Well, you said to let you know if we were celebrating a milestone... my brand new little Substack reached 50 subscribers this week :) We all start somewhere! As a professional screenwriter who has struggled with creative anxiety her whole life, starting a Substack to explore ways to deal with that anxiety and the creative process in general has lifted me up in a way I didn't expect. https://inspiredwriting.substack.com/

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Congrats! Nice work. 😀

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Thank you!

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It would be so nice to have some news or highlights from Subtack that are not in English. There's a whole world of non-English writers using Subtack!

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Totalmente de acuerdo!

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Idem : I had for asking a search tool or filter « language »

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Please work on your comment navigation. I often have terrible difficulty finding a comment I get notifications for and it’s very frustrating.

The gold standard for comments is The Guardian where comments can contain italics, boldface, and can be searched and archived. Now that many authors are participating in comments sections they have become more than an afterthought to the article and deserve a better interface. Thanks!

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You know what they say:

~ Live ~ Laugh ~ Love ~

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Yay, videos in chat, that’s awesome ❤️

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You're welcome! (I contributed nothing to this 😔)

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Celebrating a milestone! I just launched a new video podcast series where I interview incredibly successful writers and how they rose from obscurity to build fulfilling careers. The first episode is with Pierce Brown, #1 NYT bestselling author of the RED RISING saga (we talk about overcoming self-doubt, how success has affected his writing, and whether writing actually makes him happy).

The next episode is #1 NYT bestselling author Ali Hazelwood of THE LOVE HYPOTHESIS (we talk about her being discovered by her agent in a fan fiction forum, as well as redefining success in creative careers.)

New episodes drop on Tuesdays at creativeinspiredhappy.com !

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Is it available on Spotify? What's the name of the podcast?

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yes! It's called CREATIVE INSPIRED HAPPY. The audio version is on Apple and Spotify podcasts


(Video version on my Substack creativeinspiredhappy.com )

Happy listening!

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Followed and subscribed! Thank you!

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YAY!!! Welcome!

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Ivana Gosnik Gorkega ul4 Maribor Slovenia HVALA GOSPODU JEZUSU KRISTUSU VEKOMAJ AMEN

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Fantastic. Congrats!

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I’ve done a lot of thinking about this and I’ve distilled down to four points. 1: Internet porn. Sexuality used to be shaped by mystery. Today a girl can barely conceal what she had for breakfast.

2: Pubic hair amplifies the effect of nudity, not the other way around. The 19th century esthete, Ruskin, is said to have gotten to his wedding night without ever seeing a live, nude, girl. The sight of his wife’s pubic hair so alarmed and disturbed him that his marriage was never consummated and soon ended.

3: Today’s 18-30 year olds are said to be avoiding sex in droves. Explanation: see #’s 1 and 2.

4: Obsessive hygiene. Squeaky clean seems to be the fashion, unfortunately. I once had a partner who always waited an hour after bathing to have sex. Smell is essential, and hair is a component in this. As Woody Allen said: “Do I think sex is dirty? Only if you do it right.”

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Do you want us to let you know when we are featured in media? I was most recently on Texas Standard on Texas Public Radio, but I have gotten lots of mentions for Intersection since it launched last year. https://www.texasstandard.org/stories/electric-vehicle-ev-battery-manufacturing-boom-tesla-toyota/

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Yes! please share!

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Exciting to see so many Substackers getting mentions all over media. Congrats to all!

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Except me 😔😞

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Where were you featured?

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Etched into the wall of an Arby's restroom stall 😔😞

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Awww… that’s something!

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It's almost as glorious for a five-for-five beef-n-cheddar melt bargain.

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Hvala Bogu

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To pa je moj zlati srček Lan Babica lvana Gosnik

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Suggestion: have the option to edit your own comments in the app, because it's only available in the web version.

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New to Substack. Wanting to know what the usual length of a posting is as I would like to start a series of them on a single topic with the fantasy that paid readers would double with each posting.

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Hi Craig. You might find this article from Sarah Fay helpful: https://www.writersatwork.net/p/write-less-please-updated I find that my most popular essays are 1,500 words or less. Those are also the essays that I've had appear on the Explore page, which brings in many new readers and subscribers.

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Substack is moving forward, and I'm staying with it !

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Many new features with most important- human support for writers - removed .

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I kind of have mixed feelings about this. I’m all in favor of evolution, but I joined Substack because I wanted to a place to post my writing. I feel like it’s not really that place anymore? I don’t know. I just don’t love the idea of having to compete with videos.

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Love seeing what Substackers are up to. Thanks for this highlight.

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I am happy to see updates about the chat. This is the most exciting feature of Substack. Video messages are cool, but the chat needs some more improvements:

1. Make it more accessible on the web. Allow the chat to open within the publication from the navigation menu. Allow chat to open on mobile devices on the web. Currently, it is possible to access the chat only with the app on mobile. I understand that this might be a deliberate strategy to increase app downloads, however I find it contra productive.

2. Allow users to edit messages.

3. Allow mentions in top threads.

Currently it is possible only in replies.

4. Pin threads and replies.

5. Voice messages (like video, but only sound). I might use this to share samples of my next podcast episodes.

I feel optimistic about the chat ☀️

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Great bulletin as usual! I'm particularly excited about the potential for creators to share more dynamic content with their audiences. No milestones to report this week!

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Hot take: video is good for posts, but bad for notes.

Substack is great because you can meet a lot of good writers through well-written notes.

If video crowds out writing, that will hurt good writers.

Also, TikTok exists for video folks.

Substack is all that exists for word folks.

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