But whyyyyy try to do aaaalll the things all the other social media sites do rather than simply tending to what Substack does best???

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Apr 24·edited Apr 24

All of these new cool features mean nothing if Substack doesn’t fix rather more important issues. NOTES algorithm is broken. I have hundreds of followers and not even a single follower sees my notes. If you want to become the new Twitter’, then fix the algorithm first. My notes should be pushed to all my followers / subscribers for max engagement. Else Notes is dead.

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Crap, videos are one of the reasons I left Instagram. Our quiet corner of the internet is now ruined

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I have been on substack for a long time. I have never been on Twitter but I imagine substack now as the new Twitter. I am not interested.

There was a time when writers 'wrote' with words. Now we have podcasts/people saying and doing nothing.

Many times I go to podcasts and and there are NO subtitles. I am deaf and I am really sick of writing about this.

IF substack does not make it a 'law' to aid deaf people I am sure we all millions of us can come up with a lawsuit.

How dare you treat us like 2/3rd class citizens because we are deaf!

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Substack has too many problems already to jump into this. From what I’m seeing already, it’s losing appeal fast. Junked up with garbage I don’t care to see. A better idea would be having a support and help center manned by an actual person. Currently there is ZERO support at Substack. No way to contact a live person for assistance. Frankly, it’s a ripoff for paying subscribers!

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Maybe it is time for substack to create a substack for ONLY writers?

I have NO interest in food/fashion etc.

You have sold your souls substack.

My remaining question is: All the people who came here first and are now 'out-gunned' by new media shit..........how long do you think we will last?

As it is I am getting comments from people offering me all sorts of nonsense: writing lessons for $2,500 a time. THIS is advertising and I do not want to see it.

Yes I can report things but to my mind nothing happens!

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How do we prevent Substack from turning into Instagram?

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Please don’t bring here the video crowds. It’s the start of the enshitification of the internet. Substack is our safe harbor against stupidity, stupid dances, pyramid schemes and all the gunk happening on Instagram

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My first reaction was: Oh NOOO!!! WHY??? And I see that many others feel the same. Substack used to be for WRITERS. This trend is somewhat disappointing; there are already enough tools for endless shallow cacophony and self-promotion.

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So we're just going to continue to become Twitter?

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I’ll only communicate via video, podcast, or something else with visual pizzazz

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Great new feature. A new way to connect with others and introduce ourselves and our work. It also helps to connect on a deeper level I think.

I experimented with Notes today and will continue to do so over the next few weeks for a YouTube video I'm creating.

I'll be experimenting with videos too!

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Thanks for the mention 💛 loving the opportunity to post videos in Notes! And loving seeing what others share. I’ve been sharing a daily calm video each day, just a few seconds to take a breath and enjoy the beauty of nature 🤩

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As long as we see Joyce Alene’s Chickens😀

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