Cool round up! Please let’s get the ability to write, edit and publish posts within the app! 🙏🏾

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I am clearly in a minority in a world where everything happens on our phones, which I hate to use for anything serious.

I want improvements in the editor that I use with my dual 32" monitors 😉

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Both would benefit users! What would you like changing in the desktop editor?

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This is just for starters, I have a much longer list by now


I should update and repost

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A very good read. Not all of it applies to me, but that's because I don't do some of the things there. That said, the import stuff and formatting you mentioned did resonate. I do hate that the bullet points are not flush in-line with the paragraph, but I am possibly shouting into a void on that one.

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Echoing this request! Would love to see the writer dashboard/post publishing tools come to the app.

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I came here to echo this. It's the one thing missing from the app. It would help so much to do these things on the go when you haven't maybe got time to get the laptop out. Most of the time for me it's editing/publishing the most on the go would be helpful.

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Exactly this! Sometimes you only have mobile phone time to work on a piece. Otherwise I find the app to be very complete. A lot of the new developments on the app are quite social media leaning and that is fine. I’d like the core proposition to be more mobile ready.

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Definitely, like the other the day I started writing and thought, oh I'll finish in my train ride, as only needed to add an image and do some editing. However, no seats and in that moment I'd forgotten about the lack of feature on the app. I mean I hacked it on accessed through mobile browser but it was frustrating.

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I bookmarked my home page in my phone browser, but it’s suboptimal when you’re making a more detailed edit, like adding photos, captions, alt text, etc. It's very frustrating…

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Todo un caballero, gracias...

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¡Gracias a te!

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Great round up. I would love to have a search box within our individual Publications, eg when searching for a particular post or recipe written by a food blogger.

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We just added this search feature to the iOS app, and you can always click search on a specific publication!

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That's brilliant. Thank you. I updated the app on my phone and there it was, the search option. It works beautifully.

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Testing further, it doesn't seem to search the content on pages though. Is that correct? But it's really good as searching text on posts.

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These meetups look like so much fun 🤩

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They really do!

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Search functionality on Substack is another key topic which perhaps some of my more tech-savvy authors might help puzzle out...

Whether searching for People, Publications or topics in the last couple years, I rarely find relevant results. Often, misspelled words are included, and also often, obvious (due to rarity) key words of topics or articles don't seem to appear, even on relatively recent publications.

I don't know whether the algorthm prioritizes big stacks or other conditions in its results returned, but it would seem useful generally for everyone if the search function worked better. If I am missing something incredibly obvious, of course, feel free to enlighten me.

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So wonderful! I am organizing the fourth Process Photo Walk and Movie Screening on July 21st, in Amsterdam. The past two had nearly 80 attendees and it's always an incredible time.

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Nice news i like this

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Fix tali’s in drive pot holes in Folsom ca tomorrow or in a week on monistroes dr pave the wholes roads ove Folsom California roads all Folsom ca thankyou caltrains cools day jmcg53@icloud,

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Cool roundup. As far as milestones, I’ve got an important one. Had a short story published July 1st by Corvus Review, in Issue 22, my first for the year. Will be published on Substack tomorrow morning, along with my first ever voiceover. Link to the magazine: https://img1.wsimg.com/blobby/go/611fabd3-8220-45e3-bf9d-d2a394260000/downloads/Corvus%20Summer%202024%20Issue%2022.pdf?ver=1719786191009

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The TED talk was amazing. I'm posting it for my paid subscribers in my "Build Wealth" Newsletter. Thanks

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This was chock-full of goodness! I echo a lot of what folks have already said here.

I will add, I would love to host a substack writers/creators mini meet up in Washington DC in August. Is anyone else going to Podcast Movement?

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Who else here really like the video clipping feature?

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Great info! Thx for all the links.

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When we click on our own post to view the stats or interact with commenters, do these count as views of our post? For writers like me with a small group of readers, my view stats can get really skewed if a lot of them are me! Would love to exclude myself from my stats.

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Love everything you all are doing! Please add App writing capability, as well as Live video. I’d love to go live on Substack once a week 🙌 Thank you!!

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I am still waiting for a tool, a way to help me organize (or join) a meetup with people in my geographic area.

A place in my profile where I can specify mine that is searchable.

A FB style group feature where I can join or start a group of whatever criteria. Interest, location etc.

Come to think of it, I am still waiting for a place where requests like this can be made and discussed in not so ephemeral way as this, commenting on a post.

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This is a great resource. Thanks!

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Great round up! It’s been an absolute pleasure writing on Substack since I launched mine in June. Have already started to build a great little community and have met some really amazing writers.

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