Thanks for attending Office Hours today! We appreciate you showing up on Thursdays to answer questions and shared advice.

Until next time, our Help Center is here for you: https://support.substack.com

Wishing you a happy holidays! See you in the new year,


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To help organize the conversation, please use one of the following emojis when you start a new comment.

🧠 - when sharing strategy or advice for fellow writers

✏️ - when asking questions or seeking feedback from fellow writers

🟧 - when asking a question you hope the Substack team can help answer

Use your emoji keyboard or simply copy and paste the emoji at the beginning of your comment.

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Write like no one is reading, ESPECIALLY when no one is. Zero expectations = more of a gift than it appears. I think the reason writers are frequently advised to pretend they are writing a letter to a single friend, even an imaginary one, is that it’s a little too scary to say “Write down your secrets in your locked diary and then put it on the internet.” Scary, in this case, is good. Which would *you* rather read?


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Dec 21, 2023·edited Dec 21, 2023

With the waning of the sun and the coming of a long night, our Christmas culture always seemed counterintuitive to me. There’s a lot of pressure to get things accomplished at work (to earn the rest of the Christmas break), to run around buying and wrapping gifts, overbook yourself with social activities, etc. Get all your posts scheduled ahead of time! Quick, write about the season’s change! This is the last opportunity you have to make the most out of the year!

As someone who is in tune with Earth, I want to do the exact opposite. I want to slow down to a complete stop, feel the stillness of the winter air, and be quiet enough to hear the coming of a new dawn.

Regardless of how you like to experience this season, I hope that all of you are able to find a moment of contentment with the progress you’ve made in 2023, and are able to have at least a small moment of stillness to welcome the dawn of a new year and the new challenges/accomplishments to come.

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✏️ 🟧 I turned on paid subscriptions this week (!)

For those who have gone paid, what advice do you have for the first few weeks? What do you wish you had known?

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🟧 I would love to see more options in writing text. What I miss most is the ability to center text. More options in fonts would also be welcome.

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🧠 One thing I’ve realized is that it’s OK to take it slow. Find a publication schedule that works for you and don’t try to do too much.

I only write once a month right now. I began my Substack at the beginning of this year and I’m planning on finally adding to my publication schedule next month.

I’m going to settle in to this new schedule for a few months before I take on something else.

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✏️ What was your biggest surprise as a writer in 2023? Mine was who turned out to be my most loyal readers. It was usually a surprising source, and people I thought would read consistently actually did not. Not that I judge, it was just my surprise.

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✏️ End of year substack reflection: (1) what was your biggest challenge? (2) what did you learn? (3) what’s a goal you have for your substack? I’d love to hear your advice related to these reflections ☺️

I’ll start! My biggest challenge was getting the guts to start—to believe in myself 😬 I learned how much joy I find in the process. I love love love deep dives into research about shame + making comics about what I learn. Join me! I’ve made comics 1x/week for 10 weeks and I’ve got ~100 subscribers. My goal is to grow to 700 in 2024. What’s your substack year been like?

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🟧 - The "Most Popular" section appears to favor paid posts over free. This doesn't always provide new and returning readers with the greatest snapshot of our work. For example, a paid post with less views and engagement can push out a free post with higher stats.

As a request, can we have the option to toggle on paid posts being favored over free?

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✏️ Who are your favorite introspection writers who write to help others in navigating their journey inwards?

I'm curating a collection of essays and would love to include more writers – feel free to shout out your own Substack too!

Will share with this thread when I publish it :)

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🧠 Substack Isn't The Enemy - my post out today looking at the developments around Substack and whether they are a good thing and what we can do to help make this a better place for smaller Substacks.

"Substack is selling out"

"Substack is bowing the the big accounts"

"Substack advertising is on its way"

"Substack doesn't care about the smaller writers".

Is this nonsense?

I still believe Substack is here to bring good into the world but we need to be vigilant.

In today’s post I explore some of the things being said about this place recently.

In particular, to help those smaller Substack Writers we can do the following:

Recommendations - please don’t recommend the MASSIVE Substacks. They get exposure without you. You can really make a difference at the lower end. Seek out those new Substacks that are emerging around and below you. Amplify them.

Like what you like - I know this feels social media(ry) but stay with me here. You have a duty to hit the like button if you like an article. This really helps those smaller Substacks start to get a little more traction that they deserve.

Encourage - drop comments, add encouragement and take part in communities that smaller Substacks are looking to grow. Just make sure you do it with a giving mind. Do it without the expectation of getting anything back. This way we can all pull each other up.


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I write about grief and while it is not sexy I am told over and over that we need more of it. How best to get seen and followed? I have grown to 600. I have been featured in The Washington Post and other major outlets. How do we make noise on a topic that is decisive? Sad. But pervasive!

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🧠 - I'd love to toot a horn I've been playing on Notes and a recent post. If you've ever considered adding audio content (a recorded audio version or complement to a post), I encourage you to do it! During my time a few years back in radio programming and podcasting, I learned that almost no one loves the sound of their own voice, at least at first. But others do. And more than that, we need to hear each other. Importantly, a recording improves accessibility for those who are sight challenged. It enables more people to access your work because they can listen as they wash dishes or drive. And sound adds rich layers to your work.

Check out my post on the intimacy of sound. It includes a list of a sampling of sounds from the Substack soundscape. https://hollystarley.substack.com/p/the-intimacy-of-sound-a-gift-from.

And if you make a recording or enjoy listening to a Substack with a recorded element and you wanna tag me in a note about it, I’d LOVE to give it a listen.

P.S. It does not need to be perfect. A listen to any of my recordings will reveal a number of flubs.

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🧠 I took a break from Substack at the end of November. I announced to my subscribers that I wouldn't post until January 3rd. It was a necessity for me to do so for personal reasons, and finding time to plan my editorial calendar and write in advance. I have 3 posts out of 5 ready for January, and I am feeling great to have taken the decision to pause even if I started posting regularly on September.

I was afraid I'd lose subscribers, but surprisingly I am gaining some even without posting. I haven't been as much present here, too, but I've always paid attention to interact thoughtfully even if it was once in a while since my pause. So, I credit this to have brought me some subscribers. I also posted on LinkedIn newsletter posts I've written here, and it has also brought me some more subscribers.

So, I guess the lesson I learned here is to not be afraid to slow down and giving oneself grace to be able to be creative with purpose.

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✏️ Has anyone serialized their novel through Substack? How did you get it started and was it worth it?

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✏️ - I've got the two-week paywall setting turned on, but I'm thinking of changing it to a year,. or even getting rid of it altogether. Reasons: #1 All my supposedly more popular posts are behind the paywall, as others have noted; #2: I've a lot of good stuff that's over two weeks old and which, therefofre, people can't see. So my question is: has anyone else experimented with changing the archive paywall setting, and with what results? Thanks

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✏️🟧 My Funny AF Women interview series is going gangbusters— hopefully gut busters too. I’m always looking for funny gals to interview. She doesn’t have to be on Substack. No political humor.

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🧠 I’m celebrating that I’ve almost reached 500 subscribers, up from 191 just 6 weeks ago! 🥳 I’ve had two New York Times best-selling authors subscribe to read my writing, and I’ve gotten three new recommendations. All through engaging with the Substack platform!

I’m writing an article about what’s worked for me. If you’d like to receive it in your inbox, you can subscribe at www.lizexplores.com, where I share stories from my life about infertility, mental health, and adventure. I’m not a writing coach; I just want to answer the questions people have been asking me and help fellow newbies!

For context, I started my Substack in December 2022 with zero audience and zero publications to my name, so the perspective I offer is one of starting from scratch and writing for the sake of writing. I don’t sell anything to my audience other than my writing itself, with a handful of paywalled posts that are personal in nature. Most of my work, including the article I’m working on now, is free.

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I celebrate for my first paid subscriber and my first few free subscribers.

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🧠 Does everyone lose subscribers when setting up a paid option? I sent out a note to my subscribers yesterday saying that I was setting up a paid option (with the income to go to charity) but that I would give free subscribers everything that the paid subscribers get. Yet I immediately had about 16 unsubscribes! What is going on? Are they just anti-paying in principle? Do they feel badly about not wanting to pay and then unsubscribe to avoid feeling bad? Do they think it is the thin end of the wedge? I was flabbergasted (sp?) and rather disappointed.

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✏️ Those of you doing audio voiceovers, would you mind sharing a bit about the soft- or hardware you use? I'm about as low tech as it comes right now (mic'ed earbuds recording w/ the Substack audio software) but I might want to consider upping my game. Sound quality matters, but so does affordability. Thanks!

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✏️My open rate seems to be at a plateau, despite new daily subscribers. Numbers are great but it is always in the same range, depending on the week. Interested to see what other writers have done to increase their open rates.

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🟧 I know I’m late but please please please: use of tabs/indents, as well as alignment changes (centring, left/right). Myself and I’m sure many other poets on here would be oh so very grateful

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Wow, how do you even get started? I am interested in writing a blog about life after 60, friendships, health, and humor and don’t even know where to start. Blogging for Dummies? ✏️

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Hey, some questions about design:

🟧 Is there a plan to give the option of placing images alongside text, and not only in different lines?

🟧 will it be possible to use my own fonts someday?

🟧 Align text to center, will it be enabled?

🟧 Writing Right-To-Left is kind of messed up right now. Is there a plan to fix it in the future? (There are some weird languages that write this way 🙃).

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✏️ In the new year I'd like to start contributing to other publications if anyone is looking for guest writers! I could contribute humorous stories in the following genres: Parenting, Dating, Travel, Dogs, other general humor.

Reach out via email if you're looking to expand your reach and bring in some guest posts. In my experience, cross-promotion works wonderfully for both publications when we invite new people in.

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🧠 ✏️ INTERVIEW INVITATION ... Share your responses in words or images!

I write about the complex relationship between art and mental health (both terms used very broadly) with particular interest in the complexities and shadows of how mental health symptoms may affect creative process, content, medium, productivity, identity and more.

I invite artists, writers, mental health professionals, really anyone to answer interview questions. Earlier this year, I launched "visual interviews" for people who think better in images than in words. Of course, I still offer written interviews as well. If you want a feature in this way, start by filling out the Google Form with your responses, and then I'll be in touch with a draft when one is ready.

You can answer a visual interview here: https://forms.gle/ispbEcFQN1kjc9iV8

Or a written one here: https://forms.gle/7PzzK93xK7Pmq2EL8

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🧠 - if you are afraid to go paid, just do it while keeping everything free. You’ll be surprised that people will voluntarily want to support your work even though they obtain no advantage over free subscribers. I speak from experience as I just made paid an option a couple of weeks ago. I haven’t even told subscribers in any meaningful way.

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✏️Is it just me, or are links embedded in text impossible to see with the naked eye? My Substack style features links prominently – I like them as a shiny new 21st century improvement on footnotes. When I began my Substack 2 years ago, the links were in a color that was easy to see (light green, maybe?) if not aesthetically brilliant. But in the past several months I see that the linked words are in dark blue and – to me, at least – impossible to distinguish from black text without a magnifying glass. So two questions: 1. Is this something I have control over, and if I do, then how? 2. Is this something incorporated into Substack’s overall design scheme, and if so, would you consider changing it?

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I don't have any strategy, advice, or question to pose. All I want to say is THANK YOU to Substack for the awesome opportunity it provides us writers!

And, because of the great advice today on the On Substack page--namely to ask your readers to gift paid subscriptions for Christmas, as well as to start a video podcast in 2024--I've made plans to do both! Very exciting!

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🧠I have nothing against ambitious writers seeking to make a living from their pen, but I believe that happiness on Substack is grounded in making the best content you can and sharing it as widely as you can, and then engaging with as many (relevant to you) posters as you can. Stumbling on a truly amazing, thoughtful essay along the way is icing on the cake. Allow yourself NOT to follow the numbers; follow the ideas, instead (yours and others').

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🟧 Boy, when I subscribe to someone, there are about 5 or more clicks to skip to get to the articles. It seems like overkill to me...

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I have written a book that is almost completed about how my family helped a family member overcome a rare and devastating disease. Not sure how to proceed with it on substack. It currently contains a lot of personal family information but I hope the information will help others suffering from a rare disease.

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🧠 - I created a free, no opt-in 55,000 word guide from beginner to expert Substacker to help you on your journey. https://www.theauthorstack.com/p/substackgrowth

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✏️ In the new year, I'm launching a series called "A Call to Eudiamonia." My vision is to redefine modern day human flourishing. I'd love to collab with other writers and support those who are writing about collective flourishing – if you write about flourishing, drop your Substack below or let me know if you're interested in collabing :)

More here: https://www.moremyself.xyz/p/glow-up

"We’ve been contemplating the pursuit of a life well lived since the dawn of time. It is my belief that every single human on this earth deserves to experience a life well lived, whatever that means for them. It’s time to redefine modern day human flourishing."

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Curious what people’s view of holiday posting is. I was having this conversation elsewhere and some people believe that they get less engagement at the time.

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i need help setting up my template. i had a pro set up my mailchimp one from which i’m trying to migrate. suggestions?

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🟧 When will we get Markdown support?!

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✏️📙 Any advice for a newbie on substack

Anyone know any writer on substack whose niches are on these: Productivity, Self development and business

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✏️ I've been doing some investigative journalism about farming and Bill Gates buying agricultural land in my hometown in contravention of the state's anti-corporate farming act. As in the 90s, when I did this kind of journalism, it has taken months. I'm going to publish before the new year. In the meanwhile, my posts have been few--as I'm not a fast writer and this kind of journalism takes time. I really believe that. Does anyone have any ideas about tactics for "filler" content when I'm working on a big story. I don't like to publish anything except what's purposeful and excellent, and I rarely jump on the latest news flash or trending topics, instead preferring to pursue areas that I'm interested in. I do post collections of my father's nature photography, which keeps me going. And I post fantastically controversial meme collections that I scrub from the internet. I also do fiction, but don't have time for that kind of intensive writing at the moment. Thanks for any ideas.

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🟧 - Silly technical question for the team. How do I change the name on the sender for my emails? Currently it lists as "Ed Substack" which obviously isn't ideal. I've been looking thru the settings but don't see where to change that.

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Sorry can't do the square emoji. Cut and paste isn't working.

Is there a way to takedown your paywall on a certain number of posts for a certain period of time to allow browsing?

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✏️If I'm ending a newsletter/section and starting a new one at the beginning of the year, should I make an official announcement to say that or just start it up and go ahead with it? I had a standard Friday column/feature but I'm replacing it with something new and wasn't sure which way to go, y'see.

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I have 2 separate newsletters and I would like to offer a discounted rate for readers who subscribe to both of my publications. Is there a way to do this?

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Do you know if Substack has any plans to allow readers to post photos in their comments? I know that they can provide links to images on other sites, but they are not able to add a photo that appears directly in their comments. That ability would be very helpful.

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🧠 Hey y'all,

Marissa here, writing from my home in Texas to share some advice to my fellow writers. I have been on Substack for almost two years, with very little growth. I haven't stopped writing, and neither should you. Please ignore the numbers as much as you can, enjoy the writing, create value from your own unique perspective. Not every hobby you have needs to turn into a money making machine. You can have hobbies that you just enjoy, for the sake of enjoyment itself.

Blessings and Merry Christmas from Texas.

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✏️ I feel like I’m not the only one, but what do you do when you feel like you’ve poured yourself into a piece of writing, you feel it’s a home run, but there isn’t really any feedback. As a Substack baby, I would love to know how you pick yourself up and just move forward.

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D'oh! I forgot. I did an interview with WINSTONE MALONE from THE LIBRARY. I was the 100th posting on THE LIBRARY, and he decided (well, him and Jackie) that they would do an interview and ask me about the thought process behind my story: NO SIMPLE REMEDY. It comes out tomorrow! I'm excited about it! Nobody ever asked me what my thought process was before. Some of the answers might surprise you. I hope you'll read it!

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🧠✏️ Since this is the end of the year, and I'm reticent about self-promoting, I'm going to self-promote! I write about current events, politics, Scientology and design from a progressive POV, and create the graphics. (I even critique my own industry!) If that interests you, hop on! Here's my latest no-holds-barred critique on the Pantone Color of the Year. TY!


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