Dear People of Substack,

I would like to inquiry regarding the limits of the text: how many words or letters can be inside an article or the paper?



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I like it https://driftboss.io

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Minimalizm Switch Bloga kusi, lecz bez iskry geniuszu to tylko pusta forma.


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Switch Blog stawia na minimalizm, lecz brak głębi i oryginalności skazuje go na zapomnienie. https://driftboss.site/

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This text offers a fresh perspective on familiar topics. https://northteksolar.com

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Your article was full of powerful insights that have motivated me to learn even more. I’ll be eagerly awaiting your next post. Keep up the inspiring work!


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Thanks for the tip. Very useful. I have followed your guidance but only first 10 posts from my WordPress got imported. How do I import the rest of them please?

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This war very helpful reading https://bloboperagame.com

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Hello ! I have been writing a blog for a few years now in both French and English and I'm thinking of starting to use substack for (at least) the English content. I hope to be able to engage with more people this way, closer to how it used to be with blogs in the past (yes blogs nowadays can feel like an island!).

I really like what I read on substack and how I read it so that's great inspiration. I have a few questions though :

- would you recommend to transfer all of my former articles even if they are a few years old ?

- would you recommend to keep it bilingual or perhaps make 2 substacks ?

- I post a lot of pictures on my wordpress along with text, is there any issues or limitations with this ?

Thank you :)

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Thank you, it's been very helpful.

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I have a question concerning the constraints of textual content, namely the maximum allowable word count or character count for an article or paper. https://spacebar-clicker.net/

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