Apr 16Liked by Hamish McKenzie

Notes has become the main place I hang out on social media. Feels better here! 💥

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I've said it before: Notes is the best fiction writing meet-up I've ever been to. And it's just there, whenever I need it.

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Notes is a game changer. Perfect for bantering with other writers, reaching new readers, punchy shorter thoughts, and resurfacing older posts. Thrilled to make a video debut on Notes: https://substack.com/@yuribezmenov/note/c-54051367?utm_source=notes-share-action&r=j3a7

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Congrats 🎉🎉🎉 love Notes. Awesome social media platform inside Substack

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Apr 16Liked by Hamish McKenzie

Notes is my only social media platform (after quitting or never joining the rest). I find it such a kind, uplifting place to hang out. And being there has absolutely boosted free and paid subscriptions to my newsletter.

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Notes is a failure so far. Substack tried to attract the Twitter crowd during its turbulent period but failed. The algorithm is broken. It’s not open to non-subscribers and users are yet to understand how to follow a writer. Substack should stick to being what it originally wanted to be and not copycat other social platforms. That’s why writers have invested in the platform.

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Excited for this feature! Will be fun to share videos and engage with my audience that way ✨

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Notes is absolutely fantastic. I've been investing a lot more time in it over the past few weeks and it's been really paying off. I've made some great connections and had some very enjoyable conversations. I'm posting a lot more content there myself, too, and have actually turned my Notes feed into a 'mini publication'. Thanks for confirming Twitter are suppressing Substack Links, too. I've been saying this for a while and it's a big reason why I've pretty much stopped using Twitter now. It's pointless trying to build a community around my work there if I can't talk about my work or show anyone where it is! This is a much friendlier and supportive place anyway, and I'm very happy to be here... 😎

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Notes is a happy place but like any social media I need to curtail my addiction to the scroll. I’ve seen more new subscribers and followers from Recommendations. It’s fantastic. Unsure how to know if new subscriber is from Notes. Great news about posting videos!

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There is a huge group of writers who have choosen Substack for being different than all this social media cr*p. I know Hamish is very focused on this area which generates for many no subscribers. Or just followers which don't convert.

I am using it for now, but if I don't see any growth from Notes I might abandon it.

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Yeah Team Substack 🧡🧡🧡

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Thanks for the mention, Hamish!

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I love notes! Thanks Substack!

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exciting news everyone plz be sure to buy my "Notes & Nots: A Do's and Do Nots guide to Substack Notes" it costs $3990

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Wow can't believe it's been a year already, it was a great addition to the platform, but I still don't use them nearly enough!

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Another downside of Notes for bilingual writers is that Notes are bound to the writer and not to the Substack.

So you cannot write 2 separate note streams - one for each language, because you have only one writer-handle. Many readers don't like bilingual posts, because they are confusing for the reader.

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