Yes, Coco, I totally relate to your concern about those TikTok jobs. I have the same concerns about the people in the cocaine business. If cocaine were totally banned, tens of thousands of hard working people would lose their good incomes. Same with people work hard in those AR15 gun factories. They strive hard every day to make a good living. If we ban those guns, what ever will they do? Hard questions here....

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I get where you're coming from. But my daughter's an artist whose largest following is on tiktok where she draws and paints live. This drives most of her online sales. So there's that aspect too.

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Your daughter should have learned by now to not put all it eggs in one basket.

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Who said all her eggs are in one basket? I said tiktok is where she has the largest following.

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Why does she need a following? Is she a female version of the Pied Piper?

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No more than you're a version of the joker

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sigh bullies.

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Dec 22Edited
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Not into my food. I grow my own and buy from farmers who I can talk to about what goes into my food.

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So the farmer's pet dog craps on your food then?

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I like my food to glow in the dark! Bird seed is easy to grow.

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...or the same colour on her pallet.

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When you're an artist, aren't you supposed to suffer?

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We all suffer from different things. For some it's lack of reading comprehension. For others it's lack of empathy. The list goes on ...

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I really don’t have anything very helpful to add to the conversation right at this moment, but when I saw the name you are using, it made me smile, and I wish I had thought of it. Bravo!

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I don't suffer from anything really, maybe a bit of joint pain at 77 but boy-oh-boy, it's difficult having empathy for narcissists.

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You are old, ok, but don't be so grumpy

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When a comment is pre-faced with out-of-context mention of physical pain, you can be sure it will be followed by a plea for empathy combined with an accusatory projection of narcissism. A truly classic combo!

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Yep! Poooooor little meeeeee.

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I don't see either myself or my daughter as narcissistic ... but then I probably wouldn't if I was one. It's a conundrum for sure! Personally I'd rather the government didn't decide which media platforms I can see. But that could just be the narcissism speaking. Or my determination to living like the free human being I was intended to be. Always hard to know.

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I hope.

She saved all her content videos.That at which she can't transfer smoothly and then it might even help her to start posting videos left About her transitioning over to a new platform but for they shut down tik tok

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That's right. Got lemons, make lemonade 😋

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Ask people that were artists under maos cultural revolution what they did when they wanted freedom of expression.

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Alright, I’ll bite. What did they do?

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When all you have is TikTok hammer, every tik is a nail. Substack is a swiss-army knife.

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Careful: Leatherman and LM clones outsell Swiss Army Knives. I grew up on the S.A.Knife "platform". I am finding I like the LM platform better.

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Leathermen are great for opening wine too (:

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Very cute !

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Thanks for your support Jenni! (:

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It's a hard world out there. My kinda satire.

This too: Frances Leader stated on 12/08/24 "The way things are going on Substack (in respect of their relationship with Stripe and the consequent political pressure levied against writers) I don't know how much longer my presence here will be tolerated. It is noticeable to me that when my following exceeded 10,000 on Facebook, Twitter and Discord my accounts were abruptly deleted. I suspect that something similar is about to occur here."

Further, when asked what is Stripe, she explains, "It is a financial organiser which charges exorbitant rates for transferring money from one account to another. I dislike it immensely but Substack insists upon using it".

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It sounds like a great way to limit the number of pseudo-intellectuals.

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Great tongue-in-cheek, Kent!

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Kent is my HERO!

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Knowing how influencers operate, I figure the American-based TikTok developers were never spared a second thought before they could be used for emotional brownie points.

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Brilliant !! This comment is the reason I subscribe 👌😎

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Careful there edgy-boy, we'll end up banning snarky internet goblins.

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You know substack is an anagram for Suck_At_BS ?


Some subscriptions are spendy.


Or suck a ball sack...


not even subst-Yack or even Subst-Hack.


rolling eyes.


More chatbots than Ukrainian social media.


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Brilliant 👌 This comment is what Substack I

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I love.

D that she mentioned that as well

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Exactly. Well said Kent.

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Dec 20
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(Solution to the picky eater problem - starve 'em for a week.)

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Oh please please spare us TikTokers and Instas coming to Substack. This has been a haven for thoughtful, well-written, intelligent, respectful content and interaction with both authors and readers. Yeah, yeah, there are some on TikTok/Insta. I knew it wouldn't last here, so I'll continue to enjoy for as long as possible. No personal offense to anyone.

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Hard agree.

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Respectfully put. Couldn't agree more. I'm a little saddened by this whole thing.

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I hope it stays that way too!

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Yes… the Substack posts and content is intelligent content .. TicToc’ers have this immature “High school Valley/Girl rhetoric and drama… as the write or speak“. ughhh, verses the writers with substance on Substack.. It is no doubt maturity of TicToc’er will improve with age and experience.. Hopefully. Time will tell, but it is a process and takes time. 👍

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My thoughts: why not? They will make Substack THE place to go for all the refugees of TikTok and maybe one day YouTube. It wil be like old media: the popular stuff will subside the rest of us churning out high-fallutin’ thought pieces read by a much smaller audience.

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Is it for those kind of people? If that's the case then, as Capt. Oates said to Scott " I am just going out and may be some time."

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These young girls have no clue about the real world we live in.

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Please send help.

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Please don’t put this stuff in my inbox

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Was thinking the exact same thing. Seems like I might be needing to find a new platform for writing.

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Removing the word 'like' from the presentation would cut about 3 minutes.

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Yeah, like, yeah. I agree like. Too many likes lower the IQ of the liker, like, plus the reader like. Ignorance is.......like.....bliss, like!

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I couldn't bear to listen/read the transcript because of the childish use of the word 'like' every few seconds. Gawd, I'm so glad I'm not young anymore. Give me strength to bear it all. I'm pretty tech savvy but I seriously didn't understand what they were going on about,😭

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I begrudgingly started listening to it. I pressed stop in the middle.

I ventured to Substack to get far away from this superficial consumer garbage. Nina’s (above) statement, “This has been a haven for thoughtful, well-written, intelligent, respectful content….” Is WHY I JOINED Substack.

I have noticed the creeping in of all the entities and mindlessness in the last couple of weeks.

I assume this is the prelude to the end a quality platform.

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Like but don't like that you nailed it. The great American inevitably is that eventually the bigger fish will buy out/capture/own the smaller fish.

I attempt satire both as a mental health survival tool and to hold a mirror up to wound licking mutual admiration fellows. Sometimes (but rarely :-) it's funny, other times it's not comfortable for the reader.

There's way too much boiling frog going on in these commiseration powwows. If some of their time spent posting would instead be allocated to learning our Constitution the knowledge gained could and should be used to challenge our courts and de facto public functionaries.

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Think you've got problems. Read up on the courts in New Zealand.

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Agreed ✌🏻

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I would blame corrupt politicians for getting rid of TikTok in general.

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I couldn't agree more.

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Crap education so like takes care of a stunted vocab:

Filler: It often acts as a filler word similar to "um" or "uh," providing the speaker a moment to think. For example, "I was, like, walking to the store..." Could have left it out here

Approximation: "Like" can indicate that what follows is not an exact number or description. For example, "There were like a hundred people at the party." They haven't heard of approximately or about or thereabouts or more or less.

Emphasis or Focus: It can emphasize a particular word or phrase. For example, "It's, like, the best movie ever." Don't know "As far as I am concerned," or definitely or without a doubt or undoubtedly or ( This'll fool 'em) indubitably.

Quoting Speech or Thoughts: "Like" is used to introduce quoted speech or thoughts. For example, "He was like, 'What are you doing here?'" He exclaimed...or He blurted out... or He exclaimed... or He proclaimed.

Hedging: It softens statements, making them seem less direct or assertive. For example, "I think it's, like, too much work." This is just plain bloody wokesterville stuff.

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I counted 15 Valley Girl “likes” from Violet but only five from Coco.

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Coco needs to get her act together. Everyone will think she's gone woke!

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Not a big TikTok fan.

But, if it is really a National security threat and if China is really "stealing" the details of members, then I think it should be banned.

We need to look at the bigger picture here, not for ourselves, but for our own personal and national security.

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It was NEVER about national security. It’s about our corrupt politicians being loyal to Israel & to Benjamin Netanyahu (Bibi) in which he wants TikTok banned because he doesn’t want people catching on to his atrocity for genocide against Palestinians & Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, etc. (& our politicians are ALSO at fault for funding & supporting Israel & Bibi for genocide in general).

Plus in which Mark Zuckerberg has paid off politicians to push them to ban TT because he wants to get rid of it’s biggest competition, all because FaceBook is floundering.

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Yeah that’s exactly what communist Chinese party wants you to think.

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“Communist Chinese Party.” Yikes, spoken like someone being brainwashed & Indoctrinated by corrupt, career politicians & corporate, mainstream media/legacy media.

Get some critical thinking skills & learn to think for yourself instead of being blinded by them & by statism.

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This sounds like projection. Typical communist

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TikTok is very different in China than it is in the US or for that matter, the rest of the world - this is INTENTIONAL.

BytDance, who own both TikTok and Douyin (China’s version of TikTok), offers a different version of the social media app that is unavailable to the rest of the world, especially for children. They ship an addictive, opium version oversea and have a sanitized, sweeter version for Chinese consumption.

In China kids, if they're under 14 years old, will see science experiments they can do at home, museum exhibits, patriotism videos and educational and animal videos.

Most adult fare is about beauty and shopping, not too different than the US, but is far more tightly controlled.

China recognized years ago that it's easy to influence a child's development by getting in really early - nice patriots at home and brain dead, shopping addicted screen junkies overseas.

Enemy weakened = job done.

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Organized domestic corruption, not "the Chinese," stole our representative democratic republic and gave us two plutocratic parties that are now our government.

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Awesome… you sound closely to the Substack writers!! !

Thank You!!!

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Oops. I stumbled into a rabbit holer!

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I’m not the one who’s in a brainwashed, statism cult thinking that our corrupt politicians, our government, & corporate, mainstream media/legacy media cares about us & our rights like blind, propagandized sheep.

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Yes they have a name for yiu: useful idiot

Anarchists were the first to be executed after the Bolshevik revolution

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Well am I surprised. It actually took until at least half way down the comments section for some twit to say it's about the poor Palestinians - thought it would happen much sooner than that.

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And thanks for exposing yourself as a zionist.

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Thank you - I am a proud Zionist.

You're welcome.

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You shouldn’t be. Zionists like you are absolutely despicable.

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Yea - much like HAMAS you mean?

The same HAMAS that absolutely hoodwinked the poor Palestinians who voted them absolute power.

The same HAMAS that used 'their people' as human shields.

The same HAMAS that funneled foreign aid into building miles of tunnels.

The same HAMAS that stopped foreign food and medical aid from getting to the Palestinian people?

War in Palestine would have ended the moment the hostages were released.

Let's talk more.

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Is this some kind of April Fool's "content?"

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Oh that's right, today is the Winter Solstice, when the scalawag character, the opposite of Santa Claus, plays tricks.

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The question is only how long Substack will be able to defend itself against government control.

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The only control you have to worry about is from Democrats....

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Pretty much any adult who depends on TikTok is a loser anyway. Sure, that sounds harsh, but it's pretty clear from the content on TikTok that the audience is mostly children, or people with the maturity of a child (or an IQ equal to the temperature of typical room in the winter).

Perhaps we should allow China tyrants to control our news and media as well, so they can pollute the minds of more Americans with their leftist, freedom-killing propaganda.

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"Harsh!" Listen to yourself, and then re-run the IQ measure. ...Disinformation here.

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Aw...Karen, err, Annie, why so upset? Was I hitting a little too close to home? Do you deny that TikTok started out as a forum for kids sharing their goofy 30 seconds dances? Real quality content there, right?


And since you seem threatened by discussions of IQ (I wonder why), here are some more facts to ponder.

Democrats have mental health issues: https://news.gallup.com/poll/102943/republicans-report-much-better-mental-health-than-others.aspx

Science says liberals, not conservatives, are psychotic


Liberals more likely to have a mental health condition


Over 40% of left leaning Democrats report mental health issues:https://www.eutimes.net/2020/02/liberalism-is-a-mental-disorder-akin-to-schizophrenia-according-to-new-study/

Mental illness prevalent in the left: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/339541044_Mental_illness_and_the_left

Democrats have more mental disorders: https://thinkamericana.com/scientific-evidence-study-proves-liberals-have-more-mental-disorders-than-others/

Most criminals identify as Democrats by a ratio of 5 to 1: https://www.mic.com/articles/78013/most-convicts-vote-democrat-study-shows

Science proves liberals have far more mental illness issues: https://freedomheadlines.com/freedom-wire/scientific-proof-study-finds-more-liberals-have-more-mental-disorders/

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Love the IQ measure - of a screen door on a submarine.

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Banning TransTok will do a lot to shut down the influence of criminally irresponsible “trans” activists talking mentally ill teens into getting their genitalia mutilated.

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Don't talk such rubbish

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Which part is rubbish? Are you one of those who believes that those kids are “just being who they really are?”

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I have my hands over my goolies as I type!

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It's true, its true. My 6ft 7 b'ball playing son thinks he's dwarf so the trannies are urging him to have his legs shortened.

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I thought that's what we were here for!

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I will say this. Tik tok like many social media sites is harmful to our society and bad for the mental health of teenagers and kids- (and twitter didn't do my mental health any good years ago before I quit). Kids should not be in a global popularity contest that ends with doing crazy things to get attention like the illegal trends on tik tok. Tik tok is a company / app I can't stand and its destroying the attention of kids and others surely. And tablets and apps on phones are surely changing kids brains in all these bad ways too, but that doesn't absolve tik tok for doing it. Sure resistance to this sort of stuff should be grassroots (parents learning to control their kids and people avoiding platforms or being more mindful about them) ; however I have a hard time feeling bad about tik tok being banned. The issue isn't the app gets banned. The issue is how this sort of law will be more general than just tik tok. Its the federal government having more power to do things like this in the future. That's the scary thing. I don't feel bad for tik tok employees. At the same time I would oppose any such banning bill because its a way for the government to increase its power to do similar things in the future. So yea tik tok is awful. But that doesn't mean new legislation will be good. That isn't the solution.

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I have noticed that smart kids (such as my grandkids and their friends) don't do SikTok. They read books and debate reasons for their planned future roles in society - doctors, economists, engineers and lawyers. I see the problem being that these kids only have the same voting power as the SikTok wannabees. Last night I saw an American woman on a British quiz show who chose Maine for the site of Custers last stand from a choice of Maine, Montana and Missouri. See what I mean? I must have read six books about Custer, Sitting Bull, and the battle of the Greasy Grass (LBH) over a lifetime and I'm a Kiwi.

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This is so important!! Owning your own content is so important. Additionally, it's also a great idea to house all of your own content on your own website so you 100% own it.

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It's always been a good idea. Most people don't know (or shall I call it willful ignorance) that anything housed via google can be used by google. No matter if it's on your own website. If you store it in google it's theirs, see section 11 Content License from You: https://www.google.com/intl/en_us/policies/terms/archive/20070416/

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It'll hurt brain dead zombies. Maybe they'll pick up a book. Nah ........

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TikTok. Schmik Schmok. Good riddance to bad rubbish. People taking on jobs in that realm are enemies of a decent society and should look for a job sticking lead into pencils.

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Thank you. Its awful. Again issues with legislation isn't not about what the bill is said to be about, but instead what is actually says. New legislation gives more power to the federal government. Its omnibus bills that have so much craziness in them. So sure banning tik tok doesn't sound so bad. What does sound bad is the government using its powers to ban apps / websites. Since this power will likely be abused. And yes economies adapt to changes. Including if we become a healthier society (and less of these social media trash and letting children use it no more of that) people will find jobs in other areas.

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My opinion of TokSik, for what it's worth. Shite app aimed at kids with ADHD that switch to a new "trend" or "influencer" every 5 minutes.

IG Trying to mimic it with Reels, which I hate, and YouTube with Shorts, mostly 2 minute long videos for those with the attention span of a goldfish.

The sooner it's banned, the better, and please take Temu with it.

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Don't know how this got into my inbox.....exactly the reason I'm not on other platforms.

Not interested in a platform that caters to self centered poser kids who have really nothing important to say. Yikes and their called influencers! We need less nonsense in our society.

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