🧠 I'm seeing A LOT of comments here from very new Substackers asking lots of questions. There are no dumb questions, of course, but I do want to remind everyone that as writers and people in general, it also benefits us to do a little Googling, a little searching within Substack, and read some of the amazing resources out there.

Some resources for Substack newcomers to shout out:

➡️ Substack's Help Section: https://support.substack.com/hc/en-us

- A wealth of searchable knowledge!

➡️ Ramona Gigg's Writer Everlasting - Substack for Newbies Series


- Ramona has posted this in the comments of this office hours, and I think it would be a great place for a lot of folks to start!

➡️ Simon K Jones' Substack for Beginners Series


- A quick cursory Google search yeilded this, which seems like a great resource!

➡️ Kristi Keller's Virtual Assistance


- Found Kristi in Office Hour comments as well. If you are genuinely lost when it comes to working on computers in general, getting a virtual assistant like Kristi doesn't sound like a bad idea if you have a little to invest in the start up!

➡️ The System Reboot's How to Get Your Substack on Google Series:


- This was super helpful to me when I first started my newsletter up!

Just a few pieces to get the ball rolling, here! Everyone, please feel free to add more resources to this list! (Full disclosure, I haven't read all of the works above, but after a cursory glance I would imagine they'd be helpful to people!) Remember, if you have access to the internet, you have access to the same Google and Substack website that I do!

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I'd love to add to this (old) thread, that I gathered some insights/best practices/observations from my first year on the platform that I wanted to offer up for anyone interested: https://sleepyhollowink.substack.com/p/hack-your-substack-10-tips

Hope it helps!

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Thank you so much for this! I personally learned about a solid handful of new newsletter aggregators from your newsletter listings post: https://sleepyhollowink.substack.com/p/newsletter-listings

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Excellent, glad it helped and thanks for sharing here too

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Thank you. I will check out these resources. As a new substack contributor, I've much to learn.

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This is an excellent list of resources. Thanks for putting it together for everyone... 😎

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Check out my article on the mental challenge of writing online. Please drop me a line on notes if you want any more advice or information.


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As a newbie here, so helpful. Thank you!

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Of course! I definitely needed to pour over theses types of resources when I first started, and I’m still learning!

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Some good stuff in here. But for all newcomers, you just need this one post to help you with everything.


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Thanks for sharing!

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Thanks are really helpful resources. A beginner vs advanced thread is great for those of use who might be too shy/unsure of asking a question in an overall thread.

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Love this! I have often thought it would be great to have a beginner vs advanced office hours thread because it is really annoying to see the same q’s over and over from new writers who can’t be bothered to look up the most basic of resources that Substack has already created and that are EASY to find outside of office hours. Moot point, now, but this is a great thing to be pinned on the thread for people to find and save more nuanced and unique conversations for the actual thread.

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What you think is easy is incomprehensible to some.

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Hey everyone! I can totally appreciate everyone’s thoughts on this thread. I really see both sides of the debate that’s starting to form here. I think kindly pointing beginners to resources is the best way forward, and I would imagine this issue will improve greatly once we move our weekly discussions to another format. In the meantime, I would love it if we could keep this thread positive and not single out Nikko or anyone too much! We’re all here to learn and have a good time!

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Very well said!

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I say let's be affirming and inclusive to all!

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Even user-friendly things have a learning curve. The internet gives you either no good answers, or too many convoluted options. This is the one place people feel free to ask. Discouraging people from posing questions on here is a bit antithetical to the community Substack and Office Hours provide, IMHO.

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NO. Beginners in my opinion need to be SLOWLY brought into the conversation without NASTY remarks.

This is something we can do on our own. Gently.

Substack is just a voice. It is up to us to tread gently.

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Yes, Substack resources are extremely helpful. Thank you!

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Thanks for generously putting this list of great resources together, Via!

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Thanks for the kind words, Katie! And thank you for always working so hard in these office hours. Can’t wait to see what the next iteration will be!

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Feb 22, 2024
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Amazing, thanks for the rec! This seems like a great resource for both newbies and seasoned folks!

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It's great

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To help organize the conversation, please use one of the following emojis when you start a new comment.

🧠 - when sharing strategy or advice for fellow writers

✏️ - when asking questions or seeking feedback from fellow writers

🟧 - when asking a question you hope the Substack team can help answer

Use your emoji keyboard or simply copy and paste the emoji at the beginning of your comment.

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🧠 - I used the thread discussion post for the first time (this office post is a “thread”, notice the chat icon near the heading and the “see the discussion” button on the email we got sent. That’s how it’s different from a normal post.)

I felt heart-led to create a space where people can find their people in the comments, after hearing from so many newbies that they are having trouble being found. Currently, there are over 400 comments, loads of connections, which was pleasant surprise.


My first wee jump in subscribers was when I participated in a networking event.

💬 I wonder if there is a way for you to create a networking event in your niche. Fantasy writers, mompreneurs etc.

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I only started growing subscribers when I started getting into threads and chats. It does really feel like a community, which brings me joy and makes me want to be here. I LOVE the idea of networking events!

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True. Me too. Growth started with regular engagement.

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Makes ALL the difference... and it's fun, AND I have been finding amazing people and fabulous reads here.

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That is a really great use of the Thread feature. I didn't even know it was available for everyone to play with. Hopefully, there will be lots more Discussions springing up that use it after next week... 😎

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Have fun and test it out.

I remember trying the “chat” and crickets! I continued to be heart-led and found a fun way to use it. https://substack.com/chat/1557332

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Thank you very much! I didn't even know what chat was until now lol loved it, thanks

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I think that's ultimately what Substack is all about: being creative and finding a way to use the Tools that works for you... 😎

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It’s the only way to stay sane!

We often can’t control the outcome, so it’s best we just do what feels right and then do another thing that feels right …etc etc etc

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Why would anyone need an Emojii?

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🧠 For all new comers, this post is loaded with everything you need to know about starting a Substack publication and growing your subscribers.


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🟧 I think it was Lauren Hough who quipped recently that the MLM vibe on Substack is getting out of control. Curious as to the team’s perspective? Not all growth is created equal & such pyramids tend to collapse.

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I'm feeling nervous about this MLM feeling too, Natasha. My Substack about Substack is benefiting hugely from the MLM environment, but my other publication, published under another account doesn't.

I'm worried that Substack will become a place where everyone is writing for writers.... (guilty!)

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I've worried about that too.

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IF you want a conversation on substack..............spell out the acronym.

You waste time.

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Multi-level marketing

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What MLM vibe? I don't feel that way at all. If people want to subscribe to my page, great, if they don't, well, I'll never know that, will I? I just put my stories up and let the chips fall where they may. I participate in Notes if the subject matter appeals to me. I read what I consider "good" writing. If I like it, and enjoy it, I'm going to react with a like, or a comment. If I don't, I stop reading and move on to the next one. I expect people do the same with me. I'm not going to appeal to everyone, but neither does Stephen King, or John Grisham.

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BUT mostly I see comments and NO conversation?

IF you write a commentary on substack it is really important that the writers engage with the comments.

What is the point of 'never-ending comments?'

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I know. But people read your comments, even if the original writer doesn't respond. People see your name. If they see your name often enough, and read the comments you leave, they MIGHT look at your 'stack and sign up. Or, they might not. Better to leave a comment if you believe in the issue, than not.

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I don't give a flying fuck how many subscribers I have!! THIS is the point.

IF you want to make money on substack.....go ahead.

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I'm here for the long haul. I don't sweat the small stuff. I've got a little over 460, and very few PAID. If I read something I like, I'll leave a comment. I don't expect an answer for every comment I leave. It's not important. The only thing that matters is the story I put up. People don't leave a lot of comments for FICTION as much as they do for other things. But if you leave a comment on a story I wrote, I'm always going to leave a thank you, or expand on it, depending on what you say. Sometimes, the comments are the best part.

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Was in reference to all the posts & notes about Substack/growth as a mechanism for growth itself.

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Why are you re-posting this after each of my entries?

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Hey all! If you want the best reporting on sports or want to learn about a sport, you should totally check out my publication, Sports Square.

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SPORT while the world is dying!

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🧠 ✏️. Hey all! I've been writing on Substack for 4 months, but I've still not hit 100. Or even hit a boom. I need help. I've tried so many methods. Please tell me a strategy and if you don't have any, please subscribe.

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Thank you so much! This really helped! (Btw. This might be a weird ask, but do you want to recommend each others substacks? I know I have not hit a huge audience yet, but if you do this, you will really be helping me out.)

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Want to recommend each other's blogs?

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I'll do it when u do.

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Cool, just did.

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Oh dear.

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You've done great in four months. I've got less than you and I've been here five months. These things take time. It's a marathon, not a sprint, as they say. The most important thing is getting the work up there consistently, and interacting as much as you can with the other writers and readers here. It will find an audience eventually. Good luck... 😎

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Try engaging daily on the Notes app. This is where 100% of my subscribers have come from and I'm about to cross the 500 mark in just 6 months.

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I've gained more subscribers this month than in recent months. I'm not sure what I did differently but I did restack some posts and notes. I think that may have contributed.

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500 in 6 months is awesome! Send some of those good vibes this way! I agree though, that Notes, and engaging in the comments section of posts you like, will get eyes on your work, too. The subscribers have started trickling in more after I dedicated myself to that more.

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That is phenomenal growth. Well done. If I hit 50 in six months, I'll be ecstatic! 😎

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Thanks Chris. I'm just here a lot and engaging with other writers a LOT 😊

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Can somebody tell me the difference between notes and comments? Where they each go and what they each do

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The NOTES has just changed again. When you hit the HOME icon, you're in NOTES. The comments is the same as it is here. You reply to what you've read. So, tell the author you liked what you read, and tell him why. If you interact, they're going to reply back to you. It's a slow build up. But the more you interact with people, the more they get to know you, and the more subscribers you're going to get.

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Wow! Super cool! I've tried the notes app, but it doesn't work... Any other alternatives?

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Notes doesn't work for growth if you have a small audience and post your own new notes, because (almost) no one sees them.

To get new subscribers from Notes you need to be jumping into other people's conversations. Here's a complete tutorial on how to do it: https://pubstacksuccess.substack.com/p/substack-notes-a-tutorial

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Hey Karen! Thank you for the new info! You see, the only problem is, I write about sports, and most newsletters on substack are about politics & other stuff. Just to put this here, at this time, I am not interested in the paid stuff, but my main goal was to educate people about sports. Even if I follow people or restack stuff, it never works. So, what else? Last week, my friend did something childish and started spamming Subscribe, Subscribe, Subscribe, but even that didn't work. So, is there any way?

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Yes, there's a way. Probably more than I can answer in a single comment. Try checking out some of my articles about how to promote your publication. You can find them all here: https://pubstacksuccess.substack.com/p/playlists-resources-for-substack

The main thing to remember with Substack is that you have to promote your publication yourself. You need to be actively "meeting" new people online every single day.

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🧠Notes can work very well, but you need to post something that attracts a lot of reads. Most of my. notes go out and get a dozen or less likes and fewer responses, but recently I posted something that 450+ people liked. My subscribes shot up. Now they might come down again when people realise I dont hit those buttons every time I post, but getting interesting/amusing/unusual Notes out there does have an impact.

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What did you post?

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That's cool, June. I get some traction on notes for sure. But I'd be over the moon if 450 people were digging something I said.

And Smayan, this is great advice. It's patience. It's being happy engaging with just a few. And also, follow people to broaden your network on Notes.

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Yes, that is very important. You do need to Follow people and people need to be Following you. Notes is all about Followers. If they are Following you, like they would on Twitter/X, they are going to have the most chance of seeing the Notes... 😎

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Thank you!

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I know! I've been bouncing around on it all week!

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Hey! What notes app? Sorry if that's a silly question.

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It functions like Social Media like FB or Threads, but just within Substack. You can restack stories with your comment, or post an independent comment not related to a Substack post at all. Promo your work, post links, comment on others' post/notes.

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No silly questions. NOTES is where you can interact with other writers. If you leave a comment, people will reply. You never know what can happen. In that little place where it says: What's on your mind, you can pretty well say whatever you want. You can promote yourself, or someone you read and liked. You can restack an article you enjoyed. It's the place where you grow your page.

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Thank you for your kindness and explanation - I appreciate it <3

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That was a great way of putting this. There still seems to be a lot of confusion running around as to exactly what we're supposed to do with Notes.

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Hi everyone!

It's the penultimate session of 'Office Hours'. So let's make the most of it. I've thoroughly enjoyed meeting and talking to so many interesting people here, and I hope we can continue the conversation somewhere else after this is gone.

If you enjoy Modern Ficiton with a twist of humour, feel free to check out my publication. I'd love to see you there... 😎

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Hi Chris. Thanks for sharing. I write somewhat fictionalized truth "with a twist of humor". I take a kernel of truth where an unintended consequence might exist, then take the story somewhere interesting that I hope is a new view of that kernel. All I know is I have a lot of fun with it. 😁

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Hi David! Having fun with the work is very important. If you're having fun, there's much more chance other people will, too, when they read it. Good luck to you with your projects... 😎

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Hi Chris, I write a comedy/fantasy publication called Adventure Story, let's connect!

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That sounds fantastic. I'll head over and check it out shortly. Good luck with it... 😎

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Oh intriguing! Just jumped on over to Words and Sounds and flagged an installment for my reading hour. :)

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Hey Chris, I'm in the funny business too. I'll sub to your stuff.I'm also in a group of comedy writers, if you'd care to join!

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That sounds very interesting. I used to be in a comedy group myself, but haven't been for about a decade or so. I'll head over to your publication and take a look later... 😎

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Hi, Chris! Nice to meet you. I do love humorous writing. Looking forward to checking out your work.

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Hi Holly, I write a comedy/fantasy publication called Adventure Story, it might be right up your alley. Let's keep in touch :)

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Thank you! I'll take a look at your work, too... 😎

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✏️-- Having trouble gaining subscribers and views. I know I don't have much content but the amount of views and subscribers I have still seems incredibly small. How can I get more views and how do I get any subscribers outside people I know?

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Engage with other writers' stacks; comment on them.

Check this out: https://michaelmohr.substack.com/p/what-is-the-point-of-substack-making

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Maybe try reddit.com. Physical business cards to promote the website, maybe? Things have been kinda slow for me too. Best of luck!

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Ooh, what Reddit spaces do you like for self-promo? I've had a lot of luck on Discord.

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just whatever the topic is -- like writing prompts, etc

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PS. I just followed you and flagged your ape going to the grocery story piece to check out during my reading hour. ;)

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Hiya, Claude! I've found that engaging with other people's work is the best way to attract viewers and, eventually, subscribers. Find writers whose work you love, like it and comment on it, restack it with a note about why you think others should check it out. Follow more people--that's clicking the x next to their name, so it becomes a checkmark--to increase the network of people you might meet.

Think of it like going to a giant party where everyone's brought their work. Think how much more likely you'll be to get people to check out what you've brought if you're walking around commenting on what you like, saying hi to people who are drawn to the stuff, making interesting comments, and hyping folks than if you only stand in your corner presenting your work. Not saying that's what you're doing, btw. Just making the analogy. ;)

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Love this tip and also your party analogy, Holly! Makes it seem less daunting :)

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Sounds like an amazing party!!!

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In deed!

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Can I bring my "baby bong?"

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Yes. What happens in Office Hours, stays in Office Hours.

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All party paraphernalia welcome! This is a pretty inclusive space.

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These things take time to find the right audience. But getitng the work out there is the first step, so you've already acheieved something huge! The key to doing well on here, is really to just keep posting consistently and interacting as much as you can with your fellow writers and readers, both in Notes and on their Publications. The work will always find the people it is supposed to find eventually, and it will probably surprise you which piece ends up taking off and turning everything around for you. Good luck with it all... 😎

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Hey Claude,

Getting more views and subscribers beyond your personal network involves a mix of content strategy and outreach. Here are some tips to help you expand your audience:

1. Leverage Recommendations: Use Substack's recommendation feature to connect with other writers and their audiences. When you recommend others, they might reciprocate, exposing your Substack to their readers.

2. Engage on Social Media: Share your Substack publication on your social media profiles. Regularly tweet or post about your newsletter, and consider pinning a tweet or post with a link to your Substack.

3. SEO Optimization: Link your Substack on your personal website and social media bios. This can help improve your search engine ranking and drive organic traffic to your publication.

4. Collaborate: Reach out to fellow Substack writers for guest writing opportunities or to share each other's work. This can introduce you to new audiences.

5. Content Quality: Write content that you would want to read, with a unique voice and perspective. High-quality, engaging content is more likely to be shared and recommended.

Remember, growing your audience takes time and consistent effort. Keep engaging with your current subscribers, as their word-of-mouth recommendations can also be a powerful tool for growth.

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These tips were so helpful! Thank you for sharing them.

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Great advice. I’ve just hit 1000 subscribers. This week I wrote about why I haven’t been celebrating.


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Thanks for sharing theses tips.

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So many good ideas! I have yet to dive into the recommendations.

Content quality is number one for me, and this is why I am liking substack so much. There is value in words that touch you and make you see new things. But it usually takes more time than a 15 seconds video on TikTok (although beautiful things can be shown in 15 seconds :) ) .

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Then it's only a matter of time before you find me!

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This is all excellent advice. Thanks for sharing... 😎

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Thanks Brock!

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Write at least each week. Upload posts weekly. Comment on notes. Comment on other people’s posts. It takes time. It takes time. Patience and perseverance needed!

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if anyone want's to podcast please call 18002296691 ext 315 mental health and addiction

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in my publication settings, under basics, I am missing the "Site Design" tab and it is severely limiting my ability to customize my homepage. I've been round and round with the chat bot support. Can anyone help me?

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اشارك باعمالى ويتم توزيعها ولكن يلزم الكثير من الانتشار

الامر الاخر ارجو تزويدى عن طريق الايميل بكيف ومتى يتم الحصول على اموال نتيجة عملي


على صديق احمد


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I just posted a new edition of my enewsletter Democraticus- the Democratist. I did that a few hours ago, yet it still hasn't appeared on the Substack app. Has anyone had this happen to you? If so, how do you contact Substack to get them to address it? Thanks!

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Hello, Substackers. I have had a Substack account for one year, but still cannot resolve an issue which greatly saddens me. When I established my account, Google gave me a Twitter (X) address. I already have one for which I pay monthly (blue check mark). I have tried everything to get my Twiiter address updated, to no avail. I've dumped cookies, browsing history, etc. but nothing has changed. It would greatly help me spread the word about my new Substack devotional if I could reach my Twitter audience. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

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I wanted to add to this old thread now that office hours is sadly defunct - but a resource for newbies, or anyone, could be the places where you can list your newsletter outside of Substack to earn some more eyeballs. I created a list - https://sleepyhollowink.substack.com/p/newsletter-listings. Hope that helps someone!

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Hi. I have a paid subscription to Peter McCulloughs Courageus discourse, nevertheles i cant comment nor se his videos. Can you help me? Best regards


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When I finally specified a title for my proposed newsletter, nothing was said about that title already being used. So, I assumed it was available. Now that I'm ready to start publishing under that title, I've learned that it is indeed in use by someone else. How do I find out whether a title I have in mind is available, so this doesn't happen again? Also, how can I cancel my original registration (and desired title) and simply start over, to avoid further confusion? Thank you.

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Is substack a niche for followers let’s say in the sense that are sub responding to a higher thread , post, or blogger ?

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I am a newbie here, and the comments have also been helpful. My content are not the typical traditional content for a platform such as this and I would love to get more feedback on how to get more readers and subscribers.


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how do i post a photo in my article that others who read it can see? the photo shows up on my substack post, but others who read it, don't see the photo. thanks!

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To Substack editors and anyone else: I have a publishing idea which I need some help with. I have put together several dozen op-ed columns I have written since Trump emerged on the scene in 2015, mostly published in the Jacksonville (IL) Journal_Courier, and other websites, like LAProgressive. The result is a short book called The Trump Chronicles, which I want to make accessible online. Could that work with Substack? I am thinking about charging a nominal fee, say $1, because I am looking to spread this as widely as possible before November. Can you offer some guidance?

Thanks. Steve Hochstadt shochsta@ic.edu

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find it confusing and awkward to use

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hi I just started here and write about tennis and what I learned from books I read

I have read daily stoic, emotional intelligence and other books like that, I have read physology books and books about tennis

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Not sure if my post came through as I cannot see it in the string.. Can someone let me know if they saw it or if I need to repost. Thank you. ME

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I would appreciate some help regarding troubleshooting my posts on Substack.. I have tried numerous times through your AI customer service as well as even texting Hamish as I cannot get even an email reply to my issue. I would like to post more and need a tech support person to assist. Thank you.. ME

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Dear Ramona, et al, I am here once again in frustration. I’m trying to post and having difficulty. Simply finding a way to message someone has me in a tizzy. Why is it not working for me to use the same picture to add to my header as I did last post?

Anyone that wants to tutor me, please do. Either I’m stupid or this platform is. 💕

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✏️ How can I start getting more recommendations and subscriptions? I just opened a blog 3 days ago and I'm still trying to figure out how Substack works, so I'd like to know someone's experience with this feature. Thank you in advance

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I did not realize that a substack can block comments on a restack. I chose to restack a pay to comment site to illustrate a point, not to show any mindless support. However, the restack went through-without my proviso.

I would like to cancel my restack, since I am prevented from explaining why I restacked, yet it seems I cannot do such.

No, I am not going to pay to comment either.

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Via Marsh you have a lot of time at your hand?

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Where are you based?

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Hello, Substack Management:

I am an investigative journalist and radio news reporter who publishes The Morningstar Report on Substack.com

I regret to inform you that you are engaged in a partnership with an internet criminal organization, namely Stripe.com, whom you have assigned to collect and process funds derived from paid subscribers.

Over the past 3 weeks, I've  had a lot of trouble with Stripe.com in regard to transferring funds due to me from Paid Subscribers to my Substack articles (in The Morningstar Report) and after going through their rigmarole at length last year and repeated again this year, I recognized an online scam pattern and I conclude that they are stealing funds not just from me, but from hundreds of other people on Substack and other businesses like real estate brokers and other small businesses.  

It took me 2 weeks to arrange a phone call with a live rep who refused to give me his full name (and gave me 3 nicknames) while refusing to provide me with Stripe's corporate headquarters address.

I conduced an online  search to find their headquarters and it turns out that they are situated in San Francisco.

During my investigation, I also discovered a huge list of complaints with the Better Business Bureau confirming Stripe's use of exactly the same scam methods what I have experienced.

They use the same scheme over and over again to forestall payment of monies due to the client employing an endless stream of identical AI-generated emails (signed off with different names for Stripe representatives) to block access to one's account by repeatedly asking or more Identification when all ID requested had been previously submitted, vetted and verified (as I did last summer when I Faced the same problems with Stripe.com representatives.

At  the moment, Stripe (as a collection agent for Substack) owes me $1260.  When I complained (during a phone conversation on February 12th, with a live representative) demanding payment, the Stripe representative (who was native Chinese) stopped communicating, stopped replying to phone calls or returning emails.  

I'd like to speak with Substack representative to resolve this problem before initiating legal action and contacting Federal authorities (i.e,, The FBI, the FCC and Federal Trade Commission).

Thank you for your assistance.

Robert D Morningstar

To set up a phone conference, Please reply to -> robert.morningstar@gmail.com

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how can i post an article to my seemingly inaccessible substack account? henry lesnick

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Perhaps this is not the right forum for this, but: I have received about ten emails from Stripe over the past 24 hours with post-dated threats to close down my account (they already have) because they need new info. Their platform down't make it easy to figure out what they are looking for, or why. These disturbing emails are written in a way that leads me to believe they were originally written by a bot in another language. Substack needs another financial partner. (Or at least one that has a clue about English (since that's the language extant), and tense, in particular.)

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Are you sure those emails actually came from Stripe? What you describe sounds more like classic spoof/phishing emails: The redundancy, the threats, the vagueness about what they expect you do to, the poor English.

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Hi Douglas - Sorry, I didn't know I'd get a reply to this...thanks. I just checked again because I try to be careful and the email address I am writing back to is "support@stripe.com" so I think it's them and I subsequently got an email from a fellow who thought I wanted to do more business with Stripe (not 100% less, as is the case) and his address was "jjlareina.alo@growth.stripe.com" so I assume that's actually a Stripe address as well. Maybe they are just, simply, as they appear to be: really awful? Anyway, thanks again for your helpful comment and I will now follow you... All the best, Tim

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Thank you.

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What is the point of Substack? Money? Success? Quality?


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Is it possible to write poetry on Substack? I've been informed that it's not possible (or easy) to make line breaks.

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I haven't had much success with formatting it, so when I've posted poetry I usually take a screenshot of the word doc and post it as a picture. Not sure if this is the best solution, but it does work!

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🟧 Um guys... this is a tad embarrassing, but check that headline ☝️ again "Introducing the Subsctack chatbot" ?

While I have your attention, is someone looking into what's up with the transcription engine? It's now failing on new videos uploaded this week. I've logged a report in with the "Subsctack chatbot," but no word yet.

If y'all haven't used it yet, I have to tell you it IS incredible as compared to other paid services I've used from YouTube and Vimeo to Descript and Video Milk. When it works.

<Sigh, I'm giving you that look my mother gave me when she was disappointed in me... do ya feel it?>

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How do I transfer all my work from Wordpress to Substack?

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How can I start a post via the app?

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I am trying to stop being registered with you as a writer. I got some advice from another writer on another thread but could make it work for me. I am a reader. I want to continue to pay to read my favourite columnists. I do NOT want to get this kind of email or several recent ones. Your questions and chatbox are useless for me. At 87 I could do without this hassle.

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Please add crypto for subscription. Your user will grow .

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🟧 I'm loving substack and looking forward to sharing on here. I am in South Africa and Stripe does not have an option for a number of countries. Is there a way around this?

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This advice section is not 0% useful.

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I spent a full day trying to figure out how to upload my first post, & made zero headway. I couldn't find any resource page outlining the process in a clear step by step format. I finally gave it up.

The above link starts right in giving advice on hope to expand one's subscription number, skipping over giving advice on how to get started, how to upload a post.

I'm resigned now to staying a reader. So be it.

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Thank you Karen. How can they leave a comment? Do they need to be on the app?

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The Inbox tries to show two stories side by side and does so terribly. Is this a glitch or an "update", if the latter how do I turn it TF off.

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Good evening, Bees! In the market for a beat-up charter plane with which to fly out on archaeological expeditions in search of occultesque artifacts. next stop? Pella Macedonia - to see the origins of The Pella Curse Tablet. A small crew in tow and there we go.

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I would dearly love to ask some questions. I live in Tokyo in a typically tiny home that doesn't afford much privacy...and it would have to be at a very inconvenient hour for me... What to do?

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Yes, that's fine, you can ask them whenever you want. You don't have to be here for the hour it says. There are people here all the time, for at least 24 hours or so after the event has ended, and sometimes longer... 😎

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Not everyone who reads Office Hours does so when they are "open." I still get Likes for Office Hours comments that I left months ago. I would say, ask away and there's always the chance that someone will come along and answer. You can also post to Notes and see if anyone will respond.

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I'm sad Writer office hours will disappear since it was also a great opportunity to connect and know many great writers. I'm faithful you will find a way to not to lost this great component.

Thank you for your work

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It is a shame it's closing. Hopefully, whatever comes next will still have this atmosphere and attract as many differenet people and we will still be able to talk and get to know each other like we can here... 😎

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Just keep writing.

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That is the key to success, yes. Putting the time and effort into the writing... 😎

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I have tried numerous avenues to get in touch with Beri Weiss. For the second year in a row, my account has automatically paid her a subscription fee of $250. I did not authorize that amount. I want a refund of the $250 paid to her from my credit union bank on Feb 16, 2024. How can I contact her directly? Or does this note suffice? Please advise.

Shireen McQuade


703-915-2648 for texts and telephone calls.

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I would rather say the best way to utilize this last days of writers hour is to follow as much people as possible

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That is an excellent idea! Next week is the last one... 😎

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I would absolutely love to participate in one of these but it has been difficult for me to coordinate as I live in Vietnam. I am definitely going to make an attempt to catch the next one!

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That's okay. You can still participate now. Hello to you, and welcome to the site! 😎

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That's great! I saw this earlier on my phone but I was on a bus and the WiFi was not so good. How do these meets work?

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They usually take place on a Thursday. They go live at 6pm GMT. For the first hour or so, there are Substack Staff here who can answer questions and offer advice and things - but the main part of it, is just meeting and interacting with other writers and readers on the site and making connections. There's often lots of activity here for a good few hours after the event ends, so there is plenty of time to meet and talk. Unfortunately, next Thursday is the last session of 'Office Hours'. But hopefully, something new will be replacing it... 😎

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Hi there. I have tried googling to get the answer to this question and also the chat but still not clear. I transferred my Mailchimp list of 2k + subscribers to substack. They now successfully receive my posts as emails. Does this mean they are automatically subscribed or is there another step they need to take?

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Yes, if you go into your Dashboard there should be a box at the top that says the number of Subscribers. If you click that box, they should all be listed there and if they are that means you're all good. They'll be getting the emails whenever you next post something. Welcome to the site and good luck... 😎

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Hi Kerry, if they are getting your emails then they are your subscribers, the import is done, congratulations!

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I'm pretty sure that you import your mailing list to automatically give them free subscriptions. But you could check you list of subscribers to make sure.

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Hi everyone, what are some very easy tips to grow your substack?

If you want to read and listen to stories about police and public policy with a focus on western NC I invite you to subscribe.



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Welcome to the site! The best way to grow is to just interact as much as possible with other Publications or here, leave Comments there and on Notes wherever you feel you can make a contribution. Talking to as many Writers and Readers as you can will help you make connections and find people with similar interests. Good luck with it all... 😎

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Thank you Annie. So how can they leave a comment? Do they need to be subscribed for that?

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Sorry wrong person

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✏️ I've been on Substack for 13 months now. I've yet to gain a paid subscriber that isn't comped. I'm not sure if it's what I'm putting out, my niche or that I haven't been on long enough that's resulting in not gaining paid subscribers.

I love writing each week and I'm not relying on my publication to pay any bills however I would like the extra support.

Does anyone have any feedback on what I could do to either improve my publication or encourage subscribers to become paid?

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You have a good pool of Subscribers there, so there is a very good chance of some of them converting to Paid. Probably around 3-5% or so. The key is really asking Subscribers to upgrade in the right way. Some are willing to pay and support a writer even if no extra content is offered. So it may be worth just putting it out there. You could also consider offering additional content for Paid Subscribers only. Something like language lessons could be something readers would find very valuable. But the main thing is just asking them to consider upgrading to a paid subscription to help support your work. Good luck with it... 😎

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Thanks for the tip! During my first year I offered study with me videos as a paid benefit. I also ask my subscribers to consider upgrading in every letter that goes out. Maybe it just takes time.

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That is definitely the right way to be doing things, and you should see some results eventually. You could also consider adding a 'Tip Jar' for now, as others were talking about here this week. Some readers may not be willing to pay for a full subscription, but they might be open to giving an occasional smaller donation to show their appreciation. It might be worth looking into... 😎

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I do have a tip jar! I had a few tips, but it's been many months since I last recieved one. Maybe I don't mention it enough and new subscribers are unaware of it. Thanks for the suggestion!

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I've had a look round on your Publication, but I couldn't find the 'Tip Jar' - so that could definitely be the issue. It probably needs to be at the bottom on every Post, or at least on what they call the 'Top Tier' pieces - so it's there ready for people to use when they enjoy something. I really liked the one about your trip to London. I live there so I've been to all those places and write about the city a lot. I was particularly pleased to see Holland Park and the London Eye mentioned - they feature heavily in one of my novellas that is available on here. I'll head back later for another look and to enjoy more of your work... 😎

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Thank you!

I also have my tip jar (buy me a coffee) link in the header/footer of my emails. So it shows up in every post that gets emailed to my subscribers. I figured that people who are subscribed are more likely to tip so it made sense to have it as an automatic header/footer. Perhaps I need to change that to see if having it elsewhere makes a difference.

Thanks to checking out my post about London. Holland Park was great and I wish I could've seen many of the other parks in London.

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I think it comes down to, what is the difference between your paid subscription and your free subscription? What value does a paid subscription add?

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