Thanks, Sarah! The snacks help me cope with the rejection. :)

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Your newsletter is the one I need. I have been trying to figure out how to make art or do side projects with a full time job.

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Just subscribed!

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Hooray, so glad to have you! Finding the right work-art balance is definitely a learning process - I'm still figuring it out!

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Ohhh love the sound of this - am always wanting to spend more time creating and feeling frustrated when I think I can't.

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Writing is my first passion; time management is my second. Welcome aboard! :)

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I'm all about the creative process!! Sign me up!!

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I just subscribed, too, Chrissy!

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Sounds fab, I'm in!

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Just subscribed to your newsletter. Looks great.

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Hi, Chrissy! This sounds very interesting. I work full time and have found my quest to sew and sell hats as a business to be daunting. I look forward to your newsletter!

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So many amazing writers here!

I’m currently serializing my gothic novel Obscurity via Substack, releasing one chapter per week for my newsletter subscribers: https://ellegriffin.substack.com/s/obscurity

I recently discovered William Vincent Carleton who types a new chapter of his mesoamerican inspired sci-fi novels via typewriter everyday, then shares the picture of his type written page (with audio) with his subscribers. https://www.immortaltype.com/

Such a cool idea!

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I love reading your newsletter on exploring new paths for indie authors.

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Just took a look (and subscribed!) at your novel, and it's lovely. If you ever have interest in adding a custom "score" to your chapters, maybe we could collaborate. I think my dark/neo-classical compositions could be a nice complement. :)

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That would be so cool! I would absolutely LOVE that! Email me? novelleist@gmail.com.

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Will do!

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Hi! I'm a former magazine editor (Elle, New York mag). I now cowrite the just-launched Spread (highlighting the best of women's media) and write The Bigger Picture (about family movies that aren't a drag for parents). I want to shout out Leah Mennies's Above the Fold (https://abovethefolddumplings.substack.com/) and also my partner in crime, Maggie Bullock, who was once my work wife at Elle and is now my cowriter/cofounder at the Spread—Maggie brand new to Substack and is such an insightful and funny writer. Please check out her (and our work) at www.thespread.media. XO

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Looks great, thank you for sharing!

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So great! Signed up to both.

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Thanks so much!

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I am sure your experience being a magazine editor will makes your work here interesting to read.

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Love that you made the move to self-media on Substack! Reminds me of: https://erikhoel.substack.com/p/writing-for-outlets-isnt-worth-it

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Also subscribed—looks fascinating.

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Thanks so much! Looking forward to checking out Ketchup :)

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Hello everyone, I write Desk Notes, which explores writing, travel, and literature.

One of the most forwarded issues recently was about language:


As a recommendation, I think Lincoln Michel is writing some very intriguing posts at Counter Craft: https://countercraft.substack.com/

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Hi Charles, Nice to meet someone else in the travel Substack area. Just checked out your stuff and really enjoyed the piece about scaring folks on the subway, and the one about the cardinal Lovely writing. Subscribed!

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Thank you Michael—I appreciate the comment. That's great to hear.

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I love reading about travel and eager to learn more about literature. Writing poems has been bringing me joy and interest in literature and writing in general. I love reading Counter Craft!

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Yes, Lincoln Michel and Counter Craft are always reads for me. Thank you for the comment.

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Hi all! I write Story Cauldron, in which I examine quirky places where you might encounter storytelling, with this week's piece focusing on how live sketching people helped me notice details I might not have otherwise noticed about who they were and their relationships to each other. On Story Cauldron I'm also serializing my YA fantasy series "The Favor Faeries," with the first book complete and available now as a download, and the second book "The Boy Who Can Taste Color" starting later this month.

I would love to recommend Dirtbags Through the Ages by Allison Epstein, https://rapscallison.substack.com/ . She highlights some of the most obnoxious and despicable characters in history and helps you understand their significance through humor and hilarious pop references. Her most recent piece, "The wario of popes" had me laughing all the way through.

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Love the sound of this 😃👏🏻

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Live sketching people sounds so interseting. All the best to your release!

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Your sketching comments tickles the sociologist in me! Subscribed!

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Awww thanks! I hope to do more of these in the future and maybe use them as story prompts sometimes (when I'm not buried in revisions and novel planning!)

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I'm halfway through "The wario of popes" and I've got a big smile on my face

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Greetings from New York! I write about the New York City craft beer scene, documenting its breweries, bars, and events. As an avid traveler, I also write about experiencing the beer scene of other cities around the world as I've visited nearly 2,400 breweries globally.

Since there aren't too many beer writers on Substack, I feel the need to shout out one of the other few and proud: Courtney Iseman, another New York-based writer who's been using her Substack, Hugging the Bar, to cover a wide variety of topics, from lighter stuff like beer in German to hard-hitting advice on sexism and safety in the beer industry. https://huggingthebar.substack.com/

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Hey awesome work bro will definitely take your advice before drinking my first beer

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Amazing! I've only skimmed the service of the beer scene in NYC but am definitely interested in checking out more places.

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Love it! Why don't we have more beer writers? What's the deal!?

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Perhaps most of us are just too busy drinking beer!

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I love this idea!

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I love it! I’m not a beer drinker, but when I do drink it, I enjoy stouts, porters and guinnesses from small breweries. I love the creativity involved in crafting beer.

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Hi friends! I'm Allison, and I write Dirtbags Through the Ages, a spin on the traditional author newsletter that gives subscribers a story about a weird or s**tty historical figure every other week. Think Drunk History, but I'm usually sober when I write it, and I talk about author life too.

Highly recommend Read This/Play That by Linda H. Codega for SFF book and tabletop gaming recs--their latest post has got all kinds of queer southern gothic goodness https://readthisplaythat.substack.com/p/summer-sons-by-lee-mandelo

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Omg I’m already laughing reading one of your newsletters. I subscribed!

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I love love love this idea. And if you didn't have me at "Dirtbags Through the Ages" you clinched it with "the wario of popes" 🤣 Subscribed!

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Allison, your newsletter is *even more* fun than the name suggests (which says a lot). I've been enjoying. Thank you for it.

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Thank you so much, Mike! I'm so glad :)

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I love this idea. Too funny. Subscribed!

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this is hiliarious

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Sounds great! Subscribing!

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Good angle.

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hello sweet souls! I send out a weekly newsletter every friday, because who sends a newsletter on a friday? It brings me so much joy to write. I think of it as brain rumblings, the words that bubble and refuse to be ignored. Here’s a taste:

I’m on a stranger’s couch, their dirty pan on the stove, feeling tired of always locking doors and feeling obligated to clean for company. I want to live like Sue and Gordy, who live in this house, and care more about my neighbors or strangers than I do about my lawn. I want to make rainbow signs about all the birds who live in these hills and remind folks to watch for ground nests if they walk in the grass. I want to jump like the child on the boat who had clearly practiced how to feel weightless when the boat bounced over other wakes. I want to trust the people who ramble along in old trucks and the folks at the laundromat - why would they want my damp chamois, anyways?

If you’d like to join me, I’d love to have you! Also, send me your links! lets @ each other! yay writing! so important!

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Your newsletter sounds marvelous! Just subscribed!

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Subscribed! Your newsletter sounds great! I’m looking forward to it.

I just got started myself, would love to have you on my list, if you’d like!


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oh fun! thanks! I’ll check it out :)

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I’d like to thank Substack because this has become a real community for me where I feel I’ve made friends, particularly with the people who write the newsletters I read. Here is a list of wonderful Substack newsletters I follow, which can be found in my reader profile: https://substack.com/profile/11854559-moviewise-

In that spirit, I would like to share in this community another one to which I belong: Pug Nation Rescue of L.A. https://www.pugnationla.org/home/

They are currently, for the whole month of October, having a fun pug costume photo contest to raise funds for the pugs that need medical attention and to help hundreds of pugs and pug-mixes find their forever homes. It’s just five dollars to vote for your favorite pug in a costume: https://my.360photocontest.com/pugnation

The lovely people who work so hard to help these beautiful creatures will be so thrilled and sincerely grateful for any kind of help, whether it be donating, adopting, volunteering, or just sharing their story on social media 🤗. THANK YOU for reading!

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First time caller! Been writing a weekly newsletter for the last 12 months or so about what's brand new and what's inspiring me in the World of Social Media! Just hit 100 subs!

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Yay! Congrats on the 100!

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Thank you! 👍

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Hi everyone! Jen Glantz here. I write two newsletters:



I'm about to hit 1k subscribers for each of these newsletters after a lot of hard work. What's worked well?


-Google ads

-Consistent posting of 1-3x a week

-Catchy topics

-Podcast interviews and PR

-Social media posts 2-3x a week.

Any other tips are appreciated as always!

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Congrats and I would love love LOVE to hear about what you've done with Google ads. I've been looking for information but have found very little. Our first attempt at Google ads didn't go well.

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Hi! I hired someone off Fiverr that helped me set it up and they did an okay job but I went in an optimized. I think it's important to find the right keywords to use and I set my budget low -$5-$10 a day to make sure I wasn't wasting too much money before I figured it out. I also built a separate landing page for the newsletter that the ad brought people too for a more robust idea of the newsletter: www.yoaureodd.com

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Thanks. And thanks for the link to the landing page, which seems like a great idea. If can I ask, how many subscribers did the ad generate?

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Morning! I'm Cole, a writer and mountaineer sharing thought provoking stories from the trail. I publish twice weekly -- alternating between narratives and guides, and interview podcasts with other exciting people on the trail.

Recently I've been reading Makans of a Chef; a cooking substack that incorporates both recipes, and stories about how food and family connect.


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Have recently started hiking around Mexico City- the altitude is no joke! Look forward to reading you!

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Thanks! I'll be checking out your writing as well!

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And I'm also reading your interesting and inspiring newsletter, Cole!

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Thank you! Crime and punishment has been fascinating as well!

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I'm Don and I write TheEndGame, a neewsletter AND a podcast for elders who want to spend the fourth quarter of their lives with joy, purpose, and grace. I read a number of Substacks and my very favorites are

1. Annette Laing's Non-Boring History, which is consistently both funny and fascinating, and

2. Susie Kaufman's seventysomething, which are beautifully written essays about aging and its impact on lives.

I enthusiastically recommend both.

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Annette's newsletter is, as you say, so grand and so unique. (I'm enjoying yours too, Don.)

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Very cool. I'm in my 40s but have lots of readers in the 60s and 70s. It may be because my mom missed her calling in PR though...

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Are you a history buff? Are you OBSESSED with epic battles that altered the world? Then you’ll love Battlegrounds+ !

This newsletter is filled with epic history.

- Nerd-level deep-dive into battles

- Meet the people involved through thorough analysis of their journals and memoirs

- Explore what the battlefields look like today!

Battlegrounds+ is a community of fellow history nerds. It’s free; no premium sub. I do this because I’m passionate about the subject. Come join Battlegrounds+ !

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You should be the one writing my history textbooks atleast that will make it interesting to study in school.

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I AM a history nerd. So this seems like an easy decision!

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I'm a historian who is chronically bad at retaining information about battles, but this makes me want to try again!

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subscribed! can't wait to nerd out

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Oh, this is great!! Part of my newsletter is taking famous battles/campaigns and what lessons can we use in daily life or business. Inspiring to find others that love history and battles.

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Hey everyone, I'm Aniket (anne-UH-kit).

I write "What's On Your Mind?" which gives insights on mental health topics like loneliness and social media addiction. I forward advice based on findings from academic research and domain expert opinion.

My first article was on the basics of loneliness and I got my first 40 subscribers by posting it on Hacker News!

I'm a fan of First 1000 (https://www.first1000.co/) which is about how startups got their first 1,000 users. Best of luck to all writers 🙌

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Good to hear from you, Aniket! Been too long. Lots of great growth tips in First 1000 — pumped to watch your newsletter grow

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Likewise mate! Thanks for the support 👊

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Hey all - I write FWIW, a newsletter that tracks digital strategy & spending in politics! Coming up on our 3rd anniversary and still having a great time. Hanging out around 10,000 subscribers and hitting our stride.


Also want to shout out my friend Connor Ouchi, who writes a similar newsletter on this fall's Virginia elections - FWIW VA!


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Wow awesome work! That's a lot of subscribers!

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Good evening from Coniston in the English Lake District where my wife and I are anticipating a delicious early evening meal in the Black Bull hotel; home of the Coniston Bluebird Brewery. I like to write about the influence of our dear little daughter on our future life after we lost her to a brain tumour at the age of 5. And several generations of cats and their imagined adventures in our garden based quite a bit on actual events. In Louisa’s memory I have self published a series of children’s books called “Louisa’s Ginger Nuts”. I also offer old diecast toys on eBay where I have nearly 20 years as a seller. Written by an old Zoologist turned IT career fellow, turned artist/illustrator.

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Wow this was beautiful to read. Welcome to the thread Peter! I've heard the Lake District is beautiful.

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Thank you, it is a pity I don’t seem to be able to post pictures of the Lake District here. Perhaps I should work out how to include photos in my next sub stack posting. It is an UNESCO world heritage site and although busy, it is well worth planning a visit at the quieter times of the year.

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The Lake District is beautiful—you are so fortunate. Condolences on the loss of your daughter…I write about the loss of my mother here and I will be writing about our relationship: including our travels to England. We thoroughly enjoyed your neck of the woods.

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Thank you Frances; the Lakes are just a two hour drive north of Manchester, so we can visit very easily. Our son and daughter-in-law visit whenever they can, but they are in south east London, so the full journey is over 300 miles and with traffic can take seven hours. We are rather a cluttered island! But so pleased with Brexit. My wife and I never met the fathers-in-law; mine died when I was 18 and my wife’s when she was 12. Our mothers, who were great friends, spent longer as widows than they did married.

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Love the Lake District! So sorry about the loss of your daughter.

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Thanks Sarah, the loss of Louisa has influenced everything that has happened since Dec 1996. Our son and daughter-in-law have just had our first grandson, and he often refers to his son’s Aunt Louisa. Such is the effect of a sad loss on any family.

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Hey all - we hope that everyone's having a great week and thank you to the Substack team for hosting us again, this is awesome! We wanted to share Citizen Scholar here with the group in case anyone's interested in subscribing or collaborating - we're a team of writers that launched ~4 weeks ago with a simple mission in mind: to bring together a community of readers who value the study & discussion of important ideas that shed light on the past, present and potentially, our future. More precisely, we're interested in ideas that can enrich and improve our daily and civic lives (always with a positive & inclusive tone). We cover a book or a significant text/work every Friday morning (hits your inbox at 6am ET) discussing its key ideas and implications for our readers. Since launching, we've been amazed & humbled by the response thus far hitting 300+ sign-ups in just a few weeks! We would love to have anyone join us that enjoys reading & lessons from history, politics, classical literature, business and psychology :) We hope to have you join us and would welcome any collaboration opportunities with anyone that may have a similar/relevant focus on Substack - thank you!

As for recommendations - where to even start? We love & follow so many! We'll shoutout a few here today including Youtopian Journey, Cole's Climb, 10+1 Things and That's Philosophical!

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My newsletter might be a good synergy

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Hey Karen! Thank you for your note and apologies for the delayed response - we would welcome the opportunity to discuss cross-promotional opportunities (love your newsletter, just subscribed!). Would you mind sending us an email (see below) with your thoughts and more information about your audience? Looking forward to seeing how we can best work together!


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Yeahhhhhhhh, you rock!

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Let’s chat if my writing resonates with your team.

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Hey Mike! Thanks for your comment and apologies for the delayed response - we would welcome the opportunity to discuss cross-promotional opportunities (just subscribed!). Would you mind sending us an email (see below) with your thoughts and more information about your audience? Looking forward to seeing how we can best work together!


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Hi All! Natalie Cruz here and I write a newsletter called Food For Thought, which is about food, society and all the little things in between. I also have series in my newsletter called Eating A-Z in NYC where I'm eating through 190+ countries all in the five boroughs of NYC. https://nataliecruz.substack.com/

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190+ countries in NYC?! That is awesome!

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Yup! It's a very hard, but yummy job! lol

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Hi Bailey!! :D

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Hi All! I just launched my first newsletter. Normal by Jade. Or the Normal Newsletter. The focus is on normalizing conversations around substance abuse recovery, choosing not to drink alcohol, and mental health struggles. https://normalbyjade.substack.com/

I am serializing a book called To All The Jobs I've Had Before about how it's normal to not know what you want to do. It's normal to make mistakes.

I also write life updates about adventures in solo hiking and camping as a woman, working on my desert house, dating sober, living sober and other happenings.

I'm obsessed with The Audacity by Roxanne Gay. https://audacity.substack.com/

Roxanne has an emerging writers series that features new writers and so many of the essays are just incredible. Like this one by Uma Dwivedi called Desire Is An Unbearable Gift. https://audacity.substack.com/p/desire-is-an-unbearable-gift

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This all resonates. Sounds really compelling!

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Oct 7, 2021
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Thank you substack for hosting another amazing shoutout thread! As always, I am down to cross promote and help other writers grow! Rock on!

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Hi everyone! I'm Nathani, a writer from Brazil, I write about cinema made by and starred by Black people around the world. My goal is to share movies available for Brazilians, and talk about representation, diversity, and their importance in culture. Are there any other newsletter in Brazil and Portuguese that I should know about?

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I love how you represent Brazil! Love learning about new cultures.

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Awesome! So glad to have you here! If you're in SP, Gaia is a great person to read and connect with - https://pauliceia.substack.com/

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the link for the newsletter: https://cinemapreto.substack.com/

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That’s awesome! I know race in the US is not conceptualized the same way everywhere. It’s always enlightening to learn how race, culture and diversity are addressed around the world.

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I think the number of researchers that tackle race is increasing, and we do use ideas from thinkers from the U.S., but it's very important to me to talk about actors, directors, and writers from Brazil because we usually don't give the importance they deserve.

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I have a page for Brazilians on my website: https://innermammalinstitute.org/portugues

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Oh that's cool, I definitely will check it out.

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Hey everyone!

I write Everything Is Amazing, a newsletter about living a more curious life, using ideas drawn from science and art and everything in between. This probably explains it a bit better:


My shoutout is to another deeply curious person: Britany Robinson, who writes One More Question:


Britany works absurdly hard to help new and established freelance writers find new gigs, and to motivate them to keep fighting the good fight every day. She publishes job opportunities, essays, interviews, all sorts of stuff (her rate of output is astonishing), and it's all terrifically useful and a lot of fun. For example:


Go read. (I'm also a paying subscriber, so I can heartily recommend that too.)

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Being curious is what I am here for. I have been reading Britany's newsletter as well.

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I used to write fiction about appreciating and proposed a job description of Appreciator. Naturally, this requires the skill of paying attention to where you are

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Wonderful. And yeah, agreed - it really is a skill, something that can be developed. My eye-opening moment on this was reading "On Looking" by Alexandra Horowitz, who walks around her block in NY in the company of different experts trained at seeing the world in different ways: https://www.brainpickings.org/2013/08/12/on-looking-eleven-walks-with-expert-eyes/ Amazing, amazing book.

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Hi there Mike! Thank you for being in the thread so consistently and being so generous with your recommendations!

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Thank you! Kind of you to say, Bailey. So much to be interested in, so little time...

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Hi there, I am new to Substack, literally started my account today. I am a disability awareness consultant, speaker, activist, writer and I happened to win a few Paralympic medals back in the day.

My Substack is for people who want to be better disability allies. I have a wealth of knowledge and lived experience, and I want to share this knowledge with people for a fairer, more equitable, accessible and inclusive place for the over a billion disabled people around the globe. So if you're into D&I and a more fairer world, pop on over and subscribe.

On that note, I would love to recommend an Autistic friend's Substack https://lydia.substack.com

Lydia is a journalist who chronicles her journey navigating a world not set up for Autistic people. I particularly liked her piece on empathy - https://lydia.substack.com/p/free-210621?r=3sv2w&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&utm_source=

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Awesome recommendations! And... "a few paralympic medals"!? Now we need to know which ones

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Haha thanks, Lydia is great! Two bronze medals and a silver… and when I say back in the day, I mean over twenty years ago 😆

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Welcome to the substack club!

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Thanks for doing such a great job. I hope this helps all those in need and will certainly promote your work.

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That's so lovely, thanks for your support Myth Busters!

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Both of these Substacks sound awesome. And welcome aboard!

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Thanks Jackie, really excited to start my substack journey.

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I love the improvements that you've made to the comments section. Thanks.

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More to come!

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Hi, I am Rohini and I write The Story Birds with Shaiontoni Bose, a newsletter for those who love stories, whether reading, listening, telling or collecting them. We hope to create here a community space where all lovers of story can gather to tell stories and talk about them.

I've been reading several Substacks, and the ones I absolutely love, in no particular order, are:

1. Jatan's Space: https://blog.jatan.space/

I love what Jatan has done with his newsletter - the look and feel is amazing, and totally in synch with his subject matter. I enjoy his articles too.

2. Story Cauldron by Jackie Dana: https://storycauldron.substack.com/

Again, a newsletter I have become very fond of. Jackie's writing is engaging, enjoyable, useful and informative, and I enjoy what she writes about. I look forward to her newsletter. I especially enjoyed her review of candy corn! Here it is: https://storycauldron.substack.com/p/sampling-the-flavors-of-autumn

3. Finding Home, by Jan Peppler: https://findinghome.substack.com/

I love Jan's writing. It draws me in instantly, and though I haven't read as much as I want to for lack of time, I know this is a newsletter I will kept reading.

4. The Turnstone, by Melanie Newfield: https://theturnstone.substack.com

I like the clarity of Melanie's writing. And the variety of subjects she discusses. I was drawn to her newsletter though by her beautiful logo and the lovely graphics on her About page. Again, a newsletter I haven't read as much as I want to, but one which I definitely intend to keep in my inbox.

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Oh wow, thanks for the shout out! I think this might be my first one! :)

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Hey there, fellow fiction writer! Subscribed :)

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Thanks so much for the shoutout.

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I make secret drawings of my world, walking the streets with a fountain pen and a little sketchbook. In my newsletter, I share this art of regular people & everyday moments. I share ideas to help us engage with these scenes and find something extraordinary in the otherwise ordinary.

My newsletter also shares thoughts and conversations from the SneakyArt Podcast - where I speak with urban-sketchers and artists all over the world. Past episodes include a warzone-illustrator, video-game artists, children's book illustrators, globe-trotters, fine art painters and others who find joy in drawing their world from observation.

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A must read newsletter! The drawings are wonderful and he also explains his process.

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Thanks, Mark! :D

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Highly recommended this newsletter. The thoughts are chewy and the artistry is delightful.

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I appreciate that, Mike. Thank you very much!

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I'd like to give a shoutout to New Week Same Humans (https://nwsh.substack.com/) whose work I'm enjoying both for its content and as a model for how to organize thoughts around complex subjects.

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I love it!!!!

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Thank you!

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I've just started. A visual ode to textiles <3

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Just subscribed. That's my jam!

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This is so cool!

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This is awesome! Love reading through these.

I'm a newbie to substack. My first newsletter goes out TOMORROW. I study / love soil science, particularly biology - all the living things in soil. I'm elevating my content from instagram to substack so it can be the long, love-letter format it wants to be :)

Tomorrow we're talking about nitrogen. If the natural nitrogen cycle has been working for a couple billion years, WHY do we create synthetic nitrogen fertilizers?

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Interesting! I used to maintain a vegetable garden and was interested in sources of nitrogen, like lightning.

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Lightning is the coolest way atmospheric nitrogen is split! The majority of the N in our bodies come from tiny microbes that somehow split that triple bond of nitrogen… mind. boggling.

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Hi everyone! I am a writer & Data Viz/Maps/Art Tech lady with a day job working for a native plant non-profit. I've written about video games, sailing and rock climbing, and going forward will tip more towards my software & design projects, NFTs and art mixed with my love of the outdoors. https://lorrainesawicki.substack.com/

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Great combo of topics, Lorraine! (I see you're in the Pacific Northwest as well - such an inspiring place to be :)

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Thanks! I'm definitely using substack to get into the writing habit more, and get thoughts out there. Even if not 100% niche enough (yes yes but then I might burn out!) There's something about an email list and even just a few paid subscribers that drives me to pump out writing on a more regualr basis.

And yes love the PNW :)

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Agreed! I'm finding that the very existence of this newsletter is providing a reliable way to hold me accountable — keep writing, keep composing the music I share, etc.

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I love the sound of your substack Lorraine 😃

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Thanks Elizabeth, just subscribed to yours!

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That sounds like a fascinating mix of stuff. (Video games *and* rock climbing plus a love of the outdoors...a wild guess here: you play The Long Dark?)

Signing up. :)

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Awesome. Sounds like an amazing combination. Checking it out!

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Awesome! Welcome! You contain multitudes it seems :) Are there any Substacks you've been reading lately that you want to share?

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I've been reading Emily Oster's substack for over a year, always useful and insightful https://emilyoster.substack.com/

and Susan Fowler's Squarknotes, particularly #5 "Schedules, Goals, Dreams, and Dinosaur" changed my life. (for the better! :)


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hello! if u want tips on social media & NFT trends 🚀women in crypto; voices in my head …wind up here. former @YouTube global head of social media, now NFT/crypto investor and NFT advisor — giveaway: my first 300 signups: free 4 life 👉 http://ethmaven.substack.com

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sounds interesting!

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Hello! I'm Punit, and my Substack is all about fun poetry! I've always enjoyed rhymes that put a smile on my face, and started writing last year, when I challenged myself to a 100 day challenge, writing 100 poems in 100 days.

Substack is a really easy platform to get started with and I keep recommending it to everyone who wants to start writing.

My new favourite Substack is Privatdozent https://www.privatdozent.co/p/the-unparalleled-genius-of-john-von-beb

The most fascinating scientists of the 20th century are featured in form of deep, investigative writing. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!

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We just wrote a piece about Privatdozent! Did you get a chance to read it? https://on.substack.com/p/what-to-read-jorgen-veisdal

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Wow, thanks for this recommendation. His interview is so fascinating! I'm a fan now.

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Omg I had no idea, I discovered them on Hackernews. Thanks Bailey, I'll check out the feature write-up!

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Thanks for all the love guys. Do subscribe by clicking on hellouniverse.substack.com

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Hi, I write The Practitioner, it’s a weekly newsletter on positive change whether it’s individual or collective. My writings are the intersection of philosophy, art, sociology, and anthropology. Which I hope help readers find a new perspective on their journey in life and work.

I also recommend rezabird.substack.com on creators economy.

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Fascinating! Love it.

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Love it

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Hey everyone. My name's Hannah, and I write Manufacturing Serendipity, a loosely connected, somewhat rambling collection of the unexpected things I’ve recently encountered.

Why am I doing this?

A little over a year ago, I became fascinated by the notion that it might be possible to manufacture serendipity. Is it possible for me to create conditions where I’m led to make interesting discoveries? Might paying attention to what I’m consuming, where I’m going, and how I’m spending my time cause me to see the world a little differently?

Might it even change how I think?

This fortnightly newsletter is a way for me to collate and share some of this stuff and I really enjoy it.

I'd love to give a shout out to Talia's newsletter, which I'm really loving: https://substack.com/profile/12560-talia-bracha-lavin

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That's an interesting concept. I've been doing something similar by exploring different locations in my hometown for my novel. One day when I was on my way to one location, I spotted a small bridge I had never seen before. That drove me to learn all about its history, which opened up a huge can of worms that I'll be exploring in my newsletter over the next couple of months.

I think being open to new things and exploring can lead to such great adventures, and those can open up your world!

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Absolutely. I just recommended in another comment this incredible book: https://www.brainpickings.org/2013/08/12/on-looking-eleven-walks-with-expert-eyes/ The author goes on walks around her neighbourhood in NY in the company of different experts, so she can learn to see what they're seeing with their radically different perspectives on the world. A joy of a book, and a huge wake-up call to me about how much attention is a skill that can be trained.

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Looove the idea of manufacturing serendipity

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Oo I love that question about manufacturing serendipity! Super interesting from an AI/predictive analytics perspective too. Consider me hooked!

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Manufacturing Serendipity sounds like it's right up my street (I write about curiosity), so I'm in. Thank you.

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Also love Talia’s newsletter

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Howdy! I'm Rizzn Hopkins, I am a longtime crypto enthusiast going back to 2011. I publish a weekly newsletter here that covers 4-5 news items I felt were important during the week, and spend about 1500-2500 words talking about a key blockchain concept.

Shoutout to my friend John Biggs, a Techcrunch editor alumn who started a newsletter this week about trevails in startupland called Startup Strategies: https://startupstrats.substack.com

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Oh that was weird, my comment showed twice and when I deleted one they both showed as deleted. So I guess I'll say again...

I read a lot of crypto newsletters. I'll subscribe the free for a bit and decide whether to upgrade.

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Glad to have you! My free newsletter is bulletpoints and summaries, my paid includes the full stories on everything.

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Happy Thursday! After 30 years of growing a company in the energy efficiency space, I become obsessed with the new innovative, clean energy companies coming public through special purpose acquisition companies (SPACs). Started, invested, track, and report on this portfolio which invests in sectors like batteries, electric vehicles, charging stations firms, lidar, renewables and energy storage. Monthly portfolio updates and a more in-depth topic is featured each month. No cost. Just started a couple months ago and growing towards that first 100 subscribers.

Recommendation: I enjoy Nikita's newsletter which brings in personal experiences and observations and relates to the SPAC world each week. https://nikitaarora.substack.com/

Have a great day!


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Hey Team! Tom White of White Noise (https://www.whitenoise.email/) here! Each and every week (read as: usually) I dive deeply into the intricacies of behavior, books, and the brain. To tickle your psychological, philosophical itch, take a gander at this piece that I penned on growth: https://www.whitenoise.email/p/on-growth. I look forward to meeting more of you and having riveting conversations :)

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Sound cool. Enjoy going down psychological rabbit holes myself!

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Great minds think alike, Greg!!

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Hi there Tom! Thanks for stopping by so consistently :)

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I <3 Substack!!

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Hello there. I write about mostly about creativity—or ideas and how brains work or don’t work (or how you can make them work) when you’re fishing around for ideas. They mostly works as kick in the pants posts that’ll hopefully get people to “make the thing”. A kick in the pants to myself most days, if I’m being honest.

I always read Ask. E Jean - https://ejeancarroll.substack.com/ - she makes me laugh. But I also love derailleur, which is great long form storytelling about professional cycling. Really brings some of these world tour races to life. https://derailleur.substack.com/

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E. Jean! Such a star!

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"A kick in the pants...to 'make the thing'" — I find this is an ongoing necessity for me. That's why I love reading about creativity and process and inspiration — it really helps me dial into my own process a bit more. Thanks for sharing. Subscribed!

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Thanks! Just checked (and subed) to yours. Love it.

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Aw, thanks so much :) I'm glad we could connect.

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You had me at creativity

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Hey there - I write about practical strategies for improving our habits, motivation and physical & mental health. I’m 50+ issues in and have about 575 awesome subscribers. The regular feedback and engagement I’m getting is inspiring me to launch a podcast in the near future and has won me a few Fortune 500 speaking gigs already. My recommendation is Packy McCormick. Different genre but super smart, funny guy writing about tech and crypto.

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That's awesome. Best of luck to you with the podcast ! We're working hard to make those tools better. Here's some primer on audio on Substack if it's useful: https://substack.com/podcasts

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Thanks Bailey. Will check it out. Definitely the more integrated it is with the newsletter, the better.

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That is awesome!

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Thank you! Just checked out your publication. It looks like you get tons of interaction on your posts. That's awesome, congrats!

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Thank you. It takes a while so keep rocking!

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Hello! I'm Alexa and I write Notes from Your Acupuncturist, based on over a decade and a half of inspiration from my patients. Five days a week I send out a short reflection on health, acceptance, self-love, and yes, acupuncture. Each note is about a one-minute read. You might learn a bit about this ancient form of medicine, but more importantly I hope you'll feel inspired to love yourself a little more and marvel at the miracle of your own being.

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Hello everyone! I wanted to give a shoutout to my blog Cupcakes and Churros! It's my dream to have a blog where I can share all the knowledge I have about Walt Disney World. Disney has been an obsession for me since I was little. My first trip to Orlando was when I was 4 years old and I feel in love with the Beach and Yacht Club's pool because there was sand in it. I just couldn't get over how cool I thought it was to have sand at the pool. Disney World has been a part of my life ever since.

Currently, my favorite things at Disney World are their snacks, Epcot's festivals, and of course the Tower of Terror ride. I mean who doesn't want to eat around the world at Epcot?!?!?

I share multiple blogs a week about how to really enjoy your vacation at WDW. I cover everything from rides to restaurants plus packing help! I even create downloadable items like family planning activities, games, and budgeters for my inner circle.

I'm constantly doing the research and sharing it so you don't have to! Planning can be fun if you know how to plan a Disney trip.

If you go regularly, I am always doing restaurant reviews, snack reviews, and seeking out different things to do there to keep the trips new!

I hope you decide to follow along with me! www.cupcakesandchurros.substack.com or check out our homepage of www.cupcakesandchurros.com for merchandise and more.

Until next time,

XOXO Catherine

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Sounds amazing. Disney passholder myself. Checking this out!

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Oh wow this is awesome! Have you read https://musingsonmouse.substack.com/?

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Hey Everyone. I write about Wokeism from a Canadian perspective. I am publishing a book serially here on “The Turn” substack.

My book is called - The Woke West: The Identity Politics, Cancel Culture, Radical Activism And Forbidden Knowledge Dividing The West...And What You Can Do About It!

I’d like to give a shout-out to the great writer Wesley Yang. https://wesleyyang.substack.com/

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nice one. Look forward to following.

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Fascinating! Will check it out

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Sounds interesting, I'll check it out!

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Awesome. Subbed!

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I've run The Action Cookbook Newsletter for more than 2-1/2 years and 350+ newsletters; it's a varied publication that features essays on food, sports, parenting, current events and more, and is anchored by a Friday morning digest that shares new recipes, cocktails, music, books and more. One of the things I've been proudest of is fostering an active and very positive comment section, as evidenced by the response to Monday's post, about the songs we'd like to hear a hypothetical bar band play: https://actioncookbook.substack.com/p/the-acbn-bar-band-cover-song-draft

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Love these recent publications about live music. Has been on a lot of our minds after the Bad Times I guess.

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Hey Scott - love your work! Would love to work together if it's of interest, check us out at Citizen Scholar!

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Hi everyone! My name is Mike, and I’m publishing a twice weekly newsletter called “The First Step”.

I realized there are tons of books and blogs and influencers who talk about 10Xing your life, or how to go to good from great. But there aren’t a lot of resources for people who don’t even know how to get started in the first place.

I discuss foundational concepts like self awareness, building a network, and how to recognize, create and take advantage of opportunities.

On Fridays I post a “Five for Friday” in which I highlight

*My features article that week

*A quote of the week

*My favorite tweet that week

*A podcast you should listen to

*5 people you should follow

On Mondays I discuss a foundational idea or element on developing self awareness.


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Love this! Subscribed

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Love the idea, and the structure.

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