With regard to your cooperation with Barry Weiss - I'm Jewish and like many other Jews I also reject zionist terrorism and neo-nazi ideology. We reject Zionism's God-ignorant tribalist supremacist ideology and its ruthless merciless heartless abuse, terror, torture, rape, land theft, dispossesion and DE-HUMANIZATION of the indigenous people of west Asia (presenting them as dangerous savage terrorists in the zionist propaganda channels and especially in the zionist-owned hollywood and netflix productions). Zionism is a supremacist neo-Nazi humanity-dividing ideology that views ONLY certain people as having any worth or value (only those who had the "correct" religious label placed on us at birth).
Zionism is also profoundly short-sighted and unwise in that it brings about INSECURITY for everyone (including jews) rather than the so-called security that the zionist billionaires claim to bring for jews, and ONLY jews (I explained exactly why it brings about insecurity in the first post on my substack account).
We therefore also reject Barry Weiss' sectarian propaganda and urge you to please not cooperate with her Godless humanity-destroying ideology of supremacist tribalism.
Please don't give her or other exclucivist zionist supremacists any say whatsoever about anything that could influence content on substack or that could influence whose voice gets amplified and whose doesn't. Supremacist zionist tribalists are already employing their censorship, "visibality filtering" and algorithm manipulation (to supress certain voices and amplify others) on several other social media platforms and search engines, please don't let them manipulate the content on this platform as well (by structural means or through any other means)
PS. If one wishes to understand the reason for my saying these things, kindly see the post on my account titled 'my view on the conflict in palestine-israel, as someone who was born and grew up in israel" (i have only two posts on my account so it's easy to find)
Beautiful comment and amazing insight into what's detroying humanity. You hit the nail right on the head. We need more humanity-first people like you who love human beings for being human, NOT becasue we were told that we belong to a certain group. We need more people who want the best for EVERYONE, not just for SOME.
We're done with this fascist shit of people being taught that a certain group has more value and importance than other humans, and that their so-called "god" elevated them above others and gave them "divine rights" over lands. We're done with people being taught that they're the greatest victims in the history of mankind and are therefore justified in slaughtering en masse children, elderly, women and men, abusing, oppresing and treating others as less than human.
F*ck this stupid unevolved right-wing fascist shit!!!
No one is "god's chosen people"; No one's life is more valuable than another; Your religious label doesn't make your life more important than anyone else's; You're not more of a victim than the children, elderly women and men that you torture, starve, abuse and massacre and whose house you stole; Your group is not closer to god and not more loved than anyone else; You don't have "divine rights" over lands because your invented bloodthirsty "god" supposedly gave them to you; A religious label doesn't make you more valuable and important than anyone else!! You are equal to other human beings!! You are not more important than others!!
Thank you. May we be mature amd wise enough to wake up from this sectarian hypnosis we've been put under (by those who divide us along religious-national-ethnic lines - under false promises that we will find safety and security there - and pit us against each other, for the benefit of no one but their own narrow interests and control agenda, and for the devastation of the rest of us). May we finally wake up from this hypnosis 🙏
What gives Katherine the right to call a love of the Bible and the promise that God made in it for 7 times, that the land of Canaan is the promised land for the decedents of Abraham to be "Fascist shit"? Nor is this anything like a right-wing policy, because this land needs to be properly used and not left barren, which is how it was before our recent Zionism came into the picture.
She is stirring up the same sad kinds of propaganda that we have been getting from the jealous Arab religious extremists over the past century and which seems to be so strange, considering how little they have done to make their remaining lands and people more prosperous.
Israel seeks to make peace with these leaders of the Arab world and some of them through the Abrahamic Accords have actually done so, as well as Egypt and Jordan. But out of unjustified hatred a few of these terrorist organized countries have managed to show how easy it is to convince ignorant westerners to agree with their wrong-doings. They are the ones who take a Fascist viewpoint and whose leaders are have played the dictator for many years! As a recent example look and see how Assad's Syria has finally responded when the dictator has caused so much death and destruction to his poor peoples lives and their likely prosperity.
It seems to me that this above author does not understand the meaning of Zionism. If he/she did, it would not need such unfortunate and sick remarks about what it is doing for us Jews. Israel and the Jews seek peace with all the others, but when these badly informed and radically biased ignorant proxies to Iranian terror, can actually discover somebody who accepts their lying propaganda, we get such foolish writings as Tribalism Destroys Life provided above.
Thank you. A couple of things: First, I am Israeli and was a devout zionist for the first half of my life (like you, i also really believed and repeated the same factually-ignorant short-sighted sectarian propaganda slogans that you repeat here so gullibly and ignorantly, I also truly believed that supremacist tribalism - which is what zionism is, like every other neo-nazi supremacist tribalist ideology on the planet, whether jewish or muslim or christian or hindu etc - truly believed the slogans that tribalism will bring us safety and security. I was just as much of a clueless devout tribalist as you are, David, in the first half of my life, so please save me your ignorant lecturing about zionism. I know by heart all the false deceptive slogans that you spewed out here, I used to say them myself!! I used to be just as propagandized and clueless as you are..
As someone who was born into the tribalist cult of zionism and believed in its tenets wholeheartedly and with devotion, I now stand behind every word i wrote above about the life-destroying God-forgetting poison of supremacist tribalism (whether it is neo-nazi genocidal supremacist short-sighted zionism or any other exclucivist supremacist destructive tribalist poison).
Supremacist tribalism (whether zionist or otherwise) does NOT bring about safety and security as you were taught but EXACTLY TO THE CONTRARY!!!!
I shared this post also above but you didn't bother to read it before immediately and automatically (like a well-trained sectarian robot) reacting with these ignorant-of-reality slogans that you've been indoctrinated with inside the short-sighted zionist tribalist bubble.
And like i said above, my only humble request is that, if you can, please read it WITHOUT wearing your pre-established ideological or sectarian glasses/filters, the filters of "I already know all there is to know", the filters that might distort and prevent you from really hearing what is being said.
And please read it in full!! I am saying this becasue most indoctrinated and deceived tribalists stop reading after a few lines (the moment they come across anything that doesn't align with the narrative that is hammered into their head nonstop inside the SECTARIAN BUBBLE/ECHO-CHAMBER they live in, the tribalist narrative that they are emotionally-invested in). If you stop after a few lines (like most indoctrinated zionists) then you won't get to the meat of the post which is in its second half and won't umderstand exactly why i said what i said.
Not only does zionism NOT create security for jews or anyone else, but it does THE EXACT OPPOSITE!! Please read the post that I gave you in full to understand why I say this.
PS. And yes, I stand fully with holocaust survivor Dr. Hajo Meyer, who said "call zionists what they are - NAZI CRIMINALS!! Who follow and implement that exact same blood-and-soil right-wing Nazi ideology as the right-wing fascists who persecuted me, my family, jews and others in europe. Zionists operate under the EXACT SAME mindset as the european fascists and neo-nazi, thsy are made of the same cloth and share the same psychology. They only disagree on who is the most important group, but they fully agree on the fact that one group is more important and valuable than the rest of humanity.
The divisive, sectarian, exclucivist, God-ignorant neo-nazi values of zionism - and its brutal murderous merciless implementation in their mass-slaughter, torture, abuse, rape, dispossesion, throwing out, land-theft, kidnapping, brutalizing, massacring, tramuatizing, humiliating, erasure and DEHUMANIZATION of the indigenous people of the middle east - these are IDENTICAL to the values of supremacist european fascists, and these zionist values stand in POLAR OPPOSITION to the universal human-centered values of Judaism.
Nazi zionists do not speak for Jews!!"
PPS. And just one other small but very important note about "the terrorists" that are funded and used by the zionist billionaire ruling class as a monstrous boogyman enemy to scare ordinary israelis (and other jews) into submission to our billionaire rulers (who cynically present themselves as the ones who will protect us from the evil monstrous scary enemy, the same boogeyman enemy that they create and fund for this exact purpose). Regarding that, please educate yourself on how and why the israeli ruling class created and funds hamas and works to keep it in power. Please pay close attention David. You will not be told these facts inside the SECTARIAN zionist echo-chamber that you are locked in -
First, on why in general every ruling class must create boogeyman enemies, please see this profound and fully-referenced essay, which is IMHO a must-read for every human on the planet https://www.pdrboston.org/oppressors-need-bogeyman-enemies
And now more specifically on how this principle is applied in the case of the zionist ruling class and hamas, please make sure you read carefully and in full this profoundly insightful research essay on the exact machinations of the Israeli ruling class, which I can confirm is 100% accurate, from my own personal experience in Israel https://www.pdrboston.org/israel-s-government-attacks-jews-to (there are also very informative links leading out from this essay that I highly recommend to pursue in order to learn more).
Hamas plays the role of the monstrous scary palestinian terrorist perfectly; it is EXACTLY what the zionist billionaire ruling class needs in order to scare ordinary Israelis into obediance, to not bring up the very severe grievances against the billionaire ruling class which screws us all (detailed in the links above), but to "patriotically unite" around our great leader and rally around the flag in a tribalistic/nationalist frenzy to "fight the evil monster enemy of the nation". And thus it is exactly what the right-wing billionaire ruling class needs in order stay in power and continue to transfer society's wealth upwards from the people to the ultra-rich.
That's the reason that the Zionist billionaire ruling class wanted to weaken the secular PLO and strengthen religious fundamentalist Hamas, because the right-wing billionaire ruling class intensely FEAR the possibility of Israeli have-nots (ordinary Israeli citizens) viewing Palestinians as human beings, as non-threatening human beings who want to live in safety & security just like us and to not be oppressed by the thieving heartless billionaire ruling class, just like us.
The ultra-wealthy hierarchical and anti-egalitarian ruling class intensely fear reconcilliation, equality and cooperation of ordinary palestinians and israelis, fear the possibility that the entire land between the Jordan river and the meditarranean sea be a secular democracy, a state of ALL its people (not a supremacist state where the invading immigrants/colonizers who were given at birth the label 'Jew' dominate and abuse the local people of the land) but a secular democratic state in which Jews Muslims Christians other religions and the non-relgious would have EQUAL RIGHTS UNDER THE LAW and live without war in mutual learning, respect, dignity, safety, mutual aid, equality, prosperity and freedom.
THIS is exactly the reason why the israeli billionaire ruling class began funding Hamas—to ensure that ordinary Israelis would (wrongly) perceive ordinary Palestinians as wanting to kill all Jews and therefore as their enemy, To ensure that ordinary Israelis & Palestinians would fear each other and so will never unite to create a thriving human-centered egalitarian and democratic joint entity where we're equal under the law and where we can live together in mutual respect, dignity, security, freedom, peace, equality and prosperity (by throwing off our warmongering manipulative hierarchical cruel right-wing billionaire ruling class that intentionally divides us and pits us tribalistically against each other, and screws us all by moving society's wealth into the hands of the anti-egalitarian fear-driven love-less ultra-wealthy few..
Space is finished here so please see part 2 continued in the reply below
David Harold Chester, this is part 2 of my reply to you, continued from above. Please first read part1 above.
The billionaire ruling class (in israel, in the muslim world and all across the globe) thrives on a mentality of tribalistic fear of the other, of nationalist/religious division, hatred, conflict, violence and trauma. The more they can generate such a traumatic, violent and nationalist/religious hate-filled reality, the more they can keep ordinary people divided and fearful of each other, and clinging onto them (the ultra-wealthy ruling class in each society) to be our so-called "protectors of the nation" from "those evil people" over there, that scary boogeyman over there who supposedly "just wants to kill us all"
And that is also why the supremacist zionist ruling class do everything in their power to inflict as much cruelty and inhumanity and traumatize the local people of Palestine as much as possible, because they know that the more they can cruelly traumatize the Palestinians, the higher the likelihood that the local people will feel deep anger and resentment and hatred towards the abusive terrorist zionist state and its citizens, and will lash out in retaliation to the constant abuse dispossesion violence theft dehumanization and cruelty directed at them, retaliation which is then cynically used by the zionist ruling class to further depict palestinians as "antisemite monsters" who hate jews for no reason (and the zionist ruling class can get away with such cynical manipulation because the billionaire-owned media never shows the context of what local palestinians are actually reacting to, but only show the reaction itself without any context, which makes it seem violent and hateful for no reason)
The nonstop cruelty, inhumanity, dispossesion, murder and abuse that the right-wing zionist supremacists inflict on local palestinians, and the palestinian inevitable reaction, in turn make reconcilliation impossible, which is precisely what the billionaire ruling class wants (reconcilliation and peace between ordinary people is the arch-enemy and the greatest fear of the right-wing israeli billionaire ruling class).
And also, the palestinian anger & resentment at the constant abuse discrimination inhumanity dispossesion & violence directed at them, make palestinians appear very threatening and scary to ordinary Israelis (which, again, ensures that no cooperation would be possible, but rather that hateful trauma-driven nationalism will always reign, ensures that ordinary people will keep being bamboozeled into believing that our enemies are the ordinary people of 'the other side' and thus keep voting for the representitives of the right-wing billionaire ruling class to be our rulers (because these nationalist deceivers pretend to be "the patriotic protectors of the nation" against those 'scary evil monsters over there'; even though IN REALITY the ultra-wealthy ruling class and their vile sectarian tribalistic right-wing representitives do THE EXACT OPPOSITE of providing security, but they are in fact the ones ensuring that the nation is in a constant state of animosity, hateful conflict & war (against the boogeyman "scary monster enemy") AND ensure that people' wealth keeps flowing upwards to the ultra-rich, while the rest struggle just to keep the head above the water.
There is tons and tons more that i can elaborate on with regard to how the billionaire ruling class are pitting ordinary israelis and palestinians agaimst each other. There are numerous examples of that, i gave many above and in the profoundly important essays shared with you above (which i urge you to read).
Anotjer example of that is the cynical use by the israeli billionaire ruling class of ordinary israelis as human shields in these kind of specifically created settlements (called 'khoma u-migdal" in hebrew) that were built intentionally to entrap amd encircle around the refugee camps where the indigenous people fled to in 1948 (who fled their mass-slaughter, dispossesion, rape and land-theft campaign in 1948 that led to the establishment of apartheid zionost billiknaores’ regime. No space to go into this vast subject here, but hear some more about this from this israeli historian https://youtu.be/MuzWDWBn55g?si=InjF6DYVkEIUFTce and many other excellent videos with him and other israeli historians like avi shlaim, baruch kimmerling and many others who uncovered & documented exactly the horrific crimes that were committed in 1948 and afterwards to establish the zionist apartheid state, and the lies that the fascist israeli ruling class have been telling the world about this).
The zionist billionaires use ordinary israelis as human shields especially to entrap and encircle the fleeing local people to make sure they'll never be able to leave those supposedly temporary refugee camps and return to their land which was taken by the newly established israeli billionaire's state (literally using the bodies of ordinary israelis as a shield to make sure that local palestinians will not be able to return to their family's home that was stolen from them. Done both in order to ensure that the theft of the land is permanent AND in order to make sure that there is constant animosity between ordinary palestinians and ordinary israelis and that we view our interests as being at odds with each other (view each other as an enemy who threatens our safety & security).
This skillful pitting of ordinary israelis and palestinians against each other - which is done in numerous varied ways - is exactly the fertile ground of sectarian/nationalist/religious division & hatred upon which the right-wing billionaire ruling class thrive...
Religious-national-ethnic division, fear, hatred and violence is the BREAD AND BUTTER of right-wing political strategy and of the billionaire ruling class. This is what they therive on!! That is why they use ANY MEANS NECESSARY to ensure that the tribalist fear and hatred and war never ends (while paying lip service as if they want to end the conflict, whenn IN REALITY the end of conflict and hatred is the thing they fear the most. They depend for their continued domination over us on making jews feel scared and unsecure and clinging on to the exclucivist seperative ghetto of zionism for (false) protection (i showed at depth in the links above that it doesn’t provide any safety at all but does the exact opposite, and that the ruling class do evetything in their power to generate that scared unsecure feeling for jews (and therefore of huddling together in a ghetto, terrified of “the antisemite world out there who irrationally hates us”. Keeping jews in that state is the absolute number one priority on tne right-wing billionaire ruling class. This is what they gain their support and power from.
This fear of the scary boogeyman and feeling of unsafety (and the resultant seeking of safety in seperative tribalist ghettos) is the BREAD AND BUTTER of the right wing billionaire ruling class. Not only do they NOT want the sectatian violence and feeling of unsecurity to end but they do everything on their power to make sure it never ends. Their elevated position of power over society depends on keeping us in a state of tribalist division, fear, unsafety, hatred and war!! People wouldn't vote for them if there wasn't a boogyman enemy that they use to scare us with and to make sure we don't step out of line and that we are kept frivhtened and huddled in the nationalist ghetto, tje ghetto of "the tribe vs the world. The tribe vs the rest of scary humanity who are all antisemites and where we can have no safety. Only in our exclucivist ghetto, where the tribe huddles together in fear of the antisemite world - only that ghetto will well ensure our find safety". This is the ideal state that the zionist billionaire ruling class drives jews (and everyome else) to live in, fear and separation from humanity a d clinging to them to protect us from the evil antismites everywhere who only want to irratuonally hurt us - this is precisely how they maintain their control over us and how they remain as the ruling class..
This is explained at depth in the extremely important essays i shared with you above. Please do read them
More evidence of the zionist billionaires (and their mossad secret srrvice agency) conducting false flag terror operations and funding terrorist groups here https://swprs.org/why-israel-created-hamas/…
Wow wow wow!! This is a mindblowing response!! Thank you so much for sharing thess facts and wisdom with us. You are a good person who cares about people. We need more humanity-first people like you in these dark times of nationalist and religious hatred and war everywhere. Most people never ever hear these really important facts. Most people hear only the zionist propaganda in the corporate media. That's why there's so much confusion and why some people still cheer for the fascist zionist murderers. Most people don't understand how we are being played by the ultra-rich and their propaganda media. People urgently need to become aware of the things you showed here. This is so important!!!
where did your ancestors come from? do you wish Israel hadn't existed then, so that they may have drowned in boats, or been shot escaping whatever place they were being terrorized?
Thank you Nicky. As I mentioned above, if you'd like to understand why I said the things I did and to find answers to your questions then kindly read the post I made about it. I will link it here for your convenience https://open.substack.com/pub/headandheart1/p/my-perspective-on-the-conflict-in My only humble request is that, if you can, please read it WITHOUT wearing any pre-established ideological or sectarian glasses/filters, the filters of "I already know all there is to know", the filters that might distort and prevent you from really hearing what is being said.
I say this with kindness in my heart: please could you proofread, and edit for clarity, the post you have linked here. I think I might agree with your fundamental proposition, but it is such a 'rant' that I can't tell.
If so, then I did proof-read it several times and so I am not really sure what exactly comes across to you as unclear about it? Could you perhaps be a little more specific and tell me where exactly did you find that there is lack of clarity or that things could be written differently? Any specific paragraph or parahraphs? That would be very helpful. Thank you 🙏
The word used was the compound ’proto-fascist’, which I think is neither hyperbolic nor inappropriate. Assuming that the reference was to Zionism, the action of that group to deny freedom of speech, cause the destruction of neighboring cultures, and control their own country through apartheid and murder, makes the use of the term proto-fascist seem generous. The founder of Free Press, Bari Weiss, is an enthusiastic defender of the censorship practices of the Israeli government, which spends uncounted millions to control the US congress. What else would you call it?
Due to the risks involved, I’ve always respected foreign correspondents and especially admired those covering active war zones. But I still feel that too much of contemporary ‘journalism’ is motivated more by a paycheck and publication (‘a buck and a byline’) than a genuine strive to expose thus challenge the corrupt powerful who abuse/exploit those with the least in this increasingly unjust global existence.
Also, while journalism’s traditional fundamental function is/was to “comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable,” to a noticeable degree there seems to have been a redefining, or even a reversal, as to what/who constitutes an “afflicted” and “the comfortable”.
Journalists with genuine integrity should and would tender their resignations and even publicly proclaim they can no longer help propagate their employer’s corrupted/sleazy media product.
Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, and ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation or race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy.
Opposed to anarchism, democracy, pluralism, egalitarianism, liberalism, socialism, and Marxism, fascism is at the far right of the traditional left–right spectrum.
That spectrum is problematic. At the extremes of right and left, they have many similarities, such as centralized autocracy, often militarism, suppression of opposition, subordination of the individual for the collective, tight control of the economy, and so on.
The left/right division originated long ago in France. It's bizarre that people still use it as if it were particularly informative. This is especially clear to those of us who don't fit on that one-dimensional spectrum.
Sasha I don’t want to go there, it’s a mixture of bedroom secrets and a confession to a pedofilie or a in disguise married priest. I have family members who don’t even know they’re fascists of CIA mouthpieces, I myself are in love with Russia and the Russian Soul, but same family members think I am a Russian Spy. Very very slippery ice we’re gliding over not?
Oh look - Jonny's back. I thought you scurried off to your safe-space so that the very scary words here on Substack wouldn't hurt your tender feels LOL
BTW - I am still waiting for that Nazi-uprising you claimed was here. I see plenty of Leftists like yourself in my suggestions, see the occasional conservative and/or libertarian missive, but not a single Nazi.
Either you scared them away with your manly-manliness... or you made them up in your head for The Atlantic. Call it a hunch, but I am going with the latter...
Trumpty the felon mobster is not in power yet. With their bunch of addicts planning to raid our federal monies, stealing everything not nailed down. We will fight for ourselves when the time is right.
You are speaking to the choir. Biden has always been a Hawk. Trumpty will have us look like Russia, if the dems. don’t win some of the fights. Read how Russia was divided up with Putin in charge as Russian oligarchs, (richy riches) stole everything from the people of Russia- here’s candy for you, here’s candy for you, richy rich.
US politicians need a dumping. Folks running publicly funded campaigns with platforms argued need to become available. Most of Congress, especially the Red states are there to get rich and block “US common good” . I agree it is a sh-tshow.
Do you really know what Russia is like or how it got there? When, as you say, Russia was divided up[ ] as Russian oligarchs, (richy riches) stole everything from the people of Russia, Putin was NOT in charge, that was in the 1990s when the US was 'helping' Russia become more capitalistic like they did with Poland, but without the economic help required to make it work, Jeffrey Sachs, one f the engineers of that, explains how it worked in Poland because the US wanted it to work but not in Russia because the US did NOT want it to. The history is there if you WANT to know.
If we're going to be mean and nasty... Your Substack blog says "Various - football, medicine, science. Anything else that comes to mind." You have written nothing in four years. Nothing came to mind?
Any adult who uses "pretentious fugue" is of dubious value. Now, wasn't that exchange helpful.
You are incorrect. I used "proactionary" not "proactive." I developed the Proactionary Principle as an alternative to the terrible precautionary principle. Oh, is it pretentious to think in terms of principles?
Lmao Nora, you must be new here, but the people who have been here since it started came specifically to get away from cretins like you, and we will be here long after you are gone
Your only current alternative is BlueSky, and as you can see, you guys' constant need to silence any opinion you do not share makes it impossible for you to form a community, not to mention your insatiable appetite for ratting/reporting one another, no matter how milquetoast you might try to write, one of your own will always find something to object to, and soon you also find yourself cancelled.
You'll only last a few months at best, always cowering, always trying in vain to fly under the radar.
Embrace Substack while it's still an open platform, before you manage to suppress this platform as well, and then you'll find yourself in BlueSky hell with nowhere left to go to air ideas and opinions.
I agree - I was just reading through the front page and a couple articles and it seems like just another hate-filled, partisan-blaming publication with a dubious definition of "news"...
It’s honestly bizarre what they’re choosing to signal on this channel. I decided to unsubscribe from On Substack, which is weird given it’s intended to be about topics for Writers. This is just nonsense.
There is probably a useful answer to your rhetorical question (some possibilities have been suggested here). I don't know it, but it cannot be "good news".
It's a great Q, and I'm glad you asked! We all learn when one person asks a Q. Fantastic convo starter, rich with info and deep convictions. Thank you.
I am a free speech fundamentalist. I wade through acres of obloquy and nonsense without complaint. I almost never block commenters. I read the ‘Free Press’, occasionally, despite the absurdity of the name.
However, I would prefer that the platform did not ‘partner’ with people who support genocide and defend the wanton killing of oppressed people in occupied lands, in contravention of international law and human decency.
This isn’t a quibble or a partisan gripe. The ongoing destruction of the Middle East by Israel puts the whole world in danger, and it has nothing to do with politics, or with religion, or with opinion. Racist murder must not be countenanced. Those who commit and defend mass murder may speak freely, but I am disappointed that Substack finds them to be suitable ‘partners’.
Thank you. I was not aware of who these Weisses are. I certainly see no good in "partnering" with such narrow focused people. Let them start their own Substack and see who their subscribers turn out to be.
Substack is a platform, a model for the future of communication. It should stay that way. Individuals on Stack can do their own partnering.
Very, but illuminating, shows you the vapidness of the people who are given a voice in our MSMs, mostly useful idiots, very few know what they are doing.
I was already concerned about the owners / management / leadership of Substack and their ability to turn the dials on certain content but I appreciated the platform and the many different contributors. This "partner" announcement is very troubling for my trust level w Substack going forward. This screams to me as a move toward partnering with a Zuckerburg, or an Elon Musk and X. Yes, I'm calling a shot here - and yes, it's pure speculation on my part.
And of course the threat of extermination of the Jews can be conveniently overlooked? Particularly when you don’t care if they are or are not decimated. Iran launched the first weapon when it threatened the existence of Israel. The Jews have every right to defend their own existence. Particularly when the Muslims will push further until they reach their goal.
Tell that to all the Jewish people who are protesting the Palestinian Genocide. To paraphrase Matt Lieb, saying every Jewish person is a Zionist, is like saying every turtle is also a mutant ninja.
I also love how Weiss and her ilk call themselves Free Speach absolutists but of course, are always silencing and dismissing any speech critical of Israel (or pro-trans speech for that matter). I always find it so ridiculously disingenuous whenever she rails against "cancel culture" when she literally started her career by canceling professors during her time at Columbia. But hey, cancel culture is cool when you only cancel the "bad" people right? And of course they get to define who's bad.
Bari Weiss is not part of my comment. My point is the fact that the radical Muslims don't differentiate between Jews and Zionist Jews. In their effort to blow Israel off the map, I doubt that they will tell the non-Zionists that they will be safe. It doesn't work that way. It just shocks me that when Iran made its intentions clear, the Jews are not entitled to defend themselves. My niece lives in Jerusalem. She has many Palestinian friends. But she also understands what needs to happen to guarantee safety for her country.
That is complete and utter bullshit and we both know that, the Hamas charter differentiates between Zionists and non-Zionist Jews, if you actually read any of the Iranian statements, they only say that the state of Israel has no right to exist, quite unlike what Nutty Yahoo and may of his cabinet have said, how do you explain his Amalek comment? It's pathetic that you can be an apologist for genocide.
Opposing the Zionists who control Israel is not the same as "hating" Jews. When was the last time you checked a map of Palestine? The Zionists never had no desire for a 2-State agreement and I doubt very much they would return Palestinian territory they have occupied since Israel was imposed on the Palestinians.
{...The Jews have every right to defend their own existence...} BINGO !!! 👍👍👍
But not their existence on stolen Palestinian Lands as a settler-, colonial-, apartheid-, genocidal entity ...
Btw: No real, self-respecting people of Jewish faith and Semitic origins currently over there. Even their beloved "Bibi" uses an artist's name to lead genocidal tactics: His real name is Mileikowsky of Polish, Ashkenazi origin. The only real Semites are the Palestinians themselves, dead or alive.
Local Muslims have intl. Law behind them but unfortunately, only dirty money speaks in media and politics and leads to despicable double-standards and hypocrisy.
My friends who are born and raised in Israel are sickened by Netanyahu's systematic annihilation of innocent Palestinians.
Being anti genocide does not make one antisemitic-- especially coming from my Jewish friends (not just in Israel).
And hating Netanyahu and his actions also does not make someone anti-Israeli, again, lest you call my friends (and their family and friends) in Israeli anti Israeli, which I assure you they are not.
Both stances are pro-Israeli as a state/country. It will fall if Netanyahu does not stop. And here comes Trump. And now you're going to get what you want: Palestine will be obliterated off the map-- and a full blown war in the Middle East is inevitable.
The problem with that is that Israel can not exist as the apartheid state it is, and the Israeli population will not accept a two state solution. As many have pointed out, the masks are off, both America and Israel are being shown for the racist, terrorist, imperialist states they are, and are being treated more each day as the pariah they are, the US will last in a diminished state, but Israel will be gone in a decade or two.
Yes the Israelis have every right to defend their borders and their people. However they have no right, under international law, to cross those borders in order to do so.
If they were concerned with their security, how do you explain the invasion of 10/7 by lightly armed militants on motor scooters? Think about it.
they totally missed the mark on 10/7, that's a no-brainer. Regarding crossing international borders, that is exactly what Hamas did. "Lightly armed militants on motor scooters" is bait that I won't take. These militants were armed but more so, they were supported by rockets and armed drones. Not to mention what they did to women and children. Stop fooling yourself. 1200 people were brutally attacked, some kidnapped and/or killed.
We BOTH know that 'what they did to women and children' is an outright lie that even the state of Israel can find no evidence for, you are an outright liar! As for the 1200 people killed, it was around 100, 450 of which were military and as an occupying military were fair game and of the remaining 750, there is substantial evidence that the helicopter gunships and tanks killed at least half of them, Hamas took around 250 hostages so that leaves about 125 Hamas or one of the other groups that were making the break from the concentration camp killed. Face it both you and Israel are bald faced liars and that doesn't even take into account the fact that Israel was warned two months in advance of what was going to happen by THE most surveilled place on earth, and they ALLOWED it to happen. How can you be so disgusting as to agree to that, but then, that IS Zionist tactics, isn't it?
If you verify your comment with experts on international law you’ll learn that the Palestinians, as an occupied people, have every right to seek freedom from their occupiers. Short of killing of course. Theirs was not so much an international border as the walls to an illegal prison.
As for the lies about ‘what they did to women and children’ these have been spread by Israel with no evidence. Really. Check the facts with Aaron Maté, Miko Peled, or Ilan Pappé. These people have no reason to lie. In the meantime, please keep an open mind.
You’re half right. There are videos, but they’re not literal videos, they’re imaginary videos. They exist in the minds of people like
Joe Biden, who claimed that he saw "literal videos". Or you may mean the NYTimes article of last December speaking of these atrocities. The author of that article an Israeli agent, was forced to retract the lies. But if you think you saw "literal videos", then don’t waste time talking to me, please provide evidence of them to Aron Maté at The Grey Zone, who did extensive research on these events and found none. No country on earth lies as much as Israel, not to even, believe it or not, the US.
NO, there are literal NO videos showing what happened to women and children, even the state of Israel has been able to provide zero evidence of anything you stated.
Nope, the ICJ ruled that an occupied entity has the right to us ANY means available to get their freedom, INLUDING THE USE OF VIOLENCE, AND Gaza was recognized by Israel as a separate state.
The Zionists have a right to protect themselves IF they are not already persecuting the people that are defending themselves from an apartheid government that is conducting a genocide and at the same time committing war crimes and crimes against humanity, ergo, Israel is aa state run by and largely populated and defended by depraved, genocidal individuals, it has forfeited it's right to exist as a state and many of it's citizens should be charged with war crimes and crimes against humanity.
one of the things Israel has destroyed is Hezbollah, which has now led to the fall of the TRULY genocidal Assad regime. i don't think it's true that the middle east is more dangerous. i think you want to find reasons to hate Israel. not very sophisticated.
In reality, what Israel did was to drain Iran dry of resources, blow up all of Iran's air defense systems, and make the fall of Syria's Assad possible in just a few days time.
Not bad for a few week's work. And president Biden and the US helped, not that he is doing a good job of letting people know about it.
Where did you find evidence that Israel 'drain[ed] Iran dry of resources, blow up all of Iran's air defense systems', every analysis of the attacks on Iran said maybe a couple of missiles got through and when their planes had radar locks on them, they turned and ran like the cowards they are, they are only good at killing unarmed women and children.
You said it Sera. "Racist [mass] murder [through slow multi-faceted torture] must not be countenanced." That is indeed the case.
Isn't the essay above announcing that Bari Weiss' Free Press is more or less being elevated to the status of Substack's Flagship.
Isn't there a broad understanding around here that Israel-First Zionism in all its forms is by far and away the most censorious force undermining free speech and all its twins and cousins like academic freedom, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion etc.? I believe even the NEW Testament is getting censored because all that stuff about Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection gets a little bit too close to the ADL's and the SPLC's idea of hate speech directed at Jews
The number one tactic of Zionist censorship is to destroy careers by removing the platforms of people the Jewish supremacists want to shut up. A couple of friends of mine were actually jailed in Germany at the request of B'nai Brith Canada because they interpreted some aspects of WWII history in a manner not pleasing to the Israel Lobby. I have a story too. There are many many such stories and many more professional assassinations yet to come. Check out the web site Canary Mission if you have never seen it.
So given all that, Substack has a vital role these days as a refuge for free speech and especially a refuge for the kind of speech that the Zionistist bullies and their various police agencies want to shut down. Who is most likely to have their sights on bringing Substack under control to protect the world from..... Anti-Semites, Conspiracy Theories, Holocaust Deniers, Global Warming Deniers, Residential School Deniers, 9/11 Truthers, al-Qaeda terrorists," and gender fundamentalists, than the billionaires who apparently are keen to invest in Bari Weiss and the Free Press.
I tried a couple of times without success to unsubscribe from the Free Press. The Free Press offering, I believe, is distributed to every Substack member as its only unsolicited blog.
Am I supposed to stay chill that now that Substack's new flagship publication has a very precise identity as pro-Israel and unsympathetic to those who see the continuing Gaza/West Bank genocide [and its extensions] as an atrocity that must be opposed one way or another as an act of common human decency.
Free Press published on Dec. 11, "The Explosion of Jew Hate in Trudeau's Canada" by Terry Glavin.
I find the author suffered from tunnel vision. He seriously misrepresented how I see the dilemmas facing Canada as I looking out at the world from Lethbridge Alberta. Say I was to try to appeal to Bari Weiss to write a reply in Free Press. Naaah.
As we all know the Zionist message comes from the left and the right, now from MSM and Substack's flagship, Ezra Levant and Ben Shapiro and Bari Weiss. Is the Ship of State of Substack being pointed in the direction flagged by Free Press. Where will that journey take those of us who have integrated Substack quite deeply into our lives?
How will Substack's positioning on all this interact that the university administrations and with the board rooms of corporate America who on Israel-Palestine are all lined up to serve the will of the same billionaires Bari Weiss [and Substack?] is apparently courting.
Wow, Chris. Thanks for screwing over all of us independent writers here who will now have a big spike of unsubscribes from readers who don’t want to fund yet more rightwing “journalism” here.
She's disingenuous and pushes the "anti-woke" nonsense. She whines about cancel culture from her national platform after SHE quit her job. She's right there with Ben Shapiro.
SHE quit her job because of the way the woke NYT treated her. And it seems that perhaps you would prefer to cancel her as well. My sense is that anything to do with an expansion of the more centrist/ conservative media is a threat, something well echoed in these comments.
Why on earth would you brag to your users that you've partnered with a bunch of protofascists? You want us all to leave or what?
Integrity is in increasingly short supply, and many forget that when you "water down the broth" of an award-winning soup, your restaurant closes.
With regard to your cooperation with Barry Weiss - I'm Jewish and like many other Jews I also reject zionist terrorism and neo-nazi ideology. We reject Zionism's God-ignorant tribalist supremacist ideology and its ruthless merciless heartless abuse, terror, torture, rape, land theft, dispossesion and DE-HUMANIZATION of the indigenous people of west Asia (presenting them as dangerous savage terrorists in the zionist propaganda channels and especially in the zionist-owned hollywood and netflix productions). Zionism is a supremacist neo-Nazi humanity-dividing ideology that views ONLY certain people as having any worth or value (only those who had the "correct" religious label placed on us at birth).
Zionism is also profoundly short-sighted and unwise in that it brings about INSECURITY for everyone (including jews) rather than the so-called security that the zionist billionaires claim to bring for jews, and ONLY jews (I explained exactly why it brings about insecurity in the first post on my substack account).
We therefore also reject Barry Weiss' sectarian propaganda and urge you to please not cooperate with her Godless humanity-destroying ideology of supremacist tribalism.
Please don't give her or other exclucivist zionist supremacists any say whatsoever about anything that could influence content on substack or that could influence whose voice gets amplified and whose doesn't. Supremacist zionist tribalists are already employing their censorship, "visibality filtering" and algorithm manipulation (to supress certain voices and amplify others) on several other social media platforms and search engines, please don't let them manipulate the content on this platform as well (by structural means or through any other means)
PS. If one wishes to understand the reason for my saying these things, kindly see the post on my account titled 'my view on the conflict in palestine-israel, as someone who was born and grew up in israel" (i have only two posts on my account so it's easy to find)
Thanks for your humanity.
Beautiful comment and amazing insight into what's detroying humanity. You hit the nail right on the head. We need more humanity-first people like you who love human beings for being human, NOT becasue we were told that we belong to a certain group. We need more people who want the best for EVERYONE, not just for SOME.
We're done with this fascist shit of people being taught that a certain group has more value and importance than other humans, and that their so-called "god" elevated them above others and gave them "divine rights" over lands. We're done with people being taught that they're the greatest victims in the history of mankind and are therefore justified in slaughtering en masse children, elderly, women and men, abusing, oppresing and treating others as less than human.
F*ck this stupid unevolved right-wing fascist shit!!!
No one is "god's chosen people"; No one's life is more valuable than another; Your religious label doesn't make your life more important than anyone else's; You're not more of a victim than the children, elderly women and men that you torture, starve, abuse and massacre and whose house you stole; Your group is not closer to god and not more loved than anyone else; You don't have "divine rights" over lands because your invented bloodthirsty "god" supposedly gave them to you; A religious label doesn't make you more valuable and important than anyone else!! You are equal to other human beings!! You are not more important than others!!
Thank you. May we be mature amd wise enough to wake up from this sectarian hypnosis we've been put under (by those who divide us along religious-national-ethnic lines - under false promises that we will find safety and security there - and pit us against each other, for the benefit of no one but their own narrow interests and control agenda, and for the devastation of the rest of us). May we finally wake up from this hypnosis 🙏
What gives Katherine the right to call a love of the Bible and the promise that God made in it for 7 times, that the land of Canaan is the promised land for the decedents of Abraham to be "Fascist shit"? Nor is this anything like a right-wing policy, because this land needs to be properly used and not left barren, which is how it was before our recent Zionism came into the picture.
She is stirring up the same sad kinds of propaganda that we have been getting from the jealous Arab religious extremists over the past century and which seems to be so strange, considering how little they have done to make their remaining lands and people more prosperous.
Israel seeks to make peace with these leaders of the Arab world and some of them through the Abrahamic Accords have actually done so, as well as Egypt and Jordan. But out of unjustified hatred a few of these terrorist organized countries have managed to show how easy it is to convince ignorant westerners to agree with their wrong-doings. They are the ones who take a Fascist viewpoint and whose leaders are have played the dictator for many years! As a recent example look and see how Assad's Syria has finally responded when the dictator has caused so much death and destruction to his poor peoples lives and their likely prosperity.
A land without people for a people without a land. Weird to see someone seriously arguing that thesis in these times.
Exactly. :-) https://kdgreenparty.substack.com/p/wisdom-from-my-jewish-friends
It seems to me that this above author does not understand the meaning of Zionism. If he/she did, it would not need such unfortunate and sick remarks about what it is doing for us Jews. Israel and the Jews seek peace with all the others, but when these badly informed and radically biased ignorant proxies to Iranian terror, can actually discover somebody who accepts their lying propaganda, we get such foolish writings as Tribalism Destroys Life provided above.
Thank you. A couple of things: First, I am Israeli and was a devout zionist for the first half of my life (like you, i also really believed and repeated the same factually-ignorant short-sighted sectarian propaganda slogans that you repeat here so gullibly and ignorantly, I also truly believed that supremacist tribalism - which is what zionism is, like every other neo-nazi supremacist tribalist ideology on the planet, whether jewish or muslim or christian or hindu etc - truly believed the slogans that tribalism will bring us safety and security. I was just as much of a clueless devout tribalist as you are, David, in the first half of my life, so please save me your ignorant lecturing about zionism. I know by heart all the false deceptive slogans that you spewed out here, I used to say them myself!! I used to be just as propagandized and clueless as you are..
As someone who was born into the tribalist cult of zionism and believed in its tenets wholeheartedly and with devotion, I now stand behind every word i wrote above about the life-destroying God-forgetting poison of supremacist tribalism (whether it is neo-nazi genocidal supremacist short-sighted zionism or any other exclucivist supremacist destructive tribalist poison).
Supremacist tribalism (whether zionist or otherwise) does NOT bring about safety and security as you were taught but EXACTLY TO THE CONTRARY!!!!
I wrote an entire post explaining exactly why i say this. Here it is https://headandheart1.substack.com/p/my-perspective-on-the-conflict-in
I shared this post also above but you didn't bother to read it before immediately and automatically (like a well-trained sectarian robot) reacting with these ignorant-of-reality slogans that you've been indoctrinated with inside the short-sighted zionist tribalist bubble.
And like i said above, my only humble request is that, if you can, please read it WITHOUT wearing your pre-established ideological or sectarian glasses/filters, the filters of "I already know all there is to know", the filters that might distort and prevent you from really hearing what is being said.
And please read it in full!! I am saying this becasue most indoctrinated and deceived tribalists stop reading after a few lines (the moment they come across anything that doesn't align with the narrative that is hammered into their head nonstop inside the SECTARIAN BUBBLE/ECHO-CHAMBER they live in, the tribalist narrative that they are emotionally-invested in). If you stop after a few lines (like most indoctrinated zionists) then you won't get to the meat of the post which is in its second half and won't umderstand exactly why i said what i said.
Not only does zionism NOT create security for jews or anyone else, but it does THE EXACT OPPOSITE!! Please read the post that I gave you in full to understand why I say this.
PS. And yes, I stand fully with holocaust survivor Dr. Hajo Meyer, who said "call zionists what they are - NAZI CRIMINALS!! Who follow and implement that exact same blood-and-soil right-wing Nazi ideology as the right-wing fascists who persecuted me, my family, jews and others in europe. Zionists operate under the EXACT SAME mindset as the european fascists and neo-nazi, thsy are made of the same cloth and share the same psychology. They only disagree on who is the most important group, but they fully agree on the fact that one group is more important and valuable than the rest of humanity.
The divisive, sectarian, exclucivist, God-ignorant neo-nazi values of zionism - and its brutal murderous merciless implementation in their mass-slaughter, torture, abuse, rape, dispossesion, throwing out, land-theft, kidnapping, brutalizing, massacring, tramuatizing, humiliating, erasure and DEHUMANIZATION of the indigenous people of the middle east - these are IDENTICAL to the values of supremacist european fascists, and these zionist values stand in POLAR OPPOSITION to the universal human-centered values of Judaism.
Nazi zionists do not speak for Jews!!"
PPS. And just one other small but very important note about "the terrorists" that are funded and used by the zionist billionaire ruling class as a monstrous boogyman enemy to scare ordinary israelis (and other jews) into submission to our billionaire rulers (who cynically present themselves as the ones who will protect us from the evil monstrous scary enemy, the same boogeyman enemy that they create and fund for this exact purpose). Regarding that, please educate yourself on how and why the israeli ruling class created and funds hamas and works to keep it in power. Please pay close attention David. You will not be told these facts inside the SECTARIAN zionist echo-chamber that you are locked in -
First, on why in general every ruling class must create boogeyman enemies, please see this profound and fully-referenced essay, which is IMHO a must-read for every human on the planet https://www.pdrboston.org/oppressors-need-bogeyman-enemies
And now more specifically on how this principle is applied in the case of the zionist ruling class and hamas, please make sure you read carefully and in full this profoundly insightful research essay on the exact machinations of the Israeli ruling class, which I can confirm is 100% accurate, from my own personal experience in Israel https://www.pdrboston.org/israel-s-government-attacks-jews-to (there are also very informative links leading out from this essay that I highly recommend to pursue in order to learn more).
And lastly, i think it is extremely important to attentively read these two essays https://www.pdrboston.org/israel-funds-hamas-keeps-it-in-power and https://www.pdrboston.org/israeli-leaders-hamas-need-each-oth in order to understand at depth how the boogeyman principle (in the first link) is applied very skillfully by the israeli and hamas leadership, for their mutual benefit (and for the devastation of the rest of us).
Hamas plays the role of the monstrous scary palestinian terrorist perfectly; it is EXACTLY what the zionist billionaire ruling class needs in order to scare ordinary Israelis into obediance, to not bring up the very severe grievances against the billionaire ruling class which screws us all (detailed in the links above), but to "patriotically unite" around our great leader and rally around the flag in a tribalistic/nationalist frenzy to "fight the evil monster enemy of the nation". And thus it is exactly what the right-wing billionaire ruling class needs in order stay in power and continue to transfer society's wealth upwards from the people to the ultra-rich.
That's the reason that the Zionist billionaire ruling class wanted to weaken the secular PLO and strengthen religious fundamentalist Hamas, because the right-wing billionaire ruling class intensely FEAR the possibility of Israeli have-nots (ordinary Israeli citizens) viewing Palestinians as human beings, as non-threatening human beings who want to live in safety & security just like us and to not be oppressed by the thieving heartless billionaire ruling class, just like us.
The ultra-wealthy hierarchical and anti-egalitarian ruling class intensely fear reconcilliation, equality and cooperation of ordinary palestinians and israelis, fear the possibility that the entire land between the Jordan river and the meditarranean sea be a secular democracy, a state of ALL its people (not a supremacist state where the invading immigrants/colonizers who were given at birth the label 'Jew' dominate and abuse the local people of the land) but a secular democratic state in which Jews Muslims Christians other religions and the non-relgious would have EQUAL RIGHTS UNDER THE LAW and live without war in mutual learning, respect, dignity, safety, mutual aid, equality, prosperity and freedom.
THIS is exactly the reason why the israeli billionaire ruling class began funding Hamas—to ensure that ordinary Israelis would (wrongly) perceive ordinary Palestinians as wanting to kill all Jews and therefore as their enemy, To ensure that ordinary Israelis & Palestinians would fear each other and so will never unite to create a thriving human-centered egalitarian and democratic joint entity where we're equal under the law and where we can live together in mutual respect, dignity, security, freedom, peace, equality and prosperity (by throwing off our warmongering manipulative hierarchical cruel right-wing billionaire ruling class that intentionally divides us and pits us tribalistically against each other, and screws us all by moving society's wealth into the hands of the anti-egalitarian fear-driven love-less ultra-wealthy few..
Space is finished here so please see part 2 continued in the reply below
David Harold Chester, this is part 2 of my reply to you, continued from above. Please first read part1 above.
The billionaire ruling class (in israel, in the muslim world and all across the globe) thrives on a mentality of tribalistic fear of the other, of nationalist/religious division, hatred, conflict, violence and trauma. The more they can generate such a traumatic, violent and nationalist/religious hate-filled reality, the more they can keep ordinary people divided and fearful of each other, and clinging onto them (the ultra-wealthy ruling class in each society) to be our so-called "protectors of the nation" from "those evil people" over there, that scary boogeyman over there who supposedly "just wants to kill us all"
And that is also why the supremacist zionist ruling class do everything in their power to inflict as much cruelty and inhumanity and traumatize the local people of Palestine as much as possible, because they know that the more they can cruelly traumatize the Palestinians, the higher the likelihood that the local people will feel deep anger and resentment and hatred towards the abusive terrorist zionist state and its citizens, and will lash out in retaliation to the constant abuse dispossesion violence theft dehumanization and cruelty directed at them, retaliation which is then cynically used by the zionist ruling class to further depict palestinians as "antisemite monsters" who hate jews for no reason (and the zionist ruling class can get away with such cynical manipulation because the billionaire-owned media never shows the context of what local palestinians are actually reacting to, but only show the reaction itself without any context, which makes it seem violent and hateful for no reason)
The nonstop cruelty, inhumanity, dispossesion, murder and abuse that the right-wing zionist supremacists inflict on local palestinians, and the palestinian inevitable reaction, in turn make reconcilliation impossible, which is precisely what the billionaire ruling class wants (reconcilliation and peace between ordinary people is the arch-enemy and the greatest fear of the right-wing israeli billionaire ruling class).
And also, the palestinian anger & resentment at the constant abuse discrimination inhumanity dispossesion & violence directed at them, make palestinians appear very threatening and scary to ordinary Israelis (which, again, ensures that no cooperation would be possible, but rather that hateful trauma-driven nationalism will always reign, ensures that ordinary people will keep being bamboozeled into believing that our enemies are the ordinary people of 'the other side' and thus keep voting for the representitives of the right-wing billionaire ruling class to be our rulers (because these nationalist deceivers pretend to be "the patriotic protectors of the nation" against those 'scary evil monsters over there'; even though IN REALITY the ultra-wealthy ruling class and their vile sectarian tribalistic right-wing representitives do THE EXACT OPPOSITE of providing security, but they are in fact the ones ensuring that the nation is in a constant state of animosity, hateful conflict & war (against the boogeyman "scary monster enemy") AND ensure that people' wealth keeps flowing upwards to the ultra-rich, while the rest struggle just to keep the head above the water.
There is tons and tons more that i can elaborate on with regard to how the billionaire ruling class are pitting ordinary israelis and palestinians agaimst each other. There are numerous examples of that, i gave many above and in the profoundly important essays shared with you above (which i urge you to read).
Anotjer example of that is the cynical use by the israeli billionaire ruling class of ordinary israelis as human shields in these kind of specifically created settlements (called 'khoma u-migdal" in hebrew) that were built intentionally to entrap amd encircle around the refugee camps where the indigenous people fled to in 1948 (who fled their mass-slaughter, dispossesion, rape and land-theft campaign in 1948 that led to the establishment of apartheid zionost billiknaores’ regime. No space to go into this vast subject here, but hear some more about this from this israeli historian https://youtu.be/MuzWDWBn55g?si=InjF6DYVkEIUFTce and many other excellent videos with him and other israeli historians like avi shlaim, baruch kimmerling and many others who uncovered & documented exactly the horrific crimes that were committed in 1948 and afterwards to establish the zionist apartheid state, and the lies that the fascist israeli ruling class have been telling the world about this).
The zionist billionaires use ordinary israelis as human shields especially to entrap and encircle the fleeing local people to make sure they'll never be able to leave those supposedly temporary refugee camps and return to their land which was taken by the newly established israeli billionaire's state (literally using the bodies of ordinary israelis as a shield to make sure that local palestinians will not be able to return to their family's home that was stolen from them. Done both in order to ensure that the theft of the land is permanent AND in order to make sure that there is constant animosity between ordinary palestinians and ordinary israelis and that we view our interests as being at odds with each other (view each other as an enemy who threatens our safety & security).
This skillful pitting of ordinary israelis and palestinians against each other - which is done in numerous varied ways - is exactly the fertile ground of sectarian/nationalist/religious division & hatred upon which the right-wing billionaire ruling class thrive...
Religious-national-ethnic division, fear, hatred and violence is the BREAD AND BUTTER of right-wing political strategy and of the billionaire ruling class. This is what they therive on!! That is why they use ANY MEANS NECESSARY to ensure that the tribalist fear and hatred and war never ends (while paying lip service as if they want to end the conflict, whenn IN REALITY the end of conflict and hatred is the thing they fear the most. They depend for their continued domination over us on making jews feel scared and unsecure and clinging on to the exclucivist seperative ghetto of zionism for (false) protection (i showed at depth in the links above that it doesn’t provide any safety at all but does the exact opposite, and that the ruling class do evetything in their power to generate that scared unsecure feeling for jews (and therefore of huddling together in a ghetto, terrified of “the antisemite world out there who irrationally hates us”. Keeping jews in that state is the absolute number one priority on tne right-wing billionaire ruling class. This is what they gain their support and power from.
This fear of the scary boogeyman and feeling of unsafety (and the resultant seeking of safety in seperative tribalist ghettos) is the BREAD AND BUTTER of the right wing billionaire ruling class. Not only do they NOT want the sectatian violence and feeling of unsecurity to end but they do everything on their power to make sure it never ends. Their elevated position of power over society depends on keeping us in a state of tribalist division, fear, unsafety, hatred and war!! People wouldn't vote for them if there wasn't a boogyman enemy that they use to scare us with and to make sure we don't step out of line and that we are kept frivhtened and huddled in the nationalist ghetto, tje ghetto of "the tribe vs the world. The tribe vs the rest of scary humanity who are all antisemites and where we can have no safety. Only in our exclucivist ghetto, where the tribe huddles together in fear of the antisemite world - only that ghetto will well ensure our find safety". This is the ideal state that the zionist billionaire ruling class drives jews (and everyome else) to live in, fear and separation from humanity a d clinging to them to protect us from the evil antismites everywhere who only want to irratuonally hurt us - this is precisely how they maintain their control over us and how they remain as the ruling class..
This is explained at depth in the extremely important essays i shared with you above. Please do read them
PS. By the way, to learn more about how the mossad (which is the implementation arm of the israeli billionaire ruling class) conducts numerous false flag operations across the globe, under the guise of "islamic terrorism", you can hear it directly from the horse's mouth, directly from two mossad whistleblowers here https://swprs.org/ari-ben-menashe-on-israeli-black-operations/ and here https://swprs.org/mossad-whistleblower-victor-ostrovsky-1994/
More evidence of the zionist billionaires (and their mossad secret srrvice agency) conducting false flag terror operations and funding terrorist groups here https://swprs.org/why-israel-created-hamas/…
and here https://off-guardian.org/2024/03/01/fake-terrorism-and-the-genocide-agenda/
And here https://www.globalresearch.ca/isis-is-a-us-israeli-creation-top-ten-indications/5518627
And here https://rumble.com/v22ku8u-false-flags-the-secret-history-of-al-qaeda-full-documentary.html
Wow wow wow!! This is a mindblowing response!! Thank you so much for sharing thess facts and wisdom with us. You are a good person who cares about people. We need more humanity-first people like you in these dark times of nationalist and religious hatred and war everywhere. Most people never ever hear these really important facts. Most people hear only the zionist propaganda in the corporate media. That's why there's so much confusion and why some people still cheer for the fascist zionist murderers. Most people don't understand how we are being played by the ultra-rich and their propaganda media. People urgently need to become aware of the things you showed here. This is so important!!!
where did your ancestors come from? do you wish Israel hadn't existed then, so that they may have drowned in boats, or been shot escaping whatever place they were being terrorized?
Thank you Nicky. As I mentioned above, if you'd like to understand why I said the things I did and to find answers to your questions then kindly read the post I made about it. I will link it here for your convenience https://open.substack.com/pub/headandheart1/p/my-perspective-on-the-conflict-in My only humble request is that, if you can, please read it WITHOUT wearing any pre-established ideological or sectarian glasses/filters, the filters of "I already know all there is to know", the filters that might distort and prevent you from really hearing what is being said.
One can't fill a glass which is already full.
I say this with kindness in my heart: please could you proofread, and edit for clarity, the post you have linked here. I think I might agree with your fundamental proposition, but it is such a 'rant' that I can't tell.
Thank you Annie. I appreciate it. Are you referring this post ?https://open.substack.com/pub/headandheart1/p/my-perspective-on-the-conflict-in?r=c5eqm&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web
If so, then I did proof-read it several times and so I am not really sure what exactly comes across to you as unclear about it? Could you perhaps be a little more specific and tell me where exactly did you find that there is lack of clarity or that things could be written differently? Any specific paragraph or parahraphs? That would be very helpful. Thank you 🙏
Yeah. Right. But thank you, one of the few.
A strong and blessed response. Problem with "we". For too many might might parrot and far too few believe. Love seems absent far to much.
Bro, do you understand what the word fascist means? I don't think you do.
The word used was the compound ’proto-fascist’, which I think is neither hyperbolic nor inappropriate. Assuming that the reference was to Zionism, the action of that group to deny freedom of speech, cause the destruction of neighboring cultures, and control their own country through apartheid and murder, makes the use of the term proto-fascist seem generous. The founder of Free Press, Bari Weiss, is an enthusiastic defender of the censorship practices of the Israeli government, which spends uncounted millions to control the US congress. What else would you call it?
Thanks, thought it was obvious but perhaps not.
Nope, Sasha - they have no clue LOL
I am not even a big fan of The Free Press, but 'protofascists?" Ridiculous...
Due to the risks involved, I’ve always respected foreign correspondents and especially admired those covering active war zones. But I still feel that too much of contemporary ‘journalism’ is motivated more by a paycheck and publication (‘a buck and a byline’) than a genuine strive to expose thus challenge the corrupt powerful who abuse/exploit those with the least in this increasingly unjust global existence.
Also, while journalism’s traditional fundamental function is/was to “comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable,” to a noticeable degree there seems to have been a redefining, or even a reversal, as to what/who constitutes an “afflicted” and “the comfortable”.
Journalists with genuine integrity should and would tender their resignations and even publicly proclaim they can no longer help propagate their employer’s corrupted/sleazy media product.
You do not understand the word fascist. It is not a synonym for crap you do not like. Like hate speech means speech you hate to hear.
There are various definitions of fascist. The more colloquial one is simply “an intolerant or oppressive person.”
Oh, you mean a 2024 US "democrat" ?
Nope you know not of which you write.
Allow me to inform those who have no "knowledge."
Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, and ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation or race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy.
Opposed to anarchism, democracy, pluralism, egalitarianism, liberalism, socialism, and Marxism, fascism is at the far right of the traditional left–right spectrum.
Oh-kay? OK.
Allow me to yawn my face off.
That spectrum is problematic. At the extremes of right and left, they have many similarities, such as centralized autocracy, often militarism, suppression of opposition, subordination of the individual for the collective, tight control of the economy, and so on.
The left/right division originated long ago in France. It's bizarre that people still use it as if it were particularly informative. This is especially clear to those of us who don't fit on that one-dimensional spectrum.
Silly sophistry, "doc."
So when the democrats' much-beloved President John F Kennedy said:
"Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country."
How much of a "fascist" was he?
(Especially knowing who said the same thing back in the 1930s.)
For example!
Sasha I don’t want to go there, it’s a mixture of bedroom secrets and a confession to a pedofilie or a in disguise married priest. I have family members who don’t even know they’re fascists of CIA mouthpieces, I myself are in love with Russia and the Russian Soul, but same family members think I am a Russian Spy. Very very slippery ice we’re gliding over not?
Great, go live there, then,
The No. 1 History Substack is a Holocaust denier. That ship sailed a long time ago.
Oh look - Jonny's back. I thought you scurried off to your safe-space so that the very scary words here on Substack wouldn't hurt your tender feels LOL
BTW - I am still waiting for that Nazi-uprising you claimed was here. I see plenty of Leftists like yourself in my suggestions, see the occasional conservative and/or libertarian missive, but not a single Nazi.
Either you scared them away with your manly-manliness... or you made them up in your head for The Atlantic. Call it a hunch, but I am going with the latter...
Trumpty the felon mobster is not in power yet. With their bunch of addicts planning to raid our federal monies, stealing everything not nailed down. We will fight for ourselves when the time is right.
You are speaking to the choir. Biden has always been a Hawk. Trumpty will have us look like Russia, if the dems. don’t win some of the fights. Read how Russia was divided up with Putin in charge as Russian oligarchs, (richy riches) stole everything from the people of Russia- here’s candy for you, here’s candy for you, richy rich.
US politicians need a dumping. Folks running publicly funded campaigns with platforms argued need to become available. Most of Congress, especially the Red states are there to get rich and block “US common good” . I agree it is a sh-tshow.
It's a rich vs poor, a class issue, not a left vs right issue.
(As many comments of DailyWire Matt Walsh and Ben Shapiro videos about people's reactions to the murder of a healthcare insurance company CEO stated.)
Do you really know what Russia is like or how it got there? When, as you say, Russia was divided up[ ] as Russian oligarchs, (richy riches) stole everything from the people of Russia, Putin was NOT in charge, that was in the 1990s when the US was 'helping' Russia become more capitalistic like they did with Poland, but without the economic help required to make it work, Jeffrey Sachs, one f the engineers of that, explains how it worked in Poland because the US wanted it to work but not in Russia because the US did NOT want it to. The history is there if you WANT to know.
WTF does Trump have to do this? You all filter everything through him - the obsession is disturbing...
Your boot-licking is cringe AF
Stone, do you know how to do anything besides hit a finger in a keyboard? You brought up the Nazi uprising. It is coming and we will be ready
I wrote about Bari Weiss, transphobia, racism and the billionaires who pay her to spread those things. https://www.publicenlightenment.com/p/bari-weiss-brought-to-you-by-billionaires?r=2xd80&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=false
If you need some more crayons to munch on all you need to do is ask Johnny
What is the Substack?
If you believe they are protofascists then, yes, the rest of us want you to leave.
any adult who uses “proactive” as an actual word, as in the pretentious fugue of your bio, is someone whose opinions are of dubious value.
If we're going to be mean and nasty... Your Substack blog says "Various - football, medicine, science. Anything else that comes to mind." You have written nothing in four years. Nothing came to mind?
Any adult who uses "pretentious fugue" is of dubious value. Now, wasn't that exchange helpful.
You are incorrect. I used "proactionary" not "proactive." I developed the Proactionary Principle as an alternative to the terrible precautionary principle. Oh, is it pretentious to think in terms of principles?
You're clearly very angry about this, you come across as a deeply insecure and pretentious man, terminally online.
Do not the door hit you on the way out. Make haste.
It's the money they love.
Lmao Nora, you must be new here, but the people who have been here since it started came specifically to get away from cretins like you, and we will be here long after you are gone
Spoken like a true woke fascist!
Nora Loreto 4h
Why on earth would you brag to your users that you've partnered with a bunch of protofascists? You want us all to leave or what?
Like (120) Reply (8) Share
Nora, Nora, Nora,
You can't leave Substack Nora, that's why you're still here, where would you go?
Your only current alternative is BlueSky, and as you can see, you guys' constant need to silence any opinion you do not share makes it impossible for you to form a community, not to mention your insatiable appetite for ratting/reporting one another, no matter how milquetoast you might try to write, one of your own will always find something to object to, and soon you also find yourself cancelled.
You'll only last a few months at best, always cowering, always trying in vain to fly under the radar.
Embrace Substack while it's still an open platform, before you manage to suppress this platform as well, and then you'll find yourself in BlueSky hell with nowhere left to go to air ideas and opinions.
Enjoy Substack while it lasts!
I agree - I was just reading through the front page and a couple articles and it seems like just another hate-filled, partisan-blaming publication with a dubious definition of "news"...
It’s honestly bizarre what they’re choosing to signal on this channel. I decided to unsubscribe from On Substack, which is weird given it’s intended to be about topics for Writers. This is just nonsense.
Can it - not a single person beleives your vitriol.
The irony here is something else.
Thanks Nora.
I didn't know.
There is probably a useful answer to your rhetorical question (some possibilities have been suggested here). I don't know it, but it cannot be "good news".
It's a great Q, and I'm glad you asked! We all learn when one person asks a Q. Fantastic convo starter, rich with info and deep convictions. Thank you.
Don't let the door hit you on your way out. Including your copy of "Everybody I disagree with is Hitler"
totally missing the point that news can be profitable again lol.
I am a free speech fundamentalist. I wade through acres of obloquy and nonsense without complaint. I almost never block commenters. I read the ‘Free Press’, occasionally, despite the absurdity of the name.
However, I would prefer that the platform did not ‘partner’ with people who support genocide and defend the wanton killing of oppressed people in occupied lands, in contravention of international law and human decency.
This isn’t a quibble or a partisan gripe. The ongoing destruction of the Middle East by Israel puts the whole world in danger, and it has nothing to do with politics, or with religion, or with opinion. Racist murder must not be countenanced. Those who commit and defend mass murder may speak freely, but I am disappointed that Substack finds them to be suitable ‘partners’.
Thank you. I was not aware of who these Weisses are. I certainly see no good in "partnering" with such narrow focused people. Let them start their own Substack and see who their subscribers turn out to be.
Substack is a platform, a model for the future of communication. It should stay that way. Individuals on Stack can do their own partnering.
I agree
Who are these Weisses you ask?
You tell me who/what you think these Weisses are? Don't waste any time looking for intellect I warn you in advance.
Embarrassing to watch.
Very, but illuminating, shows you the vapidness of the people who are given a voice in our MSMs, mostly useful idiots, very few know what they are doing.
Totally agree, you made the points better than me.
I was already concerned about the owners / management / leadership of Substack and their ability to turn the dials on certain content but I appreciated the platform and the many different contributors. This "partner" announcement is very troubling for my trust level w Substack going forward. This screams to me as a move toward partnering with a Zuckerburg, or an Elon Musk and X. Yes, I'm calling a shot here - and yes, it's pure speculation on my part.
Its a signal of something significant.
And of course the threat of extermination of the Jews can be conveniently overlooked? Particularly when you don’t care if they are or are not decimated. Iran launched the first weapon when it threatened the existence of Israel. The Jews have every right to defend their own existence. Particularly when the Muslims will push further until they reach their goal.
Tell that to all the Jewish people who are protesting the Palestinian Genocide. To paraphrase Matt Lieb, saying every Jewish person is a Zionist, is like saying every turtle is also a mutant ninja.
I also love how Weiss and her ilk call themselves Free Speach absolutists but of course, are always silencing and dismissing any speech critical of Israel (or pro-trans speech for that matter). I always find it so ridiculously disingenuous whenever she rails against "cancel culture" when she literally started her career by canceling professors during her time at Columbia. But hey, cancel culture is cool when you only cancel the "bad" people right? And of course they get to define who's bad.
Bari Weiss is not part of my comment. My point is the fact that the radical Muslims don't differentiate between Jews and Zionist Jews. In their effort to blow Israel off the map, I doubt that they will tell the non-Zionists that they will be safe. It doesn't work that way. It just shocks me that when Iran made its intentions clear, the Jews are not entitled to defend themselves. My niece lives in Jerusalem. She has many Palestinian friends. But she also understands what needs to happen to guarantee safety for her country.
That is complete and utter bullshit and we both know that, the Hamas charter differentiates between Zionists and non-Zionist Jews, if you actually read any of the Iranian statements, they only say that the state of Israel has no right to exist, quite unlike what Nutty Yahoo and may of his cabinet have said, how do you explain his Amalek comment? It's pathetic that you can be an apologist for genocide.
And what do her Palestinian friends thinks needs to happen to guarantee safety for their country?
Opposing the Zionists who control Israel is not the same as "hating" Jews. When was the last time you checked a map of Palestine? The Zionists never had no desire for a 2-State agreement and I doubt very much they would return Palestinian territory they have occupied since Israel was imposed on the Palestinians.
??? ...
{...The Jews have every right to defend their own existence...} BINGO !!! 👍👍👍
But not their existence on stolen Palestinian Lands as a settler-, colonial-, apartheid-, genocidal entity ...
Btw: No real, self-respecting people of Jewish faith and Semitic origins currently over there. Even their beloved "Bibi" uses an artist's name to lead genocidal tactics: His real name is Mileikowsky of Polish, Ashkenazi origin. The only real Semites are the Palestinians themselves, dead or alive.
Local Muslims have intl. Law behind them but unfortunately, only dirty money speaks in media and politics and leads to despicable double-standards and hypocrisy.
Have a nice time !!!
My friends who are born and raised in Israel are sickened by Netanyahu's systematic annihilation of innocent Palestinians.
Being anti genocide does not make one antisemitic-- especially coming from my Jewish friends (not just in Israel).
And hating Netanyahu and his actions also does not make someone anti-Israeli, again, lest you call my friends (and their family and friends) in Israeli anti Israeli, which I assure you they are not.
Both stances are pro-Israeli as a state/country. It will fall if Netanyahu does not stop. And here comes Trump. And now you're going to get what you want: Palestine will be obliterated off the map-- and a full blown war in the Middle East is inevitable.
The problem with that is that Israel can not exist as the apartheid state it is, and the Israeli population will not accept a two state solution. As many have pointed out, the masks are off, both America and Israel are being shown for the racist, terrorist, imperialist states they are, and are being treated more each day as the pariah they are, the US will last in a diminished state, but Israel will be gone in a decade or two.
Yes the Israelis have every right to defend their borders and their people. However they have no right, under international law, to cross those borders in order to do so.
If they were concerned with their security, how do you explain the invasion of 10/7 by lightly armed militants on motor scooters? Think about it.
they totally missed the mark on 10/7, that's a no-brainer. Regarding crossing international borders, that is exactly what Hamas did. "Lightly armed militants on motor scooters" is bait that I won't take. These militants were armed but more so, they were supported by rockets and armed drones. Not to mention what they did to women and children. Stop fooling yourself. 1200 people were brutally attacked, some kidnapped and/or killed.
Do some research please.
We BOTH know that 'what they did to women and children' is an outright lie that even the state of Israel can find no evidence for, you are an outright liar! As for the 1200 people killed, it was around 100, 450 of which were military and as an occupying military were fair game and of the remaining 750, there is substantial evidence that the helicopter gunships and tanks killed at least half of them, Hamas took around 250 hostages so that leaves about 125 Hamas or one of the other groups that were making the break from the concentration camp killed. Face it both you and Israel are bald faced liars and that doesn't even take into account the fact that Israel was warned two months in advance of what was going to happen by THE most surveilled place on earth, and they ALLOWED it to happen. How can you be so disgusting as to agree to that, but then, that IS Zionist tactics, isn't it?
If you verify your comment with experts on international law you’ll learn that the Palestinians, as an occupied people, have every right to seek freedom from their occupiers. Short of killing of course. Theirs was not so much an international border as the walls to an illegal prison.
As for the lies about ‘what they did to women and children’ these have been spread by Israel with no evidence. Really. Check the facts with Aaron Maté, Miko Peled, or Ilan Pappé. These people have no reason to lie. In the meantime, please keep an open mind.
There are literal videos showing what happened to women and children.
You’re half right. There are videos, but they’re not literal videos, they’re imaginary videos. They exist in the minds of people like
Joe Biden, who claimed that he saw "literal videos". Or you may mean the NYTimes article of last December speaking of these atrocities. The author of that article an Israeli agent, was forced to retract the lies. But if you think you saw "literal videos", then don’t waste time talking to me, please provide evidence of them to Aron Maté at The Grey Zone, who did extensive research on these events and found none. No country on earth lies as much as Israel, not to even, believe it or not, the US.
Warning, graphic content but here you go: https://www.7thofoctober.com/
NO, there are literal NO videos showing what happened to women and children, even the state of Israel has been able to provide zero evidence of anything you stated.
Here is some evidence: https://www.7thofoctober.com/
Grayzone, Mondoweiss, Electronic Intifada
Nope, the ICJ ruled that an occupied entity has the right to us ANY means available to get their freedom, INLUDING THE USE OF VIOLENCE, AND Gaza was recognized by Israel as a separate state.
The Zionists have a right to protect themselves IF they are not already persecuting the people that are defending themselves from an apartheid government that is conducting a genocide and at the same time committing war crimes and crimes against humanity, ergo, Israel is aa state run by and largely populated and defended by depraved, genocidal individuals, it has forfeited it's right to exist as a state and many of it's citizens should be charged with war crimes and crimes against humanity.
one of the things Israel has destroyed is Hezbollah, which has now led to the fall of the TRULY genocidal Assad regime. i don't think it's true that the middle east is more dangerous. i think you want to find reasons to hate Israel. not very sophisticated.
As far as I know they are not supporters of either Iran or Assad or Russia and oppose the genocide by Turkey of the Kurds
Am I missing anything
In reality, what Israel did was to drain Iran dry of resources, blow up all of Iran's air defense systems, and make the fall of Syria's Assad possible in just a few days time.
Not bad for a few week's work. And president Biden and the US helped, not that he is doing a good job of letting people know about it.
Where did you find evidence that Israel 'drain[ed] Iran dry of resources, blow up all of Iran's air defense systems', every analysis of the attacks on Iran said maybe a couple of missiles got through and when their planes had radar locks on them, they turned and ran like the cowards they are, they are only good at killing unarmed women and children.
Please… spare us
You said it Sera. "Racist [mass] murder [through slow multi-faceted torture] must not be countenanced." That is indeed the case.
Isn't the essay above announcing that Bari Weiss' Free Press is more or less being elevated to the status of Substack's Flagship.
Isn't there a broad understanding around here that Israel-First Zionism in all its forms is by far and away the most censorious force undermining free speech and all its twins and cousins like academic freedom, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion etc.? I believe even the NEW Testament is getting censored because all that stuff about Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection gets a little bit too close to the ADL's and the SPLC's idea of hate speech directed at Jews
The number one tactic of Zionist censorship is to destroy careers by removing the platforms of people the Jewish supremacists want to shut up. A couple of friends of mine were actually jailed in Germany at the request of B'nai Brith Canada because they interpreted some aspects of WWII history in a manner not pleasing to the Israel Lobby. I have a story too. There are many many such stories and many more professional assassinations yet to come. Check out the web site Canary Mission if you have never seen it.
So given all that, Substack has a vital role these days as a refuge for free speech and especially a refuge for the kind of speech that the Zionistist bullies and their various police agencies want to shut down. Who is most likely to have their sights on bringing Substack under control to protect the world from..... Anti-Semites, Conspiracy Theories, Holocaust Deniers, Global Warming Deniers, Residential School Deniers, 9/11 Truthers, al-Qaeda terrorists," and gender fundamentalists, than the billionaires who apparently are keen to invest in Bari Weiss and the Free Press.
I tried a couple of times without success to unsubscribe from the Free Press. The Free Press offering, I believe, is distributed to every Substack member as its only unsolicited blog.
Am I supposed to stay chill that now that Substack's new flagship publication has a very precise identity as pro-Israel and unsympathetic to those who see the continuing Gaza/West Bank genocide [and its extensions] as an atrocity that must be opposed one way or another as an act of common human decency.
Free Press published on Dec. 11, "The Explosion of Jew Hate in Trudeau's Canada" by Terry Glavin.
I find the author suffered from tunnel vision. He seriously misrepresented how I see the dilemmas facing Canada as I looking out at the world from Lethbridge Alberta. Say I was to try to appeal to Bari Weiss to write a reply in Free Press. Naaah.
As we all know the Zionist message comes from the left and the right, now from MSM and Substack's flagship, Ezra Levant and Ben Shapiro and Bari Weiss. Is the Ship of State of Substack being pointed in the direction flagged by Free Press. Where will that journey take those of us who have integrated Substack quite deeply into our lives?
How will Substack's positioning on all this interact that the university administrations and with the board rooms of corporate America who on Israel-Palestine are all lined up to serve the will of the same billionaires Bari Weiss [and Substack?] is apparently courting.
Don’t be a Hamastitute.
Wow, Chris. Thanks for screwing over all of us independent writers here who will now have a big spike of unsubscribes from readers who don’t want to fund yet more rightwing “journalism” here.
This is not why I left corporate media.
THIS. Substack is screwing over all of us for the sake of rightwing nonsense.
Bari Weiss? No.
She's disingenuous and pushes the "anti-woke" nonsense. She whines about cancel culture from her national platform after SHE quit her job. She's right there with Ben Shapiro.
makes sense, looks like shes a zionist
She is, and she says 'unashamedly so'.
What's wrong with that exactly?
Zionism is a murder colonialist ideology, it's not rocket science to understand that.
It's like being unashamed of being a Nazi
Let’s stone her…
SHE quit her job because of the way the woke NYT treated her. And it seems that perhaps you would prefer to cancel her as well. My sense is that anything to do with an expansion of the more centrist/ conservative media is a threat, something well echoed in these comments.